Military Technology

Chapter 918 Emphasis on Quality, Light on Marketing

You have heard too much about the rise of Haoyu Technology and the entrepreneurial stories of Wu Hao and Zhang Jun. Now in some training courses on success, marketing, management, etc., some chicken soup marketing accounts have already talked too much .

There are many stories about their entrepreneurial success and the rise of the company, which can be described as divergent. But there is one saying that is the most and most recognized by everyone. That is, Haoyu Technology has its own core technology and pays great attention to the quality of products. This is the key to them quickly standing out and leaving in depression.

So when Wu Hao and Zhang Jun recounted this aspect of history to everyone, everyone responded with great interest.

In fact, because of the close relationship between Wei Media and Haoyu Technology, Wei Media is also constantly learning and imitating Haoyu Technology. In addition to management methods, there is corporate culture.

Focusing on innovation and putting quality first has always been emphasized by Wu Hao, and it is also deeply embedded in Haoyu Technology's corporate culture. Therefore, Wei Media has also learned this point, and it is reflected in their series of work styles and projects.

However, compared with Haoyu Technology, the environment in the content field that Wei Media is exposed to is more noisy, and it is easily affected by industry factors.

Whether it is Haoyu Technology and Micro Media, the road to growth and development is not always smooth, but it is still full of ups and downs.

Haoyu Technology doesn't talk about it here, just talk about Wei Media, which has encountered many problems in operation and management this year.

For example, this summer, in the company's most core film and television special effects production team, more than a dozen people resigned collectively. These people were obviously poached by a company with high salaries, which led to the stagnation of several projects the team was responsible for, and the extension of the contract, causing a lot of losses.

Poaching is actually very common, and it is also the thing that HR of major companies is most willing to do. So for this kind of thing, major companies have very good solutions.

In fact, this incident could have been avoided, but it was because the management was relatively lax and chaotic that someone seized the opportunity to succeed.

Afterwards, the person in charge of the film and television special effects production team was dismissed, the person directly in charge was persuaded to leave, the head of the company's human resources department resigned, and even the vice president in charge of this aspect was also severely punished by deducting the year's performance bonus.

After that, the management of Micromedia was strengthened, and a large-scale personnel adjustment was carried out, which allowed the company to stabilize again.

In addition, in some projects, we also encountered some problems and suffered relatively large losses. For example, the failure of a certain project made the hundreds of millions of funds invested in the project go to waste and so on.

This is a problem often encountered in the rapid development of the company. The development of micro media is too fast and too smooth.

Therefore, whether it is the management or the grassroots employees, these problems will be ignored, which will cause some problems and crises.

Fortunately, it was dealt with in time, and none of these things caused greater consequences. After that, Lin Wei also began to examine these problems and made vigorous rectifications.

Among the two big moves, on the one hand, the introduction of professional management and operation talents to replace the veterans who have been promoted all the way with her, but are somewhat lacking in ability. On the other hand, it is to integrate the company structure and department personnel, and optimize the organizational structure.

These two naturally caused a big backlash, even a lot of commotion, but in the end they all disappeared under Lin Wei's tough methods. And those veterans deserve a sad exit in the end.

This also caused Lin Wei to be criticized below. Some people thought that she was trying to kill a donkey. If the company has a little success, it suppresses the veterans and reaps the fruits.

But in fact, this is also a practical problem that many companies face in the process of growth.

That is what will you do when your business develops to a certain stage and the veterans who follow you to conquer the world are increasingly unable to keep up with the pace of development and lack of ability.

It is more emotional to keep them and share the wealth. It is more rational to carry out, let them retreat to the second line,

Or simply retire.

In fact, Haoyu Technology also encountered this situation. Except for the four veterans who started the business together, Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan did not belong to the company except him and Zhang Jun who held the management rights of the company. Yang Fan does not intervene in the operation and management of the company's affairs, and devotes himself to the field of technology research and development.

As for Zou Xiaodong, after the conflict with Wu Hao was resolved, he has been in charge of the production field, and now spends most of his time running back and forth between the factories below.

And vice presidents like Dong Yiming have also retreated from important positions to the second line.

In addition to promoting some employees with outstanding abilities, Wu Hao is also actively attracting some outstanding talents to join him, such as Tong Juan, the company's deputy general manager, Lin Jianliang, director of the human resources department, and Huang Zhihua, director of the marketing department, and so on.

Survival of the fittest, the law of nature, although cruel, is the best way to allow a species and a company to grow and reproduce healthily.

Even Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, although holding important power in the company, they can't sit back and relax. In fact, this position is not comfortable, but the pressure is huge.

So Wu Hao and Zhang Jun are also constantly enriching themselves, such as attending some training courses, reading some books, listening to some lectures and so on.

Only by constantly improving ourselves can we keep up with development and not be eliminated by the times. Especially for a high-growth technology company, this is very important.

Of course, the game industry and cultural industry are the same. In such a competitive situation, we must keep up with the times, constantly innovate and create high-quality products.

Only in this way can we always gain a firm foothold in such a fiercely competitive environment and continue to grow.

Although Wei Media has developed rapidly in the past two years, it has not yet gained a firm foothold in the industry as a whole. On the contrary, it is still under great pressure.

The virtual world network and virtual reality mobile network it controls are not unique, in fact, several companies and giants have already set their sights on this.

How to continue to grasp the advantages in this field in the future is a question they need to think about.

In fact, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun have already given them the answer, emphasizing quality and ignoring marketing.

To put it bluntly, it’s still the same sentence, you have to be strong when you strike an iron, that is, to be yourself, to make your own products well, and to gain an advantage in such a highly competitive market by virtue of your own products.

In the end of the real competition, all your external reliance will appear pale and powerless. What you can really rely on and what you can rely on is your own strength and the quality of the products you launch.

Only excellent products can stand the test of time in the highly competitive market.

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