Military Technology

Chapter 946: The Envisioned

"Have an idea?" The old horse's eyes flashed for a moment, and he said excitedly.

"Hehe, there are some immature ideas, but these are just ideas. How to realize it depends on the opinions and decisions of the relevant teams." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Seeing that Wu Hao didn't want to say more about this, Lao Ma nodded and didn't ask any more questions. After all, no one would casually reveal such a major core project, and it was still in front of so many people.

As for Brother Xiaoma, at this time, he saw the needles and asked another question: "When will the second-level rocket body be recovered successfully, then it will be too awesome."

Wu Hao smiled and said: "The second-level rocket probably accounts for about 20 to 25% of the cost of the entire rocket, which is not a high proportion.

Moreover, the recovery of the secondary rocket is more difficult, because the secondary rocket has already rushed out of the atmosphere, and it is no less difficult than the current manned spacecraft to return to the atmosphere and achieve a safe landing.

Therefore, for so many reasons, no company has yet implemented this technology. However, many similar ideas and plans have been put forward, and there are still many constructive opinions and ideas.

For example, some experts proposed an eye-catching plan, referring to Musk's interstellar spacecraft structure plan. The rocket's secondary rocket body and load compartment fairing are partially joined together to design a reusable vehicle, or rocket body, to perform missions.

The expert's plan is to design the second-stage rocket body and load compartment fairing into an aircraft similar to the space shuttle or X37B.

Relying on the retractable first-stage rocket body, the aircraft is sent to a critical space altitude, and then the engine of the aircraft is started to fly to the target orbit for on-orbit flight.

During the flight in orbit, a variety of tasks can be performed, and its functions are almost the same as those of the space shuttle, such as releasing satellites from the payload bay of this pilot and so on.

After completing the in-orbit mission, the aircraft will return to the atmosphere, glide using the wings on both sides, and then open the landing gear to land on the predetermined runway.

In this way, the entire rocket part can be reused, the cost will be further reduced, and the tasks that can be performed are also very diverse. "

"It's a great idea. If it can be realized, it may become an important means of transportation for human beings to go to space in the future. Its significance is not equal to the invention of passenger aircraft by human beings." Lao Ma praised.

As for Xiao Ma, he looked at Wu Hao and asked, "Has this project been approved?"

Wu Hao shook his head: "Not yet, the preliminary technical demonstration work is in progress."

"Oh, what's the problem?" the old horse couldn't help asking.

"The problem is big. This is a brand-new structural approach. There are a series of problems that need to be solved." Wu Hao said with a helpless expression.

Although he said so, in fact, this project has already started, and the project code name is "Space Bus".

Judging from the project code name, the name "Space Bus" is to hope that this aircraft can send more people and loads into space like a bus, and become a bridge and ladder between space and the earth.

Although the project was approved, as Wu Hao said, there were many difficulties and problems encountered and the differences were relatively large.

Some technical experts believe that we should focus on our mature Jianmu-1 or the first-stage rocket body of Jianmu-2 to design and develop the "Space Bus" spacecraft.

The advantage of this is that it is robust, there are many mature technologies to learn from, and the R\u0026D investment is relatively small. As for the shortcomings, it is naturally obvious. Whether it is Jianmu-1 or No. 2, the carrying capacity is very limited, and it is difficult to transport the overweight spacecraft to the sky, let alone any payload.

Moreover, the diameter of the rocket body is limited, and the volume of the aircraft that can be carried is also very limited, so the use of this type of aircraft is very limited.

Therefore, some experts believe that we are not limited to our own rockets, but can design and manufacture "space bus" spacecraft that can be carried on other rockets.

For example, the Chang 5 rocket, which has gradually matured, has a large enough diameter of the first-stage rocket body and a booster, which can transport heavier loads. Based on this, the project team can develop and manufacture an aircraft that is about the size of a real bus. In this way, whether it is carrying objects or carrying people, the use is very obvious.

This plan is naturally very good, but it also has shortcomings. First of all, it is the investment in research and development. No one can estimate the research and development cost of such a large space vehicle.

The second is the technical difficulty. Whether it is the load or the volume, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

So the expert worried that investing in such a huge project at once would be too risky.

In the end, after intense discussions and comprehensive consideration of everyone's opinions, Wu Hao finally made a decision to first invest in the research and development of small and medium-sized spacecraft that can be launched on Jianmu-1 and Jianmu-2.

After the subsequent technologies are verified and mature, these technologies will be applied to larger space vehicles.

Moreover, after the subsequent technology of this type of spacecraft matures, this kind of spacecraft will have huge advantages in the detection and flight of alien planets.

Of course, for Wu Hao and the others, no matter whether it is a large space vehicle or a small space vehicle, if it is successfully developed, it is bound to write history.

At this time, Zhou Xiangming, who came out of the cordon at the scene, walked over to Wu Hao and the others with a look of joy on his face: "From the current preliminary inspection on the scene, the landing and landing of the rocket's first-level rocket body is very successful, and the first-level rocket body is preserved. good.

In the next step, we will transport the rocket's first-stage rocket body to the factory building, and then conduct a careful inspection. After confirming that there is no problem, the rocket's first-stage rocket body will refill the parachute and refuel. Then do a second launch. "

"Great, everyone's hard work was finally not in vain." Announce to everyone, they are also waiting. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Yu Chengwu nodded when he heard the words, and then walked towards the group of reporters.

At this moment, the Internet has been dominated by the news of this rocket. Basically all the domestic media reported this on their front pages.

A group of aerospace and military enthusiasts are very excited, and many people have even started to ask if there are related models.

And for more ordinary people, the many firsts and honors of this launch also made these ordinary people very happy.

After all, such a promising project, in such a form and environment, is really commendable and commendable.

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