When I woke up, the sky was bright. Covering his head, he shook his head again and again. This is why Wu Hao is unwilling to get drunk. Even if it is the best wine, the sequelae of drunkenness are really uncomfortable.

He took a shower, washed off the smell of alcohol, changed into clean clothes, and went to the base restaurant to have a light breakfast, which gave him some energy.

After some inquiries, I learned that Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming had woken up early and had already devoted themselves to their new jobs.

This morning, they will transport the first-stage body of the Jianmu-2 rocket on the landing site to the workshop of the base for careful inspection and research.

Although the launch and landing recovery were successful, it was a brand new model after all, and it was the first launch, so there must still be deficiencies. These places must be found through careful inspection, and then researched and improved.

Strictly speaking, the first-stage rocket body of this rocket can no longer be used for secondary launches. However, Yu Chengwu and the others still hope to make repairs and improvements as much as possible, so as to conduct a second launch or even a third launch.

Because the more launches, the richer the data that can be collected, which is conducive to the development of their related technologies and follow-up projects.

When we arrived at the launch site by car, it was already a busy scene. A huge crane has arrived at the scene, and the nearly 267-meter rocket first-stage body was successfully hoisted.

Technicians are folding the landing gear, and then loading the first-stage rocket body transport on a special multi-wheel transport vehicle, and then transporting it to the factory building at the base.

President Wu. Seeing Wu Hao coming, Yu Chengwu, who was wearing a white helmet, rushed up to meet him.

Well, Cheng Wu, you got up so early, why don't you take a few more days off. Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Yu Chengwu looked at Zhou Xiangming who was directing the operation not far away and said with a smile: "Everyone is so excited that they can't sleep, it feels like a model airplane that was made with time and effort when I was a child, and finally the test flight was successful.

Now everyone wants to urgently transport this big guy back, and then analyze and study it, so as to learn from experience.

To be honest, it is difficult for us to determine whether the success of this launch and landing recovery comes from technical strength or luck.

We don't want to bet all our success on illusory luck. We hope that through our own efforts, we can replicate this success to the next project, or even the next project. "

Well, be ambitious. Wu Hao showed a look of relief when he heard the words, which is what he expected to see. It seems that the scientific research team or Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming were not dazzled by one success. They are obviously very fortunate, and this is worthy of recognition.

Thinking of this, he smiled at Yu Chengwu in front of him and said, "While working hard, you should also pay attention to rest. Our company will combine work and rest. So you discuss with Xiang Ming and give everyone a few more days off so that everyone Get some rest, and you too."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Yu Chengwu showed a bit of embarrassment and said: "We will try our best to arrange for everyone to rest more. I have been really busy recently, and it will be fine after a while. We will give you a few more days off at that time." , let everyone have a good rest."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and then said to Yu Chengwu: "Although we politely rejected the second horse yesterday, I will try my best to satisfy you with the funds and resources that should be given, and make additional additions appropriately, so you don't have to worry about this.

So at this stage, these projects, you have to take care to ensure that they can develop healthily and steadily.

Also, you need to pay extra attention. The successful launch and recovery of our rocket this time is bound to bring a wave of aerospace boom in China. These are nothing, but we must also pay attention to some companies who will use their brains to poach our corners.

So you should pay more attention to this aspect to ensure that the personnel of each project team is stable and the progress of the project is not affected. "

Yes, I must pay more attention. Yu Chengwu nodded, and responded with a solemn expression. Competition among domestic counterparts is fierce, and the battle for talent among headhunters is known to be fierce.

This is also the reason why many large foreign companies are not applicable after they come to China, and they have complained about the difficulty of doing business in China.

Therefore, Wu Hao also gave Yu Chengwu a vaccination in advance, asking him to pay more attention to this aspect.

After giving these instructions, Wu Hao looked at the huge first-stage rocket body being hoisted by the crane in front of him and said: "How is the preparation for the rocket to be launched in March? It's only been a few months. "

After hearing his words, Yu Chengwu immediately got up and replied: "The manufacturing of the rocket has been completed, and the next step is the stage of testing and improvement.

Compared with our previous generation of low-cost disposable launch vehicle, we have made many improvements and optimizations on this ultra-low-cost disposable launch vehicle.

It not only continues to enhance the rocket's carrying capacity, but also enhances the reliability of the rocket, especially the emergency handling capability of the rocket after encountering a failure.

In addition, compared with the previous low-cost disposable rocket, this time this ultra-low-cost disposable launch vehicle has also been optimized and improved in terms of cost, which has further reduced the cost.

Judging from the data we have obtained so far, the cost of this ultra-low-cost disposable launch vehicle has been greatly improved compared with the previous one-time launch vehicle, and its cost has been reduced by about 20%. . "

Hearing Yu Chengwu's report, Wu Hao nodded involuntarily, showing a satisfied expression. The rocket's technology cannot be frozen just because the last launch was successful, but it is still being continuously optimized and improved to make the rocket's performance even better.

As for the upper level, how is the research and development work going? Wu Hao spoke with concern.

The so-called upper stage of a rocket refers to the part above the first stage of a multi-stage rocket, usually the second or third stage. The role of the upper stage is between the launch vehicle and the spacecraft. It not only has the ability to maneuver independently in orbit, but also has a long flight time in orbit. It can generally start ignition multiple times to meet the needs of different launch missions.

One or more loads can be sent into the designated orbit, which is vividly called "space bus" or "space shuttle".

The biggest function of the upper stage is that it can send the carried satellites and other payloads to different orbits. This is actually not new, and ordinary rockets can also do it.

In fact, the two rockets launched by Wu Hao and the others have already sent three satellites and two satellites to different orbits.

It's just that it relies on the thrust of the secondary rocket, and then releases the satellite at different altitudes, so as to achieve the ability to transport to different orbits.

And the upper level is more free, and its space shuttle, and the elegant name of the space bus, explain the problem one by one.

It can transport multiple satellites to different orbits very freely and flexibly, which is impossible for ordinary rockets.

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