Military Technology

Chapter 972 The Parrot That Caused Trouble

Thought control and brain-computer interface, although these two technologies are very popular and attract a lot of attention, it may not be possible to realize them in a short time. Compared with Musk's more radical embedded chip, it can realize a two-way interactive brain-computer interface.

The brain-computer interface or brain-computer sensing system that Wu Hao and the others are developing is much more conservative.

Compared with the two-way interaction of the former, Wu Hao's brain-computer sensing system is a single output, that is to say, it only senses and captures the brain waves when the brain is running, and cannot input information data to the brain. .

From this point of view, it seems that Wu Hao's technology is much weaker, but in fact this is the safest brain-computer interface technology at present.

Moreover, Wu Hao and the others also use external inductive sensors, not Musk's very radical way of opening a skylight on the top of his head and implanting chips into his brain.

For now, just this kind of single-output mind control ability already has a very powerful ability and can change the entire world.

If the two-way input brain-computer interface is introduced, the whole world will be in chaos, and the original order and the unchanged ethical and moral knowledge system for thousands of years will be broken.

We have all thought about using this brain-computer excuse to input and store data information into the brain. In this way, we don't have to study hard for decades. Just need to implant a chip into the child's brain at birth, and then input these data, that child can become a genius, become a giant of science and philosophy like Einstein, Hawking, or Aristotle, Plato .

Because there is no need to study, all the information can be input into the brain, everyone is an all-rounder, just download and input information if needed.

So what will happen to human beings at that time, will it make human civilization develop by leaps and bounds, or will it cause devastating damage to human civilization, causing the entire civilization to stop, regress, or even destroy.

This is not alarmist, because at that time people downloaded whatever they needed, and we humans no longer have the spirit of learning and exploration. A human being without the spirit of learning and exploration has no future to speak of.

This is a Pandora's box, once opened, the consequences are unimaginable.

Of course, judging from the human spirit of exploration and adventure, or the spirit of death, it will be a matter of time to open it.

However, Wu Hao is not willing to be the box opener. He must be cautious about something that can affect the fate of the entire human race.

Of course,

It's not that he hasn't studied this technology, on the contrary, he has been conducting research in this area and has made some progress.

In Wu Hao's personal laboratory, he used this brain-computer interaction technology to implant a biochip into the brain of a big sunflower Badan parrot using a miniature multi-tentacled robot.

Then use the brain-computer excuse to input relevant data information to and from this chip. Wu Hao chose to input language, and the language expression level of this big sunflower parrot has far surpassed that of other artificially domesticated parrots.

At present, this parrot is still kept secretly in his personal laboratory, and outsiders only treat it as his kind of pet, and don't think about it at all.

However, an accident made this product famous, and now it has become a star in the company and even on the Internet.

Once Wu Hao left the laboratory and forgot to close the window, this guy flew out along the window, and then started wandering around the experimental area, looking for Wu Hao.

Moreover, this guy has a very sweet mouth, and he yells when he sees anyone, whether he is a little brother, a little sister, or a beautiful and handsome guy.

He quickly won the favor of everyone and became the star of the entire experimental park.

The person in charge of the experimental park thought that someone else's parrot had escaped, so he called the police.

As a result, this guy flew to the tree and refused to come down when he saw the police coming to catch him. The police took a lot of effort to move the ladder, went up to the tree, and were about to catch it, it flew to another tree.

And while flying, shouting for help!

This made a few policemen laugh and cry, but also liked this guy. After all, who would have trouble with a bird, and it's such a cute and smart bird.

So a group of people picked up their mobile phones or smart AR glasses to take pictures of the whole process and put them on the Internet.

All of a sudden, this product quickly became popular on the Internet and gained a large number of fans overnight.

Although everyone likes it, you can't let it fly around outside. In case of encountering bad people, or cats and dogs, then this guy may die.

So the police called in helpers, and they caught it together. The guy who was chasing ran all over the park. In the end, the guy was so scared that he was chased, and then he turned back to Wu Hao's personal laboratory from the window.

All of a sudden, everyone is out of action.

The police recruited the person in charge of the experimental park, hoping to go in and capture this product. But the person in charge of the park refused without even thinking about it. The access control of Wu Hao's personal laboratory is very strict, and no one except Wu Hao can enter.

So far, there are only a handful of people who can enter Wu Hao's laboratory. Therefore, Wu Hao's personal laboratory is also listed as one of the company's important core laboratories, and the access control management is very strict. No one is allowed to enter unless authorized.

In this regard, the person in charge of the experimental park had nothing to do. In addition, he was also worried that the parrot would get into Wu Hao's laboratory and cause damage, so he could only call to report the situation to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao laughed dumbfounded when he heard the report from the person in charge of the park, and instantly understood what was going on.

After comforting the person in charge, he rushed to the experimental park. After all, a group of people are waiting, he can't just send these people away like this.

After coming to the park and saying hello to everyone, Wu Hao immediately entered the laboratory, caught the guy who was resting on the shelf, and walked out of the laboratory.

Unexpectedly, when he saw the police and the people who helped them catch it, he exploded his cap, flew to Wu Hao's shoulder, hid behind his neck and shouted for help.

Help, kill the bird, help, kill the bird!

Ha ha ha ha……

After a burst of laughter, Wu Hao also explained the matter to everyone. Everyone didn't say anything, and kept praising this guy for being smart.

Before leaving, several police officers took a photo with this guy, apparently treating him as a celebrity.

And a kind of scientific research personnel in the experimental park, especially the female technicians, stared at the guy standing on Wu Hao's shoulder with stars in their eyes.

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