Even if there is a layer of shock-absorbing device between the human body in the armor, the huge kinetic energy will cause damage to the human body. Not to mention the relatively fragile parts of the head and neck. Even with armor protection, the huge kinetic energy brought by large-caliber bullets will cause damage to the soldiers on the opposite side, such as concussions, or cervical spine fractures, etc. severe contusion.

Of course, this kind of situation is very difficult to encounter on the current battlefield, unless you receive cold gun details, but it is not easy to hit the vital point.

In modern warfare, or in other words, future warfare, when it is the turn of the infantry to dispatch, it is usually almost at the end of the war.

Basically, the threatening targets have been wiped out by the air strike echelon and ground artillery forces. At this time, the infantry is touched, which belongs to the finishing work of cleaning the battlefield.

Of course, there are also infantrymen who follow heavy troops to carry out assaults. With this set of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted armor, the combat effectiveness of infantry will be qualitatively improved, and its battlefield survivability will also be greatly enhanced.

It can be said that a soldier wearing heavy mechanical exoskeleton power armor is like a mobile weapon or armored vehicle.

This will exert unparalleled power in close combat, especially in urban street battles where armored forces are difficult to enter and play a role.

Walking forward, Wu Hao looked at the 7.62mm triple-barreled machine gun equipped on the heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton booster armor.

real guy?

Meng Hai nodded: "One of the supporting weapons and equipment provided by the military industry system is a domestically produced 7.62mm three-barreled machine gun. It is an improvement from the domestically produced 12.7mm three-barreled heavy machine gun. It is mainly used for infantry fire suppression operations. This gun Driven by a motor, the rate of fire is adjustable, and the maximum rate of fire can reach 2,000 rounds per minute.

I designed a huge ammunition backpack behind this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton booster armor, and its maximum ammunition can reach 2,000 rounds. "

Good guy, this is a mobile machine gun bunker. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Meng Hai nodded and smiled: "That's right, the code name we gave it is 'Mobile Fortress', its main function is the ability to suppress firepower on the move, it can carry out firepower suppression while moving.

When necessary, it can also act as a ground field air defense force to intercept and strike the enemy's approaching low-altitude targets. Within one minute, two thousand rounds of bullets are used to form a dense fire blocking net in the air, and its combat effectiveness is no less than that of an anti-aircraft rapid-fire gun. "

Sure enough, the influence of the lack of firepower phobia is deeply rooted.

Wu Hao smiled wryly.

Haha, the more exaggerated is yet to come. We also designed a 12.7mm three-barreled heavy machine gun version for it, but that has too few ammunition, so it can only be used as a heavy fire suppression.

Secondly, under the strong request of the military, our heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton powers the armored universal fire control system, which can be used with a variety of weapons.

Such as anti-aircraft missiles, anti-tank missiles, even rockets, grenades and so on. Meng Hai introduced to Wu Hao with a speechless face: "Even, there is a military expert who asked us if we can equip the 107 rocket launch nest on it as a fire support."


Wu Hao heard that his head was full of black lines, and the 107 rocket launcher can be said to be a star equipment of our army. Its position in artillery and rocket launchers is equivalent to that of AK47 in rifles. These two weapons have become the two magic weapons of the guerrillas and are very popular.

Although in recent years, the army has developed rapidly, equipment iterations and upgrades have been rapid, and more new equipment has been installed. However, many troops are still equipped with a considerable number of 107 rocket launchers, and the troops have also brought the combat effectiveness of this gun to the extreme and played tricks.

But no matter what, how can such advanced equipment be equipped with a 107 rocket launching nest? It's too rustic.

But looking back, it makes sense. The soil turtle is not soil, and the combat power is five. The soil is our characteristic, how can we just throw it away.

This is like still using the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in the confrontation on the battlefield in the 21st century. Although it is a bit dirty, but the fighting power is strong.

Didn't you persuade me? Wu Hao still couldn't help but said.

Of course I persuaded it, but we don't know whether it will succeed in the end. Meng Hai smiled wryly and said: "However, that expert also said that different weapons and equipment have different usages, even simple cold weapons such as Qinglong Yanyue Knife and mace can exert amazing combat power when used in the right place. "

Well, the experts were right. Wu Hao nodded, and found that he couldn't refute it either.

But when I think of such a heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted armor, there is one or two fully loaded 107 rocket launchers on the back. That picture is simply beautiful.

Seeing Wu Hao waving his hand, Meng Hai continued to introduce.

In order to adapt to the quick response, quick deployment, and quick arrival of combat targets, we have designed a parachute function for this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton booster armor, which only needs to be attached to a special parachute bag. Soldiers can parachute and land in any area where our transport aircraft can fly.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words: "Has this aspect been tested?"

Meng Hai nodded: "It has been tested twice. Our first-generation heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton power-assisted armor was parachuted from an air force transport plane from an altitude of 3,000 meters and 5,000 meters, and achieved satisfactory results. success.

Next, I'm going to try to parachute with someone. "

Parachute with someone? Wu Hao couldn't help worrying when he heard the words: "This kind of test is very risky, so we must ensure safety."

I understand, we are also aware of this aspect, and the military is also aware of it, but the experiment still needs to be done, otherwise how can it be successful. Don't worry, before the test, we will be fully prepared to ensure nothing goes wrong. Meng Hai nodded in response.

That's good. Wu Hao smiled and continued to ask: "What else?"

There is also a diving test. After adding armor, this set of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton booster armor is too heavy, so it is not convenient to travel underwater. At present, we have negotiated and resolved this issue.

However, there have also been differences. Those who hope to improve on this basis, and those who think that it is not necessary to improve, can design another heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton booster armor specially used for underwater combat.

There is also a diving test. After adding armor, this set of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton booster armor is too heavy, so it is not convenient to travel underwater. At present, we have negotiated and resolved this issue.

However, there have also been differences. Those who hope to improve on this basis, and those who think that it is not necessary to improve, can design another heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton booster armor specially used for underwater combat.

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