The system replied: ""Gentleness" is an original song of Parallel World Earth. The host can listen to it."

"Oh, good..." Lin Bei nodded secretly after hearing this, feeling that this reward seems to be okay, right?

And Chen Xi, who was about to leave, couldn't help but stare at Lin Bei's words to the waiter.

its not right!

This is my seat, and I am starving to death now, so why should I give him the seat because of Lin Bei's disgusting behavior?

As a result, Chen Xi's departure stopped, and he sat back in her place angrily, glaring at Lin Bei and said, "Go away by yourself, don't come to disgust me, okay!"

The waiter on the side saw that although the two were not in the right state, they must have known each other. Maybe it was a young couple who had a fight, right?

So, she didn't say anything, as Lin Bei's eyes signalled, she quietly stepped back.

At this time, Lin Bei couldn't bother to listen to the song. He looked up at Chen Xi who was full of anger, his expression was dark, and he whispered: "Chen Xi."

"Huh?" Chen Xi, who wanted to yell at Lin Bei, suddenly saw Lin Bei no longer hippie smiley, but was utterly disappointed, and couldn't help swallowing the words back.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Chen Xi asked coldly.

Lin Bei looked lonely and said: "I'm sorry, I did something wrong. I don't ask you to forgive me, but you should also know that I am now in school. I am a friend, and no one wants to eat with me. For the sake of having fallen in love with each other once after all, you can let me have the last meal with you..."

"It deserves it, you know you were wrong now? You didn't say that when you were on the playground!" Chen Xi sneered.

Lin Bei sighed: "I just didn't want the situation to continue to expand, so I said that. Do you know Li Yun's temperament? She has always been strong. If she continues to question, it will inevitably reveal more information to others. At that time, the development of the situation will be out of control, and it will inevitably affect your reputation. Isn't this good now? All the sins, I will bear it on my shoulders!"

At the end, Lin Bei sighed faintly.

Chen Xi's eyes flickered a few times when he heard the words, and then fell silent.

Lin Bei was overjoyed when he saw this, knowing that there was basically no problem.

Chen Xi would no longer think about driving herself away.

He knew that Chen Xi was soft-hearted and wouldn't really break with him completely. If this were replaced by Guo Liyun or Ji Mo, they probably wouldn't care about him at all.

And hearing what they said just now, it is estimated that they will not believe their own nonsense at all, and they will only think that even if the situation is allowed to develop, it will not affect them at all. After all, they are the victims!

You show up to the ghost in a gesture of righteous sacrifice!

Soon, in Chen Xi's silence, the waiter delivered all the dishes Lin Bei had just ordered to the table.

Chen Xi frowned as he looked at the table full of dishes.

So many dishes? Can the two of them finish eating?

It is not the first time that she and Lin Bei have come out to eat, of course they know how much they eat.

Especially among these dishes, she vaguely remembers that some dishes are very expensive, costing thousands of dollars. Does Lin Bei have the money to pay?

Lin Bei saw Chen Xi frown, as if he knew her puzzlement, and explained with a smile: "The last time I have dinner with you, of course, I have to be richer."

Chen Xi rolled his eyes and said nothing.

After a while, Chen Xi was full.

Regarding the table full of hearty dishes, she basically only eats the few dishes she loves, and there are some dishes that she is interested in, but she hasn't eaten the ones before, so she hasn't moved after a few chopsticks.

For more dishes, she basically didn't move.

Then, Chen Xi waited for a while, seeing Lin Bei still eating slowly.

She thought to herself, Lin Bei still wants to delay time and stay with herself for a while?

Rolling his eyes, Chen Xi was going to leave directly, not staying too much with his scumbag.

But before leaving, she hesitated, and still said coldly: "I'm leaving now."

"Oh? Good." Lin Bei buried his head in the meal and said in a vague voice: "Remember to close the list."

Chen Xi didn't hear clearly at first, but after two steps, she suddenly reacted.


What the hell?

Let yourself check out?

Where did this guy's face say such things to himself?

Chen Xi is not the kind of woman who likes to take advantage of men. He should feel that the man should pay for the meal!

She didn't have this idea. During the two-month relationship with Lin Bei, she had either respected each other or AA.

But the reason why there is such an idea at the moment.

It's because the table full of expensive dishes were all ordered by Lin Bei herself, and she has never eaten many dishes.

Why should she pay the bill?

Even if she wants AA, she only counts the dishes she has eaten!

She doesn't want to take advantage of Lin Bei, but she also doesn't want Lin Bei to take advantage of herself!

"What are you talking about? I'll check it out? Where's your face saying this? These dishes are all your orders? I haven't touched many dishes. Why should I check out?"

Chen Xi said angrily.

Lin Bei looked up at her when he heard the words, with an innocent look, "Don't you like to be courteous? I just invited you to drink milk tea, isn't you inviting you to eat now?"

When Chen Xi heard this, he remembered that Lin Bei had just checked out the milk tea he ordered in advance, and then wanted to invite himself out to re-queue, and his anger suddenly rose again!

"A cup of milk tea is only 30 yuan! I guess the table of dishes you ordered will be at least 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. Is this really called Lishangxianglai?"

Chen Xi was so angry that Lin Bei's broad-mindedness fluctuated, and even couldn't help but explode.

"You have changed, nothing more." Lin Bei looked disappointed and shook his head when he heard the words.

He was surprised, hey, was it weird?

Chen Xi looked very angry, he should be considered as a malicious blow to her, right?

Why is there no reward?

Could it be...

She is not malicious to herself now?

After thinking about it carefully, she can let herself stay and eat together, as if...

There really should be no malice, right?

In this case, I am too much!

Lin Bei raised his head to look at Chen Xi who was so angry that he couldn't speak, and said seriously:

"Well, since you want to tell me clearly, I'll end this meal, but you have to return me a cup of milk tea. Is this okay?"

"Good!" Chen Xi agreed with a cold face.

She wanted to buy Lin Bei a cup of milk tea immediately, and then left, never talking to him again.

She will answer him again later, she is a dog!

"What milk tea do you want?" Chen Xi restrained his anger and asked.

Lin Bei continued to eat, and said indifferently, "Just the kumquat lemon from this morning? You can send it to the playground for me tomorrow!"

Chen Xi heard this, "???"

Boy, how could this man be shameless to this point?

Still thinking of asking her to give him milk tea tomorrow?

They all severed their relationship today, and everyone in the school knew about it, and asked her to give him milk tea tomorrow!

What do others think of her?

Does the female lick the dog?

Where does this put her face?

The most important thing is, how can she explain to Guo Liyun and Ji Mo after doing this?

This scumbag just made a gesture of sacrificing himself righteously, but now he lets himself do this kind of thing again in a blink of an eye?

In an instant, Chen Xi reacted, knowing that Lin Bei's words just now were all nonsense to deceive herself.

The purpose is to win his sympathy so that he can stay for dinner!

Chen Xi wanted to refuse directly and let Lin Bei go away.

At this time, she happened to hear the manager in the restaurant, regretting that the customer at table 13 just sang wonderfully, but unfortunately, it seemed that it was not liked by everyone, and the order failed.

Chen Xi's heart moved. She remembered what activities the restaurant seemed to be doing recently. If customers can sing and cheer in the store, they will be exempt?

Therefore, Chen Xi had an idea and thought of Lin Bei’s incomplete voice, and sneered: "Okay, if you want me to give you milk tea tomorrow, then you can come on stage to sing and get the qualification for free, I will do it tomorrow. Give you milk tea!"

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