Lin Bei didn't know Chen Xi's reaction, he had gradually entered the state.

Immerse yourself in the sea of ​​music.

With ten fingers flying on the keys, they sang as they played:

"I am not in your eyes beside the horizon scenery,

I never understood what is hidden in your eyes,

It doesn’t matter, your world will be owned by you,

Don't bother, it's my tenderness. "

After singing this, the eyes of all the people in the restaurant suddenly lit up.

Most people who have had a broken relationship experience chewed up an unspeakable emotion from the last sentence of the lyrics.

Don't bother, is my tenderness?

They recalled what they said when they were broken up by their former partner, "Don't contact me anymore, I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore!"

Some people who can't love it, thinking of the words rejected by their secret crush, "Stop pestering me. I really don't like you at all. Will you let me go?"

At this moment, they felt deeply painful in their hearts.

If you want me to stop contacting you and disturb you, then I will disappear from now on, and I will fulfill you...

They thought sadly in their hearts.

It's just that these people's thoughts are mostly because they moved themselves.

But when Chen Xi heard Lin Bei's lazy and melancholic voice, her body trembled slightly.

Did he write this song to himself?

At this time, Lin Bei continued to play and entered the chorus part:

He raised his head slightly, his voice changed from lazy and sad, to lost and heart-piercing, and sang:

"I don't know if I don't know, I don't want it,

Why my heart,

Obviously I want to be close, but I am lonely till dawn,

I don’t know if I don’t know I don’t want it,

Why my heart,

The beauty of love is always in loneliness,

Give you my best love again! "

When hearing the chorus, those people who felt deeply in the first place were moved to a complete mess at this moment.

They feel that this song is just writing them!

But I was a little confused at first, wondering if this song was written by Lin Bei to Chen Xi.

At this moment, he calmed down a bit, and felt that the speculation he had just made was really unreliable at all.

How can Lin Bei have such talent? Just after breaking up, I can write such a song!

Maybe Lin Bei bought this song from someone else?

Or maybe he wrote it himself, which was also the inventory he left when he was a scumbag.

It can't be written to yourself.

After all, he and Guo Liyun broke up with him this morning. Where did he experience the loneliness till dawn?

So, this is not for myself...


Chen Xi felt that this must be true.

But as she breathed a sigh of relief, her heart was also a little lost.

Just like the people who resonate with this song at this moment, she just broke up with Lin Bei today, how can she really let it go?

Lin Bei is her first love.

Just like the last lyrics of the chorus of this song, I will give you my best love...

In this relationship, she really invested too much.

But he is not the first love of Lin Bei, a scumbag. He also has the experience of being alone till dawn with others...

This of course made Chen Xi a little bit unhappy and disappointed.

Lin Bei didn't know that Chen Xi had so many thoughts. After playing the chorus, he played back the main song again, hoarsely, and sang softly:

"Unconsciously and unwillingly, go to the alley again,

I didn't cry or laugh because it was a dream,

There is no sign, no reason, you really said it,

If so, let you be free!


This is my tenderness,

This is my tenderness,

This is my tenderness,

This is my... gentleness!

Set you free! "

Hearing this, the part of people who were moved by themselves completely broke their defenses.

The eye sockets were red, and the body trembled slightly, feeling that the chest cavity was filled with unspeakable discomfort and weakness!

If you want to be free, then I will fulfill you and give you freedom!

Never disturb you again!

But I just decided that this shouldn't be Chen Xi that Lin Bei wrote to himself.

After listening to the entire song, she began to shake her thoughts again.

It is true that Lin Bei was so emotional when he sang to the end!

Let her mind keep coming up, when Lin Bei just grabbed a seat with him, he was eclipsed by what he had said to him.

He said that he didn't want the development of the situation to eventually go beyond control, leading to their reputation implicated. That's why he spoke like that on the playground and was eventually scolded by thousands of people!

This is my tenderness, set you free!

Lin Bei's last singing and melody continued to sound in Chen Xi's mind.

She is really unsure whether this song was written by Lin Bei because of what happened today.

Finally, sing a song.

Lin Bei retracted his hand and exhaled softly.

Did not continue to play and sing.

The scene was also silent.

It's been a long time for everyone to come back to their senses.

Still immersed in the completion of this song "Tenderness".

Lin Bei didn't care about this. After he finished singing this song, he felt very beautiful.

I never thought that I used to have a bad tone and sang like a pig, but one day I could sing such a good song!

From now on, who would dare to say that he is useless for nothing but being handsome?

Lin Bei thought of it.



At this time, the owner of the restaurant finally came back to his senses, looking at Lin Bei sitting in front of the piano with admiration, and slowly raised his hands and gently clapped his hands!

With the applause of the restaurant owner, the restaurant customers all turned around and clapped vigorously.

The applause was thunderous and very warm.

This is really acclaimed.

"Is this your original song? I haven't heard it before, listen to it!"

At this time, the pianist standing by, looked at Lin Bei's eyes without a trace of contempt, full of excitement and admiration.

"Well, it's my original song called "Gentleness"." Lin Bei whispered.

This is rewarded to him by the system, and it is naturally his original creation.

"It's amazing, can you sign me?"

The girl said excitedly.

In his eyes, there was still some affection.

She was a little impatient at Lin Bei, because she thought he could not play the piano, and he liked to show off.

But now after listening to Lin Bei's performance, she knew that Lin Bei's piano level was much better than her own.

At least professional level!

Coupled with his impeccable handsome face, she couldn't help feeling trembling at the moment.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for his success in fighting malice and gaining entry-level painting skills!"

At this time, the system's prompt tone also sounded.

Lin Bei was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then the smile on his face became even brighter, and he nodded and smiled at the girl: "Of course, where to sign?"

Hearing the conversation between Lin Bei and the girl, the female customers at the scene couldn't help but ran to Lin Bei as they went crazy!

"I want to sign, I want to sign too!"

Among them, there are some female customers who have boyfriends or husbands.

When their subjects saw this scene, they couldn't help but look straight.

And Lin Bei was able to give them autographs at first, but in the end, these women were too much, and they secretly moved on him, he could only give up, and then ran back to his position, pulling Chen Xi out. go!

"Boss, you said that the order is free? Let's go first!"

When Lin Bei ran away, he also yelled to the restaurant owner.

"Well, no problem!"

The boss said indifferently.

But he noticed that as Lin Bei finished singing this song, a large number of people crowded outside the restaurant.

Although their restaurant is already full and unable to receive them, it is very successful to make these people impress their restaurant.

The intensity of this kind of publicity, over time, and the spread of this song "Tenderness", can be more cost-effective than a free meal.

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