Chapter 118: Armament Ratio

“This is… What is it? ”


Looking at the robotic arm that was lifted to the table, Qi Annian suddenly became interested.

As an expert in the field of human-machine communication, he was keenly aware of the abnormality the first time he saw the robotic arm.

This robotic arm is completely in line with human body mechanics.

“That’s right, robotic arm.”

“This is the company I told you about, the robotic arm that manufactures.”

“I’ll show you a good demonstration.”

Saying that, Bai Shanbo put his arm above the robotic arm.


Qi Annian looked at Bai Shanbo suspiciously.


How to demonstrate?

How to load this robotic arm?

Unlike the usual mechanical equipment, this robotic arm has no wearing device.

Do you just put your arm in?


Just when Qi Annian was puzzled, there was suddenly a mechanical sound.

Immediately after his incredulous gaze, the robotic arm automatically unraveled, wrapping Bai Shanbo’s arm.

“This is… How is this done? ”

Having dealt with machinery for nearly a lifetime, it was the first time he had seen such an intelligent device.


“There’s more to come.”

“Lao Qi,.”

Bai Shanbo slowly raised his hand and held the desk weighing hundreds of pounds with one hand.

I saw that the hundreds of pounds of the desk were easily lifted up by Bai Shanbo, and the tea on the table did not even have any ripples.

“This… This… This…”

Qi Annian, who was originally only slightly surprised, changed his face again after seeing Bai Shanbo easily lift the table with one hand.

A ghostly look.

How could Bai Shanbo, an old man who was about the same age as him and was in his old age, easily lift a desk?

Because of that robotic arm?

But even with the help of a robotic arm, how can a person’s strength become so great.

The robotic arm doesn’t look too thick and heavy, and it can’t install a large motor at all.


Seeing his old friend’s shocked appearance, Bai Shan Bo smiled and put the table down.

Then he picked up a marker pen on the side and quickly wrote a line of text on the whiteboard next to him.

From picking up the marker to writing the text, there are hardly any pauses in between.

It’s like you’re completely using your own arms.


Bai Shanbo looked at Qi Annian, who had a surprised expression again, and smiled slightly.

“You… Is this really a robotic arm? ”

Qi Annian looked at Bai Shanbo’s arm stunned.

Is this really a robotic arm?

It was the first time he had seen such a flexible robotic arm, as if it were controlled by nerves.

You know, even if you wear gloves, writing with a pen will be awkward.

It is also said that the mechanical arm is directly loaded.

“It’s like a fake package.”

Bai Shanbo flicked his arm lightly, making a metallic crashing sound.

“This is the robotic arm that the company makes.”

“As long as the robotic arm is loaded, the nerve can control the robotic arm to complete any movement.”

“Isn’t it amazing!”

“It’s a lot more advanced than the human-machine interoperability technology you’re studying now, right?”

Looking at Qi Annian’s still incredulous expression, Bai Shanbo’s face couldn’t help but become more proud.

From the first time they met, they have known each other for nearly forty years.

It was the first time he found a shocked expression on Qi Annian’s face.

“You… You… Old Bai, you’re not kidding. ”

When Qi Annian heard Bai Shanbo’s explanation, he was still suspicious.

Even if he saw that the mechanical arm was indeed extremely flexible, he still couldn’t believe that the mechanical arm was controlled by nerves.

This is obviously an externally loaded robotic arm, how can it be connected to the nervous system?

With current technology, it simply cannot be done.

It is necessary to know that breaking through the nervous system has always been the direction of their research in the field of human-computer interconnection.

Unfortunately, after so many years of research, there has still been no progress.

However, now Bai Shanbo actually told him that he had not only broken through the technical barrier, but also created a machine that could connect with the nervous system?

How could he possibly believe it!

“Lao Qi, I’ll joke with you about this kind of thing’?”

Bai Shanbo’s face was serious.

“If you don’t believe it, try it yourself.”

With Bai Shanbo’s mind control, the robotic arm made a clicking sound again.

The robotic arm that was originally tightly stuck on Bai Shanbo’s arm scattered in an instant.

The arm of Hakusan Wave and the delicate mechanical elements inside the robotic arm are exposed.

“This… This… Are you sure? ”

Looking at the robotic arm that was handed to him by Bai Shanbo, Qi Annian was still a little hard to believe.

It’s just that looking at the precision components inside the robotic arm, he believes a little more.

There is no need for Bai Shanbo to make such a sophisticated product to fool him, right?

Qi Annian hesitantly put his arm above the robotic arm.


Without waiting for Qi Annian to come to his senses, the robotic arm was completely stuck on his arm.

The loading is complete.

“That’s it?”

Qi Annian looked at the arm that was already wrapped in metal.

Before he could even understand what was going on, he was already loaded?

And he didn’t even feel any discomfort.

It stands to reason that suddenly loaded with a robotic arm, his arm should be a little uncomfortable, after all, the weight of the robotic arm does not look very light.

But now, he didn’t seem to have added any weight to his arms.

Even if he hadn’t seen his arm that had turned metal, he wouldn’t have felt anything unusual about his arm.

Qi Annian shook his five fingers in disbelief.

Still move freely without any discomfort.

“Old… Old white. ”

“Old Bai, this… Am I dreaming? ”

“This robotic arm really… Really broke through the barriers of human-machine communication? ”

“Being able to connect machinery to the nervous system?”

Qi Annian stared at his mechanical arm for a long time before he raised his head and looked at Bai Shanbo with excitement.

Originally, he thought that it would take at least fifty or even a hundred years to break the barriers of human-machine communication.

But… But he didn’t expect that he, an old man, would see with his own eyes the day when the barriers of man-machine communication were broken!

It’s incredible!

“Of course, I can still lie to you!”

Bai Shanbo smiled and nodded.

“The other party has not only broken the barriers of human-machine interoperability, but also has applied human-machine interoperability technology.”

“After we finish writing the paper this time, I will personally take you to visit the gentleman.”

“Good, good, good.”

Hearing that there was still a chance to visit each other, Qi Annian nodded excitedly.

However, he then realized that something was wrong and looked at Bai Shanbo with some doubt.

“Lao Bai, since the other party has broken the barrier of human-machine communication, what paper report do we write?”

“Isn’t this stealing the other party’s scientific research results?”

“I don’t dare to do such a thing!”

Sensing that something was wrong, Qi Annian immediately refused sternly.

The most shameful thing in the scientific research community is to plagiarize the research results of others.

Although Qi Annian also wants to understand how the other party breaks the barrier of human-machine communication, he can’t do such a thing as plagiarism.

“Lao Qi, what do you want!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“As the director of the Yungang Military Region Research Institute, do you think I will do that kind of thing?”

“If you look at the content on this paper, it is all the principle and detailed method of human-machine communication, which was told to me by the other party himself.”

“The other party acquiesced to our research on this basis.”

“And you think people really rare this human-machine interoperability technology?”


Bai Shanbo thought about it and still did not tell Qi Annian that the other party had broken through the nanolevel and entered the molecular field.


Qi Annian was still a little unconvinced.

Human-machine interconnection technology, the other party said to send it?

You must know that this scientific research patent alone is enough to sell hundreds of millions and billions of dollars.

This money is enough for a person for a lifetime or even ten lifetimes, without worrying about food and clothing.

Can the other party casually send it?

“What am I lying to you for!”

“I guarantee my character!”

“Don’t worry!”

“And on this report, I will write special thanks to that gentleman, don’t worry.”

Bai Shanbo nodded helplessly, Qi Annian had never seen the trauma medical center, as long as he went to experience it in person, he would know.

Hundreds of millions, billions?

Will trauma centers be short of money?

“Well, I believe you!”

Seeing Qi Annian nodding, Bai Shanbo was slightly relieved.

However, Qi Annian’s next words made him frown slightly.

“However, the thesis report is not in a hurry, we have one more important thing now.”

Bai Shanbo frowned slightly and looked at Qi Annian, if it weren’t for his old friend for many years, he would almost scold him for this temper.

When did this old Qi become so inky?

“What is more important than a thesis report?”

“Lao Qi, don’t ink!”

“You know that the sooner we write a thesis report, the sooner the field of human-machine interoperability will develop!”

“The two of us even established a leading position in the field of human-machine interconnection in Huaxia in one fell swoop!”

“What could be more important than this?”

Bai Shanbo asked in an unkind tone.

His patience was running out.

Big deal, he wrote this thesis report himself!

Wouldn’t it take a little longer!

“Don’t worry, old Bai.”

“I think the most important thing we have now is to report this matter to the Huaxia General Research Institute.”

Seeing that Bai Shanbo was about to get annoyed, Qi Annian hurriedly explained.

“Over the years, the Huaxia Research Institute has also been studying human-machine communication, I believe that as long as they get news from us, they will definitely attach great importance to it!”

“The flame of the people gathering firewood is high.”

“With the help of those scientific researchers in the General Institute, it is much faster than the two of us doing research with our heads stuffed.”


After listening to the explanation, Bai Shanbo snorted and patted his head.

“yes, why didn’t I think of that!”

“Hurry up, we will contact the person in charge of the Huaxia Research Institute now!”

“If the Huaxia General Research Institute is willing to send someone to help them…!”

Bai Shanbo is engaged in weapons research and development, and has been working in research institutes within the army.

I don’t know much about the Huaxia Research Institute.

Therefore, for a while, I forgot that Huaxia still has such a department!

Knock knock~

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

It was the same young researcher as before, but this time he was followed by a young soldier.

“Professor Bai, Academician Qi.”

“Captain He sent someone to inform that the arms race had started ahead of schedule, and they would now take the robotic arm to the military region for competition.”


“Do you want it now?”

“So anxious?”

“Isn’t it less than an hour?”

Bai Shanbo looked at the clock on the wall, and it was less than half an hour in the past.

Why is it so anxious?

“I’m sorry Professor Bai, Captain He said that the military region temporarily decided to change the time of the game.”

“There’s no way he can do it.”

The soldier looked at the robotic arm that had been reproduced back on the table.

He didn’t care about Bai Shanbo’s difficulties, his task was to bring the robotic arm back as soon as possible.

“This… Lao Qi, what can I do about this? ”

“Without a robotic arm, even if the people from the Huaxia General Institute come, it will be useless!”

“Do you want the people of the General Yuan to deal directly with the military?”

“That’s all there is for now.”

Qi Annian sighed, also a little helpless.

They cannot afford to delay the military’s arms race.

The next day, eight o’clock in the morning.

South China Military Region.

According to the notice issued by the military region before (Wang Qian’s), Enron and He Zhijun drove to the South China Military Region.

This time the Yungang special combat team, only the two of them participated.

At this time, many military regions that participated in the arms race had already arrived in the South China Military Region early.

However, unlike the Yungang Special Warfare Base, where only Enron He Zhijun and the two of them participated, the number of other military regions who came to participate in the competition was no less than five.

And regardless of the number of people, each team has at least one researcher in a white coat.

“Look, that’s the car of the Yungang Special Warfare Base, isn’t it?”

“The Yungang Special Warfare Base is here?”

“It’s good that they came, and this penultimate number has fallen.”

“How come they have a car in this race?”

“Are you planning to break the jar?”

“Yes, I don’t see any researchers in the car.”

Watching the jeeps of the Yungang Special Warfare Base drive towards the military region from afar, many people participating in the military region began to point and whisper.

Most of them were in the mood of watching jokes, looking at the jeeps of the oncoming Yungang Special Warfare Base.

After all, every year, the Yungang special operations base basically sits first in the arms race of the military region.

Even if you have good results sometimes, you can’t escape the bottom three.

“I heard that the Yungang Special Warfare Base only submitted the list in the last few days this time.”

“I guess they didn’t plan to participate.”

“I also heard that if I were He Zhijun, I would be the first from the bottom every time, and I didn’t want to participate.”

“Yes, yes, once a year, lose someone.”

“I don’t want to participate either!”

“By the way, do you know what the equipment of the Yungang Special Warfare Base is for this competition?”

“It’s really not clear, they signed up last, and they didn’t have time to inquire.”



Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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