Chapter 122 Now do you still think that this is not military equipment?

Zero points

How can it be a zero score?

Actually gave zero points?

This robotic arm should be above 90 at worst!

That’s right!

Liang Gong’s words made everyone present puzzled.

Everyone below the display table suddenly whispered.

“This beam worker has been calculating from the beginning, picking bones in eggs.”

“That is, every time it is graded, it is the lowest score he gives.”

“Is this person deliberately looking for fault?”

“I think so too.”

“Lao He, this mechanical arm they participated in this time, even if it is not a hundred points, it is at least more than ninety! He actually gave zero points! ”

“Yes, I’ve seen this robotic arm in science fiction movies.”

Zhao Huai’an’s face on the judges’ bench also became ugly.

To be honest, before seeing the actual combat demonstration, he didn’t expect that this robotic arm brought by He Zhijun could really have such a powerful power.

With this terrifying power, even if you don’t carry a firearm, even if you throw stones on the side of the road, the power is not necessarily weaker than that of an automatic rifle.

It is also said that it can easily withstand bullets.

Even if the robotic arm gives a full score, how can it be a zero score!

The rest of the judges also frowned slightly and looked at Liang Gong.

Apparently, they also believed that Liang Gong was deliberately embarrassing the South China military.

“Commander Zhao, you sit.”

“Listen to me.”

Seeing Zhao Huai’an get up and prepare to find his own theory, Liang Gong did not have any panic on his face and waved his hand towards him.

Motioned for him to sit down.

Only Liang Gong’s unhurried opening was heard.

“Everyone, first of all, I admit that Captain He’s entry works at the Yungang Special Warfare Base have greatly exceeded my expectations in terms of power and technological content.”

“Even if I had the template and was personally in charge of researching, I wouldn’t necessarily be able to develop this kind of equipment in 21.”

Liang Gong first praised the technological content of the robotic arm, and then suddenly changed his words.

“But, guys!”

“We must pay attention to the fact that we are organizing an arms race this time!”

“The entries must be military equipment, but this mechanical arm brought by Captain He, even if it is powerful, it is difficult to define military equipment!”

“First of all, in addition to providing more power to the user, it does not have any long-range destructive power.”

“If it is placed in ancient times, this robotic arm is definitely an important weapon of the army, but hand-to-hand combat is rarely needed in modern warfare.”

“Secondly, although it can withstand bullets, it is only two arms, and the range is too small after all.”

“Captain He uses this material to make the most untechnical shield, and I will give it a high score.”

“But I’m sorry for the robotic arm, I don’t think it’s military equipment!”

“Today’s wars are becoming more and more firepower coverage, long-range strikes, and close combat has fallen behind!”

Liang Gong gave his own explanation.

He believes that robotic arms have no meaning in modern warfare.

Today’s war is about fire coverage, about long-range strikes, and close combat has been eliminated!

However, Academician Zheng Qiang, who had always been kind-faced, suddenly became serious after hearing Liang Gong’s explanation.

When Liang Gong finished expounding his views, Zheng Qiang directly stood up and raised objections.

“Academician Liang, it’s a bit remote for you to say that.”

“Even if the current war tends to be technological, it is undeniable that long-range precision strikes cannot completely replace close combat!”

“Just as artillery cannot replace rifles, long-range precision strikes cannot completely replace close combat.”

“Close combat is one of the indispensable and important components of combat under informationized conditions!”

Zheng Qiang got up very seriously, and it was the first time that the people around him saw Zheng Qiang commenting on something so seriously.

Liang Gong was also stunned, but he didn’t expect that Zheng Qiang, who was also a scientific research academician, would stand up and refute himself.

As a scientific research worker, Zheng Qiang should be well aware of the power of these advanced weapons today, how can he refute himself?

Liang Gong’s face was a little ugly, and he was ready to say something.

It’s just that Zheng Qiang didn’t give him this opportunity at all, and raised his hand to stop Liang Gong’s words.

“The contradictory law of war proves that long-range precision strikes are both antagonistic and unified in close combat, and the two complement each other and complement each other.”

“Didn’t the war with Lakei in the United States clearly illustrate this problem, and the reason why the United States was able to carry out air strikes, strike and behead operations with such precision was not precisely because of the intelligence support and guidance of close combat soldiers on the ground?”

“If the United States had not had the close combat cooperation of special operations forces, Academician Liang Gong, do you think that war would still be that crushing situation?”

“What’s more, now each country has its own underground emergency shelter, even if the fire is covered, as long as you hide in the shelter, you can get along well.”

“So urban street fighting is inevitable.”

Zheng Qiang picked up the water cup next to him, took a sip of water and continued to speak.

“Nowadays, with the process of urban concentration in various countries, more and more people have entered urban life.”

“With city streets, buildings above ground and complex underground pipelines, most combatants and vehicles still need to be motorized along the streets in the event of war.”

“Therefore, the fire coverage of heavy equipment is difficult to function.”

“Just like Ivia, which is now in the midst of a civil war, the various rebels and government forces are engaged in a very fierce battle for the city.”

“Even if those rebels have long-range precision vitality strikes provided by Western powers, they still cannot effectively suppress the government troops’ journey.

“Not yet because long-range fire strikes cannot destroy all individual targets.”

“I admit that in future wars, non-contact combat may become the main form of combat, and it is difficult to see the kind of face-to-face fighting scenes of large corps.”

“But with the development of ground combat technology and the constraints of various factors, close combat still has its place and cannot be replaced.”

“And with the widespread application of information technology, countries are increasing the research and development of decapitation operations.”

“This kind of robotic arm brought by Captain He is obviously in line with the standards of modern melee equipment.”

In the face of Zheng Qiang’s reasoned debate, Liang Gong was a little confused for a while how to refute it.

These are questions he has never thought about.

As a scientist, his attention has always been on the firepower output of weapons, and he rarely understands the real battlefield.

But was refuted by Zheng Qiang in person, and Liang Gong naturally couldn’t hang on to his face.

Or stubbornly stick to your point of view.

“Well, even if Academician Zheng Qiang is right.”

“In future wars, melee combat still has a place, but this does not mean that this mechanical arm is a melee weapon!”

“If I remember correctly, the definition of melee weapons should be carried and used by infantry alone or in small groups, exclusively for close combat, against close surface targets, armored targets, civil fortifications, or weapons and ammunition with special functions.”

“Even if this mechanical arm is very powerful, it can effectively attack armor and civil fortifications?”

Zheng Qiang frowned slightly when he heard this, and looked at the mechanical arms on Enron’s arms.

It stands to reason that having this kind of power can naturally pose a certain threat to armored targets or civil fortifications. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But… Compared with portable grenades and grenades, robotic arms are indeed much less of a threat to this.

As things stand, robotic arms seem to only play a role in hand-to-hand combat with each other.

Seeing that Zheng Qiang was a little hesitant, Liang Gong was even more proud.

“Well, I’m right.”

“Although the robotic arm is a high-tech product, it is not a military equipment at all until it is made into a full set of exoskeleton armor.”

“A robotic arm is difficult to play in real combat.”

Even in street fighting, few people really fight like street fights.

For a moment, Zheng Qiang was also a little unable to refute it.

If He Zhijun brought a whole exoskeleton armor, it is undisputed military equipment.

But a single robotic arm can hardly be called military equipment.

“Academician Liang Gong, do you think that the robotic arm is just a lot of strength and cannot be called military equipment?”

At this time, He Zhijun, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth and asked.

“That’s right.”

Liang Gong nodded.

“Enron, go and carry the on-board bazooka next to you.”

“By the way, also carry the specialist-barreled machine gun next to it.”

He Zhijun turned his head and glanced at the vehicle-mounted bazooka and rotary machine gun placed on the edge of the shooting range.

Both of these are heavy fire weapons, each weighing more than 110 kg.

Transportation requires a special loading vehicle for transportation, and even the launch needs to be accompanied by fixtures.

It is impossible to operate it with one person alone.


Enron nodded and walked quickly to the edge of the range.

“What is she going to do?”

“She wouldn’t think about lifting these two weapons, would she?”

Under the doubtful gaze of everyone, I saw Enron walk in front of the two heavy weapons, and easily lifted the bazooka and rotary tube machine gun one by one.

“Academician Liang Gong, please take a look.”

“Heavy weapons that originally required five people or even one squad to operate can now be easily used by just one person.”

“As long as you load a mechanical arm, you can use heavy weapons as individual weapons! Excuse me, what is this not called military equipment? ”

He Zhijun questioned sternly.

He had seen the power of a robotic arm with his own eyes!

“Yes, even if the mechanical arm has no other means of attack itself, it can increase its strength so much that it can easily carry heavy weapons.”

“This is no more convenient than a transporter when fighting in the jungle.”

“That’s right, who said that there must be means of attack to be counted as military equipment!”

“Our previously improved military trucks also have no means of attack, so they are not considered military equipment!”

“It is, it is!”

Hearing He Zhijun’s words, many people below agreed.

They are all veterans who have personally participated in battles, don’t they know what military equipment is better than Liang Gong, a scientific researcher who can only engage in theoretical research?

“I remembered!”

Suddenly, an officer in the crowd looked at the robotic arms on Enron’s arms, and his eyes suddenly flashed.

He had been staring at Enron’s robotic arm before, and he always felt as if he had seen it somewhere.

Now he finally remembered.

When everyone heard the voice, they all looked at the officer, not understanding why he suddenly shouted.

“Everyone… Do you remember the terrorist attack that occurred in the Yungang subway a few months ago? ”

“I saw that video, the 980 female officer who successfully stopped and took down the terrorists, loaded this robotic arm!”

The officer pointed to Enron’s robotic arm and was shocked.

After the Yungang subway incident, he carefully studied the video.

It stands to reason that a female soldier alone, and a female soldier who does not wear any firearms, is completely impossible to be an opponent of terrorists with firearms.

Not to mention saving a car of hostages, even her own life is in danger at any time.

However, the female officer was an unreasonable person who captured all the gangsters and single-handedly paid for the terrorists who held the subway car hostage.

Seven or eight terrorists who are holding the subway hostage and still have guns in their hands can be easily solved!

“Well, don’t say it yet.”

“After your reminder, I seem to think that this mechanical arm is the same as the mechanical arm carried by the female officer who appeared in the terrorist kidnapping subway incident in Yungang

。 ”

“It’s like, it’s exactly the same.”

“Wait… This happened in Yungang, and the female officer in the video will not be …. This chief of staff, right? ”

The original subway hostage incident was on the hot search and made a lot of noise.

Although several months have passed since this incident, most of the people present still have an impression of it.

Because this incident was a terrorist incident that occurred in Yungang, several city-level special operations bases around Yungang also strengthened security measures overnight.

After the officer’s reminder just now, everyone also found that Enron’s metal arm was indeed somewhat similar to the arm in the video.

After all, in order to find out whether this group of terrorists still had accomplices, the heads of these special operations bases repeatedly studied the video many times.

“This… This Enron chief of staff is really the protagonist of that terrorist incident. “

“No, the woman in the video can solve those terrorists alone.”

“Although this Enron chief of staff has indeed become very powerful after equipping the mechanical arm, but… It shouldn’t be so easy to get rid of those terrorists. “

“Don’t be stunned, you are saying something!”

“It’s Lao He!”

“To put it simply, is this Enron chief of staff really a female officer in Metro Time?”

Everyone looked at He Zhijun, who had reported that the female officer was indeed from the Yungang Special Operations Base.

“That’s right! The female soldier who solved the subway terrorist attack in the first place was Enron. ”

“It is those gun-wielding gangsters who are loaded with mechanical arms and can only be successfully solved by Enron.”

“Academician Liang Gong, do you still think that this set of robotic arms cannot be called military equipment?”


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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