Chapter 126 Military Grade Prosthetics

【Sannwestan (Modified Version)-Epic Quality Prosthesis】

[Introduction: One of the most outstanding products of military science and technology is the central nervous system control prosthesis developed by the most outstanding prosthetic doctor of the military science and technology group for 30 years.

However, while the prosthetic body brings great power, it also has very obvious shortcomings, which will bring a high degree of mental pollution to the user, and the user is very susceptible to cybermental illness, so it was later banned by the military technology group. 】

[Function: Promote the extension of connected neurons, greatly improve the user’s strength, speed, reaction, enhance muscle cell activity, improve body solidity. 】

[Improvement: After system optimization and improvement, the negative reaction of mental pollution is clear, and users do not need to worry about infection with cyber psychosis. ] 】

Looking at the introduction of the Sianwestan prosthesis in the system warehouse, Chen Xuan’s eyes couldn’t help but shine.

Although the system explains the introduction of the function of the prosthetic body is very simple, after watching that cyber anime, he naturally knows the horror of this prosthesis.

And compared with the rigorous expression of other prosthetics, the introduction of Sannwestein can greatly improve the user’s strength and speed reaction.

You must know that even the mantis knife of qi is not only a simple introduction in the introduction of the function, and does not add modifiers.

After seeing this prosthetic body, Chen Xuan was ready to directly transform it.

It’s just that the military’s He Zhijun and Enron came a little too suddenly.

In addition, the prosthetic doctor said that the Sannwestan prosthesis needs to be transplanted into the spine, and as we all know, the spine is the center of various nerves in the human body, and it is very dangerous to perform prosthetic modification in the spine. “270” Even if the prosthetic transformation doctor with great experience is very experienced, he does not dare to guarantee that he will be able to complete the transformation surgery perfectly.

Therefore, under the combined action of many factors, the transformation plan can only be temporarily suspended.

But now it’s different, now the cooperation with the military has come to an end, and after so many days of experimental simulation, the success rate of the installation of the Sannwestan prosthesis by prosthetic doctors is close to 100%.

Preparations can begin on a prosthetic modification plan.

“BOSS, two more people have come outside the medical center, claiming to be the employees you just recruited.”

While Chen Xuan was looking at the introduction of the Sianwestan prosthesis, Moss appeared in front of Chen Xuan again.

“Lucy and Rebecca are coming?”

“Bring them up.”

Not long after, Moss led two beautiful women, one tall and one short, into Chen Xuan’s office.

The tall, tall woman with short silver-white hair, wearing shorts and long snow-white legs looked around, looking at the environment around the trauma group.

Looking young, the little girl with a blue double ponytail was not outside, nor was she as respectful as the others when they saw Chen Xuan, and walked to Chen Xuan with a big grin.

Standing on tiptoe, he tiptoed on Chen Xuan’s desk and stretched out his hand.

“Hello BOSS, my name is Rebecca, please take care of you in the future.”

Chen Xuan looked at the little ponytailed loli in front of him and nodded with a smile.

His gaze noticed the pink and white cyber-style pistol in Little Lori’s pocket.

It should be a smart weapon, which belongs to the same type as the surviving smart pistol being developed by the Kangtao Group.

However, Rebecca’s pistol is from her brother’s hand, and both the power and intelligence are a grade higher than the smart pistol developed by Kangtao Group.

“It’s a little smaller compared to where we have a trauma group.”

After Lucy looked around, she moved her gaze to Chen Xuan, who was sitting in the boss chair, and smiled faintly.

Walking in front of Chen Xuan with long snow-white legs.

The two themselves live in the cyber world, so they are not surprised by the trauma medical center or the artificial intelligence robots they see along the way, but feel very close.

“BOSS, Lucy reports to you.”

Compared to the eccentric Rebecca, Lucy is more polite and well-behaved.

“You’re welcome.”

“You are welcome to join.”

Looking at the two beauties in front of him, one big and one small, Chen Xuan smiled and waved his hand.

As a cyberpunk transformed person with a prosthetic body, both Rebecca and Lucy exude a unique charm.

“The first time we met, there were no expensive gifts.”

“I hope you like this.”

As Chen Xuan’s mind moved, the miniature operation box and scanning sensor prosthetic eye appeared on the desk in front of him.

“This is a prosthetic body?”

Rebecca and Lucy looked at the two items pushed in front of them by Chen Xuan, and couldn’t help but show a puzzled expression.

I didn’t expect that the young BOSS in front of him was so generous, and the meeting gifts he gave to people casually turned out to be prosthetic organizations.

However, for the prosthetic organization that Chen Xuan pushed in front of them, neither of them intended to subordinate.

“BOSS, I have installed mechanical prosthetic eyes on both eyes, although they are still civilian level, but they are enough.”

“So, you better take back this prosthetic eye.”

Rebecca looked at the mechanical prosthetic eye in front of her and shook her head slightly.

The mechanical prosthetic eye she is currently installing is the second generation of civilian mechanical eye manufactured by Kisilu, not only civilian equipment, but it should be a prosthetic eye produced by the Kisilu Group, so its functionality is very strong.

Even on the verge of catching up with military-grade prosthetic eyes.

It includes a variety of functions such as infrared scanning, automatic recognition, and remote monitoring.

It took her brother a lot of effort to get it.

Therefore, with this prosthetic eye, she can’t see the general prosthetic eye.

“Yes, BOSS.”

“You can take back this miniature operation box you gave me, the operation box I am currently using is a high-end operation box made by the Araba Group.”

Lucy also pushed the operation box back in front of her, ruffled her short hair, and smiled and shook her head slightly at Chen Xuan to explain.

Then a miniature operation box suddenly appeared on her arm, and the operation box on Chen Xuan’s desk was somewhat similar.

As a top hacker cultivated by the Araban Group, although she has escaped from the Araban Group, she is currently using the prosthetic body that was carried away from the Araban Group.

The miniature operation box she is currently using is a miniature operation box made by the Araban Group, and it is also a civilian-level prosthesis, after all, when she first escaped from the Araba Group, she was still old

It is impossible for the Araban Group to spend a lot of money to place a military-grade prosthetic operation box for a little girl.

But after so many years of Lucy’s self-modification and upgrading, coupled with the operation box produced by the Araba Group, the operation box itself is more efficient than the ordinary operation box.

Even if it is only a civilian-level operation box, it is no worse than the general military operation box in Lucy’s hands.

Even with her help, Lucy has sneaked into the internal information network of the Araban Group many times and retrieved information.

Therefore, she didn’t really need this meeting gift that Chen Xuan gave her.

Seeing that the two people refused their meeting ceremony almost without hesitation, Chen Xuan was not surprised.

The two themselves are from the cyber world, and they carry a variety of prosthetics, and it is normal not to look at ordinary prosthetics.

It’s just that… The two of them did not know at this time that the prosthetic organization they gave them was not an ordinary civilian prosthetic body.

Whether it is a scanning sensor prosthetic eye developed by Araba Group or a miniature operation box developed by military technology. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The military prosthesis of the Eight Classics!

Each piece of military equipment prosthesis has a strict process from production to scrapping, and basically does not enter the market.

Even in the world of cyberpunk, where prosthetic technology is developed, ordinary people are not eligible for these two military-grade prosthetics.

“It seems that the two of you really don’t need the two military mechanical prostheses I prepared for you, well, then I will take them back.”

Chen Xuan looked at the two prosthetics with a smile and joked while preparing to take back the two prosthetic bodies.

However, without waiting for him to finish speaking, one left and one right, two small white and tender hands gently held Chen Xuan’s hand down.

Lucy and Rebecca looked at each other and smiled, and then looked at Chen Xuan sweetly.

“Boss, we were joking with you just now.”

“Don’t take it seriously.”

“Yes, yes, BOSS, we were all joking just now, why don’t we accept the meeting gift you give us.”

The two smiled and removed Chen Xuan’s hand from the prosthetic body little by little, and then hurriedly held the two prosthetic tissues in the palm of their hands.

Start taking a closer look.

Both prosthetic organizations are systematic rewards, not purchased on the black market, so they are described in detail.

Rebecca and Lucy saw the nameplate and label, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became a little surprised.

“BOSS, you… Did you really get a prosthesis for military equipment? ”

【Scanning Sensing Prosthetic Eye – Rare Quality】

[Introduction: The third-generation combat category prosthetic eye developed by the Araban Group, the successful research and development of the prosthetic eye has replaced the original prosthetic eye due to its excellent sensing ability, has become a mainstream product, and has been well received in the market. ] 】

[Functions: dynamic capture, intelligent identification, thermal scanning, perspective, reduce mental pollution…]

Looking at the introduction on the scanning sensor prosthetic eye nameplate, Rebecca can determine that this prosthetic eye is indeed the third-generation combat category prosthetic eye produced by the Araba Group…

Although this prosthetic eye is not produced by the Qishiro Group, the prosthetic eye produced by the Arita Group, which is the main combat prosthesis, will not be much worse.

Whether it’s the motion capture of fossil scanning, it’s a feature that her current prosthetic eye lacks.

Especially seeing that there is even one in the functional category, which can reduce mental pollution!

Rebecca froze for a moment.

Spiritual pollution is one of the main problems that have always plagued their cyber-transformed people, and in the case of regular use of cyberprosthetics, the spirit will be polluted by the energy produced by the prosthetics.

People who are not strong-willed can easily become infected with cyberpsychosis and become a madman who can only kill like crazy and has no human consciousness and feelings.

Especially a cyber transformation person like her, who has installed a mechanical prosthesis since she was a child, is even more susceptible to cyber psychosis.

Although Rebecca’s natural will is firm enough, and the installation is basically a prosthetic body with less mental pollution, she is still intentionally or unintentionally reducing the number of times she uses the cyberprosthesis in every battle.

It is to prevent the accumulation of small amounts, and eventually she is also eroded by mental pollution and becomes a real cyber maniac.

Over the years, her brother has also been researching how to reduce or reduce the mental pollution caused by cyberprosthetics.

But alas, nothing has been effective.

However, today, she actually saw that the function of a prosthetic eye clearly stated that it can reduce mental pollution!

This~ how is this possible!

Rebecca couldn’t believe her eyes, rubbed her big eyes with both hands, and carefully looked at the nameplate again.

“Didn’t… I read that right. ”

“Is there really a prosthetic body that can reduce mental pollution?”

Rebecca stared blankly at the mechanical prosthetic eye in front of her and muttered softly.

An incredible look.

This kind of prosthetic body that can reduce spiritual pollution, if placed on the black market, it is absolutely sky-high!

The boss gave it to himself so easily.

On the other side, Lucy, who also had a dull expression, was Lucy.

Like Rebecca, after getting the micro operation box, Lucy also hurried to check the nameplate behind the micro operation box.

【Miniature operation box – rare quality】

[Introduction: In order to fight against the hacker organization of the Absurd Group, military technology has also recruited a group of high-level hackers, and equipped it with self-developed micro operation boxes, and military technology hackers equipped with micro operation boxes have successfully suppressed the hacker organization of the Absurd Group for a long time. ] 】

[Function: Speed up cracking by 50% and increase the range of information infection by 50%. 】

Miniature operating box produced by military technology!

It can be said that the Araban Group trained these hackers in order to deal with their nemesis military technology. 3.4

Therefore, Lucy, as a hacker cultivated by the Araba Group, naturally has a thunderous reputation for military technology.

When she was a child, when she was training at the Araban Group, she had heard that military technology has the most advanced miniature operation box on the market.

With this kind of operation box, even ordinary hackers can fight against top hackers.

Military technology is the use of the miniature operation boxes they produce to resist the hacker group of the Araban Group.

Even, the miniature operation box transplanted in his hand is also an imitation of the miniature operation box produced by the Araban Group according to military technology.

Because she escaped from the Araba Group early, although Lucy was very curious about the miniature operation box produced by military technology, she was not absolutely incredible.

After all, the most important thing for hackers is technology, not equipment.

However, today, after seeing the real miniature operation box, especially its function, Lucy was also stunned.

The function of the micro-operation box transplanted on her arm is to speed up the penetration of the opponent’s chip by 10% and increase the infection range by 10%.

This is already a very powerful effect.

But he didn’t expect that the real miniature operation box turned out to be five times the size of this imitation he transplanted!

No wonder… No wonder military technology can resist the hacker invasion of the Araban Group with this prosthesis.

If she can have this kind of equipment, there will be no problem invading the internal main network of the Araban Group!

Looking at the expressions of a small or two beauties in front of him, Chen Xuan smiled lightly and spoke.

“Well, now is not the time to be surprised.”

“Hurry up and undergo a prosthetic body transformation, and then accompany me to the island country.”


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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