Chapter 130 Trauma Center Division

Tokyo City Airport, private service area, a brand new Boeing airliner slowly landed.

“Tower, tower, this is the ground control of the airport, and a Boeing passenger plane with the number 9527 landed in the private service area of the airport.”

“Did the tower receive it?”


The surrounding airport staff looked at the identification number of the passenger plane and quickly confirmed it with the tower.

Soon, the voice of the tower staff came from the communicator.

“After confirmation, the passenger plane number 9527 was reported in advance and allowed to land.”


“Received, received.”

The staff of the airport ground control department put away the communicator and no longer paid attention to Chen Xuan and other ~ people.

There are several people who come to Tokyo City by private jet every month, which is not a novelty, as long as you report through the tower, there is no problem.


Chen Xuan wore sunglasses and a long trench coat.

On the left hand side is Lucy, who has a tall body and delicate facial features, and short silver and white capable hair, and on the right hand side is Rebecca, who has a jumpy personality and a girl with a bad meaning with a double ponytail.

The three stepped down from the airliner.

Because of the previous thing at sea.

The island nation seems to have raised its security level.

A vetting process has been added for foreign passenger aircraft.

But that’s for Lucy, who has hacking abilities.

It’s not a problem.

Long before the plane landed, Lucy hacked into the server of Tokyo City Airport and uploaded the number of the passenger plane they were flying on to the terminal of the tower.

“BOSS, the IP address of the airport’s surveillance terminal suddenly changed address, and it seems that it was taken over by the special department of the island country.”

“Do you need to interfere with it?”

Lucy looked at the electronic reconnaissance eyes with red dots around the airport.

“Monitor this kind of thing, let’s get rid of it.”

“It’s a bit annoying to be monitored all the time.”

Chen Xuan glanced at the monitoring equipment around him and spoke lightly.

The next moment, an invisible electromagnetic barrier radiated around with Lucy as the center.

In an instant, all the electronic devices around the private service area of the airport were paralyzed, but this electromagnetic barrier came and went quickly.

In the next second, in addition to the electronic monitoring around the perimeter, other electronic devices returned to normal.

Most people just feel that the phone is slightly clicked.


The three of them left the airport service area with ease, without attracting anyone’s attention.

Because this time I came to the island country, in addition to the acquisition of materials.

Incidentally, it is also necessary to establish the trauma group division.

Because it involves some arms deals.

So the three deliberately used fake identities.

Now the trauma group has taken root in China, but it has not disliked too much in the international market, and even because of the robotic arm, the trauma group is regarded as a military enterprise that produces arms.

In order to complete the complete monopoly, Chen Xuan took the opportunity to come to the island country and also set up the island branch of the trauma group.

As for the location of the branch, Moss has long had a plan.

Even have a simple communication with each other.

Only Chen Xuan can sign the contract.


On the streets of Tokyo City, Chen Xuan and Lucy Rebecca came to the largest shopping mall in the island country.

“BOSS, do you see this location?”

“Is that the positioning given by Moss?”

Chen Xuan glanced at the location displayed on the map, looked at the huge shopping center in front of him, and nodded.

“It should be here.”

The three of them chatted as they walked into the mall.

“Good, good location.”

“Although the decoration is average, it can also be used.”

“The only thing that displeases me is that there are so many buildings around.”

“If you set up the Trauma Group here, you need to tear down the buildings around you.”

Chen Xuan looked at the very gorgeously decorated shopping center and spoke lightly.

According to the tips on the phone, this should be the largest shopping center in the entire Tokyo city, and the geographical location memory area is quite appropriate.

The only thing that made Chen Xuan a little dissatisfied might be the decoration.

Although this decoration looks very gorgeous, compared with the trauma group medical center, the difference is still a little huge.

At least, the sense of technology is very weak.

But decoration is such a thing, that is, a small thing.

With the techniques of the trauma group, it is easy to remodel.

“Welcome, how can I help you?”

The three walked into a Chanel luxury store on the second floor of the mall.

When I go abroad, I always have to buy something.

What’s more, it is also the largest shopping mall in Tokyo, and Lucy and Rebecca can take this opportunity to buy something.

Otherwise, when the agreement is officially signed, all the shops here will have to be moved.

“Sir, two young ladies, can you see what you need?”

The shopping guide in the store bent over the three people very respectfully in fluent English.

In the luxury store, there were many customers, all choosing their own products, Chen Xuan and the shopping guide nodded slightly, and prepared to let Lucy and Rebecca choose.

The price of things here is naturally expensive, otherwise it would not be a luxury.

But at his current price, he could buy the entire building, let alone one or two luxury items.

The three refused the service of the shopping guide and walked directly into the store.

Just before the three of them could start picking goods, they heard an insulting voice from the corner.

A vicious-looking middle-aged woman was teaching a young girl in a very non-standard Chinese language.

The narrator also stands two high-toed men and women.

The man is dyed with yellow hair, his arms are tattooed, and the woman is dressed hotly but full of technology.

Both of them looked at the girl with great disdain.


“You are a Chinese person, will you serve!”

“The clothes of our distinguished guests are all stained by you!!”

“You waste man, I’m going to deduct your wages!”

“No, you me now!”

“Rebecca, go find out.”

“Forget it, Lucy, you go.”

Chen Xuan looked at the girl who had been constantly bowing her head to apologize, frowning slightly, this girl should be from Huaxia.

Being in a foreign land, seeing your fellow citizens being bullied, although you don’t know what happened, the gang still needs to help.

“Good boss,”

Lucy nodded and walked towards the corner.

Rebecca stood there angrily and looked up at Chen Xuan.

“BOSS, you can’t look at me!”

“Why let Lucy go, don’t let me go!”

“I can fix things too!”

Chen Xuan smiled and did not speak, but just touched Rebecca’s head.

Of course, he knew that with this girl’s ability, he would definitely be able to solve the problem, but her solution must be simple and rude.

Chen Xuan could expect how this girl would solve it.

Soon, Lucy walked back from that side with an ugly face, Chen Xuan frowned slightly, looking at Lucy’s appearance, is it difficult to do things?

“What’s going on?”

Chen Xuan asked suspiciously.

“Boss, here’s the thing.”

“That island couple came here to shop, and it seems that for some reason, the island woman’s clothes were stained.”

“The couple said that they were soiled by the Huaxia clerk, but they did not accept the monitoring.”

“The store manager is now teaching that Huaxia clerk.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lucy simply told Chen Xuan what happened, originally this matter was also very easy to solve, she could fully understand that the Huaxia clerk admired this money.

Anyway, this money is not a lot for her.

With Chen Xuan’s current financial strength, not to mention a piece of clothing, even if the entire store and even the purpose of their visit this time is to value the shopping mall here.

For them, a piece of clothing is just small money.

However, the Huaxia clerk rejected Lucy’s kindness, insisting that she had not soiled the other party’s clothes, that she had accidentally soiled it herself, and now planted it for her.

Videos from the store can testify for her.

It’s a pity that neither the store manager nor the couple seem to agree to call the surveillance here.

“Lucy, you check the surveillance and see what happened.”

Chen Xuan looked at the three island people not far away, plus what Lucy said just now, and he could roughly guess what happened.

It should be that it is more common for island people to deliberately bully Chinese people.

“Okay boss.”

Lucy nodded your head, and as a red glow flashed in her pupils, strings of codes appeared in her eyeballs.

After a few seconds, the code disappeared, and Lucy blinked, returning to normal.

“BOSS, I just called up the surveillance video.”

“The content of the video is basically the same as what the Chinese woman said.”

“These three people seem to be working together to stomp that Huaxia woman.”

“Okay, I know.”

“Let’s go, let’s take a look.”

Chen Xuan walked towards the three expressionlessly, and the short and fat man among the couples was about to wave his hand towards the girl shrunk in the corner.

A slap was about to slap the woman in the face.


It’s just that when his hand is waving in midair, Lucy grabs her wrist.

The three of them were stunned, looking at the woman who had just left and reappeared, their faces were displeased.

Ask for flowers 0

The man broke his wrist away from Lucy’s hand and waited for Lucy to ask viciously.

“Who are you!”

“What are you going to do!”


The man looked at Lucy in broken Chinese language, and then noticed Chen Xuan behind Lucy and Rebecca who was watching the excitement.

“What do you want to do!”

“Also from Huaxia?”

“It seems that you want to stand up for this Huaxia woman?”


Lucy shook her head and looked at the three island nations with disdain.

“We don’t plan to come forward, we just can’t watch our Chinese compatriots being bullied abroad for no reason.” ……


When the man of the island country heard this, he couldn’t help but sneer, and looked at Chen Xuan and the three with his hands on his chest.

The shopkeeper and the woman whose clothes had been soiled also looked at the three with disdain.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Lao Tzu is from the Black Dragon Group!”

“You kid dares to take care of the affairs of our Black Dragon Group?”

The man of the island country showed the black dragon tattoo on his arm and looked at Chen Xuan and the three with disdain.

In Tokyo City, the Black Dragon Group is a well-known community force.

Above their society is the famous Yamaguchi-gumi, and no one in the entire city of Tokyo dares to provoke them.

“If you three want to be nosy, you can too!”

“For this Chinese woman, return my wife’s clothes money to us!”

“Even if you understand this matter!” “My wife’s dress is not expensive, it is only a few million yen.”

“If you want to be nosy, take the money!” “If you don’t have money, hehe, I advise you to leave as soon as possible!”

“This matter has nothing to do with you, don’t get involved!”

Chen Xuan glanced at the ejaculating face with a face full of technology and twisted his waist, and looked at the clothes on the woman’s body.

The brand is indeed an internationally renowned brand, and if it is genuine, it does cost millions of yen.

But… The clothes on the woman’s body were obviously fakes.

“What exactly is going on, let’s talk about it after watching the monitoring.”

“I can’t listen to you about anything.”

Lucy looked at the island men in front of her in disgust, if it weren’t for the boss just said not to let them fight.

The man is now lying on the ground!

Hearing Lucy’s words, the gangster who called himself the Black Dragon Group looked at the woman next to him and the shop owner.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

The vicious-looking middle-aged woman stood up and looked at Lucy with disdain.

“Who do you think you are!”

“Still want to call up surveillance?” “I tell you, this is the largest commercial center in Tokyo, and the surveillance here is not something that you can call up by a casual Chinese person.”

“Even our island police officers need to declare in advance if they want to access the surveillance here.”

“The boss behind this largest commercial center is an arms dealer from the United States!”

“The power is very big!”

“Just because of you, you also want to call up the surveillance here?”

“Foolish dreams.”

The three of them seemed to have eaten this point accurately, so that they had no fear and brazenly planted the Huaxia woman.

At this time, the Huaxia woman slowly raised her head, her eyes were bright, and she looked at Chen Xuan and the three of them pitifully, and slowly spoke.

“Thank you, three.”

“It’s my business, I can figure it out myself.”

The woman got up from the ground with teary eyes, looked at the three people of the island country, and gritted her teeth.

“I’ll go scrape together the money now, don’t embarrass the three of them.”

Of course, she knew that the other party had done all this on purpose, but she did not have any evidence.

The police officers of the island country will not go to declare the monitoring of this business center because of her trivial matter.

Moreover, the Black Dragon Group was originally linked to the police officers of the island country.

Chen Xuan looked at the pitiful and weak woman in front of him, and spoke lightly.


“Is it difficult to get the surveillance here?”

At this time, hearing the quarrel, many tourists who were shopping around turned their attention to Chen Xuan’s side.

When they heard Chen Xuan’s question, the people around couldn’t help but shake their heads.

“Who is this man? He doesn’t know who is behind this shopping mall? ”

“Tune the surveillance? At that time, in order to call for monitoring, the police of our island country let the general of the Mi Army stationed in the island country personally call. ”

“It’s just that this person doesn’t know the power of this shopping mall when he sees it!”

Many people glanced up and down at Chen Xuan, Lucy, and Rebecca.

It seems that it is a tourist who comes to the island country, so it is no wonder that he can say such things without shame.

… Five….

Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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