Chapter 133: Underground Forces

Rebecca asked suspiciously.

Of course, she could see that the gangster who called himself the Black Dragon Group was deliberately looking for fault, but it stands to reason that Yi Nan, a college student, should not have any intersection with the other party.

And now Yi Nan has become an employee of their trauma group, which is considered his own family.

“Actually… It is because of the young gang master of the Black Dragon Group. ”

Inan looked at Rebecca and slowly spoke.

“That young gang leader of the Black Dragon Group is actually my college classmate, and he wants me to be his girlfriend.”

“But I’m not interested in him.”

“I refused.”

“Later, I learned his identity, and then he threatened me that I must be with him, otherwise I will find gangsters from the Black Dragon Group to harass me every day.”

Originally, Yi Nan did not plan to talk to Chen Xuan and the three of them, but looking at Rebecca’s eyes, she knew that she would ask the gangster even if she didn’t say it.

“Rebecca, you don’t have to meddle in this matter.”

“Now that I am the head of the trauma group, the other party should not dare to do anything anymore.”

“And the other party is the young gang master of the Black Dragon Group, although their power is not much, but the strong dragon does not suppress the ground snake, this matter is left to me to deal with.”

“I can handle it.”

Seeing the expressions of Rebecca and Lucy gradually falling cold, Yi Nan hurriedly spoke.

I was afraid that Rebecca and Lucy would make a move for her and offend the Black Dragon Group.

Now that the Trauma Group wants to develop in the island country, and has its headquarters in Tokyo City, it is natural to deal with the Black Dragon Group, the local snake force here.

Strong dragons do not press the ground head snake.

The Black Dragon Group has been entrenched in Tokyo City for so many years.

The trauma group has just arrived, once there is a conflict, it may not be able to take much advantage, and the trauma group is not a criminal and evil force, just a regular group, but the black dragon group is a community organization.

Besides, there are a lot of people in their Black Dragon Group, but now the Trauma Group is only four people in their own hands, except for Chen Xuan, who are all girls, and there is not much combat power at all.

“I think with my current identity, the other party does not dare to be too presumptuous.”

“I’ll handle this matter first.”

Yi Nan spoke sincerely.

She does not want to affect the development of the trauma group in the island country because of her contradictions.

Lucy and Rebecca looked at Chen Xuan, and the idea of the two of them was to cut through the mess quickly and directly eradicate the black dragon group, on the one hand, they could solve the trouble for Yinan, and on the other hand, they could also establish themselves in Tokyo.

But now that Yi Nan has said so, the two of them are not good to say more.

After all, Yi Nan, the party, said that she could solve it herself.

Now I can only see Chen Xuan’s opinion.

Chen Xuan drank all the coffee in front of him and looked at Yi Nan and nodded slightly.

“Okay, I’ll leave this matter to yourself.”

“If you’re in trouble, call us.”

“It has Lucy’s contact information on it.”

“Lucy Rebecca, let’s go, go out for dinner first, and then rest well.”

“You’re not going to Mt. Fuji tomorrow.”

Pointing to the business card Lucy handed to Yinan, Chen Xuan silently got up and walked out of the café first.

A small black dragon group he did not put in his eyes, solving or not solving it did not have much impact on the development of their trauma group, and the two were not an order of magnitude at all.

“BOSS, Sister Lucy and Rebecca, do you have a place to live?”

“If you don’t dislike it, you can go to the apartment I rented.”

“It’s around here.”

Seeing Chen Xuan get up, Yi Nan, who had been restrained, plucked up enough courage to look at Chen Xuan and issued an invitation.

Blushing, she invited a man to her apartment for the first time.

She invited Chen Xuan to her home, of course, there was no other meaning, just to thank the other party.

However, in the island country, if a girl says such a thing, it is equivalent to… Willing to accept sharing a bed, but Chen Xuan should not understand the meaning of the island country when he just came to the island country, and he should not be misunderstood.

Moreover, Chen Xuan is also followed by two beautiful women, one big and one small, so he should not think about himself.

“No need ~~.”

Yi Nan was still secretly shy, and when the deer in his heart was bumping, Chen Xuan didn’t want to refuse directly.

“We have already booked, 5 star hotel nearby.”

“I won’t bother you.”

Chen Xuan spoke lightly, his eyes looking at the towering hotel building on the side.

Before coming to the island country, Moss had already booked a hotel for them, and naturally did not need to go to Yinan’s bachelor apartment.

Although Yi Nan is now the head of the island country of the Trauma Group, he is not familiar with her much, and the influence is more or less not good.

What’s more, a small single apartment in Yinan, where four people live at the same time, is obviously not easy.

It is clear that there are luxury hotels, and he is not short of money, why should he squeeze the apartment.


Being rejected by Chen Xuan without hesitation, even if Yi Nan himself didn’t have many other ideas, he couldn’t help but feel a little lost.

I really don’t seem to have any points that attract each other.

“Then tomorrow you go to Mt. Fuji, can I go with you?”

“I can be a tour guide for you.”

Yi Nan blinked and looked at Chen Xuan, after being rejected by Chen Xuan, it aroused her desire to win or lose.

Since childhood, no boy has been so indifferent to himself.

Chen Xuan looked at Lucy and Rebecca and nodded slightly.

“No problem.”

I have no interest in going to Mt. Fuji to see cherry blossoms, but I am just to accompany Rebecca and Lucy, and since Yi Nan took the initiative to serve as a tour guide, it is naturally not impossible.

He can also be leisurely, just one at the foot of the mountain, and let the three women go shopping by themselves.

Seeing Chen Xuan nodding in agreement, Yi Nan finally showed a smile on his face and snorted happily.

After Lucy and Rebecca explained a few more words to Yinan, the three said goodbye to Yinan.

“BOSS, just now I decided on my own to appoint the head of the island country.”

“I’m sorry.”

On the way, Lucy looked at Chen Xuan with some guilt.

She knew that for the candidate for the head of the island country, Chen Xuandang probably hoped that Smith would take the role.

Smith himself has been in the island country for many years, and he is also deeply rooted, whether it is interpersonal relationships or prestige, there is no problem, and he will definitely start soon as the head of the trauma group.

But at that time, she saw that Yinan, a little girl, was too pitiful, so she made her own opinion.

“Neither Smith nor Inan or anyone else has much impact on our trauma group.”

“As long as the other party does not harm the interests of the group, I have no opinion on whoever it is.”

“You don’t need to be ashamed.”

And Yinan’s character is also quite okay, and he is also at ease with him as the head of the trauma group.

Compared with Smith’s shrewdness, although Yi Nan is more simple, Smith is currently working under other groups after all, and his loyalty is probably not as good as Yi Nan.

Therefore, Chen Xuan has no opinion about Yi Nan as the head of the trauma group.

“BOSS, I heard that the island country’s sashimi and Japanese food are very good.”

“It’s just dinner time, should we go to have a meal first.”

Rebecca suddenly pulled Chen Xuan’s arm and pointed to a Japanese restaurant not far away that looked very high-end.

“Japanese food?”

“So what’s there to eat.”

Looking in the direction of Rebecca’s finger, I saw a shop called Ale-Japanese Food.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly, to be honest, he really didn’t have much interest in Japanese food. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It feels no different from eating sashimi, as for what salmon and what sashimi, he is not interested at all, and he has no idea why so many people like to eat it.

Isn’t this thing sashimi, and it is so expensive to buy, a few thin pieces of fish meat cost hundreds.

It’s not that he can’t bear the money, it’s just that Chen Xuan feels that it’s not worth it.

“BOSS, I haven’t eaten Japanese food either!”

“I heard Moss say that the Japanese food in the island country is very good, or we will eat this today.”

Lucy also looked in the direction of Rebecca’s finger, and when she saw the Japanese food, her eyes also lit up.

She also hasn’t eaten Japanese food and wants to try something new.

Chen Xuan looked left and right, looking at the two beauties one big and one small, looking at him expectantly, and pouted helplessly.

There is no way to take the two of them.

Since both of them said they wanted to try it, let’s go eat Japanese food.

Just as Chen Xuan was about to nod, he suddenly passed by a handsome European and American woman who was holding a hot European and American woman.

The man glanced back at Chen Xuan and Lucy Rebecca, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Xiao Xiaosan can’t even afford to eat Japanese food, and he still comes out to shop for girls.”

“Two young ladies, if you want to eat that Japanese food, I am willing to invite you.”

“It’s the most high-end Japanese restaurant in the whole of Tokyo, and I’m a high-end VIP of their store.”

The man glanced at Chen Xuan with disdain in broken Chinese language, and then looked at Lucy and Rebecca very politely, but the desire in his eyes could not be hidden.

However, in the face of the man’s conversation, Rebecca and Lucy did not look at it, and directly ignored the man.

Following Chen Xuan, he walked towards the Japanese food store.


“Three here, please.”

Chen Xuan and the three walked into the Japanese food store with their front feet, and the European and American man and woman behind also walked into the Japanese food store.

“Welcome, two of you, please.”

“Xiao Xiao San, hit the swollen face and fill the fat.”

“I’m dumbfounded after reading the menu!”

“Hmph, the Japanese food in this, sashimi, which can you afford to order?”

Having just lost face in front of Lucy and Rebecca, he couldn’t help but taunt now.

The Japanese restaurant is notoriously expensive, and even he can only come once a week.

It is even said that this Chinese person who seems to have little money.

He wants to watch the other person make a fool of himself.

Chen Xuan looked at the menu and ignored the other party’s words.

It’s just that when he opened the menu, he also frowned slightly, and his expression was a little complicated.

Seeing Chen Xuan showing this expression, the European and American men on the side were even more proud.

“What do I say, hahaha, it’s ugly!”

“Is it too expensive?”

“Ready to leave Ashes?”

European and American men thought that Chen Xuan was shocked when he saw the price, so he ridiculed presumptuously.

The island country attendant on the side also blinked and looked at Chen Xuan.

At that time, he did not show much impatient expression, but his heart was similar to that European and American man, and he thought that Chen Xuan should get up and leave after seeing the price.

After all, this kind of thing does not appear in their store once or twice.

It’s just that after Chen Xuan frowned, he didn’t get up, but handed the menu to Lucy and Rebecca.

“You two pick first.”

“I’ll think again.”

Chen Xuan glanced at the food on the table of the guests not far away, very speechless.

It was all sashimi.

The price is good, although it is indeed expensive, but he is not unaffordable.

Is it just that this kind of thing can be fed?

Are there any benefits?

He hated eating fish the most since he was a child, and it was also sashimi.

“Hahaha, do you still want to beat the swollen face and fill the fat?”

“Two beauties, rest assured and bold, if this gentleman can’t pay, I’ll invite two beauties.”

After the European and American men watched Chen Xuan hand over the menu to Lucy and Rebecca, the smile on his face was even worse, he had seen a lot of people who wanted to save face.

How is this person like a fly?

Buzzing all the time?

Lucy and Rebecca glanced at the man in disgust before shifting their gaze to the menu.

“I want this, and this, and this.”

“Then I want it, and it, and this, and this.”

The two compared on the menu, ordered a lot, and watched the two order, even the waiter on the side couldn’t help but change his face, and couldn’t help but look at Chen Xuan who frowned on the side.

“Okay, let’s start with that.”

“If it’s not enough, let’s continue.”

After the two ordered more than a dozen, they handed the menu to Chen Xuan with satisfaction.

The waiter on the side looked at Chen Xuan, put the order in front of Chen Xuan, and asked in a low voice: “Sir, take a look, are these dishes okay?” ”

Every dish in the order was worth nothing, and he was really afraid that the young man in front of him would not be able to pay.

“No need to look, you can give me ten more copies of this.”

“I don’t like sashimi.”

Chen Xuan’s eyelids did not lift, and his fingers directly pointed on the last page of the menu.

“Sir, you… Are you sure? ”

“Ten copies?”

Looking at the position where Chen Xuan pointed to, the waiter couldn’t help but swallow his saliva and looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

“Uh-huh, that’s all.”

“If it’s not enough, I’ll order it later.”

Closing the menu, Chen Xuan silently returned the menu to the waiter.

“It’s quite similar.”

“Don’t eat sashimi at a Japanese food store?”

“You won’t order ten free side dishes, will you!”

The European and American man on the side glanced at his mouth and took the menu from the waiter’s hand.

looked at Chen Xuan, Lucy and Rebecca.

The three ignored his taunts the whole time, which made him feel like a clown.

“You ordered them directly and gave me a grave.”

“No, it’s double.”

“I’m afraid that if I order too little, I won’t be able to eat.”


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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