Chapter 139 mournful fart!

“Boss, no… It’s not good, the young master was beaten by someone! ”

“I’m in the hospital now, come and take a look!”

Listening to the eager voice on the other end of the phone, Montenegro’s first reaction was disbelief.

His son was beaten in Tokyo City?

How can it be!

Their Black Dragon Group is the underground king of Tokyo City, who dares to provoke their Black Dragon Group in Tokyo City?

Not to mention his son, he is an ordinary member of the Black Dragon Group, and no one dares to mess with him in Tokyo City!

They have been a blessing in the Black Dragon Group for so many years, and the people in Tokyo City who don’t know the logo tattoo of the Black Dragon Group, he doesn’t believe that anyone dares to mess with them from the Black Dragon Group!

What’s more, even if someone didn’t know the Black Dragon Group’s logo tattoo, his son carried many community members every time he went out, and it was impossible for someone to beat him.

So Montenegro’s first reaction when connecting the phone was that the other party was playing a prank, but who dared to prank his Black Dragon Team leader?

Tired of living?

Just before he could get angry, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and the other party was now using his son’s mobile phone to call him.

“Who are you!”

“How can you have my son’s phone!”

Montenegro’s tone suddenly became cold, could it be that which little furry thief did not have long eyes and cast his son’s phone?

“Team leader, I’m also better than ah.”

“Team leader, the young gang master has been beaten!”

“I’m at Tokyo City Hospital right now!”

“Less help Lord… Hurt… The injuries were severe. ”

The other end of the phone cried and spoke, his tone still anxious and nervous.

Also than?

“Are you also? Also than? ”

It is also compared to the members of the society he sent to protect his son, which is regarded as the backbone of the elite.

“Yes, team leader, I am also bi!”

The man on the other end of the phone hurriedly nodded and answered.

After confirming the identity of the other party, Montenegro’s eyes suddenly widened, since the other party is a member of the society, then what he just said is the truth?

His own son, was really beaten by someone?

Hit badly? Admitted to the hospital?

A wave of anger suddenly surged in his heart, and Montenegro immediately questioned.

“Also better than what you just said?”

“You just said my son was beaten into the hospital?”

“You’re not kidding, are you!”

“Team leader, how dare I joke about this kind of thing.”

“Really, the young gang master was really beaten into the hospital!”

Of course, he did not dare to joke about this kind of thing, as the backbone elite of the gang of 400, of course, he knew very well that the group leader met with the cadre from the Yamaguchi group today.

If it weren’t for the fact that there was really a problem with the young gang master, he would not dare to call Montenegro directly.

Montenegro forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and spoke coldly.

“How is Kurosawa injured?”

“Where did it hurt?”

“Who is the other party?”

“Where is it now?”

As the boss of the Black Dragon Group, Montenegro quickly calmed down and asked several questions in a row.

Of course, what he is most concerned about is his son’s injury, as his only son, Kurosawa shoulders the position of the future leader of the Black Dragon Group, and if his son appears to be three long and two short, he may not be able to do the position of team leader.

Now he is single-handedly covering the sky in the Black Dragon Group, but if his son has an accident, he will die, and some restless guys will jump out.

“Team leader, less helper… Help the Lord less. ”

“Young help master, he was beaten in the body.”

“I am currently undergoing surgery, but the results of the operation should not be satisfactory, and the doctor has just tested that yes, even if the operation is completed, it is likely that there will be no function in the future.”

Also more frustrated than the tone, his voice choked and trembling as he finished speaking.

He knew exactly how Montenegro would react when he heard these words.

Montenegro only has one son, Kurosawa, and once Kurosawa loses its function, then it means death!

“You… What did you say! ”

Montenegro stumbled, almost missed the mobile phone and fell to the ground.

At this moment, which has always been calm, he also began to panic, and he did not dare and was even more unwilling to believe than the words on the phone.

“You said my son… Kurosawa he can’t be humane? ”

Montenegro trembled, his pupils full of disbelief.

Hearing this, both the driver and the wild bear smoking a cigar froze.

The mountain bear blinked, and all expressions froze on his face.

Is this kind of news that an outsider can hear him?

The only son of the leader of the Black Dragon Group, can’t practice humanity?

What’s the situation?

It seems that you caught up with a big event?

The mountain bear silently extinguished the cigar in his hand, and listened carefully to the voice on the other end of the Montenegrin phone with his ears upright.

Just after answering the phone in Montenegro, he noticed a hint of abnormality, but he didn’t care too much at the time.

After all, he is a backbone member of the Yamaguchi Group, and although the Yamaguchi Group radiates the entire island country, its base camp is still in the North Sea, and it is 108,000 miles away from Tokyo City.

(CBCD) Even if something happens here in Tokyo, it doesn’t have much to do with him.

At this time, Montenegro was already in a state of distraction, and after hearing that his son could not practice humanity, he no longer had the energy to care whether there were outsiders around him.

“You tell the doctor, do your best to save it!”

“We must do our best to rescue!”

“No matter what, make sure my son is as good as ever!”

“I’ll go to the hospital when I’m busy now!”

Montenegro spoke gloomy and looked at the driver.

“Now turn around and go to Tokyo City Hospital!”

Then he turned his head again to look at the mountain bear on the side.

“Brother Shanye, I’m really sorry, I have some things to deal with here.”

“I’m afraid we won’t be able to eat the reception banquet.”

The mountain bear hurriedly put away the gossip expression and shook his head seriously.

“It’s okay, Montenegro, you are busy first, just heard you say on the phone, Ozawa is injured?”

“Well, let Brother Yamano laugh.”

“Ozawa was beaten to the hospital.”

Black Mountain nodded, his fists clenched slightly, already angry to the extreme, his face was gloomy and almost dripping.

The other party is completely provoking!

Provoke them Black Dragon Group!

“Also than, who is the other party!”

“Did you catch it?”

“If Ozawa can’t be cured, I want the other party’s whole family to give Ozawa a funeral!”

Montenegro took a deep breath and questioned in an icy tone.

Now that there is Yamano next to him, he can’t directly question why his subordinates didn’t protect Kurosawa, so he can only vent all the anger in his heart on the adult guy.

Just in the face of Montenegro’s questioning, the other end of the phone was surprisingly silent.

“Hey, talk!”

“Was it escaped by the other party?”

Seeing that the other party had been silent, Montenegro’s face suddenly became more gloomy, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Was it really escaped by those people?

His own son was beaten on his own chassis!

Even the guy who hit the guy was run away?

Is this a provocation to their Black Dragon Group!

The green tendons on Montenegro’s face gradually bulged, and the hand holding the mobile phone was slightly forced, and the slight clicking sound of the mobile phone could be heard.

The expression on Yamano’s face behind him was very exciting, he didn’t expect that as soon as he arrived in Tokyo City, such a big situation appeared in the Black Dragon Group?

Not only was his young gang master beaten, but he didn’t even catch the guy who beat the person.

“Are you all trash!”

“Tell me, who the other party is!”

“Why didn’t you catch them!”

No matter how good the qi cultivation kung fu is, he can’t help but be angry, and Montenegro is trembling with anger.

Lose face!

What a shame!

“Tell me, who the other party is!”

“Where is it now!”

Montenegro gritted his teeth and questioned.

“Team leader, the other party… The other party is four Huaxia people. ”

“They should still be on Mt. Fuji by now.”

…… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the face of Montenegro’s questioning, the tone on the other end of the phone became weaker, and he did not know how to speak.

A few Huaxia people beat their young gang to the main into serious injuries.

And there is nothing they can do yet.


“Huaxia people!”

“You didn’t joke with me anymore!”


Hearing Yebi’s words, Montenegro suddenly slammed his right hand with a black face and smashed the mobile phone in his hand directly.

Huaxia people?

No kidding!

Several Huaxia people beat his son in Tokyo City, and their own subordinates have not yet taken the other party!

This group of guys, why don’t you directly hit tofu to death!

“Hurry up!”

“Hurry up and get to the hospital!”

Five minutes later, a black elongated version of Lincoln was running through the streets of Tokyo.

The entire Tokyo City Hospital was surrounded by people from the Black Dragon Group.


After Black Mountain got off the car, the members of the Black Dragon Group wearing black suits immediately shouted respectfully.


“What about my son!”

Montenegro got out of the car and went straight inside the hospital.

“Boss, the young gang master is in the rescue room, and the doctor is doing his best to save it.”

“Tell the doctor, can’t cure my son, I’ll let him treat himself!”

Without any pause, Montenegro walked straight to the rescue room, and the huge hospital hall did not have a single patient except for the members of the Black Dragon Group.

Even doctors and nurses hid in corners, shivering.



Outside the rescue room, seeing Black Mountain coming, the surrounding black dragon group members immediately got up to greet them.

But before they could raise their heads, Montenegro had already kicked the closest to him.

“Fuck, that’s how you protect the Young Gang Lord?”

“That’s how you protect?”

Black Mountain glared angrily at the members of the Black Dragon Group who were lowering their heads around them, and couldn’t wait to throw them directly into the sea.

Those members of the Black Dragon Group responsible for protecting Kurosawa did not dare to breathe or raise their heads, for fear of angering Montenegro again, which was close to the brink of an outbreak.

“Tell me what really happened then!”


After venting, Montenegro sat panting heavily in the waiting area outside the rescue room, and stood beside him more guiltily.

“Here’s the big thing.”

Also than just about to speak, the rescue room and so on suddenly disappeared.

Yamazawa was pushed out of the emergency room by doctors and nurses.

“Doctor, how’s it going!”

“My son, he’s okay!”

“No problem!”

Montenegro grabbed the doctor’s wrist and questioned condescendingly.

“Mr. Montenegro, please mourn.”

“The time to be sent to the hospital is too late, and the other party’s footwork is very cruel.”

“Although your son’s life is safe, but… But I’m afraid that the function will not be very sound. ”

“It’s hard to restore humanity.”

“If you want… I’m afraid only in vitro manipulation. ”

The doctor was startled by the imposing Black Mountain, his face turned pale, and he spoke carefully.

As a doctor in the island country of Tokyo City, he naturally knows who the boss of the Black Dragon Group, Black Mountain, is, for fear that he will implicate himself because he failed to cure Kurosawa.

“You fuck!”


With a snap, Montenegro slapped the doctor in the face.

Directly knocked the doctor to the ground, and then looked painfully at the miserable white black on the operating table.

At this time, Kurosawa slowly opened his eyes, and after seeing his father, tears could not stop flowing out.

Raise your hand slightly.


“Yes, yes.”

Montenegro held Kurosawa’s hand tightly and looked at his son with distress.

He is such an only son, he didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen!

“Dad, help me… Help me get revenge! ”

Kurosawa’s voice was not loud, but he held Montenegro’s hand tightly.

“I’m going to… I want those four Huaxia people to die! ”

“Don’t worry, son!”

“I definitely won’t let the four of them out of Tokyo City!”

“I will make them regret being born in this world.”

“You are at ease to heal, but your father takes revenge on you.”

Montenegro nodded, patted the back of Kurosawa’s hand, and then stood up and the sad expression on his face disappeared, leaving only ruthlessness.

“You said those Huaxia people are still on Mount Fuji?”

Montenegro turned his head to look at Yebi and asked coldly.

“That’s right, boss, our people are watching them.”

“They are still on Mt. Fuji and show no signs of escape.”

“Good, good, it’s exactly the bear heart leopard gall!”

“Really put the island country as their Huaxia, right?”

“Call someone and follow me to Mt. Fuji!”

Montenegro darkened and strode towards the outside of the hospital.

He wants to avenge his son, and he also wants to form a mighty power for the black dragon!

After so many years, I am afraid that they have forgotten the fear of being dominated by the Black Dragon Group.

Outside the hospital, hundreds of members of the Black Dragon Group in suits stood neatly, and after seeing Montenegro walk out of the hospital, everyone bent down in unison.

“Boss mourning!”

“Don’t talk this nonsense and make others mourn!”

Montenegro coldly brushed off the next sentence and directly stepped on the extended version of Lincoln.

The hundreds of members of the Black Dragon Group behind him also got into the black car next to them.

The group headed towards Mt. Fuji.

At this time, on Mount Fuji, Chen Xuan and several people were also preparing to go down, because of what happened before, there were not many tourists on Mt. Fuji today.

“It turns out that this is the cherry blossoms on Mt. Fuji, and it’s no different.”

Lucy looked at the cherry blossom trees on both sides of the road with interest.

Although the entire Mt. Fuji is now full of cherry blossom trees, it is not much different after experiencing it personally.

It’s no different from a normal cherry blossom park.

“Yes, a little disappointed.”

Rebecca casually waved this branch casually.

She had watched the video on the Internet before and thought it would be as spectacular as the cherry blossom sea, but she didn’t expect it to be different at all.

Yi Nan looked at the two with a smile and did not speak.

When she first came to see the cherry blossoms on Mt. Fuji, she was also disappointed and wasted her time.

Only Chen Xuan smiled and did not speak, there was no look of loss on his face, after all, he originally did not report any hope, naturally he could not talk about disappointment.

Lucy, who was suddenly walking in the front, stopped and turned her head to look at Chen Xuan.

“BOSS, those guys who are following us seem to be going down the mountain.”

“Just detected, there are many black vehicles gathered under the mountain, which should be coming towards us.”


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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