Chapter 144 Are you a fart?

“Keiko, prepare the plane!”

“Now go to Tokyo City!”

“And call the mountain bear immediately!”

Yamaguchi Big Bear slammed the table, his voice hoarse.

For the first time in so many years, he was so angry.

It was outrageous enough that their Yamaguchi group’s guests were threatened in the island country, and he never expected that the mountain bear was also involved in this matter!

Before this guy left, didn’t he tell him to receive guests respectfully?

But I didn’t say let him point a gun at the hospitality!

It’s a mess!

On the other side, at the foot of Mt. Fuji in Tokyo City.

Yamano Bear glanced at his watch, and there were still two hours left in the agreed time with the distinguished guest.

Time should come.

Two hours was enough, and after dealing with the affairs here, he had a good refresh on the three women.

Then rush to the airport.

Originally, his boss asked him to receive distinguished guests, which was to attach importance to him, the old man of the Yamaguchi group, and give her meritorious performance.

I didn’t expect that after coming to Tokyo City, there was an unexpected surprise.

He met three superb women.

Just as he was already thinking about how to enjoy the three women, his phone suddenly rang.

A glance at the incoming call, it’s the boss!

The mountain bear did not dare to delay and hurriedly connected.

“Hey, boss,?”

“I’m in Tokyo now.”

Shan Yexiong picked up the phone, I don’t know why his boss suddenly called him, is he concerned about himself?

Unexpectedly, without waiting for him to continue to ask, the next second, there was the voice of Yamaguchi Big Bear on the other end of the phone, almost roaring in anger.

“Lao Tzu knows you’re in Tokyo City!”

“You immediately now, let the people of the Black Dragon Group stop moving!”

The mountain bear was stunned, and there was a question mark in his head.

Listening to the boss’s headless words, she didn’t know what the situation was.

Suddenly confused.

“Boss, what do you mean by that?”

The mountain bear looked around, a little puzzled.

How did the boss know that he was now grouped with the Black Dragon? Did he take eyeliner next to him?

But if you come to pick up someone yourself, why send eyeliner to follow?

“You’re too embarrassed to ask Lao Tzu!”

“What kind of mess did you do yourself, don’t you know!”

“Lao Tzu asked you to receive distinguished guests, what are you doing!”

Yamaguchi Big Bear on the other end of the phone slammed the table, and 590 roared in anger.

Originally, this business should be stable, after all, it was the other party who took the initiative to contact them, but I didn’t expect this mountain bear to come to such a place!

If it weren’t for the fact that the mountain bear came up with his hand, he would have thought that this guy was an undercover agent from other hostile forces.

After hearing the report from the private secretary, his whole person almost turned his back in anger!

The mountain bear actually took people and surrounded their distinguished guests! 、

What the hell does this guy think!

“This… Don’t be angry, boss. ”

“What happened? I… I didn’t do anything! ”

“I… I don’t know. ”

The mountain bear heard the boss’s roar and panicked.

It was the first time he had seen the boss so angry.

But he didn’t know what he had committed, and in a short moment, he thought about all the things he had committed over the years.

Could it be… Could it be said that his cheating on Yuriko Keiko was revealed?

No, it was years ago.

“Stop talking, I’m on the plane now!”

“You tell the Black Dragon Group to stop all movements immediately and wait for me to pass!”


The sound of boarding came from the other end of the phone, and Yamaguchi Daioku hung up the phone after a stern reprimand.

Only a confused mountain bear remained. 、

The boss actually wants to come over in person?

Exactly, what happened?

The mountain bear was inexplicably a little flustered.

What is worth their boss personally! And what does it have to do with the Black Dragon Group?

Yamano-bear didn’t understand, but at this time he had hung up the phone, Yamaguchi Big Bear was angry, and he didn’t have the courage to call Yamaguchi Big Bear actively.

You can only follow Yamaguchi Daikuma’s orders first.

On the steps of the entrance to Mount Fuji, Chen Xuan looked indifferently at the well-equipped members of the Black Dragon Group around him.

Slowly stood in front of Lucy and Rebecca.

The enemy all-carrier automatic rifle, in the face of this firepower relying on Rebecca’s smart pistol, is obviously not enough to see.

Although Lucy can carry out electromagnetic wave mental interference, there are many other parties, and Lucy’s mental interference is not skilled, and it is easy to make mistakes.

All three of them have undergone cyber transformation, and even if they are accidentally hit by a few bullets, there is no problem.

But Yi Nan is just an ordinary person, and once there is an accident, Yi Nan is easily injured.

“Boss, are you going to make a move?”

After Lucy and Rebecca looked at Chen Xuan standing in front of them, excitement flashed in their eyes.

They had not seen Chen Xuan use a prosthetic body after loading a high-grade prosthetic body, Sian Westan.

What is the power of a prosthetic body that can be called a taboo!

“You two protect Yinan.”

Chen Xuan nodded, his voice indifferent.

Yi Nan looked at the three with a puzzled expression, but he didn’t expect that at this time, Chen Xuan, who was the boss, would take the initiative to stand up.

Block the three of them.

It’s just that during this period of observation, she didn’t find anything remarkable about Chen Xuan.

Moreover, Chen Xuan didn’t even hold a weapon in his hand.

How can this fight with those on the other side!

“Look at it, that man is still a little responsible, and he can take the initiative to stand up.”

“That’s right, I thought he would always hide behind three women and be a shrunken turtle.”

“It seems a little reckless to stand up at this time, but at least the courage is commendable.”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

After seeing Chen Xuan walking out from behind Lucy and Rebecca, the people around and the barrage in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but praise Chen Xuan.

Ask yourself, in the face of the threat of so many automatic rifles, they don’t have the guts to come out.

It’s just that the Mad Dragon Squad on the opposite side, no matter what courage or courage, surrounded Chen Xuan and several people, and waited for the next instruction from Black Mountain.

Once Montenegro orders the shooting, or if the other four show any signs of resistance, they will not hesitate to shoot.

Chen Xuan looked indifferently at the more than forty well-equipped Black Dragon Group members in front of him, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

The Sannwestan Prosthesis is officially ready to start.


“Everyone stop!”

“No shots! No one is allowed to shoot! ”

Just a second before Chen Xuan was about to activate the Sianwestan Prosthesis, the mountain bear suddenly shouted towards this side.

Pull Montenegro and come this way.

“Brother Yamano? What happened? ”

“Why did you suddenly let them stop?”

Montenegro looked at the wild bear with a puzzled face, just now the wild bear answered the phone and did not open it, so Montenegro did not know the content of the phone.

“No why, I don’t know.”

“The boss just called, let’s stop!”

“Are you going to disobey our boss’s orders?”

The mountain bear shook his head, concise and to the point, too lazy to explain to Montenegro.

Top dog?

Montenegro was stunned, and then turned his eyes wide and looked at the mountain bear incredulously.

The person who can be called the boss by the mountain bear is not the boss of the Yamaguchi group?

The center of Tokyo.

Inside the top office of the entire office building.

A middle-aged man in a straight suit was sitting behind a wide desk.

This person is none other than the island country’s Minister of Defense, Eijiro Oda.

At this time, he is immersed in the mysterious plane incident that is suspected of invading their airspace.

Jingle bell ~ Jingle bell ~

Eijiro Oda picked up directly without raising his head.


“Mr. Jiro, I’m Keiko Yuri!”

“The private secretary of the head of the Yamaguchi group.”

Mountain (CBBE) mouth group?

Hearing that the other party reported his home, Oda Eijiro couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

On the surface, their island government has no connection with the Yamaguchi Formation, and there should be no intersection in normal times.

Why did the people of the Yamaguchi group suddenly call to contact themselves?

Why call yourself all of a sudden?

Could it be that something urgent has happened?

As the defense minister of the island country, he naturally knows that Yamaguchi-gumi’s status in the island country is not just a community organization.

Although Yamaguchi-gumi is also a community organization, it is also equivalent to the police headquarters of the island country, responsible for the security management of various cities in the island country.

But this kind of thing, everyone just knows it.

Therefore, officials of their island country usually do not take the initiative to contact Yamaguchi Zhu, and members of the Yamaguchi group will not take the initiative to contact them.

But today the personal secretary of the head of the Yamaguchi group, suddenly called himself?

“Excuse me, what’s the matter?”

Oda asked suspiciously.

“Jiro, I’m Yamaguchi Daikuma.”

“Team leader Yamaguchi!”

Hearing the four words Yamaguchi Big Bear, Oda Eijiro kept his body.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the Yamaguchi group would call him personally.

“Mr. Yamaguchi, what’s the matter?”

“The thing is like this, our distinguished guest of the Yamaguchi group is now recognized as being held hostage in Tokyo City, and I hope you can shoot a self-defense force and come to assist.”

“Their current location is…”

Later, Yamaguchi Daima on the other end of the phone briefly explained the situation to Oda.

Including why the other party is their distinguished guest, and how much impact this sound has on the island country after completion.

Originally, Yamaguchi Big Bear did not plan to make things too big, and he had to evacuate obediently with a call to the people of the Black Dragon Group.

It’s just that in this way, Mr. Chen will inevitably feel that he is acting with the people of the Black Dragon Group to show him.

That’s why Yamaguchi thought of Eijiro Oda.

If the self-defense forces of the island country go, then Mr. Chen’s face will naturally be saved.

Not only can it stabilize the situation, but it can also make Mr. Chen’s identity too high.

“There is such a thing!”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Yamaguchi, I will send an entire self-defense force to deal with this matter.”

“Definitely won’t let your distinguished guests be frightened in any way!”

Eijiro Oda immediately assured after hearing this.

Just after listening to Yamaguchi Big Bear’s story, he was also shocked, he didn’t expect the other party to bid so high to buy this metal from their island country.

As we all know, their island countries have always been voluntarily barren countries, whether it is value-preserving metal gold or war-ready voluntary crude oil, which is very scarce.

But if the other party can buy this metal produced by their island country at a high price, then their island country is equivalent to having a precious metal of its own.

Significant significance.

At least they won’t be completely dependent on the snort of the United States.

After hanging up the phone, Eijiro Oda immediately pity the Self-Defense Forces closest to Mt. Fuji.

Let them quickly deal with it and stabilize the situation.

Immediately afterwards, he himself did not delay, and directly set out, ready to go over and see it himself.

This is no small matter.

If the other party is really willing to pay such a high price to buy this metal produced by their island country, then the financial problems of their island country can also be solved well.

So, Oda immediately asked people to prepare a car and drove towards Mt. Fuji.


Around Mt. Fuji, many tourists pop up when they see that both sides suddenly stop moving.

He looked at Chen Xuan suspiciously.

“Why did it stop suddenly?”

“I don’t know, is it planning to execute these four people in public?”

“No, the Black Dragon Group won’t be so arrogant, although they belong to the largest force in Tokyo City, they can’t cover the sky single-handedly!”

“Once this kind of thing happens, the impact on the international community is very great!”

“Yes, I don’t think it’s possible either!”

“Even if you want to deal with these four people, they will deal with it secretly!”

Seeing the two of Black Mountain and Mountain Wild Bear running straight towards the steps where Chen Xuan’s four people were, not to mention the surrounding tourists, even the members of the Black Dragon Group were confused.

Completely unaware of what was going on.

“What do you say!”

“They ruined my son! You let me just let them go! ”

I don’t know what the mountain bear and Montenegro said, but when I heard that when I was about to reach the steps, Black Mountain shouted angrily and directly threw away the hand of the mountain wild bear.

“Yamano-bear, I’m telling you this is Tokyo City, not your Kitajima!”

“I’ll give you a face, call you a brother, if I don’t give you a face, you don’t fart in Tokyo either!”

“I tell you, today is the Heavenly King Laozi coming, don’t think about taking these four people away from my hands unharmed!”

“If I let these four people leave here intact, where will my Black Mountain’s face go, where will the face of our Black Dragon Group go!”

Black Mountain roared angrily and pointed at Chen Xuan and the four.

Just now, Mountain Wild Bear actually let him let these four people go!

It’s just a joke!

After the mountain wild bear was angrily reprimanded by Montenegro, his face was also quite ugly, and he was just scolded by his boss, and now he was angrily reprimanded by Montenegro!

Who does this Montenegrin think he is!

Dare to fight with yourself!

“I told you Montenegro, our boss said don’t move!”

“Don’t you understand!”

“If you dare to move, these four people are against our Yamaguchi group!”

“You think clearly about the consequences!”

The mountain bear took a deep breath, looked at the people of the black dragon group all around, and did not directly curse.

“In Tokyo City, Yamaguchi-gumi has a fart!”

“Don’t say it’s you, even if your boss personally comes to let me release people, it’s impossible!”

Black Mountain ignored the gloomy-faced mountain bear with a black face, and turned his head to look at Chen Xuan and the people who were surrounded.

Just as he was about to give the order to take the four people away directly, a roar suddenly came from a distance.

“What the are you all doing!”


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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