Chapter 148 Strong!

“Your company, as we told on the phone before, came to purchase rare metals unique to our Yamaguchi-gumi station.”

“You also know that this metal is only owned by our island nation, and there is no semicolon.”

“Therefore, we at Yamaguchi-gumi are not very satisfied with the price you asked for on the phone.”

Yamaguchi Bear was obviously prepared and asked Keiko Yuri on the side to take out a folder.

There are several reports inside.

It’s about the rare metals that this trauma group needs to acquire.

“Miss Yinan, from your point of view, this rare metal, only our island country in the world has found this material.”

“A unique and rare resource.”

“It should theoretically be more precious than gold and crude oil.”

“But the price you are giving is not even half of the international gold price, so I think your company needs to raise the price a bit.”

Yamaguchi Bear pointed to some comparative data and looked at Yinan.

These data are not fake, they are all real data, so he is not afraid that Yi Nan can see any tricks.

What’s more, the woman in front of her has not even finished college, what social experience can she have.

You can’t touch this high-end thing at all.

Even if it is fake data, she can’t see it.

It’s just that originally these data were all prepared by Yamaguchi Big Bear for Chen Xuan.

So it’s all real and valid data.

He knew that he was going to negotiate with a little girl who had not graduated from college, and he didn’t bother to let people prepare these materials.

Just get fake data and fool it.

Yamaguchi Big Bear didn’t look up to Yi Nan from his heart, and he didn’t think that this yellow-haired girl who had not dried up would bring him any pressure.

Inan took the data comparison report,.

Yamaguchi and Eijiro Oda looked at each other and smiled.

But it didn’t stop either.

First of all, these data are real and valid, and this yellow-haired girl must not understand.

At most, it’s just pretending.

After a few minutes, Inan closed the report with a frown.

“Miss Yinan, how is it.”

“These data comparisons, you have read it.”

“Is it the same as I said?”

Looking at the expression on Yinan’s face, Yamaguchi Big Bear couldn’t help but ask with a smile.

It seems that this yellow-haired girl did not understand the content of the report.

“Look at this price, should it be raised again?”

“After all, our materials are unique in the world, right…”

Yi Nan waved his hand with a serious look and stopped Yamaguchi Big Bear’s words.

“Mr. Yamaguchi, wait a minute.”

Yi Nan slowly opened the two comparison reports again.

Yamaguchi Bear looked at Inan suspiciously.

Was this woman really going to bargain with herself?

“Yamaguchi-san, look here.”

Inan pointed to the two comparative reports.

The three Yamaguchi Big Bears looked curiously in the direction of Yinan’s finger, and saw that it was a price rise and fall chart over the years.

“Mr. Yamaguchi, this report shows that the price of the metal my company needs has never exceeded $300 an ounce.”

“Now my company’s initial offer is $1,000 per ounce!”

“This price is more than three times more expensive than the highest price in history!”

“I think this offer itself is very unreasonable, and you even want to increase the offer now!”

Yi Nan pointed to the rise and fall chart over the years and spoke solemnly.

“Although the metal produced by your community is unique in the world.”

“But in fact, the audience for this rare metal is very small.”

“The metal materials that your organization sells every day are probably not comparable to the amount our company purchases this time.”

“Not only are you not cheaper, but you also have to increase the price in reverse!”

“I don’t think it’s reasonable.”

Yi Nan also spoke reasonably, quite seriously, which was very different from his nervous appearance before.

Hearing Yinan’s words, Rebecca and Lucy, who were looking down at the scenery on the side, couldn’t help but raise their heads.

Looking at Yi Nan appreciatively.

However, Yi Nan looked at Yamaguchi Big Bear with a serious face at this time, and did not notice the appreciative gazes of Lucy and Rebecca.

Yamaguchi Big Bear was stunned.

A little surprised to look at the woman in front of her who had not graduated from college.

Can this woman read the money trend chart?

“This… This is like this~.. ”

“Miss Yinan, you may not understand, this international price is treacherous, there is no law to speak of.”

“Even if the current price of this metal is not high, if we speculate on Yamaguchi-gumi, I believe that this price can easily rise to a price similar to gold!”

“It may even be more expensive than the price of gold.”

“So you look at this price trend chart and there is no objection.”

“You go and see this prospect and potential!”

“And production and storage!”

Yamaguchi Taikuma told Yi Nan the speech that had been prepared a long time ago.

Although Yinan’s question made him a little unexpected, he did not expect that this woman would really ask such professional questions.

But the answer to this question, he had already thought of in the Yamaguchi group.

Naturally, it is impossible to be asked.

It only takes a simple steal concept, which can be cleverly avoided.

Yuri Keiko on the side also looked at the young beautiful woman in front of her with some surprise.

Originally thought she was just a vase that didn’t understand anything.

But now it seems that it should be my own eyes.

To be able to find such a sharp problem in such a short time.

This Yi Nan is obviously not as silly and sweet as it seems.

At least when he was Yinan’s age, he couldn’t find the problem.

It seems that the man is not without thinking.

Yuri Keiko once again shifted her gaze to Chen Xuan, who closed her eyes and nurtured her mind.

“That’s not right!”

Yi Nan did not follow Yamaguchi Big Bear’s train of thought, and after listening to Yamaguchi Big Bear’s words, he shook his head directly.

“Mr. Yamaguchi, what you just said is not right.”

“I know that international prices do go up and down.”

“Through artificial control, it can even be speculated to a price comparable to gold!”

“But it’s all superficial.”

“We all know that the price of a commodity ultimately depends on its own value!”

“After not having enough value support, all the high prices are just inflated, they are pavilions, mirrors.”

“It all doesn’t make sense.”

Seeing that Yamaguchi Big Bear was still about to speak, Yi Nan couldn’t help but wave his hand directly, signaling him not to speak first.

“We know that the price of gold is so high because as a precious metal, it has become comparable to a store of value.”

“This is the value of the role that has evolved over the years of human history!”

“And most electronic components need gold as a conductor to function.”

“And the reason why crude oil is so expensive is because it is a standing strategic resource.”

“Most thermal weapons need to be driven by this to function.”

“This is the main reason why crude oil and gold prices are so high.”

“I admit that your community has the ability to stir up the metals we need to a price comparable to gold in a short period of time.”

“But don’t forget that the metal was discovered in a short time.”

“Humans will not accept it as a precious metal as a store of value.”

“And its role has not been unique so far!”

“So no matter how high the price is in a short period of time, on a long-term axis, the price will eventually decrease to normal levels.”

“This is the law of the market economy.”

“What’s more, Mr. Yamaguchi will not be naïve to think that the United States and Western countries will allow you to fry this metal that they do not have at all, to sky-high prices!”

Yinan’s voice is clear, sonorous, and well-reasoned.

Whether it is from its own price, or the laws of the market economy, or the international situation.

She has all analyzed.

Both Rebecca and Lucy had a different color in their eyes.

Even the two of them looked at Yi Nan in disbelief.

If it weren’t for knowing that Yi Nan was before today, they wouldn’t have known that they had such a deal with the Yamaguchi Group.

They almost thought that Yi Nan had prepared in advance.

It was even possible to refute it from all sides. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And it’s all reasonable, not nonsense.

This reflexiveness, the ability to adapt to changes and the precise control of the international situation are not like an ordinary college student.

Be able to point out the essence at once.

You must know that even Yamaguchi Big Bear may not be able to give such a detailed answer when the authorities are confused.

“Mr. Yamaguchi, do you think what I said makes sense?”

Inan looked at the shocked expressions of Yamaguchi Daima and Oda Eijiro, and couldn’t help but have a faint smile on his face.

Calm asked rhetorically.

Yamaguchi Bear looked at Inan in shock.

I couldn’t help but blink.

All the tension and helplessness that this woman had just had, was it all disguised?

Is it to deliberately make him let his guard down?

Why… Why is a college student who has not yet graduated be able to voice such an analysis!

He had also heard these analyses before he came to meet Chen Xuan.

But that was the conclusion reached by the fund analysis team hired by their Yamaguchi group after three hours of collation and analysis.

You must know that even the top fund analysis team of their Yamaguchi group took three hours to figure out these things, but this small girl in front of them.

It didn’t even work for five minutes.

Just talk to their money analysis team about the same thing.

This… It can’t be!

Not to mention other aspects, as far as the United States and other Western countries are concerned.

Not to mention the average college student, even the average island politician may not be able to accurately analyze it.

This requires not only a long-term market economic vision, but also a keen political vision.

Be able to accurately analyze the international situation.

These characteristics are hard to imagine in a college good girl who did not graduate.

“Mr. Yamaguchi, do you think my point is correct?”

Seeing Yamaguchi Big Bear’s mouth opened slightly, but did not express it.

Yi Nan couldn’t help but ask again.

“That… What that Miss Inan said is indeed reasonable, but… But…”

Yamaguchi didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

After discussing this result, their fund analysis team actually thought about how to respond if Chen Xuan raised this question.

Unfortunately, after several hours of discussion, no conclusion was reached.

The biggest problem is that the rare metal produced in their North Island really doesn’t seem to have any special function at the moment.

There are not many differences compared to base metals.

There is no peculiar nature at all.

Therefore, even if the quantity is small, it is only produced in island countries.

But it doesn’t make any sense either.

This is the main reason why the price of this technology has continued to be low over the years.

Except for some Western countries such as the United States, which purchase some every year as experimental materials, this metal basically has no other use.

Scientists from their island nation have also studied the metal.

But no matter how they researched it, they were surprisingly consistent.

This metal does not have any unique properties.

Not research-worthy at all.

Over the years, except for a few research institutes such as the United States, most scientific research organizations have stopped scientific research on this metal.

Of course, this kind of thing, he naturally couldn’t say it to Yi Nanming.

In fact, Yamaguchi Big Bear is also very curious about why the other party purchases this rare metal.

But this is the privacy of the other party, and he is not easy to inquire.

“Miss Yinan, we still can’t accept this price for the time being.”

“In this way, you will stay in the North Island for a while now.”

“Take a good feel of the customs and customs of the North Island, and all consumption is counted on the account of our Yamaguchi group.”

“I’ll discuss it with you after I have discussed the results with the people in the organization.”

“What do you think?”

Yamaguchi Big Bear smiled awkwardly, looking at the sky above the North Island, he hurriedly changed the subject.

Now that he has fallen into the other party’s train of thought, he has no initiative at all.

Continue to negotiate, let alone raise the price.

I’m afraid I can’t even keep the original price of an ounce of a thousand dollars.

This little girl on the other side is too powerful.

Yamaguchi Big Bear can only choose to avoid the edge for a while.

Yi Nan looked at Chen Xuan, who closed his eyes and raised his mind, and frowned slightly.

She knew that if she pushed harder today, she could push the pricing down.

Not to mention pushing the price down to three hundred dollars, but five hundred dollars should not be a problem.

Yamaguchi Bear is currently unable to refute his point of view, and can only choose to obediently obey.

As long as the price she proposed is not too outrageous, she believes that the other party will agree.

After all, judging from the other party’s current attitude, they very much hope to facilitate the completion of this transaction.

Therefore, Yi Nan did not really want to end this negotiation directly.

It’s just that after all, the other party said that today was a preliminary negotiation, not to mention that if Yamaguchi Daxiong did not agree to continue the negotiations, she could not find other reasons.

And the most important thing is that Chen Xuan himself did not make a statement.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Yi Nan still nodded.

“Then I will do whatever I want, and I hope that Mr. Yamaguchi will think about what I just said.”

“After all, this cooperation is good for you and me.”

“I don’t want, Mr. Yamaguchi, that our cooperation will be forced to stop because of this little matter of price.”

“After all, I can see that Mr. Yamaguchi and the Yamaguchi-gumi seem to be in desperate need of this fund.”


As the helicopter landed, the negotiations between the two also came to an end.

At the end, Yi Nan smiled and opened his mouth like a joke, and looked meaningfully at Yamaguchi Big Bear.

Facing Yinan’s gaze, Yamaguchi Big Bear, who had always been unfazed, suddenly trembled in his heart.

The eyes are a little evasive.

How could the other party know that their Yamaguchi group urgently needed this fund?


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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