Chapter 152 Fake News? What news!

“Brother! Good news! Good news! ”

“Great news!”

An excited voice came from the other end of the phone, it was Inoshita Kawa’s younger brother Inoshita.

“What’s the good news, is there a well-known research institute that has agreed to help us publish fake news?”

Hearing his brother’s excited words, Inoshita hurriedly asked.

If there really is a kind of famous research that is willing to help them publish fake news, then the credibility is indeed greatly increased!

The price of rare metals may soar!

Reach a terrifying ounce of a thousand dollars!

If that’s the case, it’s entirely possible that they will raise the price of the contract to fifteen hundred dollars per ounce!

Even if they were bolder, they would inject their own money directly into it to help drive the price of rare metals.

Maybe the final contract price can even reach the terrifying two thousand dollars per ounce, reaching a terrifying existence equal to the price of gold!

If this is the case, then not only can the financial crisis of the Yamaguchi-gumi be solved.

Even the financial problems of the entire island nation can be solved!

At that time, there will be no problem at all in helping the island countries return to the level of superior countries.

“Brother, quickly tell me which research institute is willing to help us release the news!”

“What’s the price?”

Inoshita hurriedly continued to ask.

At the thought that if there was really a famous research institute to release news to them, his mood began to get excited.

Although the price required to get these prestigious institutes to publish news is certainly very expensive.

But the benefits they can make are higher.

Even if the other party opens their mouths, they don’t care!

As long as they can make the rare metals of the Yamaguchi group quickly increase the price in a short period of time!

No matter how big the price is, it is worth it!

After all, in the end, there are trauma groups to pay for them!

Yamaguchi Big Bear was also excited and hurriedly echoed on the side.

“Mr. Inoue Ryu, no matter how much the other party asks!”

“We Yamaguchi-gumi are willing to pay!”

“As long as the other party can help us walk the fake news!”

The rest of the Yamaguchi group became short of breath if the other party was really willing to help them go for a walk. 21Then the price of their own rare metals will definitely skyrocket.

They informed their families early on, and as soon as they received their call, they immediately went to the futures market to buy rare metals.

Make a fortune!

This kind of steady profit and loss trading is something that only a fool does not do!

Sell low and buy high!

If done properly, you can easily earn enough for a lifetime pension!

After all, trading in the futures market is leveraged.

As long as it is profitable, then wealth is multiplied by geometric growth!

There are even people who are even crazier and are ready to put their entire net worth into it!

How can they be soft-hearted in a profitable transaction!

Everyone stared at Inoshita’s phone, expecting the sound of the well-flowing voice on the other end of the phone.

“What fake news!”

“No… No… No research institute is going to give us fake news!! ”

However, the words on the other end of the phone instantly pulled them from the Nine Heavens Cloud into Endless Hell!

No research institutes to release news to them?

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but be stunned, and then subconsciously felt that the other party was joking!

Even Inoshita Kawa didn’t believe it, feeling that his brother was joking with him!

The excited tone that just now can’t be disguised!

How can no institute be willing to give them fake news!

Must be a joke, it must be!

“Ah Liu, how old are you, and you’re still joking with your brother!”

“Your brother’s heart has been bad in recent years, don’t joke, hurry up and say that those institutes are willing to release fake news to us!”

“Don’t surprise your brother and me, your brother doesn’t need it!”

Inoshita scolded with a smile.

The others hurriedly nodded and pricked up their ears again to listen.

They also all felt that the underground was joking with them.

After all, he just now stammered excitedly, telling them that there was good news!

Now they are told that no research institute is willing to publish fake news for them, how is this possible!

They’re not three-year-olds.

“Yes, Ino-san, don’t be kidding!”

“The brothers of the Yamaguchi group are waiting, as long as you let the institute release news for us, the benefit fee will definitely be indispensable to you.”

“The brothers are also waiting for a windfall this time.”

Yamaguchi Big Bear slowly spoke.

The others hurriedly nodded along.

“That’s right, that’s right, Ino-san, don’t joke!”

“Yes, Mr. Inoue, my family’s house has been mortgaged by me, so I am waiting to do this big one!”

“Yes, Mr. Inoue!”

The crowd echoed.

Even many people are ready to call their families secretly!

“I’m not kidding you guys!”

“Really, really no research institute is willing to publish fake news for our rare metals!”

However, the well-flowing voice on the other end of the phone spoke again firmly, and the tone did not want to joke at all.

This time, hear the other person’s words.

Everyone in the conference room suddenly fell silent.

The breath became heavy.

“Brother, aren’t you kidding?”

Inoshita River, the hand holding the phone began to tremble.

I couldn’t help but ask again to confirm it.

“Of course!”

“What am I lying to you about this kind of thing!”

“I just contacted a number of research institutes, and they are not willing to accept helping us spread false news!”

Without waiting for Jing Xia Liu to finish speaking, the mobile phone in Jing Xia Chuan’s hand did not hold it steadily, and suddenly fell to the ground.

The faces of the people around them also changed from excitement just now to silence.

The faces are a little ugly.

None and not a single institute willing to help them?

How so!

Yamaguchi Bear took a deep breath.

It stands to reason that there can’t be no research institute!

After all, money can make ghosts push and grind, and no one will be unable to get by with money!

Those small or medium-sized institutes are very short of funds, and it is unlikely that they will not accept it!

How so!

Everyone lost their attention for a moment.

The entire conference room fell into a dead silence, only the sound of breathing.

“Brother, brother, brother, are you still there!”

“I’m not done talking yet!”

On the phone, I heard the other party silent, and the underground shouted madly.

Inoshita sighed and looked at Yamaguchi Bear as he picked up the phone on the ground.

“We had to think of another way.”

Yamaguchi Bear nodded with an ugly face.

“That’s it.”

But they all know very well in their hearts that there is no other way than this method!

Even if there were other options, it would be impossible to drive up the price of rare metals in a short period of time.

“Okay brother, we still have something to discuss here, so let’s hang up first!”

Inoshita sighed and was ready to hang up.

It’s not like listening to the underground anymore.

However, the underground flow on the other end of the phone is urgent!

“Brother, don’t hang!”

“Good news, good news!”

“Good news, what kind of good news is this!”

“No kidding!”

Inoshita Kawa had a black face, he was already in a bad mood, and he was not in the mood to joke with his younger brother at all!

“Brother, I’m not kidding!”

“Really good news!”

Inyo hurriedly spoke again, for fear that Inoshita would really hang himself up.

“What TV? How can we be in the mood to watch TV now! ”

“There’s no time to make small talk with you,!”

Inoshita Chuan’s tone is not good, his younger brother has never been reliable.

When I first looked for him, I swore that there was no problem at all.

It can definitely help them find several famous large research institutes, and even with his connections, as long as Yamaguchi-gumi can afford to pay.

Several well-known institutes also have no problems.

But what!

Now even a research institute is not willing to promote fake news for them!

This makes his old face go in the organization!

I have been in the Yamaguchi group for so many years, and I haven’t had that day, and it’s as humiliating as today!

In the last second, he was still confidently playing with the members of the organization.

Say absolutely no problem!

Definitely find a research institute and let them help spread the word!

But now there is not even a research institute!

He can feel that the people around him must be looking at him with strange eyes!

I even feel in my heart that I must be old!

No reuse!

The more Inoshita Kawa thought about it, the more angry he became!

Unexpectedly, his fame was destroyed in the hands of his younger brother!

“It’s not brother, our rare metal research has made breakthroughs!”

“It’s all on TV now!”

The underground stream on the other end of the phone heard that his brother really planned to hang up the phone directly.

Hurry up and speak.

Hearing this, everyone in the conference room was stunned again.

What’s the situation?

Breakthrough in rare metals research?

What’s the progress?

Yamaguchi Dai Kuma hurriedly asked Keiko Yuri to turn on the projector in the conference room.

Then start searching for information related to rare metals.

I saw that the projection screen really showed that the rare metal research of the island country had made breakthroughs.

Then click on the page content and enter the press conference of the institute.

“Our Kanas Research Institute has been working on rare metals in island countries for many years, and now we have finally discovered its uniqueness.”

“Our computer simulation experiment has been successful and is preparing for physical experiments!”

In the live video, a tall Western woman stands on the podium of a press conference, confidently communicating with many rememberers.

Listening to the content of the live video, everyone in the conference room was stunned.

What’s the situation?

Didn’t it just say that no research institute is willing to spread fake news for them?

So what’s going on now?

This Kanas Research Institute, if memory serves, should be one of the most famous materials research institutes in the world!

It can be said to be quite authoritative!

This… The underground stream actually invited the other party to come forward.

It really surprised them.

“Not only that, boss, you see that there is a new news below!”

“It is said that the research institute of Newston University has also made progress in rare metal materials in our island country!”

Just as Keiko Yuri was about to close the video, she suddenly found that the latest news popped up on the page!

“Newston University?”

“Newston University!”

“Top 10 schools in the world!”

“Are they also working on our materials?”

After everyone saw this news, they were also stunned.

Keiko Yuri hurriedly clicked on the video.

I saw a gray-haired old professor facing a group of reporters’ questions.

“Our researchers have found in the research on rare metal materials in island countries that this metal has extremely high stability and has very good hardness!”

“We are in the process of comparing this data in detail, and we believe that there will be updated progress soon!”

The gray-haired old professor smiled 627 in front of many reporters’ questions.

After everyone in the conference room saw the introduction of the old professor below, they couldn’t help but be surprised!

Dean of the Institute for Materials Analysis at Newston University!

This old man turned out to be the dean of the Institute of Materials Analysis at Newston University!

To be the dean of one of the world’s top ten universities, this kind of person is definitely a leader in international materials research!

“This… Mr. Inoshita even invited a person of this level to come out of the mountain! ”

“It’s incredible!”

Yamaguchi Big Bear swallowed his saliva, his eyes full of shock.

Others also looked at the phone in Inoshita’s hand again, in disbelief.

“And… New news again! ”

“It’s about our material research again!”

Looking at the screen in front of her, Yuri Keiko couldn’t help but cover her mouth and exclaim.

I saw the latest news below change again.

“The American Special Operations Research Institute announced that it has made rapid progress in the research of rare metals in island countries, or will change the future world!” 》

This time the news is even more intense!

American Special Operations Research Institute!

This organization is equivalent to a semi-official organization!

They all knew that Inoshita was a researcher at a research institute in the United States.

But isn’t he just an ordinary researcher?

How could there be such a large background means?

Not only can you connect with such industry leaders, but you can also convince them to help Yamaguchi-gumi publish fake news!

What a deep friendship!

Especially the last American Special Operations Research Institute!

This kind of semi-official organization, he can even contact!

This can even be said to be the background!

“What exactly is Mr. Inoshita doing in the United States?”

Yamaguchi looked at Inoshita River and asked cautiously.

If it were really an ordinary research institute, it would be impossible to know these people!

The other party must be hiding something!

“This… I don’t know! ”

Inoshita Kawa was also stunned and looked at the big screen in disbelief.

This is really his brother who made it!

So many big shots!

What has his brother experienced in the United States all these years!

“Mr. Inogo! Mr. Inoue! ”

“You really helped our Yamaguchi-gumi a lot!”

“How much do these invitations cost, you tell me!”

Yamaguchi Dakuma excitedly took the mobile phone from Inoshita Kawa and asked earnestly.

“Yamaguchi-san, you misunderstood.”

“These are the people I’m a little researcher, please don’t move.”

“And these are not fake news!”

“These are real research results!”

“The rare metals of our island country are going to go crazy!”

“You guys hurry, hurry up and see the international futures trading market!”


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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