Chapter 159 blame

“How so.”

Inoshita Kawa was also puzzled, looking at the computer screen.

According to the strength of yesterday’s night’s decline, how can it recover after a few hours?

And when he saw the lowest price yesterday, he almost didn’t hold the mouse!

The lowest point of the price yesterday was the price they sold at that time!

Six hundred and forty-eight!

That is, they sold the order at the lowest point, and as long as they held on for an hour, the price completely began to rise!

This data seems to be specifically for their Yamaguchi group!

“Hey, if only we knew we wouldn’t have bought it yesterday night!”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

“If only we didn’t buy it.”

“Well, it’s a shame.”

“I didn’t agree to sell it, but you all said you wanted to sell it, and I couldn’t help it.”

“I actually thought about not buying it in my heart!”

“Yes, I actually thought so, it’s a pity that this time I lost three times!”

“Yes, if we can sell it when we are over six hundred and ninety, and then buy it at six hundred and fifty, we can at least transfer another hundred thousand dollars!”

“It’s a shame.”

In the conference room, many people were sighing and whispering.

There are even those who want to slap themselves twice.

Ask yourself why your head was hot yesterday and sold it!

More people looked at Inoshita River unkindly, and blamed all the fault on Inoshita River.

If it weren’t for him, they would definitely not have closed the bill!

So now I lost so much money because of this person!

Inoshita Kawa’s palms also began to bead with sweat, and he did not dare to turn back.

On pins and needles.

Even if he didn’t look back, he knew that these people’s gazes towards him would definitely not be too good-looking!

Because it is a self-controlled account for trading.

It’s good to make money, now once …. No, I didn’t lose money now, I just didn’t make as much now!

Inoshita reacted, and the account he controlled is still profitable!

Why do this group of people treat themselves like this?

“Okay, shut up!”

“Don’t disturb Mr. Inoue’s operation!”

“Yesterday at CBEC, Mr. Inoue asked me, and I also asked for everyone’s opinion!”

“Now the sudden price increase so much is something none of us expected.”

“If you want to blame, then blame all of us, don’t look at Mr. Inoue with that look.”

Yamaguchi Big Bear scolded everyone with a black face.

Although he himself is very dissatisfied with the operation of Inoshita River, he is obviously the financial steward of their Yamaguchi Group, and he should know this futures market very well!

But I didn’t expect that this guy still made him lose so much money!

It’s just that in front of everyone, Yamaguchi Big Bear naturally can’t blame Inoshita River openly.

If Inoshita River does not do it and picks it, they can only do it themselves.

Then the risk is too great.

Now, even if I didn’t make money yesterday night, I didn’t lose money.

And the orders purchased before are now profitable!

Now that the price has broken through the $700 mark, they have still made a lot of money!

“Boss, we didn’t blame Mr. Inoue.”

“That is, we dare not blame Mr. Inoue!”

“After all, Mr. Inoue is the person who can control the financial market the most here, and we are still waiting for him to lead us to make money.”

“Yes, Mr. Inoue’s operation yesterday, he has been buying, buying, buying, and has already made a lot of money by buying all the time!”

“Really, we almost learned.”

The rest of the high-level leaders of the Yamaguchi group hurriedly shook their heads, but their tone was still yin and yang strange.

He looked at Inoshita River with disdain.

Inoshita River’s operation yesterday, they can all see it.

Just keep buying, buying, buying, and make money!

This kind of unskilled work, they will also do it! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Isn’t it just buying, buying, buying!

And they buy more, buy as long as they make money, sell as long as they make money!

Now the accounts they have in their hands have already increased tenfold!

Where would you think like this, only earn so much dollars!

“Okay, let’s say two words!”

“It’s still profitable now!”

“If your words let Mr. Inoue not take the lead, you will directly lose money!”

“You have no place to cry!”

There are also people who fan the yin and yang strange qi on the side.

The breath of the gas Inoshita River became heavy!

The operation on the evening yesterday was obviously not his own fault!

This group of guys actually blamed themselves!

It’s just vexatious!

Before he wanted to settle it, he clearly told this group of guys what was at stake!

They all agreed to sell it directly and not keep it anymore!

It’s better to say what a small profit is than to lose money!

Now this group of guys is good, turn their faces and don’t recognize people!

I actually blamed myself directly!

What’s more, his own single is just a small profit, is there a loss!

Large orders are still profitable!

What a pack of white-eyed wolves!

The more I think about Inoshita River, the more angry I feel in my heart!

“Don’t worry, everyone, how do I feel that this matter is not so simple?”

“Look at this money.”

Seeing that the anger between the two sides was getting heavier and heavier, and they had not spoken, Yuri Keiko suddenly spoke, pointing her finger to the rising capital candlestick on the computer screen.

“Look here!”

Keiko Yuriko nodded the screen, and everyone’s eyes turned in the direction of Keiko Yuriko’s finger.

“What’s wrong?”

“What’s the problem, Keiko?”

“Yes, Keiko, isn’t this the capital candlestick after we just sold the order.”

“You see it’s gone up so much!”

“It is, it is.”

Everyone didn’t understand what Keiko Yuri was trying to say.

Keiko Yuri shook her head, her face serious.

“Look at the amount of money that has risen, there are so many!”

“In one minute, it rose by nearly fifteen dollars!”

“Look at the front, those orders that we closed.”

“We closed the order equivalent to five hundred dollars, but the decline was only so much, less than seven dollars!”

“What does that mean?”

“This shows that after we closed the order, a lot of money was injected into it!”

Yuri Keiko spoke solemnly and pointed out the most critical information.

Inoshita Chuan was also stunned, and then looked seriously at the amount of funds.

Then click on the more detailed flow chart.

After looking at it for a moment, he suddenly looked at Keiko Yuri. 、

“You’re right, within seconds of closing our order, someone injected a lot of money into it!”

“We… It seems to be targeted! ”


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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