Chapter 171 Boss, I want to come back

Yamaguchi-gumi meeting room.

The senior management of the Yamaguchi group, who had originally left, returned to the conference room at this time.

“Aren’t you already leaving?”

“What are you doing again?”

“yes, what are you doing here?”

“Haven’t you all withdrawn your funds?”

“Do you still come in and interfere!”

Seeing these people return to the conference room, several high-ranking members of the Yamaguchi group in the conference room instantly became alert.

Happiness is better than solitary happiness.

Making money is naturally the happiest thing without me.

Therefore, after the high-level leaders of these Yamaguchi groups returned to the conference room, they were already preparing to drive these people away.

“Don’t be so petty!”


“It’s just, we don’t do anything else!”

“We’ll just see.”

“The boss didn’t speak, what are you “nine four seven” anxious! ”

“Yes, neither the boss nor Mr. Inoue objected, why did you open your mouth!”

Naturally, these people who entered the conference room could not be bombarded away casually.

Yamaguchi Big Bear frowned slightly, but didn’t say anything more.

As long as Inoshita River did not speak, he would never open his mouth to rush people.

“Mr. Inoue, in the room?”

“Can you show us?”

“Yes, Mr. Inoue, let’s take a look!”

“We’re also curious about how much money you make!”

“Yes, Mr. Inoue.”

Seeing that Yamaguchi Big Bear did not speak, the surrounding Yamaguchi group leaders immediately became more arrogant.

“What do you look at and how much money you earn has to do with you!”

“That is, you have all withdrawn, does how much money we make have anything to do with you!”

“We trust Mr. Ino’s judgment and let him continue to invest for us!”

“Earning more or less has nothing to do with you!”

“That’s right, you guys hurry up, what are you doing here after you all withdraw!”

“Hurry home and sleep!”

“Don’t care how much money we make, it doesn’t matter to you!”

“You guys hurry up, don’t affect Mr. Inoue’s operation here!”

“If Mr. Inouchate makes a wrong judgment because of your interference, see if we can spare you!”

“That’s right, that’s right!”

Seeing that these high-level Yamaguchi Group leaders who have re-entered now are becoming more and more excessive, many people almost can’t help it.

Yamaguchi Big Bear is also frowning.

This group of guys is really too much!

The movable funds of the Yamaguchi group are still in it!

In the unlikely event that some people really affect Mr. Ino’s investment operations, Yamaguchi-gumi’s movable funds are lost.

He couldn’t spare this group either.

But now after all, they have not caused any particularly bad effects.

Therefore, as the boss of the Yamaguchi group, it was really difficult for him to drive these people away in the open.

“Mr. Inoichita, you can call up the revenue data!”

“Show them.”

Yamaguchi Big Bear sighed and gave Inoshita a look.

Although Inoshita Chuan was displeased with the faces of this group of people when he heard this, it was the boss who opened his mouth after all.

He had to do so.

The display screen points to the earnings column. 、

“I lean!”

“How could it be so much!”

“So much!”

“All this money was just earned by Mr. Inogo?”

“It won’t!”

“How so?”

“yes, it shouldn’t!”

When he saw that the income at this time was already more than ten million US dollars, everyone present was stunned!

They didn’t expect that Inoshita River would not only wipe out all the previous losses in just a few minutes, but also gain so much!

More than ten million dollars, distribute it!

In addition to most of the funds of the Yamaguchi group itself, each of these people can earn at least a hundred thousand dollars!

What a concept this is!

This is equivalent to closing the position now if the order is completed.

If they are ordinary people, then after having so many dollars, they can already lie flat!


Work a fart!

Hundreds of thousands of dollars converted into yen, enough for them to live well for more than ten years!

If converted into yuan, it is also almost one million! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As long as there is no large-scale consumption, the usual consumption can be fully satisfied.

“Mr. Inoichita, are these all the benefits you just earned?”

“Mr. Inoue, you… How did you do it! ”

“Yes, Mr. Inoue, didn’t you still have these gains before we left!”

“How did you manage to make such a high profit in just a few minutes…”

Swallowing his saliva, he returned to the conference room and asked the other high-ranking members of the Yamaguchi group.

His eyes were fiery as he stared at Inoshita River.

“No, what does this have to do with you!”

“That is, how Mr. Inoue operates has anything to do with you!”

“These assets are on the books, and if you really look at it, you can see if you deliberately have nothing to say!”

“Hurry up, yes, after reading the amount, hurry up!”

“Go fast, go fast!”

The original high-level of the Yamaguchi group in the conference room had already begun to bombard the group of people to leave.

They’re not like these people coming back in and getting a piece of the pie.

The fewer people, the more money you can share.

If everyone is counted, each of them can only get tens of thousands of dollars in more than ten million dollars.

But after these people left, it directly became hundreds of thousands of dollars!

That’s a multiplication of several times!

Only a fool would agree to let this group of people in again and get a piece of the pie!


“Look and see! Asked and asked! ”

“It’s time for you to leave!”

“Whether we earn or accompany has nothing to do with you.”

Yamaguchi Big Bear saw that this group of people was still reluctant to leave, and his voice couldn’t help but be cold.

The gaze stared at the group.

He was just enough to give face to this group!

But if they still want to stalk, then don’t blame him for being ruthless.

After all, Inoshita River’s investment is about Yamaguchi Gumipan’s 5.5 big funds.

He absolutely did not allow anything to go wrong with this fund.

“Boss, I just got on a whim, I’m too anxious!”

“I kind of regret withdrawing funds now!”

“Boss, do you think I can join back in?”

The senior management of the Yamaguchi Group, who was the first to enter the conference room, saw that Yamaguchi Big Bear was going to drive them away, and hurriedly spoke.

Originally, he was suspicious of the letter, thinking that the group in the conference room was deceiving him.

If Yamaguchi Daxiong hadn’t let him leave before seeing the accounts, he really had the possibility of directly killing him.

But now after seeing the exact account information, he has no doubts.

Inoshita River did make a lot of money after they left!

At this time, how could he leave!


What is face!

At this point, you have to get back in!


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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