Chapter 173 Commission

“Mr. Inoue, tell me about your second condition!”

“That’s right, Mr. Inoue, tell me about your second condition!”

Everyone gritted their teeth and agreed to Inoshita River’s first condition!

As long as they don’t talk, their funds are safe!

They still don’t believe it, they can’t control their mouths!

Inoshita Chuan looked at the appearance of everyone gritting their teeth and nodding, and their eyes couldn’t help but feel a little more proud.

When he put forward this condition, he was very clear.

This group will definitely grit their teeth and agree.

After all, no one can resist the temptation of so many interests!

Moreover, this condition does not have anything to lose for them.

“Okay, then I’ll say the second condition!”

Inoshita Chuan smiled indifferently, two fingers deep.

“Listen, my second condition is.”

“If you want to rejoin this time, then the principal must not be less than one million dollars!”

Inoshita squinted at everyone’s reaction.

“One million dollars!”

“One million dollars!”

“Mr. Inosho, aren’t you a little too much!”

“Yes, a million dollars is not too much!”

“It’s just, we can’t get so much money at once!”

“Ino-san, aren’t you embarrassing people!”

I heard that Inoshita Kawa asked for a million dollars as soon as he spoke.

Everyone in the venue was amazed.

Even if they were the top of the Yamaguchi Group, a million dollars was not a small amount for them.

It is impossible to take it out casually!

What’s more, there is the first conditional limit!

If they really accidentally said it twice, this million dollars is not a small amount!

When they heard Inoshita say a million dollars, everyone hesitated.

“You don’t have to pretend!”

“I know you’re going to get a million dollars!”

“I don’t believe that you, as the senior management of the Yamaguchi Group, have been in this position for so many years!”

“I won’t even be able to get a million dollars!”

“Rest assured, the more money you invest, the more money you will return!”

“Don’t you even understand this?”

Inoshita smiled and spoke.

He knew it would be difficult to get these people to come up with a million dollars at once.

It’s not that they don’t have a million dollars, but they think about the gains and losses.

Will hesitate.

But he believes that all worries will disappear in the face of high returns.

All concerns eventually turn into impulses.

Even if they think about it for a long time, they will agree!

No one can hold out in the face of money.

Sure enough, when Inoshita Chuan said that the greater the investment, the greater the return, the people who were still resisting suddenly became entangled and hesitant.

Think about what Inoshita Kawa said doesn’t make sense.

Indeed, the greater the investment, the greater the return.

“Okay, I agree!”

“Mr. Inoue, you said that one million is one million dollars!”

“I’ll transfer the money to your account now!”

If the first person agrees, the second person follows.

“Mr. Inoue, I agree.”

“I’ll also have my family prepare a million dollars for you right now!”

“Since everyone agrees, then I also agree!”

“I agree too!”

“I agree too!”

“Isn’t it just a million dollars, half a lifetime of savings!”

“I agreed!”

“You see, just a few of them have invested tens of thousands of dollars, and now the profit has exceeded the principal!”

“Now we invest a million dollars, and at this rate, it is very likely that this time it will directly become ten million dollars!”

“Yes, that’s right!”

“That’s right, that’s right!”

“That’s what I thought!”

The crowd agreed, and more and more agreed to invest a million dollars directly.

Seeing that everyone else has invested a million dollars, those who were still struggling are now ruthless and gritting their teeth.

Join the ranks of consent.

Even the high-level members of the Yamaguchi group who did not withdraw in the first place.

Watching more and more people put in a million dollars, they can’t sit still.

“Mr. Inogo, we have all agreed to invest a million dollars!”

“Tell me about your third condition!”

“Yes, Mr. Inoue, tell me about your third condition.”

“Yes, what is your third condition?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Many people looked at Inoshita River suspiciously and apprehensively.

The second condition almost made them unbearable.

Now the third condition, they are really worried.

In case the conditions are very harsh, they really may not be able to accept it!

“The third condition.”

“The third condition may affect your income.”

Hearing that the third condition would affect income, the crowd immediately began to talk about it.

Everyone guessed quietly.

“What do you say Mr. Inoshita will ask for!”

“I don’t know, I don’t know!”

“I don’t know what Mr. Inouchita will ask for!”

“Yes, don’t be too harsh on Mr. Inoue’s request!”

Even Yamaguchi looked suspiciously at Inoshita to see what exactly he would ask.

The previous two requests, he thought were reasonable.

Let’s look at the third requirement!

Since Inoshita just said that it will affect the interests, there is a high probability that someone will withdraw!

Yamaguchi also believes that Inoshita will put forward some more excessive conditions.

“Actually, you don’t have to get tangled!”

“Although the third condition will affect your interests, it is actually the easiest for you.”

“It should be the easiest condition for you to agree.”

Hearing Inoshita River’s words, everyone was even more puzzled.

What conditions will make them easily accept without affecting their interests?

They really can’t figure it out.

“Have you heard of commissions?”

“Commissions in the financial industry?”

Inoshita smiled and spoke. (Li Hao Zhao)

This is the one that means the most to him among his three conditions!

It is also the foreshadowing of the previous two conditions.

The reason why each of them has to invest more than a million dollars is to better earn commissions.

He’s not here to do charity!

If there is not enough interest, how could he agree to invest in these people who had mocked him before.

He’s not a fool!


“What commission?”

Hearing these two words, everyone present was dumbfounded.

They certainly know what commissions mean, but they don’t know exactly how commissions are calculated in the financial markets.

Therefore, one by one, they all looked at Inoshita River, expecting his explanation.

If the Inoshita River Lion opens his mouth, they may not be able to accept it.

After all, investing so much is to make money.

If you haven’t made money yet, you have to put money into it first.

This makes them a little unacceptable.


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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