Chapter 175 The Cost

“BOSS, just a lot of money has been injected into the account we are testing.”

Moss looked at the data on the screen puzzled.

Didn’t a sum of money flow out of the North Island ~ just now?

How come it has been less than half an hour before there is another large amount of money – back into the fund tray?

The amount is dozens of times greater than the amount that flowed out before!


“I see.”

“The fish is completely hooked!”

“For the next few days, don’t bother.”

“Feed them first.”

“You have to eat a full meal before you die.”

Chen Xuan lay on the bed and closed his eyes, just snorted softly.

Didn’t pay too much attention.

The return of funds is normal.

The bustle of the world is for profit, and the world is for the benefit.

As long as Yamaguchi-gumi can make money here, more and more money will flow into Yamaguchi-gumi’s account.

This is human nature, nothing strange!

And this is also the result that Chen Xuan wants to see.

The more Yamaguchi Group invests, the more it will eventually lose!

Because there was no interference from Chen Xuan, Inoshita River never made a big mistake again.

There is no large-scale drawdown of funds.

The high-level members of the Yamaguchi group all had happy smiles on their faces these days.

In the conference room, the high-level members of the Yamaguchi group basically arrived.

“Boss, today is the deadline for us to enter the deal with those Huaxia.”

“How much do you say we set the right price this time?”

“Yes, boss, now the international price of rare metals in our island country is close to a thousand dollars an ounce!”

“If this is still set at a thousand dollars, it will not work!”

“That’s right, boss, we said we were going to slaughter them hard!”

Many people looked at the price on the display screen with interest.

In the past few days, with the help of Inoshita River, their investment has achieved quite good returns.

Everyone now has basically doubled the amount of money on their books.

Although there are no withdrawals yet, they are ready to wait for the transaction to be completed before making a withdrawal.

“Boss, our Yamaguchi group is not short of money now, or we will directly ask for the price.”

“Yes, now the price has risen so much, the advantage is in me!”

“That’s right, that’s right!”

“Boss, what do you say?”

Everyone turned their gaze to Yamaguchi Big Bear, who was sitting on the first place.

Although they are the top of the Yamaguchi group, the person who finally makes the decision is Yamaguchi Big Bear.

They just offer their opinions.

Yamaguchi Big Bear glanced around, and there was a faint smile on his face.

Finally, his attention fell on Inoshita Kawa.

“Mr. Inowashia, according to your experience, can the rare metals of our island country continue to rise?”

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone around also looked at Inoshita River.

This is also their concern.

Their original plan was to close most of their orders when the price reached a thousand dollars an ounce.

But if Inoshita says it can still rise, then this plan may be terminated!

At this time, Inoshita River was already comparable to the stock god Buffett of the old American country in their hearts.

It’s amazing.

Except for obvious mistakes in the first two days, there were basically no mistakes in these days!

Every day brings them more than hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits.

They even began to wonder if the old man Inoshita was deliberately testing their sincerity in the first two days.

Inoshita Chuan took a sip of the tea in front of him and coughed lightly.

Speak slowly.

“The reason why the price of rare metals in our island country has been able to rise rapidly is because of the news announced by various research institutes a week ago!”

“Driven by the news, the price of metals in our island country continues to soar.”

“Now if you want to see if you can rise again, you have to see if the news on today’s news is growing.”

“Everything needs to wait for the information on the news side!”

“If the research of those institutes on today’s news can make a breakthrough, or make substantial progress.”

“Then the price of rare metals in our island country is definitely more than a thousand dollars an ounce.”

“I predict it will rise to at least sixteen hundred dollars!”

“Sixteen hundred!”

“Sixteen hundred!”

Hearing Inoshita Chuan’s prediction, everyone present gasped.

They thought that a thousand dollars was already the limit!

But now Inoshita River actually said that it can continue to rise!

Sixteen hundred dollars!

That’s a number they hadn’t thought about before!

Ask for flowers 0 (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Mr. Inoue, you’re not kidding!”

“Can it really reach sixteen hundred dollars?”

“Then why did you set the price of take profit at a thousand dollars!”

“Obviously there are still six hundred dollars in profit margins!”

“Yes, Mr. Ino, we wasted such a large profit margin?”

The senior management of the Yamaguchi group in the conference room hurriedly looked at Inoshita River suspiciously.

Yamaguchi Big Bear didn’t care about trading with Chen Xuan at this time, and the money they had earned these days was enough for their Yamaguchi group to survive this economic crisis.

And if it is really as Inoshita just said, the price can reach 1,600 US dollars.

He even considered canceling the deal with Chen Xuan directly.

“You guys are so greedy!”

Inoshita River shook his head slightly and smiled.

He knew that these high-ranking people in the Yamaguchi group would say so!

“Haven’t you forgotten the lesson of your first loss?”

“The more greedy you are in this market, the more you will lose money.”

“And I just said that the price can reach 1,600 US dollars, the premise is that the news is released in favor of rare metals in our island country.”

“Now this news has not been confirmed, in case, we said that if there are no favorable research results in the near future, then the price of rare metals in our island country may not continue to rise!”

“It will even start to go down!”

In the conference room, everyone heard Inoshita Chuan’s analysis, and suddenly realized.

No wonder, Mr. Inoshita had to close most of the orders at a thousand dollars.

“Big guy, my suggestion is that we set the price for those people in Huaxia at three thousand dollars!”

“If they can accept it, then we will agree to the deal!”

“If they feel that the price is not reasonable, then we do not trade with the other party.”

Inoshita thought for a moment and gave his own judgment price.

“Three thousand dollars!”

“Three thousand dollars!”

“That’s higher than the price of gold!”

“Mr. Inoshita is not kidding, those people in Huaxia are not fools, how can they pay such a big price!”

“Yes, even if those people in Huaxia are wronged, they can’t agree to pay 30 million US dollars!”

“This price is three times more expensive than the price on the market today!”

….. Just..

Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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