Chapter 196: Equipping the Trauma Squad

“Boss, I’m going to start!”

After the aircraft was raised to a height of about ten meters, the ghost twisted the handle violently.

A blue flame suddenly erupted from the jet hole behind it, and in an instant, the aircraft disappeared from the spot and cut an arc in the air.


The cries of the ghosts came from mid-air.

The aircraft moves rapidly in mid-air and is also able to make sharp turns.

If it weren’t for the purpose of demonstrating the effect to Chen Xuan, the ghost piloted the flying machine and would have flown out of the sky a long time ago.

“What is the fuel for the aircraft?”

“Normal fuel?”

Chen Xuan looked at the flying motorcycle that streaked through the air wave in mid-air, and looked at the Qian team on the side.

Jinx was also conducting research experiments in the Kangtao Group, but did not come this time.

Among the several people present, only Team Qian knew more about “One Zero Zero” in this flying motorcycle.


“This flying motorcycle is on mixed fuel!”

“In normal mode, diesel fuel is indeed added, and ordinary gasoline cannot support the flying motorcycle for flight driving!”

“But just entered the ghost kind and entered the rapid state.”

“The flying motorcycle will automatically change the fuel start.”

“No more diesel engines.”

Chen Xuan listened carefully to Team Qian’s introduction.

It’s true that you can start this flying motorcycle with diesel, but it’s hard to reach that speed.

Body-shaped motorcycle engine,.

If you use normal diesel as fuel, you will not be able to reach the speed of supersonic speed.

Even if Jinx used an engine of his own making, it could not change this fact.

Even if the efficiency of the engine is maximized, there is no energy loss at all.

The fuel is completely burned, and the energy generated is 100% utilized, and it is difficult to reach this speed.

This is the law of conservation of competence in physics.

It doesn’t just take one engine to break.

“If we want to reach the speed that the Ghost just had, the fuel we can use is actually very limited.”

“The energy produced by the fusion reaction counts as one, and the combustion of hydrogen counts as one.”

“But too much hydrogen is dangerous to burn, and the amount of hydrogen that needs to be consumed is huge.”

“So the fuel used by this craft is a fusion reactor.”

“Jinx installed a complete nuclear fusion reactor around the engine of the vehicle.”

“As soon as the vehicle is turned on Rapid Flight mode, the reactor will start working.”

“The diesel engine is automatically transferred to the fusion reactor at this time.”

“The energy generated by the fusion reactor provides energy for the flying motorcycle.”

“And because of the magnetic levitation technology, the magnetic levitation device under the flying motorcycle can also provide the initial speed.”

“So if you really want to subdivide, this flying motorcycle actually has three speeds to choose from.”

“One of the slowest is the combustion energy release through the diesel engine that I just talked about.”

“The second is to use the magnetic levitation technology below to use its own magnetic field to interfere with the earth’s own magnetic field to accelerate.”

“The disadvantage of magnetic levitation technology is that it is difficult to change direction, and there is no problem if driving in a straight line using magnetic levitation technology.”

“But if you want to turn sharply, you can’t do it, after all, it is difficult to change the magnetic field in an instant and complete the turn.”

“As for the fastest, use the energy generated by nuclear reactors.”

“The energy generated by a nuclear reactor can easily break through the speed of sound and reach supersonic speed.”

“And there is no magnetic field limit, so you can steer very well.”

Team Qian explained the principle to Chen Xuan in detail little by little.

In fact, without Chen Xuan’s explanation, Chen Xuan can generally understand.

After all, he had just seen the specific data information that Jinx had prepared for him.

Soon, the ghost piloted the flying machine to the ground slowly.

Because of the protection of the energy shield, although the aircraft is extremely fast, the ghost’s hairstyle is not a little messy.

“Boss, do you want to go up and feel it!”

“You can directly turn on his autopilot mode, you don’t need to operate it manually!”

The ghost walked up to Chen Xuan with great interest.

However, Chen Xuan was not interested in this and waved his hand.

“Forget it, no need.”

He never drives his own vehicle when he goes out, and he doesn’t need this experience at all.

“How many of these flying machines are currently produced?”

Chen Xuan looked up and down at the flying machine in front of him and looked at Team Qian. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This kind of flying machine has to be said, or it gave him a big surprise.

As everyone said at the beginning, if this kind of flying machine is taken out for sale, it will definitely be hot….

In the past, such flying motorcycles only existed in science fiction movies.

Once this flying motorcycle designed and manufactured by Jinx comes out, it will definitely cause a change in transportation!

“Pray to the boss, this flying motorcycle is now ready for mass production, but without your instructions from the boss, Kangtao Group simply produced twenty units and stopped production.”

“Waiting for your latest instructions.”

Team Qian carefully reported.

At the same time that Jinx designed and manufactured this flying motorcycle, it has already manufactured a complete automated production line.

It’s just that because there is no final nod from Chen Xuan, this production line is currently only producing a few experimental products, and it has stopped.

Waiting for Chen Xuan’s official order.

“There is already a production line!”

Chen Xuan was slightly surprised, although Jinx was a little crazy, he was still relatively reliable.

“That’s good.”

“Boss, you plan to go into mass production and start selling?”

When Team Qian heard Chen Xuan’s words, he asked suspiciously.

Before, Jinx planned to start selling directly, but was stopped by Er Zhuang.

I want to wait until Chen Xuan comes back before making a decision.

However, Chen Xuan shook his head slightly after hearing Team Qian’s words.

“For sale?”

“Don’t sell it yet!”

“I have no plans to sell it at the moment!”

1.7 Chen Xuan looked at the flying motorcycle in front of him, his eyes were dark.

“Not for sale?”

“Boss, if you don’t sell it, then why keep the production line?”

Team Qian blinked, a little puzzled, if it is not ready for sale, then what is the role of the production line?

Occupy place?

Chen Xuan smiled lightly.

“If we don’t sell it, we use it ourselves.”

“I’m worried about what kind of transportation our trauma squad should use.”

“After all, the trauma squad needs to be on call 24 hours a day, and it is not convenient to use general transportation.”

“But with helicopters, it’s too slow.”

“Originally, I also planned to let the Trauma Group’s research room develop a vehicle specifically for the Trauma Squad.”

“Unexpectedly, Jinx solved this problem by mistake.”


Người mua: ༒Arthur✣Pendragon༒

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