
As all the lights in the screening room fell, the guests and friends who were still whispering to each other all fell silent and looked at the big screen.

Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei also looked at each other and smiled, nodded to Zhu Yawen and sat back in their seats.

Because it was a private premiere, and all the people present were friends, Wu Yuan naturally did not prepare any speeches. After everyone arrived, the movie started screening directly.

As the dragon logo and the logo of the Light and Shadow Era appeared one after another, and as the credits gradually came out, the main film began to show.

From the very beginning, the male protagonist Wei Lai, played by Wu Yuan, is driving a car and transporting an antique table home.

"Mom, look what I found." Wei Lai shouted up the spiral staircase with a slightly excited tone.

Siqingaowa, who was dressed in a noble manner, slowly walked down the spiral staircase.

"Hey, where did this big desk and cabinet come from?"

"I found it at the flea market." Wei Lai laughed and said proudly: "This table and cabinet looks like an object from the old Republic of China. It must be eighty or ninety years old."

"The person who sold this cabinet didn't know the goods. He said it was an old item at home and he didn't want it anymore after moving. I spent 200 yuan to get it back."

It was a very ordinary desk with a cabinet, but Wei Lai was very excited. After carefully moving the desk to the attic, he filled a basin of water and started wiping it with a towel.

"This wood, this pulp, I'm making money."

As he wiped it, he kept mumbling. Two hundred yuan can buy a table made of huanghuali wood. Even if it is newly made, it is a huge profit. What's more, it is left over from the Republic of China, and it was picked up. Big leak.

And just as he was carefully cleaning the table from the inside out, he accidentally discovered a mechanism secret box hidden in the middle drawer.

"What's this?"

Frowning, Wei Lai carefully pulled out the dark box, fearing that there was something he shouldn't see inside, so he opened it quietly.

An old-fashioned pen and a stack of yellowed letter paper came into view.

"Did the original owner keep it?" Wei Lai scratched his head, reached out and took out the pen from the secret compartment and looked at it.

This is a very old-fashioned PARKER pen. It seems that it was imported from the United States during the Republic of China. It can only be bought in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.

"It's an old thing." Wei Lai stroked the old pen a few times in surprise, and then carefully took out the stack of yellowed letter paper. When he unfolded it, he saw the delicate and even floral handwriting. eyes.

June 8, 15th year of the Republic of China.

A pen pal I’ve never met:

"Good morning Xin'an..."

As Wei Lai read, the scene began to change. The camera transitioned to a scene. In a sunny garden, Jiang Lan, played by Liu Yifei, was wearing a very Republican-style costume. She was holding this pen and writing. with this letter.

"I really don't know who to talk to about this."

"I'm getting married. It's a marriage I can't refuse."

"Although my father is one of the most influential businessmen in Shanghai, this also means that I cannot make the decision on my own marriage."

"My father planned for me to marry one of his business partners. He was a wealthy cement merchant, but I didn't like him and I had never even met him."

"The only thing I know is that my father's partner is twenty years older than me. He can even be my father."

"I'm really distressed. Did I go to the UK to study for five years and come back to China just to marry such an old man I've never met?"

"Although the marriages of British aristocrats are also like this, I don't like this kind of feudal arranged marriage at all."

As Jiang Lan writes word by word, the movie scenes are constantly changing. There is her youthful and beautiful appearance with a bright smile when she was studying in the UK, and there is also her pitiful appearance when she knelt down and agreed to the marriage in front of her sad-faced mother. , there is even the appearance of her holding her chin, standing at the window and looking out, longing for freedom.

There was even a scene where she met and dated the nearly forty-year-old man under the arrangement of her father, forcing a smile on her face.

There is no doubt that Jiang Lan is a young lady from the magic city of the Republic of China. She is the kind of Republic of China style that modern women often talk about, envy and pursue.

Just like the CP who often appears in female channel novels, she, the eldest lady who has studied abroad and lives in a small bungalow with a garden in a magical city, is also about to marry a wealthy businessman.

It seems that this is a very good situation. At least in the chaotic era of the Republic of China, being able to have such a good life is already better than 99% of ordinary people.

However, the person involved seemed not happy about this at all, and instead fell into deep distress.

The scene turned and the camera returned to modern times. Wei Lai was sitting in a rocking chair holding a glass of Coke, looking at the stack of letters and drinking it leisurely.

"Interesting." He smiled, with some emotion in his expression.

The fifteenth year of the Republic of China was a very distant date.

In 2012, he was able to read a letter from nearly 90 years ago, which told the story of a girl from the Republic of China facing an arranged marriage. This was undoubtedly a very interesting thing.

I don't know what he was thinking, but after reading the letter, Wei Lai suddenly had an idea. He wanted to reply to this girl, which would give him the feeling of talking to the ancients across time and space.

Just do it.

Picking up this 90-year-old fountain pen, Wei Lai dug out a bottle of ink from his desk. After sucking some ink, he randomly found some A4 paper, leaned over the desk and started writing.

"Seeing the words is like seeing the face:"

"Miss Jiang Lan, although I don't know whether you will eventually marry the businessman mentioned in the letter, I hope that your final decision will be based on your own inner decision."

"Marrying someone you don't love, or someone who doesn't love you, is a wrong thing."

"A marriage without love will only bring continuous torture to both parties, and they may have to live with loneliness, regret, loneliness and other bad emotions for the rest of their lives."

"Life is long, don't ruin your long future because of temporary compromises..."

He wrote a full page eloquently. There is no doubt that Wei Lai, who has received modern education, is not a person who can accept arranged marriage. He unreservedly wrote down his views on free love on the letter paper. superior.

When he finished writing the reply, he shook his head and laughed. What was he doing?

Feeling a little funny at his naivety, Wei Lai put the reply and Jiang Lan's letter back into the dark room, shook his head and laughed, then lay down on the bed, looking at the ceiling, imagining the distressed girl ninety years ago. , fell asleep unconsciously. (End of chapter)

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