Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1066: Infighting

Yingdi Entertainment’s stocks have risen excessively. It can be said that Wu Tian is happy, but Zhang Zerui and Li Zhan are in a bad mood.

Li Zhan is naturally because his company has appreciated. On the one hand, he is happy, but on the other hand he is worried.

Their original purpose was to advance the plan for the film and television industry park. After the government's money was in place, they would directly think of a way to bankrupt the plan, and then collect all the investment money into their own.

However, as their companies have more and more money, it may not be certain whether the government will be more willing to reduce their investment amount.

All of this put Li Zhan on an iron plate and continued to suffer.

He hesitated a little, what was in front of him was a huge wealth and a huge challenge.

If you don't consider the trap he and Zhang Zerui have made, Li Zhanjiang has made money now, cashing out from the stock market, and he can make tens of billions.

Not to mention that his current company's market value is already hundreds of billions. This was an unexpected result that Li Zhan himself did not expect.

If we talk about the previous time, we still need to cooperate with Zhang Zerui, but now, this situation seems to have been reversed.

Li Zhan even felt that Zhang Zerui no longer had any right and status to have an equal dialogue with him.

On Zhang Zerui's side, he was worried.

He talks to Li Zhan almost every day, but he can also feel a change in the other's attitude from just a few words.

With money, Li Zhan's attitude naturally began to become arrogant. Even began to feel that their film and television industry park plan could not be implemented as much as possible.

This almost touched Zhang Zerui's bottom line. Zhang Zerui had tried his best to exchange for that huge debt.

Nowadays, the debt on his body has not been reduced, or even more than before, so Zhang Zerui must quickly find a way to fill this funding gap.

And this time the industrial park is a good opportunity.

It was not a good thing that Zhang Zerui came forward, so he chose to stand behind Li Zhan and secretly support.

However, no one would have thought that Li Zhan would want to let go now...It's no wonder why Zhang Zerui was so annoyed.

"Zhang, you should take a break first... You have not slept for two days."

The secretary looked at Zhang Zerui nervously, but he still rarely saw such anxious and angry looks.

"Can't take care of that much, you quickly prepare a car for me, I will go to Yingdi Entertainment now!"

Zhang Zerui thought about it. It didn't make any sense to be anxious here alone. It's better to ask him what Li Zhan thinks in person.

If he doesn't want to quit, then everything is fine. But if he had already begun to retire, Zhang Zerui had to figure out a solution as soon as possible.

In any case, this sum of hundreds of billions of funds was about to go into his pocket, and Zhang Zerui said nothing to let the cooked duck fly.

Cars shuttled back and forth among the neon lights of city s at night, quiet but full of violence.

Since it is late at night, there are not many people working here at the British Emperor Entertainment Company.

But Li Zhan's office is still lit, and he is discussing the next thing with his vice president.

At this moment, Li Zhan's face has always been smiling, and he can see that he is very satisfied with the results this time.

"President Li, Zhang Zerui is here."

The secretary came up with a whispered report. I'm afraid they didn't expect Zhang Zerui to come here at this time.

"It's almost 3:00 in the morning... What is he doing here?"

Li Zhan looked puzzled, but after another thought, he guessed what Zhang Zerui planned. This guy must have come here to ask the teacher, otherwise he wouldn't be so diligent.

"Let him come up."

Li Zhan is now full of self-confidence, even if he confronts Zhang Zerui head-on, he is not afraid at all.

Even a little eager to try, he has been entangled for just this time, and now Zhang Zerui has also come, and the two of them just happened to have a good talk about this matter.

If the negotiation is successful, the project will continue. If the negotiation fails, then Li Zhan is no wonder.

After all, people have selfish intentions, and no one is willing to abandon themselves and work for the benefit of others.

"Mr. Zhang, don't come here unharmed, why don't you come to me this night?"

Li Zhan still looked at Zhang Zerui with a smile, and he could feel a slight angry expression on his face.

Although this expression is very subtle, but Li Zhan, who has already read countless people, can still see it very clearly.

"Mr. Li, you just knowingly all go down, I and Mr. Li will talk separately."

Zhang Zerui looked at the secretaries around him, and it seemed that he didn't want outsiders to know the conversation between them.

Li Zhan smiled lightly. Although he couldn't figure out what Zhang Zerui was playing, he thought that he was in his own office, so he was worried.

So he waved his hand and let his vice president He Wenjia and the secretary go out, leaving only him and Zhang Zerui in the room.

"It's very simple, this time I'm here to ask the guilty question! What are you thinking about! This is the seventh time you told me today to postpone the plan for the industrial park!"

Zhang Zerui's expression was immediately pulled down, and his face began to become gloomy.

"Haha... I thought what you were talking about? Of course I also have my considerations. Our company's funds are always prone to problems. Without funds, you know how to carry out this project?"

Li Zhan said calmly, intending to do Tai Chi with the two Zhang Zerui for a while.

But Zhang Zerui seemed to be unable to wait, he tore his face ruthlessly.

"You just pretend to me! Do you think I don't know the market value of your company now? You will be short of money?"

Zhang Zerui sneered, then reached out and patted the table. This guy has kung fu, Zhang Zerui's desk is almost falling apart with this palm.

He picked up his palm gently, and saw that there was a palm-sized dent on the mahogany table of this desk.

This is already a very obvious warning.

"What are you doing? We gentlemen speak but not hands! Since you are like this, it is inconvenient for me to say. I was really thinking about this matter today. I was a little hesitant at first, but looking at you with such an attitude, so I am I will tell you directly!"

Li Zhan was so excited by Zhang Zerui, his emotions also began to agitate.

He pointed to Zhang Zerui's nose and akimbo, and shouted uncomfortably: "From now on, the two of us will part ways! If you are willing to toss your industrial park, you can toss! I don't need this now."

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