These people probably think that the rich really value money so much that Wu Tian is now crazy.

He saw that his money was sent out in large quantities. At this moment, he was already stubborn, and he began to break a little.

"If you keep the money away, I'm sorry, we still have hundreds of hostages under our hands! Killing a few hostages is nothing to us."

The mobs were laughing and talking, and they didn't even treat these hostages as human beings.

On the contrary, it makes people feel that this is just a joke in their mouths, and even the life of a hostage is not a life at all. In their eyes, attacking a person is as easy as pinching a bug.

Wu Tian looked at these people coldly, staring at them with an iron face.

"If you dare, try it! If you don't want to die!"

When the mob heard it, they became even more arrogant.

One of them stood up, walked to Wu Tian to save money, and looked at Wu Tian arrogantly.

"This is what you said..."

Before his words fell, suddenly his head blossomed. The red of the blood and the white inside the brain were mirrored together and splashed out in the air.

And his body also fell to the ground. Looking at it at this time, there were only a few fragments left in his head.

At this time, there was a gunshot from a distance, which came in from the outside window.

Long Yun and the others were not idle when they were inside, and they kept reporting the situation inside to the special forces outside through some hidden cameras.

After seeing that the other side's threat of force has been lifted, they naturally no longer need to control their firepower.

I have to say that the marksmanship of the soldiers of these special forces is really very powerful. In this case, they can hit the target with one shot.

You have to know that the headshot just now is only two or three meters away from Wu Tian.

Everyone present was shocked by the scene before them. The mobs couldn't believe that their own people were actually killed in front of them.

And all this is just the beginning, the gunshots kept thinking about from the surroundings, and the people who were shot in the chest with headshots kept on.

Don't watch them draw the curtains, but the special forces know everything inside the house, and even then they can still hit the target.

These people originally thought they had mastered the situation, but now that they have paid a painful price, these people realize that they are not worth mentioning in front of the real killing machine.

The remaining thugs immediately scrambled with their heads, they don't want to die in this place, it's useless to take the money if they are dead.

Some people wanted to attack Wu Tian, ​​but they were blown away by Qinglong with a punch.

At the same time, gunshots continued to be heard from the floor below, Luo Huaicheng should have started a general attack with people.

People from the special forces fight from below to above, while those from the security team fight from above to below.

The progress of the two sides is like a broken bamboo, and it can almost be said to be devastating along the way.

The thugs have no guns in their hands, so they are simply unable to resist such an attack.

The stick in his hand can deal with ordinary hostages. Dealing with these soldiers is just a joke.

In just a few minutes, the people on both sides had already advanced to the last floor that was not captured.

The remaining nearly half of the thugs gathered here, and the hostages were also on this level. They sealed up the upper and lower staircases and destroyed the monitoring equipment inside.

Now even Wu Tian and the others have no way of knowing what is going on inside.

The offensive stopped again, but now Wu Tian and the others control the situation.

"You can't move forward anymore! We have hostages under our hands!"

Speaking of taking them up a few hostages, they took them outside to show their heads, and then they slashed their necks with a knife.

This time they are here for real, not joking.

"Since you have turned your back, don't blame us for being cruel!"

With that, the knife in the thug's hand was about to be swiped, but suddenly they felt as if something flashed before their eyes.

Once the knife in his hand was gone, the mobs didn't know what was going on, and they looked at each other and wondered.

But they immediately felt something wrong again, because there was such a slight pain in their own necks, several people lowered their heads, reached out and touched them, and found that their hands were full of blood.

At this time, these thugs noticed that their necks had been cut open with the knife just now.

It's just that the speed is too fast, and they don't even react.

Plops thumped, and with the sound, several corpses fell down, but the hostages were scared enough.

They thought they were going to finish the game this time, but they didn't expect that such a thing would happen, it was like a miracle.

The thugs are completely stupid now, they don't know what to do now, the weapons in their hands are actually ineffective, then the only thing they can do at this moment is to detonate the bomb.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Speaking, a person stood up, then took out his mobile phone and pressed the phone button on it.

This very traditional way of detonating explosives is often seen in movies and TV shows, and it is very effective.

Of course, it was borrowed by these thugs, and now they are extremely desperate.

It may be that I think it is impossible for me to go out alive. In this case, it is better to pull Wu Tian and the others together, and everyone will die together.

It's just that the explosion in their impression did not happen. What was waiting for was Wu Tian and the others holding their arms and looking at these thugs with a sneer.

"what happened…"

"Why didn't the bomb go off!"

The thugs were trembling, and they found that they seemed to be fools at this moment, thinking that holding chicken feathers could be used as an arrow, but it turned out to be chicken feathers in front of others.


Su Cancan looked at the scene indifferently and said to the security team around him. Several people immediately threw a few cans with the launcher in their hands.

These jars happened to explode between the mob and the hostages, but this one was not lethal, but a smoke bomb.

A cloud of lavender smoke diffused quickly, but it took only two or three seconds to cover almost all the room inside.

The security team members have worn gas masks a long time ago and entered the arena along with the smoke.

Watching Su Cancan's actions, Wu Tian still had some worries, fearing that these thugs would be stimulated and they would cause them some extreme actions.

He was about to contact Su Cancan to let her leave, but found that the security team swaggered in. And the thugs and hostages all fainted on the ground and couldn't move.

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