Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1166: Draw from the bottom

Turning around, the director was still scratching his head in his office thinking about how to deal with Wu Tian.

The result was an invitation from Wu Tian.

"If possible, I would like to meet with you today. It would be better if I could make an appointment with the previous Director Zhou Qiang and the others, let's finish our business."

Wu Tian still made a phone call and said these words, but he was completely blinded by the director.

For a moment he couldn't understand, why suddenly Wu Tian began to change his mind?

How stubborn this guy was before, suddenly changing his mind doesn't look like his style.

But this is also a good opportunity. Perhaps this Wu Tian has realized that it is meaningless for him to continue to resist.

Give him a chance to admit his counsel, and it's not bad to go downhill.

After thinking about it, the director decided to accept Wu Tian's invitation.

On Wu Tian's side, he ran to Baili Zhenlin's room early in the morning. There are countless questions in Wu Tianxin where Baili Zhenlin has gone and what he is doing these days.

So, after giving this guy a night's rest, he immediately couldn't wait to ask.

"I said, brother, you are too anxious..."

Baili Zhenlin was unwilling to get up on the bed, which was not in line with his usual capable appearance.

If it wasn't for him that he did have the face of Baili Zhenlin, Wu Tian even doubted whether this person was pretending to be.

"Okay, don't hang on my appetite. What are you doing these days? Do you know how hard it is for me to find you?"

Wu Tian sat on the sofa carelessly and looked at the man in front of him.

Speaking of it, when he first found him, it was said that Baili Zhenlin was in tatters all over, looking like he had gone somewhere to escape.

"I really have to thank you for this matter. If it wasn't for the person I met you, I'm afraid I would have to die outside this time."

Baili Zhenlin suddenly said with emotion at this time. Looking at his appearance, it does not seem to be lying. Compared with him, he should really feel very emotional.

"Yeah, there are such things. Tell me about it. Let me see who did a good thing. Go back and give me a good reward!" Wu Tian became a little curious, and he couldn't figure out what it was. Who met this Baili Zhenlin.

If his own people met him, Wu Tian felt that he should have known it a long time ago, and they had no reason not to report to him.

In particular, Wei Jiaming conducts searches almost 24 hours a day.

"I'm not joking with you. Don't mention it. I had an accident with the helicopter... It's a bit embarrassing to say that I don't know what happened when I fell on the helicopter..."

Baili Zhenlin scratched his head, he was embarrassed to say such things.

After all, it is embarrassing to say it out, a big man, fell off the plane while flying?

No matter who heard such words, he would think he must be joking, but that's the truth.

"What the hell? You didn't fall from the plane to death?"

Wu Tian also felt that Baili Zhenlin was joking. If the plane flew so high and fell from above without any safety measures, it would definitely be dead.

"I am lucky, the plane was not flying very high at that time, I landed on a tree..."

Baili Zhenlin sighed with emotion, lamenting his fate, otherwise I am afraid that he would have really gone to see Wang Ye by now.

"I walked in the jungle for two days, and there is no way to communicate with the outside without a mobile phone..."

This is also the reason why Baili Zhenlin has not been found and can not be contacted. In that kind of wild jungle, there is really no way to contact.

"Next, how did you come out?"

The more Wu Tian listened, the more interesting he felt. Such an experience might be really rare. And he is also very much looking forward to who is the white angel who will save Baili Zhenlin.

"Don't tell me, it's really a good thing to take care of... You know, when I walked on the third day, I saw a building and ran over to see my boy, it seems to be a base. You said who I met there ?"

Baili Zhenlin danced with his hands, and said that it was a red light eager to try.

And Wu Tian vaguely felt that something was wrong in his heart at this moment...

"I ran into Long Yun there! It made me happy!"

Sure enough... it really is like this. When Wu Tian heard him just now, although he didn't have a clear concept, he also hoped from his heart that Long Yun saved him.

Unexpectedly, it really is such a thing.

"Do you know what my mood was like at that time, I almost cried!"

Baili Zhenlin got more and more excited as he spoke, but Wu Tian's expression became a little complicated.

Unexpectedly, Long Yun was rushed to the research base in the southwest by herself, and she still helped herself in the forest and mountains.

And Wu Tian has not been accompanied by Long Yun during this period of time, and it will be very troublesome whether it is work or what he does.

She always lacks her help, and feels a little constrained in everything.

"is it…"

Wu Tian's eyes were a little blurred, why would he not want Long Yun to come back, but right now, there really is no good reason for Long Yun to come back with integrity.

To be honest, the last incident did touch the security team a lot, and Wu Tian had to worry about his feelings there.

"It's okay if you come back...If you say that, the investment should be stable."

Baili Zhenlin patted his chest, and he whitened his eyes even with Wu Tian's problem.

"Who look down on, can I make a difference?"

Wu Tian also laughed when he said that. In that case, Wu Tian just had an idea in his heart.

"You don't want to come out yet. No one knows that you have come back. Now everyone assumes that you are missing...The Investment Promotion Office is now asking me for trouble, and they want me to bear joint responsibility."

Wu Tian rolled his eyes, he remembered the aggressive face of the Director, and immediately had a way to deal with it.

"You mean to say..."

When Baili Zhenlin looked at Wu Tian's expression, he probably became more clear in his heart.

I want to use it as a killer.

"I will quickly contact him now to prepare for a new round of negotiations. If the two of us are in the middle of the discussion, and if you come out at that time, he will immediately have nothing to say."

Wu Tian laughed happily. This trick was very damaging, but it was also a trick to draw a salary from the bottom of the tank. He wanted to see what he could do.

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