At the same time, the office of the US Ministry of Defense is in the Pentagon.

In the core command room at the highest level, several high-ranking military figures who are generally not young are looking solemnly at the large military screen on the wall, and a heavy and solemn atmosphere is pervasive in the command room.

“On the Fossils of Godzilla’s ancestors found in the Philippines in 1999, the parasitic egg hatched a male individual, smaller than this female, who attacked the nuclear power plant in Rgoruro City, and we once carried out a nuclear bomb attack on it with a yield of tens of thousands of tons, but did not kill it, and this female is larger, I think ordinary powerful nuclear bombs may not kill it at all.” An old general in his sixties frowned as he looked at the satellite real-time monitoring footage on the screen.

“Since the small nuclear bomb with a yield of tens of thousands of tons did not kill the male, then this evening, we will use a medium-sized nuclear bomb with a yield of hundreds of thousands of tons ten times its size to strive to eliminate these two Muto at one time!” Another hawkish general in his fifties heard this and immediately said.

“No, I don’t agree, according to the location of this female Muto, the nuclear bomb cannot be detonated at all, because it will affect the entire New York City, New York, as the 833rd largest city in our United States, is densely populated and economically developed, and if a nuclear bomb with a yield of hundreds of thousands of tons is detonated nearby, it will cause huge economic losses, as well as many casualties among citizens, and nuclear radiation will also make New York a place of death.” One of the top executives in charge of strategic technical analysis immediately objected.

“So what else can be done? In addition to the use of nuclear weapons, what other feasible way do we humans have to kill this giant beast hundreds of meters tall and whose skin can withstand a nuclear bomb? Another senior military official said in distress.

“If you can ask Superman to intervene, you may be able to defeat them, after all, Superman and Muto, the top of the food chain, are like gods, both have resisted nuclear bomb attacks and have powers that we can hardly imagine.” A military senior suddenly suggested that he was a dove who had always advocated peace with superhumans such as superhumans and mutants, contrary to the hawkish general before him.

“You asked our military to plead with Superman to strike? No kidding, then our (AIEC) military, government, what face is there to speak of? Hearing his words, another hawkish high-ranking official immediately scolded angrily.

“Face? When the White House was destroyed, the previous president, the secretary of defense, and many high-ranking military and government officials were wiped out by his own hands because they angered Superman? Why don’t you dare to propose a war with Superman? When the dovish senior heard this, he uncharacteristically no longer spoke mildly, but instead said with extremely sharp and ugly sarcasm.

In fact, he, along with several other dovish generals present, are the top military and government officials who support the new president and Stark Industries, and they are all the party who strongly advocates peace with Superman Allen, not only because of Stark Industries, but also because they really know how powerful Superman Allen really is.

It can be said that he is the true god of the world.

When the hawkish general, as well as several other hawks, heard this, their faces twitched, and they did not continue to speak, obviously being said to the sore spot.

When many high-level military officials were discussing fiercely, the defense minister, who controlled the whole commander, finally hammered the final word after some comprehensive consideration.

“General Johnson, you are in charge of commanding the land, sending enough soldiers, tanks, armored vehicles, etc., to New York City, always ready to block Muto’s way to the densely populated center of New York.”

“General Brad, you dispatch an attempt to attack Muto from the air, and do your best to cooperate with the army to stop Muto!”

“In addition, General Ross, I heard that you have recently gained new power through blood research on the Hulk Hulk, and you are also going with you, if necessary, try to block Muto!”

“Finally, Communications Officer, you go and inform Fury and ask him to dispatch the Avengers and the Fantastic Four to cooperate with the army to resist Muto!”


On the other hand, the female Muto began to make rapid progress towards New York City after absorbing the radioactive energy source of the nuclear power plant near New York.

Muto is violent by nature, and contrary to Godzilla, who is completely uninterested in humans, will destroy all existence that threatens him.

Because male Muto has been attacked by humans, they have seen humans as potential threats and enemies.


At the same time, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four had to start their actions after receiving Fury’s notice.


At the same time, on the beach near New York, a huge wave suddenly broke out without warning.

In just a moment, this wave rose one after another to twenty or thirty meters, and it continued to climb.

“No, the tsunami is coming!” Seeing this scene, the faces of the people near the beach changed greatly, and they didn’t care about thinking about anything else, so they quickly found their family and friends and fled to the distance.


Driven by some unknown force, the huge waves on the sea became bigger and bigger, and soon exceeded 100 meters, and they slammed towards this side of the beach with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers!

In the face of this stormy wave that is no less than the real tsunami scene, even a 10,000-ton cargo ship is very likely to be overturned on the spot!


Some girls near the beach who are not strong in psychological endurance immediately screamed when they saw this terrifying tsunami like a giant beast.


After the monstrous waves rolled down, a roar that seemed to be able to shake the sky suddenly resounded in the sky!

In the next second, a sea overlord like a desolate beast revealed a hideous head from under the surface of the sea, and then quickly stood up and appeared above the surface of the sea.


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