Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1016: Cut into pieces with a thousand cuts

With his back to the gate of the thatched cottage, Xiao Mian was facing the thousand vacuum blades.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Xiao Mian gave up using any defensive magic weapons and defensive arrays, and only used his own strong physical defense ability to fight against the vacuum blade.

At this time, not only Gui Hai and others were horrified, but even Demon Seal and others did not understand why Xiao Mian would harm himself like this.

Even Luan Xikong was slightly startled.

But soon, Xiao Mian's figure was buried by the more than a thousand vacuum blades!

For a moment, the vacuum raged, and blood suddenly appeared...

No matter how powerful Xiao Mian's body is, can he still reach the level of a high-level magic weapon?

Those vacuum blades were launched with all their strength by the high-level magic weapon, the Breathing Sky Treasure Wheel, under the hands of Luan Xikong, the high-level Nascent Soul monk. How could Xiao Mian be able to resist it?

If Xiao Mian had used the Five Spirits Bi or the Immovable Mountain Formation, he might have been able to resist for a while, but now...

Four words - you are asking for trouble!

Others naturally thought that Xiao Mian was afraid that his defensive magic weapon would be damaged, so he was willing to resist those vacuum blades with his body. After all, Luan Xikong said that he only wanted to punish Xiao Mian with small punishments and big warnings, and would not kill Xiao Mian. , then when Xiao Mian couldn't hold on anymore, Luan Xikong would definitely stop attacking - in that case, wouldn't Xiao Mian escape?

Even Luan Xikong thought so too.

He always thought that Xiao Mian was forcing him to stop - if that was the case, Luan Xikong wouldn't mind quitting as soon as they agreed, but obviously, now is not the time!

Xiao Mian!

Let you pay a heavier price for those nonsense words before!

When everyone commented on Xiao Mian's reckless behavior, Gui Hai and other people who were familiar with Xiao Mian's character felt relieved.

Xiao Mian, although he was a bit greedy for money, he never wanted money over his life?

If Luan Xikong is allowed to attack Xiao Mian, if he fails to stop or intends to do harm, wouldn't it be an injustice for Xiao Mian to die? Even if you are lucky enough to survive, if the foundation is shaken, it cannot be replaced by a high-level magic weapon or a seventh-level array...

Xiao Mian, how could he be the kind of person who puts his own safety in the palm of his opponent's hands?

Obviously, those vacuum blades that may seem deadly to outsiders may be nothing more than that in Xiao Mian's opinion.

However, Gui Hai and others have personally tried the power of those vacuum blades. Without using defensive magic weapons, they will lose if they defend for a long time, and they will be injured if they lose.

Unless Xiao Mian has other reasons!

Could it be that the one in the thatched cottage finally had his hands free?

The four people in Guihai were thinking this way. Xiao Mian in front of the thatched cottage was covered with wounds. The strange thing was that there was not much blood flowing out of the wounds...


It's just a show, is it really going to bleed?

My own blood is the precious blood that can smoothly advance the Star Magnetic Divine Sword. If it is auctioned, it will be weighed by the pound - no! If you sell two pieces, it’s an amazing value!

It's just a show, it's just about right...

Although Xiao Mian looked miserable, he was cut into pieces by more than a thousand vacuum blades.

But in fact, when these vacuum blades hit Xiao Mian - or before hitting Xiao Mian, they were led to the thatched cottage by the Buddha's light emerging from the thatched cottage.

Just as Gui Hai and others guessed, the little monk has successfully completed the work.

Although the little monk said in the previous episode that it would take three days and three nights to complete the secret technique, and now it has only taken more than two days, it is obvious that the little monk has indeed completed it ahead of schedule.

These vacuum blades seemed to be cutting into Xiao Mian's body, but in fact Xiao Mian was just an intermediary. After scuttling into the thatched cottage through Xiao Mian's body, they were peacefully integrated into a small little monk under the control of the young monk. In the glazed gold vase.

Judging from the style of the glazed gold bottle, it is the same as the thunder storage bottle that the young monk gave to Xiao Mian that day. Obviously, the effect must be very different.

In this way, Xiao Mian, who seemed miserable, was actually fine.

The seemingly turbulent vacuum blade was actually in the hands of the young monk.

With the young monk's supernatural power, not to mention high-level Yuanying monks like Luan Xikong, even ordinary Yuanying top-level monks cannot see through his methods.

Therefore, although Luan Xikong was a little suspicious, he did not notice anything wrong.

There was nothing wrong with his own consciousness, so Luan Xikong did not doubt his presence, but paid close attention to Xiao Mian - lest this kid really die in his own hands!

But, how could Xiao Mian still be dead?

With the help of the little monk, Xiao Mian managed to survive the death blows of more than a thousand vacuum blades, but he still looked like he was dying.

"Huh...huh...huh... Luan... Senior Luan gave me this gift today. Junior... I will never forget it! I just want to pay tribute to senior, don't break your promise..."

After Xiao Mian said this intermittently, he fell down at the door of the thatched cottage.

Just as everyone was looking sideways and Luan Xikong looked disbelieving, Gui Hai shouted loudly and rushed to Xiao Mian's side, blocking everyone's sight with his huge body.

The next moment, Guihai was wailing.

"Brother! You died so miserably..."


"Brother! Brother! Don't leave your eldest brother alone! Heaven! Earth!"

"..., big brother! I'm not dead yet!"

"Oh? You're still alive! Hurry! Hurry! Big brother has a Wu Le Zi!" As he spoke, Gui Hai took out a spiritual fruit and stuffed it into Xiao Mian's mouth without saying anything. Xiao Mian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, because he knew that what Gui Hai fed him was just an ordinary spiritual fruit, but it did look a bit like a Wu Le Zi. Taking advantage of this gap, Xiao Mian pretended to have recovered a lot, stood up with the help of Gui Hai, and threatened Luan Xikong: "Senior Luan! This time, I am convinced by you!"

"..., you kid! How is it possible!?"

"Why? Senior Luan seems very disappointed that I survived the disaster? Could it be that Senior Luan hopes that I will die on the spot?"


"Senior! You are a high-level Nascent Soul cultivator, the lord of Yanshi City, and a senior master. I think you will not refuse to pay for a mere 100,000 high-grade spirit stones, right?"

"..., good! good! good!"

Angry and hateful, but unable to speak, seeing that everyone present was looking at him with a look of anticipation, Luan Xikong gritted his teeth and threw out the storage bag.

Xiao Mian handed it to Gui Hai without even looking at it, and at the same time, handed over the storage bag containing 20 million middle spirits that he had promised before to Gui Hai.

Luan Xikong glared at Xiao Mian tightly, and wanted to take the opportunity to leave.

He also knew that he had made the decision on today's fight.

Luan Xikong wanted to withdraw, but Xiao Mian refused.

"Wait a minute, Senior Luan!"

"What? Do you still want to humiliate me?"

For a moment, Luan Xikong, who was furious, suddenly rose with a strong momentum, and pushed Xiao Mian against the door of the thatched cottage.


With a slight sound, the door opened slightly, and the Buddha's light barrier that had been lingering around the thatched cottage disappeared silently.

Xiao Mian and Gui Hai, who was supporting him, fell into the thatched cottage together...

Everyone was surprised at this moment.

It should be noted that before, under Xiao Mian's instigation, many Jindan cultivators present had pushed the two doors with all their strength, but they could not get in.

Unexpectedly, this time, the door opened with one push!

Could it be that the legendary treasure has been born?

The cultivators who cherished the treasure were full of treasures, but those who had a little vision and calculation saw something even more strange.

Especially after seeing a little monk walk out of the thatched cottage.

The little monk looked ordinary, but he was holding a glazed gold bottle in his hand. The translucent glazed gold bottle was full of the vacuum blade.

At this moment, even the most obtuse people felt something was wrong.

"Spiritual body!" It was Luan Xikong. After carefully looking at the little monk, his face suddenly changed slightly. He looked at the vacuum blades emitted by his own Xikong treasure wheel in the glazed golden bottle. Luan Xikong's face was uncertain. Finally, he said to the little monk cautiously: "May I ask the little master: Where is the treasure mountain? Where is the treasure temple?"

"Amitabha! There was a mountain in the past, and there was a temple in the mountain. There was an old monk and a young monk in the temple..."

The little monk spoke eloquently after chanting a Buddhist name.

Everyone thought he was fooling Luan Xikong after hearing what the little monk said.

Only Moyin, with a smile on his face, bowed to the little monk.

Xiao Mian and Gui Hai, didn't know whether to laugh or cry - this little monk, he really is a monk who doesn't lie!

As for Luan Xikong, his face suddenly changed after hearing what the little monk said.

After hesitating for a long time, Luan Xikong landed in front of the little monk in front of everyone. For a moment, he didn't know how to salute the little monk.

He had already understood the identity of the little monk, and therefore, he was in great confusion.

Unexpectedly, today's incident even implicated the holy monk Kasyapa, one of the two saints of Xishuzhou. Although the little monk at this time was just a spirit body, with the background of the holy monk Kasyapa's awakening wisdom, there was almost no difference between a spirit body and his body.

Definitely - a master of the Tianzun realm!

The little monk turned a blind eye to Luan Xikong's embarrassment.

Holding the glazed golden bottle in his hand, the little monk looked up at the sky and smiled faintly.

"Since the Ninth Donor is here, why don't you show up?"

"..., Alas!" After a sigh, a strong aroma of wine filled the air, and an unremarkable old man appeared on the big locust tree, lying against the branches. The man took out a wine gourd and took a sip, then smiled bitterly: "Old man, I heard that Xishuzhou is not peaceful! Why did the little monk come to my Yin Shang Realm?"

Little Saint Monk!

As soon as the three words came out, everyone understood the identity of the little monk.

Then, someone pointed at the drunken old man who appeared on the big locust tree, full of excitement and awe...

Just because the old man was the first person in Yin Shang Realm - Jiujianxian!

For a while, the names of Jiujianxian and the little saint monk Jiaye were resounding everywhere.

As a result, Luan Xikong's sense of existence plummeted.

As for Xiao Mian and others, no one cared about them anymore...

But no one cared about Xiao Mian. The little monk and the Drunken Sword Immortal looked at Xiao Mian with sharp eyes - they knew: Xiao Mian was a crucial chess piece in the next game - Xiao Mian also realized this!

It seemed that the misunderstanding between him and Luan Xikong had been understood.

But what he had to deal with next was probably a deeper contradiction...

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