Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,037 The Eternal Secret Code

"This...this is the Three Purities Divine Light!?"

"Not entirely! I haven't fully understood the secrets of the three pure divine lights, but by doing this, my success rate in condensing the three pure divine lights is almost 50%!"

"Fifty percent? That's enough! If you encounter that demon mark again in the future, you don't have to tie your hands and feet - you must know that these three pure divine lights are the first divine light to ward off evil and correct evil!"

"I hope so..."

"Speaking of which! Could it be that to practice the Sanqing Dharma Sword, it is only possible to practice with three meridians like this? Try it! You kid, hurry up and try it!"

Guitou was even more anxious than Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"I've tried it a long time ago! I tried to fuse the Qi Blade of the Qi Refining Path, the Gang Blade of the Body Refining Path, and the Divine Mind Sword of the God Refining Path, but..."

"Isn't it really that simple? Boy! Don't be too anxious! How many years have you been practicing Taoism? I am so happy to have achieved what you have today!"

"Thanks to Mr. Gui for protecting me. Senior's kindness will be unforgettable to this junior!"

"Stop talking about this! Are you still planning to retreat?"

"No need for the moment! My bottleneck this time seems to be very solid. I'm afraid it won't help if I just rely on one person to die! Just wait! Didn't the young monk say: Within ten years, Lei Peng Demon Mansion will be opened? I want to break through the current bottleneck!"

"Not only is there the Lei Peng Demon Mansion, but there is also the Tiandu Martial Arts Association!"

"Tiandu Martial Arts Association! We must let the five states in the world know my name, Xiao Mian of Nanyue!"

With a determined smile, Xiao Mian put away the Phoenix Sword and left the quiet room.

Counting the time, it has been almost five years since Xiao Mian entered the secret realm of Xuanwei Cave.

During these five years, everyone else was focused on retreating and seeking breakthroughs.

Only Tuoba Lan has been continuously smelting the twelve points of Lei Peng demon blood into his body, hoping to convert his spiritual roots into wind and thunder dual attribute spiritual roots.

Just three days after Xiao Mian left the quiet room, Tuoba Lan finally completed the smelting work of twelve points of Lei Peng demon blood and appeared in front of Xiao Mian.

At this time, Tuoba Lan had a majestic and outstanding appearance. He had the elegance of the wind and the violence of thunder, and he was full of energy.

And because of the pain of smelting Lei Peng demon blood for several years, Tuoba Lan's temperament has become more resolute, and the depths of his eyes are even calmer...

The two of them looked at each other with a lot of emotion.

During the conversation, Xiao Mian realized that after Tuoba Lan completed the smelting of Lei Peng's demon blood, not only did he sprout a trace of thunder attribute spiritual root in addition to the wind attribute spiritual root, but it also allowed Tuoba Lan to form a golden elixir. The level has been raised from the eighth level to the ninth level!

Hearing this, even Xiao Mian was amazed, and even more grateful for Tuoba Lan's incredible luck.

As a result, in terms of the level of golden elixir alone, Tuoba Lan has surpassed Guihai and Jingchu. Like Yin Jiansheng, he is a real ninth-grade golden elixir.

It's just that Tuoba Lan's realm is still at the beginning of Jindan. Therefore, after chatting with Xiao Mian for a few words, Tuoba Lan started to refine the "Nine Strategies of Wind and Thunder".

Watching Tuoba Lan float away, Xiao Mian felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Finally - the arrogant and proud Tuoba Lan back then is back!

Unexpectedly, today is destined to be a day of good things.

As soon as Tuoba Lan left, Tan Daoji, who had always been lonely, took the initiative to find Xiao Mian.

At Tan Daoji's insistence, Xiao Mian followed Tan Daoji to a well - there was nothing unusual about this well, Xiao Mian had explored it earlier.

Tan Daoji looked at Tianguang, but insisted that Xiao Mian wait here.

Xiao Mian did not feel dissatisfied, but instead asked Qi Tan Daoji about his cultivation in the past few years.

Unexpectedly, Tan Daoji has not practiced at all in the past five years.

Just when Xiao Mian was a little displeased, the moon was high in the sky, and even the secret realm of Xuanwei Cave was tainted with moonlight - the secret realm of Xuanwei Cave did not cut off the light of the sun and moon.

Tan Daoji was shocked and pulled Xiao Mian to the ancient well.

I saw that he was watching by himself first, and then he followed his example, avoided the moonlight, and looked at the water in the ancient mirror.

Xiao Mian knew what he meant and did as he was told.

The moonlight reflected on the water along the ancient well. Instead of reflecting light, it reflected a spiritual curtain. Xiao Mian was shocked when he took a closer look.

""The Seven Techniques of the Yin Fu of the Ben Jing"!?" Xiao Miancai murmured to himself, but Tan Daoji on the side was surprised: "The Seven Techniques of the Yin Fu of the Ben Jing? Isn't it the "捭阖CE"?"

""捭 Hece"? Daoji! Stop joking! If you don't believe me, watch it yourself!"

"It's "捭 Hece", that's right! Where did the "Seven Techniques of the Yin Fu of the Classic" come from?"

"You! Wait a moment..."

Suddenly shocked, both Xiao Mian and Tan Daoji realized what the problem might be.

Since Tan Daoji brought Xiao Mian here, he would naturally not hide it. If what he saw was really "The Seven Techniques of Yin Fu", why did he deliberately say it was "捭阖CE"?

Xiao Mian had no reason to coax Tan Daoji.

If this is the case, this is not a problem, but a greater opportunity!

Think about it, even if what is reflected in the ancient well is really "The Seven Skills of Yin Fu" or "捭阖CE", it is just a secret book, but when Xiao Mian and Tan Daoji read it separately, what they got was They are two completely different volumes of secret scriptures. Does this mean that the secret scriptures reflected in this ancient well actually vary from person to person and are ever-changing?

If this is true, this ancient well is a priceless treasure!

It was not difficult to verify their guesses, so Xiao Mian summoned Hemerocallis over.

But to their surprise, Hemerocallis didn't see anything, let alone "捭阖CE" or "Seven Techniques of Yin Fu"!

However, this also confirmed the two people's guesses.

This ancient well indeed has magical effects that vary from person to person!

Thinking of this, Xiao Mian called over all the people who could move freely in the secret realm of Xuanwei Cave - in fact, there were only three of them: Liu Zhigang, Chu Xingxuan and Hu Sheng!

Unfortunately, Liu Zhigang and Chu Xingxuan found nothing after testing.

On the contrary, Hu Sheng was joining in the fun at the mouth of the well, muttering to himself.

"Hu Sheng! What did you see?"

"I...I don't know!"

"Just tell the truth and say whatever you see!"

"But...but I don't know this word!"

"... It seems that it's not your problem, it's your husband's problem!" Xiao Mian couldn't laugh or cry, but he was also a little embarrassed. Liu Zhigang didn't know much about literacy, and it was impossible for him to teach Hu Sheng personally. If Hu Sheng couldn't read, he wouldn't know how to read. The secret book at the bottom of the well. It was at this moment that Tan Daoji wrote down the names of "捭阖CE" and "The Seven Techniques of Yin Fu" to Hu Sheng one by one, but Hu Sheng shook his head: "None of them!"

"Senior Xiao! Let me teach this child how to read and write!"

"This..., Daoji! Don't neglect your own cultivation too much!"

"I have looked away from it for a long time in my life. I am lucky enough to be able to build a foundation and live for three hundred years. My senior saved me, and I will repay it throughout my life!"

"Okay! That's right! Everyone has their own opportunities. I heard before that you wandered around in the Xuanwei Cave all day long and didn't practice hard. I blamed you for being lazy. I didn't expect you to discover the skills here. , although I still don’t know what the "Seven Techniques of Yin Fu" and "捭阖CE" are, but I think they must be ancient secret scriptures from thousands of years ago! We carved out what we saw each other and got two volumes of ancient secrets! Dian, if you add Hu Sheng's volume, it will be three volumes - Daoji! You are doing the most good this time, I know it!"

"Thank you, Senior Xiao, for not blaming Daoji Menglang!"

At that moment, the group of people left the ancient well, but before leaving, Xiao Mian buried a sixth-level defensive array around the ancient well.

After telling Tan Daoji about the entrance and exit methods, Xiao Mian returned to the quiet room.

He wants to engrave the "Seven Techniques of the Yin Talisman of this Classic" as soon as possible!

The more he memorized it silently, the more excited Xiao Mian became, and the happier his expression became.

This "Seven Techniques of Yin Talismans" is actually a set of secret records of painting talismans!

There are not many talisman paintings recorded in "The Seven Skills of Yin Fu", there are only seven, namely: dragon talisman, turtle talisman, soaring snake talisman, crouching bear talisman, bird of prey talisman, fierce tiger talisman and lingwei talisman. symbol!

But Xiao Mian had never heard of these seven talismans.

Although Xiao Mian has not been practicing Taoism for a long time, because he specializes in drawing talismans, he still has a comprehensive understanding of various talismans.

Unfortunately, Xiao Mian had never heard of any of the "Seven Techniques of Yin Fu" in this classic!

This can only show that "The Seven Techniques of Yin Fu in this Classic" is definitely a secret that has not been passed down!

By extension, the "捭阖CE" discovered by Tan Daoji and the unknown technique discovered by Hu Sheng must be at the same level as the "Seven Techniques of Yin Fu".

This time, I really got mad...

Unexpectedly, this secret realm of Xuanwei Cave is not only a good place for cultivation and a life-saving secret cave, but also a veritable treasure cave!

Fortunately, Tan Daoji was able to see through the reality of the ancient well. He had obviously explored the ancient well carefully, but found nothing.

Therefore, in the world of cultivation, it is not only those with strong strength who can get the best things. Many good things were discovered and obtained by monks with low strength like Tan Daoji, but in the end, they were transferred to those with higher strength. in hand.

As for whether the middle will be stained with blood, it is unknown...

With this in mind, Xiao Mian took out a spirit sealing box.

This thing was personally given to Xiao Mian by the Good Fortune Tongzun back then. What was sealed inside was a spiritual pen - an intermediate magic weapon spiritual pen - Pengju!

Xiao Mian was busy in retreat the previous time, so he didn't care about him now.

Now that he knew that he would not be able to break the current bottleneck in a short period of time, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to retreat, and instead thought of Peng's writing.

Peng raised his pen and started writing, and Xiao Mian was shocked.

A mid-level magic weapon's spiritual pen is worth as much as an intermediate magic weapon's cauldron, just because the intermediate magic weapon's spiritual pen can draw eighth-level talismans!

Of course, today's Xiao Mian, even if he holds a Peng Li pen and uses the best seventh-level spiritual materials, it is impossible to achieve an eighth-level talisman - Xiao Mian's level is not enough!

From that day on, Xiao Mian used Peng to write whenever he had nothing to do.

The talismans painted with Peng Li's brush and those painted with Jiu Cunqing are naturally completely different.

Even if the grade is the same, the talismans drawn by Peng Li are more powerful.

This is understandable. It would be ridiculous if all of them fell off!

It was like this for another three years. During these three years, Xiao Mian kept splashing with ink. Fortunately, Xiao Mian had prepared a lot of spiritual materials for drawing talismans along the way.

Correspondingly, Xiao Mian's skill in drawing talismans finally improved.

From the fourth-level talisman to the fifth-level talisman, Xiao Mian was able to create a sixth-level talisman when he occasionally got lucky.

Although Xiao Mian looked down upon the sixth-level talisman, it could already be used in actual combat, leaving ordinary golden elixir cultivators in a hurry.

Of course, the spiritual materials Xiao Mian wasted were enough to purchase several seventh-level talismans...

Even so, Xiao Mian felt a little lucky that he had persisted in drawing talismans for decades.

For Xiao Mian, the time required to make those mid-level talismans was not as fast as going directly to rob homes and get spiritual stones.

The reason why Xiao Mian refined those mid-level talismans was just to improve his success rate in refining talismans and prepare for refining higher-level talismans in the future.

If he can batch draw seventh-level or even eighth-level talismans in the future, that would be awesome! Until then, it will be the time for him to become a millionaire.

The art of painting talismans must become more and more popular with age.

There is no doubt about this.

It was during these years that Husheng, under the careful instruction of Tan Daoji, finally understood the entirety of the ancient well secret scripture.

That was actually a body-refining technique - "Strong Dominance"!

Just looking at this name, it seems very domineering, and it seems to involve the power of the spirit root.

Could it be that this ancient well has also become a monster?

Otherwise, how could it be so different from person to person?

Not only that, Bai Caiwei discovered that when the moon is full every month, absorbing the moonlight by the ancient well is more efficient than elsewhere.

Finally, Bai Caiwei successfully broke through to the advanced level of Jindan. This also means that the time for Bai Caiwei and Li Muchao to become one is getting closer...

The peaceful days were broken because of Kong Yuanren's return!

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