Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1094: Walking into a Trap

A water-colored flying boat suddenly stopped in front of Xiao Mian and Bawutu.

No one was seen coming out, but a voice came from the flying boat.

"Are you Bawutu?"

"Yes! I'm just here, it's Bawu, the demon general under the eight-armed throne of the Eighteenth Demon King of the East China Sea..." Bawutu introduced himself, but the man in the flying boat seemed to have no patience to even listen to what he said. No, he asked again: "Who is he?"

The person who asked was naturally Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian frowned slightly, the Tiandu monk in the flying boat was too arrogant.

But it was Bawutu who quickly explained Xiao Mian's identity.

"This... because there were some mistakes on the way, the materials we traded were somewhat insufficient. It happened that this fellow Daoist Ranjiu also came from the East China Sea and was looking for a suitable trade partner. Bawutu was not talented, so he invited him I came here, I just hope..."

"Presumptuous! Who do you think you are? How dare you act on your own?"

The man in the flying boat interrupted Bawutu's words again.

Bawutu was dumbfounded by what the man said, but it was Xiao Mian who was unhappy.

"Hmph! I don't even bother to trade with you for being such a secretive person! Farewell!"

"Can you—can you leave?"

With a clear drink, a pressure of divine consciousness spread from the flying boat.

Although the man in the flying boat spoke coldly and arrogantly, it was obvious that his cultivation level was at least a quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator. Even in Tiandu City, his cultivation level was considered to be extremely high.

Pressing down the Divine Mirror, Xiao Mian pretended to be trapped by the opponent's divine consciousness - in fact, even if the Divine Mirror were left alone, Xiao Mian was not afraid of divine consciousness now.

It’s just that since we’re going to do a show, we naturally have to do a full set!

He wants to see: Who is the other party!

"Humph! I won't shed tears until I see the coffin!" As he said this, the flying boat suddenly turned into a stream of light, bursting out. Wherever the stream of light passed, a stunning beauty with a beautiful appearance like a flower appeared beside the waterfall. Apparently, it was she who had used her divine consciousness before. Xiao Mian was trapped. Seeing Bawu Tu looking at him with a lustful look, the beautiful woman with jade-faced Hanshuang snorted coldly: "Hmph! Are all the demon generals under your eight-armed throne a lustful ghost like you? "

"No! No! No! It's really...it's really, fairy, you are so beautiful..."

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will eat grilled octopus tonight!" As she spoke, the beautiful woman snapped her fingers, and a spark flew towards Nabawutu. Bawutu didn't care at all. He was still a sixth-order peak monster, so he wouldn't take that spark seriously! But at this moment, the beautiful woman murmured to herself, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally: "You are so courageous, you actually ignored my ghost demon fire!"

Nether Spirit Demon Fire, as soon as the name hit his ears, Nabawutu trembled all over.

The next moment, before the spark came close, Bawutu suddenly screamed strangely and jumped into the Huangtian River, but he didn't dare to show his head for a long time.

On the bank of the Huangtian River, the beautiful woman's sarcastic laughter rang out...

It’s no wonder that Bawutu has a lustful heart but not a lustful heart. It’s actually the ghost demon fire that has a rather evil reputation - especially among all the demons in the world!

The ghost demon fire is not so much a spiritual fire as it is a fire demon!

The ghost demon fire specifically relies on swallowing the demonic power of the demon clan to continuously strengthen itself. The soul of the monster swallowed by the ghost demon fire will be trapped in the ghost demon fire for the rest of its life.

They can't escape until the ghost demon fire is completely extinguished.

Even Xiao Mian's heart moved slightly when he heard the name "Netherworld Demon Fire".

A mid-grade flying boat! Ghost demon fire! Quasi-Nascent Soul monk!

Even before Xiao Mian stepped into Tiandu City, he already had a general understanding of the cultivation atmosphere in Tiandu City - that is, it is well-deserved!

Tiandu City is indeed worthy of its reputation!

"Come out! I count to three. If you don't come out, I will stop the Huangtian River!" After laughing enough, the beautiful woman turned to threaten Bawutu. Poor Bawutu had to emerge from the Huangtian River. Seeing that the other party had put away the ghost demon fire, he exhaled and cautiously begged for mercy: "Auntie! What do you want, tell us what you have to say!" Would you like to trade now?”

"Hmph! It's been like this a long time ago, isn't it enough? Bring it!"

"This..., the sacred object you promised..."

"You first hand over the things prepared by the Eight-Armed King to me. After I confirm that they are correct, I will naturally give you the trading items we have prepared!"


"What? Do you have any objections?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Seeing sparks rising from the fingertips of the beautiful woman again, Bawutu shook his head repeatedly, and at the same time respectfully presented a kit.

The beautiful woman took the kit, but her expression suddenly changed slightly.

"Have you ever opened this kit?"

"No..., yes! I...I just took a look..."


With a cold snort, the beautiful woman opened the brocade bag.

The next moment, the beautiful woman laughed out loud.

"With these rags, the Eight-Armed King wants to exchange for that sacred object from us? Are you, the Eight-Armed King, confused, or are you lining your own pockets?"

"I...I...I..." After hesitating for a long time, Bawutu suddenly pointed at Xiao Mian and said repeatedly: "I also knew that something was wrong, so I spent all my time to bring this fat-headed fish over. . He also has the secret treasure of King Ran Yi, one of the Eighteen Demon Kings. If you add his supplies, it should be almost complete, right?"

Bawutu finally took off his disguise.

It was only then that the beautiful woman focused her attention on Xiao Mian.

"Fat-headed fish? It doesn't look like it!" Seeing that Xiao Mian didn't have any demonic aura on his body, the beautiful woman was a little unsure, but after thinking about it again, if she wore a top-quality transformation bracelet, it would indeed be able to completely block the demonic aura. Staring at Xiao Mian closely, the beautiful woman said solemnly: "Are you under the throne of Ran Yi? Why don't you take out the things quickly!"


"What? Do you have to force me to do it?"

As he spoke, the ghost demon fire flashed again.

"You don't have to force me! I'm not like some soft-legged shrimps!" Facing the ghost demon fire, Xiao Mian made a generous speech: "Kill or behead, please do as you wish! But I will do it for you Lord Ranyi ordered us to come and barter with the monks from Zhongzhou. If you want to buy and sell by force, you might as well give it a try!"

Xiao Mian's words shocked the beautiful woman and made Bawutu dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful woman looked Xiao Mian up and down and extinguished the ghost demon fire.

"Have some backbone! I admire you as a loyal person, so I decided to give you a chance - an opportunity to trade with me on your own! Maybe you don't know yet? The Eight-Armed King wants to trade with us. It’s called the Wahuang Sacred Stone!”

While speaking, the beautiful woman slightly relaxed her pressure on Xiao Mian's consciousness, and even turned her hand over and took out a five-color spiritual stone.

"The Wahuang Divine Stone? The legendary ancient sacred stone - the Wahuang Divine Stone!?"

This time, even Xiao Mian was also surprised.

The Emperor Wa's sacred stone was quite famous even in ancient times.

According to legend, in ancient times, the great goddess Wahuang and Our Lady of the Goddess kneaded the soil to create humans. There were a few stubborn stones in the soil, and the Wahuang and Our Lady picked them out.

These stubborn stones that were not chosen by the Holy Mother of Wahuang are the sacred stones of Wahuang.

Although they are not favored by the Holy Mother of Emperor Wa, their essence is also extremely miraculous, and they have the effect of gathering souls and combining essence and blood.

It is precisely because of this that the Emperor Wa's sacred stone has become a top-quality spiritual material used by some powerful people to refine their clones...

Although ordinary demons can walk like human monks as long as they practice to the seventh level and survive the catastrophe of transformation.

However, the world of cultivation is undoubtedly vast, but not all monsters can transform.

Even if some powerful demonic beasts inherited the bloodline of ancient gods and demons, even if their strength reaches its peak, they cannot transform because their bodies are too powerful.

For example, the fish wife back then, and the ice and fire dragon in the middle of the ancestral dragon!

The Wahuang Divine Stone can dissolve the souls and blood essence of these powerful monsters into one body, and then create a special existence similar to a clone.

Although the powerful body of the monster still cannot completely transform, this clone derived from the Wahuang Divine Stone can walk around the world as a human monk.

It is precisely because of this that the Emperor Wa's sacred stone is worth a lot of money.

Not only the high-level monks among the human monks are pursuing it, but the ancient giant monsters who cannot transform are also eager for the Wahuang Divine Stone.

Presumably, the so-called Eight-Armed King is the latter.

"What a pity! There is only one piece of the Emperor Wa's Divine Stone. Who should we trade it with?"

Just when Xiao Mian was shocked that the object of the transaction turned out to be the Divine Stone of Emperor Wa, the beautiful woman, whose face was like an iceberg, showed a smile for the first time.

Bawutu looked confused, but suddenly his whole body trembled, he rose into the sky from the Huangtian River, and shouted loudly.

"Fairy! My lord, the Eight-Armed King, has an appointment with your noble lord!"

"Giggle! If you are the only one here for this transaction, this sacred stone of Emperor Wa will naturally belong to your Eight-Armed King. Who told you to bring another person?" With a faint smile, the beautiful woman's eyes lingered on Xiao Mian On his body, there was a whisper that was half encouraging and half bewitching: "Now! Of course, the one with the highest price will get it! When I go back, I might as well have an explanation!"


"Of course this is excellent!" But it was Xiao Mian who interrupted Bawutu's words and flew out a piece of colorful scales towards the beautiful woman. The beautiful woman's eyes shone brightly, and she grabbed the scale armor in her hand. She looked it over with her consciousness and raised her eyebrows - Xiao Mian naturally got this scale armor from Ran Ju that day!

The reason why the beautiful woman was a little surprised was because this piece of scale armor was blessed with the seal of Ran Yi Demon King.

The seal is intact, indicating that the contents inside the scale armor are not lacking.

It's not that Xiao Mian doesn't want to crack the scale armor, it's actually that the seals blessed by Ran Yi Demon King on the scale armor are extremely profound. Even Guitou is not sure that he can do it without disturbing Ran Yi Demon King and destroying the scale armor. Next, uncover the mysterious seal.

After a long delay, it has been delayed until today...

But in this way, the beautiful woman believed in Xiao Mian's identity.

"Not bad! It seems that fellow Taoist Ran Jiu is also very sincere!" Holding Bawutu's kit in one hand and Xiao Mian's scale armor in the other, the beautiful woman seemed a little unsure. , whispering to himself: "But, what should we do?"

"Hmph! Fairy! I don't need to worry about such a trivial matter! Let the two of us solve it by ourselves!"

As Bawutu spoke, his eyes shifted from the beautiful woman to Xiao Mian - at this time, Xiao Mian was still suppressed by the woman's consciousness!

At least, that's what it seems on the surface...

Seeing Bawutu staring at Xiao Mian with fierce eyes, the beautiful woman smiled sweetly, and her hands holding the brocade bag and scale armor tightened unknowingly.

Suddenly, Bawutu shouted loudly.

A cloud of black gas spread from his body, and a fishy smell filled the sky above the Huangtian River. Then, an overly large octopus appeared.

After these days of convalescence, the octopus's originally broken tentacles were all restored.

He saw eight tentacles that were like flying swords, cutting vertically and horizontally, strangling Xiao Mian who was motionless, and successfully killed Xiao Mian on the spot!

Seeing how easily he killed the fat-headed fish that was trying to steal business from him, the octopus was also stunned.

Could it be that this guy is more disinterested than himself?

After this thought, Octopus was ecstatic.

Now that the only competitor has been killed by him on the spot, the beautiful young lady from Tiandu City will surely be impressed by his tyrannical strength, right?

Maybe, there will be some unspeakable romantic encounters...

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