Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1098: Three Lifetimes of Slavery

In the rock spirit flying boat, Rakshasa looked at Xiao Mian like a monster.

This guy!

He is clearly a monk from Tiandu City, and he is also a disciple of a well-established family, but yet he deliberately plays tricks on himself, which is really disgusting!

Rakshasa naturally believes in the Golden Mirror of Light and the Great Formation of the Heavenly Constellations.

Xiao Mian would not explain anything in a thankless manner. It would not be a bad thing if Rakshasa believed that he was a monk from Tiandu City.

Xiao Nantian?

Is this his new name when he ventures into Tiandu City in the future?


However, one day, my name, Xiao Mian, must be resounding throughout the world!

While secretly swearing, the speed of the rock spirit flying boat was not slow at all.

Gradually, a low gray line appeared in the western sky...

As he walked closer and closer, Xiao Mian discovered that the line was not actually short, it was just an illusion caused by being too far apart.

The rock spirit flying boat traveled for a quarter of an hour before Xiao Mian arrived at the city wall.

After stepping out of the Rock Spirit Flying Boat, he looked up at the high wall in front of him that was like a cliff reaching the sky. Even Xiao Mian with such a solid mind couldn't help but sigh at the grand scene in front of him.

That city wall is naturally the city wall of Tiandu City.

But this city wall is too much!

High, a hundred feet high, too high!

Long, out of reach, too long!

Strong, indestructible, too hard!

What's even more exaggerated is the oppressive feeling caused by the perverted city wall.

Although his heart was full of emotions, Xiao Mian didn't show much on the surface.

This made the Rakshasa around him more and more convinced of the fact that Xiao Mian was a local monk in Tiandu City - after all, no one who saw the walls of Tiandu City for the first time would be as calm as Xiao Mian. In this case, he must be I have seen such a grand scene before.

No wonder!

No wonder this bastard didn't enter his identity information in Longmen Mountain, and the Zhoutian Xingxiu Formation didn't respond to him in any way.

Just because he already exists in the Zhoutian Star Formation!

It's ridiculous that I would make that bet with him...

No matter how Rakshasa felt sorry for herself, she had to follow Xiao Mian under the roof and enter Tiandu City, which was both familiar and unfamiliar to her!

After entering Tiandu City, Xiao Mian keenly sensed that the spiritual atmosphere around him had improved to another level.

On the surface, Xiao Mian remained calm, but privately, Xiao Mian was filled with resentment.

Stealing spirits!

Today, although Xiao Mian still has no definite evidence for the so-called spirit stealing theory of Patriarch Hunyuan, he is becoming more and more convinced.

Just because, if this world is allowed to develop freely, it will never be possible to create Tiandu City, which is said to be outstanding - only man-made!

No matter how unbearable Nanyue State is, it still occupies a part of the world. According to the natural laws of heaven, no matter how unfair it is, it cannot be useless.

Not to mention Nanyue Prefecture, the other four prefectures in the world, such as Soochow Prefecture, Western Shu Prefecture and Northern Wei Prefecture, cannot even compete with Zhongzhou Prefecture.

That’s not all!

The nine holy lands that dominate the world all come from Tiandu City!

If it weren't for man-made fraud, where could such a coincidence come from?

In other words, the higher the concentration of spiritual energy in Tiandu City, the more severe it is in exploiting Nanyue State!

With this almost heavy mentality, Xiao Mian walked into a cultivation inn.

In the quiet room, Xiao Mian took out the detailed map of Zhongzhou.

As the heart of Zhongzhou, Tiandu City is naturally the top priority.

Therefore, on the detailed map of Zhongzhou, Tiandu City is described in great detail with great ink and length.

The entire Tiandu City is like a round cake.

The round cake is covered with densely packed small black dots, some are larger, some are smaller, it looks like sesame seeds sprinkled on the cake, a dense black spot...

These dots are the large and small buildings in Tiandu City.

The most eye-catching among them are seventeen cases in total!

The white jade capital in the sky, the twelve cities on the fifth floor!

The fifth floors are: Gumu Building in the East, Fenghuo Building in the South, Juejin Building in the West, Duanshui Building in the North, and Earthen Building in the Central Town!

The fifth floor coincides with the five directions and five elements.

The twelve cities are represented by the twelve earthly branches, which are like a ring and are embedded on the outside of the central area composed of five floors.

These twelve cities on the fifth floor firmly occupy the central area of ​​Tiandu City.

Outside the twelve cities on the fifth floor, there are other scattered buildings, but even if they are integrated together, they cannot shake the absolute status of the twelve cities on the fifth floor.

Besides, Xiao Mian's detailed map of Zhongzhou is indeed the best.

The twelve cities on the fifth floor. The most important buildings of these seventeen sects have their own independent scrolls and detailed introductions. The slightly larger buildings are all labeled.

Even the Rakshasa on the side was full of shock after seeing it - even she had never heard of many things recorded on the map.

"You! Since you have this treasure map in your hand and you are a local monk in Tiandu City, what use do you want from me? Why do you need to make it so difficult for me?"

"Yes! This thing is indeed detailed and clear in black and white, but it has been decades since this drawing was in my hands. The general layout of Tiandu City may not change, but the details may change with each passing day, right?" After explaining his original intention, Xiao Mian asked calmly: "What? Do you think that your worth as a dignified quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator is not as good as this dead thing in my hand? Don't forget it! The deal between us has not been completed yet! Do you want to leave, fellow Taoist?"

"Hmph! I've already put my life and death aside since I fell into your hands. But I'm afraid that I'll disappoint Fellow Daoist Xiao! I'm not familiar with even this Tiandu City!"

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"You! Are you really going to humiliate me to the point of humiliation before you stop?"

Suddenly, Luosha's face changed drastically and he became emotional.

Xiao Mian didn't expect the other party to react like this, and he was a little surprised.

But at this moment, Luosha revealed a fact that shocked Xiao Mian...

This Luosha's ancestor was not a native cultivator of Tiandu City.

Counting back three generations, Luosha's grandfather went through untold hardships and finally came to Tiandu City. Fortunately, he had a place in Tiandu City.

Since then, Luosha's father has also been conscientious and hardworking.

When it comes to Luosha's generation, it is the last hope...

Just because, for foreign cultivators, Tiandu City has a very strict management system-slavery for three generations!

Unless the cultivators who enter Tiandu City are extremely powerful, they must start as slaves at the bottom, and they must do this for three generations!

After three generations, the descendants of foreign cultivators can completely get rid of slavery.

Luosha is the third-generation descendant of the Luo family.

If she works hard for Tiandu City until her death, then her children can enjoy the same treatment as the local cultivators of Tiandu City.

At least, that's what the Tiandu City officials said...

"Oh? Slaves for three generations? There is such a rule?"

"Humph! You local cultivators of Tiandu City, of course, don't know this!"

"You are right and wrong. How do you know that the ancestors of my Xiao family must be local cultivators of Tiandu City? Maybe they are foreign cultivators who have survived three generations!"

Xiao Mian's words left Luosha speechless.

On the one hand, it is true that what Xiao Mian said is not impossible; on the other hand, Luosha never thought that Xiao Mian would slander his own family.

You must know that in Tiandu City, almost everyone is proud of being a native cultivator of Tiandu City.

Luosha, who is just one step away from enjoying the same treatment as the native cultivators of Tiandu City, is inferior to others.

After thinking about it, Luosha was relieved.

Maybe this bastard has been hanging out outside for too long and has been infected with the bad habits of those foreign cultivators...

He really doesn't know how to appreciate his blessings!

Luosha was complaining about it, but Xiao Mian asked again.

"Fellow Daoist Luosha! I wonder where your ancestral home is?" Seeing Luosha's alert face, Xiao Mian smiled indifferently: "Maybe, Xiao has been to your hometown!"

Luosha was about to not answer Xiao Mian, but after hearing what Xiao Mian said, Luosha was slightly stunned, and finally, he uttered a name that surprised Xiao Mian.


The ancestors of the Luo family actually came from Nanyuezhou...

Looking at Luosha, Xiao Mian didn't know whether to laugh or cry; looking at Xiao Mian, Luosha was indignant.

Luosha, however, took Xiao Mian's helpless laughter as disdain and ridicule.

You must know that even among the five states in the world, Nanyue State is at the bottom.

Luosha has long experienced this...

Now that Luosha has condensed her divine consciousness, naturally no one dares to bully her too much, but thinking back to the past, even if she was also a descendant of foreign cultivators, she was also bullied by her companions - just because the Luo family came from the least prestigious Nanyue State!

"Nanyue State! I have really been there!"

"What... what!?"

Luosha looked at Xiao Mian with disbelief.

Xiao Mian, however, talked about the customs and customs of Nanyue State...

At first, Luosha did not comment.

But gradually, she would ask one or two questions when Xiao Mian paused.

Xiao Mian also told everything he knew.

After a long time, the quiet room suddenly fell into silence.

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Luosha took the jade talisman to open the door and pressed it randomly.

Suddenly, a spiritual light appeared in the quiet room. As Xiao Mian looked on with a little surprise, the spiritual light condensed into a spiritual curtain.

On the spiritual curtain, some images of people appeared.

Although Xiao Mian didn't understand, he remained calm.

"Daoyou! You have been away from Tiandu City for nearly a hundred years. You should not be unfamiliar with "spiritual vision", right? Although it is just a pastime to kill time, it is not useless."

"Spiritual vision? It seems to be more advanced than before..."

In a few words, Xiao Mian found out the so-called spiritual vision from Luosha.

Of course, this is also because Luosha has determined that Xiao Mian is a native cultivator of Tiandu City. Otherwise, it would be difficult to get some information from her.

Spiritual vision, a mass imaging technology.

Through the transmission of spiritual energy, tens of millions of people can watch a specific image at the same time in an instant - the spiritual vision is still realized by the Zhoutian Xingxiu formation!

Seeing the love stories being shown on the spiritual vision, Xiao Mian was quite disapproving - cultivators should be brave and diligent, how can they be sentimental?

However, regardless of the content of the spiritual vision, the technology of the spiritual vision alone was enough to make Xiao Mian more vigilant.

In normal times, this is naturally just a trick for entertainment.

But its popularity is enough to allow the top leaders of Tiandu City to use the spiritual vision to control the vast majority of cultivators in Tiandu City, and it is still subtle and unconscious.

It should be noted that all the content played in the spiritual vision has been reviewed by Tiandu City.

Xiao Mian just thought about this, and the spiritual screen shook and suddenly switched away.

A young girl in palace attire appeared on the spiritual curtain. Her appearance and figure were naturally unique and rare in the world.

Even with Xiao Mian's temperament, he couldn't help but spit out foul breath.

But then, the girl reported a briefing that made Xiao Mian take a breath...

The notification was very simple, only about a hundred words.

Ye Tan, the guard of Longmen Mountain, murders his colleagues, seizes the treasure and escapes privately. The Arbitration Court has always ruled that Ye Tan will be deprived of his identity seal and the entire Ye family will be slaves forever!

The spiritual curtain flickered and it switched to the previous entertainment program.

But at this time, Xiao Mian and Rakshasa were no longer interested in watching.

It would be enough to deprive Ye Tan of his identity seal. After all, Ye Tan himself had already died at the hands of Xiao Mian, so what use would she have for the identity seal?

But what really shocked Xiao Mian were the last eight words!

The entire Ye family will be slaves forever!

"Fellow Taoist! Why are you making such a fuss?" After calming down, Rakshasa laughed at himself and whispered: "Arbitration Court? Humph! Usually, what us foreign monks are most afraid of hearing are the three words Arbitration Court! Those Tiandu monks are always looking for trouble for us, let alone such a serious evil as 'killing their colleagues'?"

"Then Ye Tan is also a foreign monk?"

"Otherwise! Otherwise, do you think that local monks like you in Tiandu City would be interested in garrisoning Longkou Rock for three years?" Facing Xiao Mian, Rakshasa shouted at the top of his lungs: "We foreign monks are doing the most important thing. The dirtiest and most tiring work, with the lowest pay, the greatest risks, but the most despicable life..."

The more he talked, the more angry he became, and Rakshasa lost control of his emotions for a time.

"Where's that senior Yelu?"

Completely ignoring Rakshasa's loss of control, Xiao Mian asked alone.

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