Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,131 Cleaning up the mess

Putting away the Star Magnetic Sword, Xiao Mian stared at the sun and moon in the sky, lost in thought.

Xiao Mian had not expected the Sun and Moon Swords to change like this.

But after thinking about it, Xiao Mian was relieved.

Whether it was the Great Sun Essence Flame in the Sun Sword or the Moon Light in the Moon Sword, they were both ninth-order divine flames and divine lights. With them as a guide, the Star Spirit Saint was able to change the sun and moon, change the universe, and turn them into the sun and moon that illuminate the fairy stone space.

Thinking deeper, for the Sun and Moon Swords, as a meritorious magic weapon, what greater merit could there be than turning into the sun and moon, illuminating all things?

Don’t look at the fairy stone space today, which is just a star curtain and a five-color continent, but this is only the most basic world. Since Xiao Mian has made up his mind to rebuild the fairy stone space, he will naturally not stop here. Today’s creation of the world is just a beginning. In the future, Xiao Mian will add bricks and tiles to the fairy stone space from time to time.

For example, the eye of the storm was left for this purpose.

Maybe one day in the future, living beings will appear in the fairy stone space!

By then, the Sun and Moon Swords will also be perfect!

Besides, although the Sun and Moon Swords turned into the sun and moon in the fairy stone space, in fact, most of the beings that appeared in the fairy time space tend to be spiritual beings.

For example, Xiao Mian is not the real Xiao Mian, but Xiao Mian's consciousness.

Therefore, the changes in the Sun and Moon Swords will not affect Xiao Mian's use of them, and of course will not affect the opening of the Hunyuan Daoism in the future.

Glancing at the five-color continent with the sun and moon shining and the stars shining, Xiao Mian disappeared silently and withdrew from the fairy stone space.

Let this world evolve on its own...

After exiting the fairy stone space, Xiao Mian had to start thinking about another thing.

That is - the destruction of the Cai family!

As early as the day when the Cai family ancestor walked into the Xiao family compound alone, the Cai family was doomed to fall. However, Xiao Mian did not fight the Cai family to death with real swords and guns, but chose to let Guitou control the body of the Cai family ancestor and then erode the Cai family.

That's not all!

After the fact that the Cai family ancestor had obtained the Xiao family's secret treasure was spread openly or secretly, it was not surprising that other people would take the bait.

The Eight Leaf Jade Order was the best evidence!

However, judging from the situation in the last round of the family challenge that day, the Chen family had clearly colluded with the Cai family long ago, and finally Chen Yuling went on stage to fight Xiao Nanming, which was even more sinister. Not only did they want to force the Xiao family into a desperate situation, but they also wanted to make Xiao Nanming sink!

Since the Chen family is so ruthless, don't blame Xiao Mian for being ruthless to the end!

Sure enough, when the Cai family ancestor, under the control of Guitou, sold all the various industries under the name of the Cai family in order to cash in, the Chen family could not sit still.

The Chen family, which always seemed to stay out of the matter, fell into the trap like a moth to a flame!

The Chen family took the initiative to contact the Cai family and made it clear that they wanted a share of the Xiao family's secret treasure.

Guitou deliberately acted reluctantly and was only willing to temporarily lend 10 million Zhongling from the Cai family at a high interest rate.

But the Chen family refused!

The Chen family was not unwilling to lend, but was very happy to lend. Not only did they not ask for interest, they also automatically increased the loan amount to 200 million Zhongling.

There was only one condition - to participate in the opening of the Xiao family's secret treasure with the Cai family!

In the end, Guitou was forced to agree to the Chen family's request.

Since then, the Chen family has continuously supplied spirit stones and immortal crystals to the Cai family, in order to occupy the Xiao family's secret treasure that was said to have been obtained by the Cai family's ancestor.

Who can know: everything is just a fantasy?

Today, the spirit stones or immortal crystals controlled by Guitou may have reached an astonishing number.

It's time to close the net.

Otherwise, not only will the ghost head be exposed, but even the huge amount of spiritual stones that can tempt Xiao Mian will always be a little unsafe.

The Feitian Sect incident made Xiao Mian's slightly dazed brain sober up.

But before squeezing out the Cai family, there is one more thing that Xiao Mian has to do.

"Brother Hua! How are you?"

"..., you kid, contacting me on your own initiative, there must be something bad!"

"Good! Absolutely good!" With a chuckle, Xiao Mian revealed his plan coefficient to Hua Mancheng on the other side through the Beidou Si Nan Pan. At the end, Xiao Mian said kindly: "Brother Hua, remember: the Chen family has been forced into a desperate situation. No matter how low the price you offer, they have to consider it. Just do it!"

"Thank you, Brother Xiao, for your guidance. If there is any profit this time, Hua will host a banquet at Qiankun Tower!"

"It's safe!"

After cutting off contact with Hua Mancheng, Xiao Mian contacted the magic seal again.

Moyin was not interested in Xiao Mian's plan, but he agreed to make some trouble for the Chen family when necessary.

Finally, Xiao Mian contacted Xie Ying.

For Xie Ying, Xiao Mian's plan was just what he wanted.

He hurriedly cut off contact with Xiao Mian and went to work on his acquisition plan.


Xiao Mian wanted to mobilize all the people he could to launch a large-scale acquisition of the Chen family's assets - who asked the Chen family to send money to the Cai family?

After sending no less than 300 million Zhongling to the Cai family, even the Chen family, which had always accumulated a lot of money, was somewhat stretched.

As a last resort, the Chen family even began to mortgage some of their assets.

This was what Xiao Mian had asked Hua Mancheng, Moyin and Xie Ying to do before, to buy up the Chen family's assets at a low price.

The Chen family always thought that as long as they obtained the legendary secret treasure of the Xiao family, the spiritual stones paid by the Chen family would be repaid tenfold and a hundredfold.

How did they know that the Xiao family's secret treasure was just a bottomless pit!

Once Guitou drains the huge amount of spiritual stones from the Cai family and the Chen family, the Cai family will immediately fall apart and be wiped out by creditors such as the Chen family.

Even the Chen family will be severely damaged due to the rupture of their capital chain.

By then, the property that they mortgaged at a low price will no longer be able to be redeemed!

Even if the Chen family recovers in the future, if they want to redeem those properties from old foxes like Xie Ying, it will definitely cost more than ten times or a hundred times the original price!

After doing all this, Xiao Mian stayed behind closed doors.

Enough wine koji has been brewed, all that is waiting for is fermentation...

In the next three days, some of the extended properties under the Chen family's name changed hands one after another.

After getting the extra spirit stones, the Chen family became obsessed with it and threw themselves into the bottomless pit of the Cai family. Just because the ancestor of the Cai family swore that he had found a way to open the Xiao family's secret treasure. Within three days, the Xiao family's secret treasure would be unlocked. Opened successfully.

On the fourth day, everything was calm in the Cai family.

On the fifth day, everything was calm in the Cai family.

On the sixth day, the entire Cai family exploded—the ancestor of the Cai family disappeared!

On the seventh day, the news spread like wildfire throughout Tiandu City.

The Cai family was almost wiped out overnight!

Compared to the complete collapse of the Cai family, although the Chen family was lucky enough to survive, their vitality has been severely damaged and may not be able to recover for decades or even hundreds of years.

On the one hand, tens of millions of spiritual beings were sent to the Cai family one after another; on the other hand, a large amount of family property was blindly mortgaged at low prices.

After the capital chain was broken, those family properties that had been mortgaged at low prices could never be recovered. What was even more frightening was that when the Chen family fell into financial crisis, some aristocratic families or sects that had been brothers of the Chen family came to visit one after another. , to collect debts.

Unable to produce the spiritual stone, the Chen family had no choice but to use the family property to pay off their debts again.

It's just that this time, the valuation of those family properties is not decided by the Chen family...

Over and over again, some good people estimate that the Chen family has lost at least one hundred million souls!

If one thing goes wrong, the Chen family will be completely plunged into a spiritual war catastrophe!

Fortunately, the ancestor of the Chen family was ruthless enough to suppress the unanimous opposition of the Chen family and resolutely withdraw the Chen family from Tiandu City.

As for where the Chen family will go after leaving Tiandu City, no one will care.

Just like the previous decline of the Xiao family, didn't anyone come out to speak up?

In the world of spiritual practice, there is never a shortage of small aristocratic families like this!

At this time, Xiao Mian was hiding in the quiet room, welcoming Guitou's return.

The thirty million spirit stones are just the portion of the spirit stones imported by the Chen family to the Cai family. Naturally, the Cai family's own property has not escaped Guitou's raids.

After counting carefully, Xiao Mian was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

This vote alone earned him hundreds of thousands of souls!

Once upon a time, for Xiao Mian, ten thousand souls was an astronomical number.

Once upon a time, had Xiao Mian dared to think that he would receive hundreds of thousands of souls overnight?

Sure enough, in this world of cultivation where miracles happen all the time, as long as the cultivation level is reached, spiritual stones and the like are the most indispensable...

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Xiao Mian successfully collected the spiritual stones.

Looking for an opportunity, I should exchange some high-grade spiritual stones from Xie Ying.

After all, among the ancestors of Yuanying, high-grade spiritual stones are the real hard currency - such as the immortal crystals promoted by Tiandu City, which are nothing more than currency.

After walking out of the quiet room, Xiao Mian took the opportunity to check on the conditions of the three Xiao family members. All three of them were practicing diligently, which made Xiao Mian feel a little relieved.

After all, everyone is a descendant of the Xiao family.

If Xiao Bailu and especially Xiao Nanming can be self-reliant, Xiao Mian will be happy to see it happen. Xiao Mian has even thought about it - in the future, as long as Xiao Nanming successfully gathers his consciousness, he will bring the Lanling Xiao family to the throne. The position of head of the family was ceded to Xiao Nanming.

After all, this is his Lanling Xiao family!

After walking out of the cultivation inn, Xiao Mian went straight to Tongbao Pavilion.

In Tongbao Pavilion, Xiao Mian met Xie Ying.

The two stared at each other, refusing to give in to each other.

Xie Ying was still blaming Xiao Mian for making trouble for nothing and provoking behemoths like the Feitian Sect, while Xiao Mian was slandering Xie Ying for crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, and for being a good boy after getting an advantage.

After all, both Huamancheng and Moyin are working alone. Even if they can grab some property from the Chen family, it will only be sporadic.

The person who really dealt a fatal blow to the Chen family was the businessman Xie Ying.

that's the truth!

In the previous acquisition war of the Chen family, Xie Ying swept almost all the properties listed by the Chen family. During this period, Xie Ying also secretly lent money to the Chen family.

When the Chen family was on the verge of bankruptcy, Xie Ying came to collect debts, and Shengsheng obtained a large amount of property from the Chen family at extremely low prices.

It can even be said that the Chen family was forced to leave by Xie Ying!

For Xie Ying, he has no psychological burden at all for the defeat of the Chen family. The so-called shopping mall is like a battlefield, and there is no luck at all.

The Chen family fell, we can only say that they were destined!

Thinking of the huge benefits he got from the Chen family, Xie Ying didn't want to argue with Xiao Mian.

"Ahem! You kid! You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. Why are you here today?"

"Brother! You really understand me! I just came to see the Three Treasures Hall!"

"Wha...what!? What is the Three Treasures Palace?"

"Brother! Your Xiangfu Chamber of Commerce has such a big property. In Tiandu City, apart from this Tongbao Pavilion, don't you have any property?" As he spoke, Xiao Mian saw Xie Ying's fat body trembling slightly, and Xiao Mian grabbed it Xie Ying's wrist tugged on Xie Ying's sleeve and confided: "Is there any kind of paradise like a private manor?"


"It doesn't have to be too high-end! It can be like those elegant rooms in Qiankun Tower, with space formations engraved inside and a top-notch spirit gathering array. There don't need to be too many rooms. Seventy or eighty rooms are enough to live in! In a word: You must be worthy of your status, brother!"

"Go away! There is such a good place, why would I still live in Tongbao Pavilion?"

"Brother! Have you ever talked to me like this?" Xiao Mian stood up suddenly, loosened Xie Ying's sleeves, took out a seal order, and took a photo of Xie Ying. While the eagle was dumbfounded, Xiao Mian became a little arrogant, using chicken feathers as arrows: "Huh huh huh! Do you know this thing? Do you have it or not?"

"You! You are too shameless!"

Xie Ying, who had always taken shamelessness as his motto, pointed at Xiao Mian and the seal in his hand, his thick fingers trembling, obviously very angry.

Just because what Xiao Mian took out was that piece - the Heaven Supervising Order!

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