Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,212 Under heavy reward

Hell Flower, a seventh-level dark attribute spiritual material.

This bunch of hell flowers came from Lei Peng Demon Mansion. Xiao Mian had forgotten which Eight Meridians descendant he took it from the coffin of. Now it is given to Huo Long'er, which is appropriate for the occasion.

This hell flower fell into the hands of ordinary monks and was of little use.

But now that it falls into the hands of Huo Long'er, its value is no less than a treasure!

Just like Cistanche amaranth to Zhu Yanji, it is not wrong to say that it is the foundation of enlightenment...

Xiao Mian has always attached great importance to the Huo brothers and sisters.

The reason why Huo Long'er was allowed to join the sect of the Killing God back then was probably because he wanted to use Huo Long'er to appease the Killing God.

The situation at that time was that the Jade Hoe Patriarch had no way to save himself. Although the Nongjia Flow had Ding Wenquan, the newly promoted Yuanying Patriarch, in charge, there were still two opinions on whether it could maintain its position among the nine major sects. The biggest threat to the Nongjia Flow was Qia Qia. It is the killer way that possesses the ancestor of Nascent Soul.

Although Xiao Mian was in Zhongzhou, he had to make suggestions for Nanyue State.

One of the tactics to delay the attack is to appease the God of Death.

However, Xiao Mian never gave up on Huo Long'er.

"Long'er! Although you worship me as your master, I don't want you to give up the God of Death! It's not a bad thing to have two masters. As long as the God of Killing doesn't do evil things to harm our Nanyue State, he will always be your master. , even if he turns against me, it’s none of your business!”

"..., Long'er understands!"

Although Huo Longer is not very old, he has always been deep and steady.

Xiao Mian believed that Huo Longer would handle his relationship with the God of Death well.

Turning to look at Huo Feng'er, Xiao Mian shook his head and nodded again when he saw the little girl looking at him expectantly.

"Feng'er! Are you willing to accept me as your teacher?"

"I...of course I am willing! But I already have a master..."

"Your master is the Phoenix Master of Tianlong Temple? It doesn't matter! I have a close relationship with Tianlong Temple. I'm sure the Phoenix Master will not blame you!"

"Feng'er! What's so good about your master? In addition to asking you to recite Buddha's scriptures, eat fast and observe the precepts, she has never taught you any skills. The "Ten Heart Sutra of Great Mercy and Great Compassion" that you practice was taught to you by your master. Yes, what else do you want to do about her?"

Before Huo Feng'er opened her mouth, Huo Long'er started scolding Master Phoenix Slayer in a barrage of words.

"Long'er! Don't be rude! Master Feng Mie is a great Buddhist saint. Every word and deed must have deep meaning. How can a naughty boy like you see through it?" With a flick of his finger, Xiao Mian placed a finger on Huo Long'er's forehead. After thinking for a while, he turned to Huo Feng'er and said, "I have no grudge against Master Mie Feng. All we do is to cultivate a talent for the Nanyue State in the future. Come to think of it, Mie Feng'er Master Feng has the same idea!”

"..., it's Feng'er who is pedantic! Please forgive me, senior!" Taking a deep breath, Huo Feng'er saluted Xiao Mian and said, "Feng'er is willing to worship senior as his teacher!"

"No need to be so polite! Just keep this thing."

Xiao Mian handed it to Huo Feng'er, which was a jade slip for teaching martial arts. The cultivation method of "Five Elements of Divine Light" was engraved on it.

"Feng'er! You have a light attribute spiritual root. According to my observation just now, when you use light attribute spells or magical powers, you have a strong amplification effect. This Five Elements Divine Light is what our Five Elements Sect relies on to become famous. I hope you will have a good time trying to figure it out and practice it diligently!"

"Thank you Master!"

"Since both your brother and sister have become my disciples, there should be an order of elders and younger ones. However, before you, I accepted a disciple as my master."

"Then I am the second senior brother, and she is the junior sister!"

"Let's do that!"

"What? Master, will you continue to accept disciples?"

But it was Huo Long'er who keenly grasped the implication of Xiao Mian's words...

"If there are suitable candidates, I wouldn't mind recruiting a few more as my teacher!" Nodding, Xiao Mian encouraged the Huo brothers and sisters again, then turned and left.

The reason why Patriarch Qingqiu brought the Huo family brothers and sisters to Tiandu this time was so that they could represent the foundation-building monks of Nanyue Prefecture to participate in the Tiandu Martial Arts Association.

When the Huo brothers and sisters become famous in the foundation-building competition of the Tiandu Martial Arts Association, many people will value their qualifications and potential.

When the time comes, Xiao Mian will find it increasingly difficult to recruit the two of them.

This is Xiao Mian's last chance to take the Huo brothers and sisters into his sect, so Xiao Mian cannot easily miss it.

First there was the grace to save his life, then there was the feeling of protecting each other, and now he has the title of master and apprentice. Not to mention Huo Feng'er, even Huo Long'er will not be ungrateful.

What's more, Xiao Mian also treats others sincerely and will not treat them badly.

Just like this, the number of Xiao Mian's disciples has reached three...

Maybe it’s time to choose a time for these three fellow disciples to meet!

It's just that the Tiandu Martial Arts Association is not suitable for Hu Sheng. After all, Hu Sheng is a pure physical practitioner. In this era where the Qi training family is the only one, it is too conspicuous.

Besides, for Husheng, if he participated in a competition between Qi practitioners as a physical practitioner, what would he gain?

Xiao Mian even thought about it. As long as Husheng entered the sea-breaking realm, he would order Husheng to go to Xishuzhou alone and travel all over Shiyun Desert.

Visit thousands of temples and worship thousands of Buddhas.

Only in Xishuzhou Buddhism, where the atmosphere of physical training is quite strong, can Husheng grow better.

Of course, these are all things for later. Xiao Mian was just free when he was approached by Zhen Lingzi.

"Senior, did you come back with Elder Hu? But the teleportation array..." Before Xiao Mian could say anything, Zhen Lingzi slowly shook his head and sighed dejectedly: "The problem with the teleportation array cannot be repaired! Or rather : There is nothing wrong with the teleportation array itself!”

"Oh? Why is that?"

"After such a long consultation, we came to the conclusion: there is no problem with the teleportation array, but there is a problem with the system that supplies psychic energy to the teleportation array!"

"so what?"

"So I checked every link of the psychic supply system!"

"The results of it?"

"The result - nothing!"

"That is to say: You, a large group of formation masters and master craftsmen, have been checking the teleportation formation for such a long time, and you have come to such a result?"

"I...you think I am willing? But every link of the spiritual energy supply system is guaranteed to be correct, but the spiritual energy cannot be completely transmitted!"

"Wait! What you mean is that spiritual energy can still be transmitted. So, the teleportation array can actually be used, but it will cost more spiritual energy?"

"That's right! When I intervened in the investigation that day, the psychic energy that completed a transmission was already twice that of normal circumstances. What's even more frightening is: as time goes by, this multiplier continues to rise. Today, it is already enough More than four times as much!”

"Good boy! If it's a long-distance intercontinental teleportation array, and one person teleports once, wouldn't it require four top-quality spiritual stones?"

"Hmph! Even if you have four top-quality spiritual stones, Tiandu City won't want them! A moment of overloaded spiritual energy is enough to destroy the entire spiritual energy supply system!"

"That's right! So the question is: Where did the extra psychic energy go?"


"Don't know? Phew...it seems like things are in some trouble..."

"Who says otherwise! In order to ensure that the spiritual energy supply system is not damaged, Tiandu City has only opened the teleportation array to the three realms. The teleportation array cannot be opened to the seven counties further away, let alone other regions further away. Now that the Tiandu Martial Arts Festival is approaching, many monks from far away originally planned to come directly to Tiandu City through the teleportation array. As soon as this happened, they had to travel through three realms to reach Tiandu City. "

"The trouble is small, but the face is big! What do Tiandu City say?"

"Tiandu City has issued an announcement. If any of the monks in the world can find out the problem, they will be honored guests of Tiandu and receive generous rewards!"

"Really? This is a case of emergency medical treatment..."

"Although there must be brave men under the heavy reward, what happened this time is too weird. Even the formation masters like us can't find the reason. I'm afraid it's hanging!"

"If it is really unsolvable, what should we do? It can't be done. In the future, Tiandu City can only communicate with the three realms - no! If time goes by, wouldn't Tiandu City not even be able to afford the teleportation array to communicate with the three realms? In that case, Tiandu City is an isolated island!”

"It is naturally impossible for Tiandu City to allow this situation to occur! If it really cannot be done, Tiandu City will re-deploy the teleportation array - including the psychic transmission system!"

"From what Mr. Kang sees: How much will it cost to reset the teleportation array?"

"This... this is not a small amount!" After pondering for a while, Zhen Lingzi said a price that made Xiao Mian stunned: "Conservative estimate: one trillion spirits!"

Trillions of spirits!

This is still a conservative estimate!

Ten million is one hundred million. How many spiritual stones is one trillion?

What's more, it's not a middle-grade spiritual stone, but a high-grade spiritual stone!

After being silent for a long time, Xiao Mian finally came back to his senses.

"Mr. Kang! How much is the heavy promise Tianducheng made worth?"

"I do know this! To be honest, there is a treasure among them that makes me tempted when I see it - it is a ninth-order formation disk - the Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Formation!"

"Ninth level array? Ten directions spirit gathering array!?"

The Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Formation is not an offensive weapon, but an auxiliary formation.

After activating the Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Array, the spiritual energy from up and down, front and back, left and right, and within the six directions and ten directions, will continuously flow towards the Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Array.

If the surrounding spiritual energy is extremely rich, these pure spiritual energy will even form a dense mist-like spiritual mist after being transformed by the Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Array...

A Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Array can increase an ordinary monk's practice speed by many times - of course, this speed will gradually slow down as the monk's practice improves!

But no matter what, this Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Formation is definitely a treasure.

Especially for low-level monks, the existence of the Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Array allows them to greatly shorten their practice time, thereby building the foundation as quickly as possible and even forming a pill.

It should be noted that the sooner a monk forms elixirs, the greater achievements he can achieve in the future.

For some sects, the Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Formation can be regarded as an important treasure to suppress luck, and it is not a bad idea.

This time Tiandu City came up with the Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Array, it was obviously serious!

"Wait a minute! Listening to what you said, Mr. Kang, it seems that the reward issued by Tiandu City this time is not just a treasure like this Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Array, right?"

"That's true! In addition to the Ten Directions Spirit Gathering Array, it is said that there is also a ninth-level spiritual material called 'Jade Meteor Liquid', right? That's right! That's right! Tiandu City also promised a huge bonus - —Ten million high-grade spiritual stones as a reward!”

Before Zhen Lingzi finished speaking, Xiao Mian was already shocked.

Jade Meteor Liquid! ?

The ninth level spiritual material - Jade Meteor Liquid! ?

Unexpectedly, I heard its name in this situation!

Speaking of this Jade Meteor Liquid, ordinary monks have no idea what it is about, just like Zhen Lingzi, they just heard about it and didn't take it to heart at all.

Just when this name fell into Xiao Mian's ears, it was no less than thunder from the sky!

Jade meteor liquid is caused by the fall of some giant stars across the sky. The star rainbows left behind last for a long time and eventually condense into a kind of jade spiritual material.

To achieve Jade Meteor Liquid, the conditions are extremely harsh.

First, the fallen star must be huge enough;

Secondly, the timing of the fall of the stars must be right;

Third, someone must collect those jade spiritual materials in a short time.

These three are indispensable, which creates the rare situation of Jade Meteor Liquid.

Although this Jade Meteor Liquid is an expensive ninth-level spiritual material, it is of little use to ordinary monks. As time goes on, it gradually becomes unknown.

But Xiao Mian knew it!

Just because this Jade Meteor Liquid is one of the very few ninth-level spiritual materials that can elevate the Star Magnetic Divine Sword to another level!

When the Star Magnetic Divine Sword was completed, the scholar once said: If by chance and some spiritual materials are added, it will not be difficult to upgrade the Star Magnetic Divine Sword to a higher level.

For this reason, Xiao Mian collected the geomagnetic heart.

Not wanting to fight against the big locust tree that day, Xiao Mian muddleheadedly used his own blood to upgrade the Star Magnetic Sword to the level of a high-level magic weapon flying sword.

However, during this process, Xiao Mian did not add any other high-level spiritual materials to the Star Magnetic Divine Sword - in other words, if Xiao Mian obtained suitable high-level spiritual materials and found a way to integrate them into the Star Magnetic Divine Sword , maybe it can go further!

If this is true, the Star Magnetic Divine Sword is the top-level magic weapon Flying Sword!

Under the Tongtian Lingbao, he is invincible!

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