Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,260 The Five Elements Code

According to the previous announcement made by Tiandu City, the final finals will not be held until more than a month after the Tiandu Martial Arts Semi-finals.

The final is on November 11th!

The location of the finals is at Yunhai Sword Court!

It is said that originally the final was not held in Yunhai Sword Court, but in Xingxiu Heavenly Palace.

Unable to withstand Yun Hai Jian Zun's repeated intrusions, Xing Tianzun, the master of Xingxu Tiangong, simply handed over the final venue to Yun Hai Jian Zun.

Now that Yunhai Sword Master wants to take care of everything, Xing Tianzun is happy to be at ease.

As far as Sword Master Yunhai is concerned, he is not looking for trouble.

In fact, Yunhai Sword Master has high hopes for this Tiandu Martial Arts Tournament. He sent many disciples as early as the preliminary round with the intention of entering the semi-finals.

Unexpectedly, in the rematch, first Yun Lingtian and Wan Xingyun fought against each other, and finally Yun Lingtian managed to hold on until the end, and was easily eliminated by the Four-Clawed White Dragon.

Yunhai Sword Master wanted to expand Yunhai Sword Court's influence in the minds of the monks from the five states in the world, so he set his sights on holding the finals of the Tiandu Martial Arts Association.

Talking about it in the future, he and Yunhai Sword Court can be considered to have participated in this grand event...

Although he was somewhat deceiving himself, Yunhai Sword Master's move was quite effective.

It’s just that there are still more than a month before the finals, and no one has noticed Yunhai Jianting yet.

Xiao Mian and other monks participating in the finals are still resting in the Valley of Life and Death.

Sitting quietly in the quiet room arranged by the Valley of Life and Death, Xiao Mian concentrated on meditation.

Suddenly, a white light flashed across the quiet room, and an extra person appeared.

To be more precise: there is an extra dragon...

Just because the person who came was none other than the one from the East China Sea Dragon Palace - Bai Longji!

I don’t know if this mysterious existence knows that Tianducheng gave her such a nondescript name. If he knew, would he be happy with it?

Somehow, Xiao Mian started thinking wildly.

Logically speaking, with Bai Longji's strength, squeezing Xiao Mian to death would be like playing.

But Xiao Mian was almost certain that he did not think that the other party had any malicious intentions.

Perhaps, just for the short-lived appearance of the Five Spirit Sword in Yunzhong City that day?

Besides, this eldest sister dared to openly confront Sword Master Yun Hai. If she was really malicious towards herself and the Five Elements Sect, she would have taught herself a lesson long ago!

The most likely possibility is that Bailongji or the East China Sea Dragon Palace and the Five Elements Sect have an old relationship!

"Hmph! If you continue to look at me so unscrupulously, believe it or not, I will dig out a pair of your eyeballs and use them as balls to stomp on?"


With an exclamation, Xiao Mian quickly stood up, lowered his eyebrows and bowed in salute.

I was so distracted by my random thoughts that I almost lost my etiquette.

Even if this eldest sister really has an old relationship with the Five Elements Sect, as a junior, she should not be too presumptuous. Otherwise, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living penalty cannot be escaped!

After performing all the etiquette to the end, Xiao Mian stood aside without saying a word.

After a long silence, Bai Longji snorted again.

"Hmph! Are all of you Five Elements Sect members so boring? It was like this eight thousand years ago, and will it still be like this eight thousand years later?"


What the heck!

etc! Eight thousand years ago?

Could that be the time when the legendary Dugu Sword Demon was born?

But no, this eldest sister and the sages of the Five Elements Sect met and interacted with each other only when the blood demon was raging @at that time?

However, Xiao Mian didn't dare to take it lightly anymore after being reprimanded.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Mian asked the other party why he came.

"I dare to ask senior: Do you have any instructions for me to find this junior?"

"Let me take a good look at the sect seal of the Five Elements Sect!"


Although he was suspicious, Xiao Mian did not show any displeasure.

Xiao Mian took out the Five Spirit Swords and presented them in front of Bai Longji respectfully.

Once an artifact like the sect's seal is confirmed, there is no need to recombine it - let alone an existence of Bailongji's level, how can there be any mistakes after checking it first?

If Bai Longji didn't make a mistake, then the Five Spirit Sword made a mistake?

"Hmph! It's really shoddy! It's not useful!" She stretched out her hand to touch the Five Spirit Sword. She threw it back to Xiao Mian with disgust. In front of Xiao Mian, she criticized it unceremoniously: "You're such a trick. Five Spirit Sword, do you have the nerve to call it Five Spirit Sword?”

"...and please give me your advice, senior!"

"The true Five Spirit Sword, once achieved, is a top-level magic weapon, the Flying Sword! Although today is different from the past, and all kinds of spiritual materials are getting worse, but no matter what, it has to be a high-level magic weapon, the Flying Sword, right? What do you think this is? A mid-level magic weapon. Flying sword is also considered as the Five Elements Sect Seal Order?"


If I told you: This set of Five Spirit Swords was originally a top-level magic weapon, would you always plan to eat me alive?

I will endure!

"My set of Five Spirit Swords was made by the elders of the sect according to the "Five Elements Sword Code", the secret of my Five Elements Sect. I dare to ask my seniors: What went wrong?"

""Five Elements Sword Code"?"

""Five Elements Sword Code"!"

"Where's the "Five Elements Code"?"

"What...what is the "Five Elements Code"?"

This time, Xiao Mian was really shocked.

"Five Elements Code"? Never heard of it!

Could it be that my uncle, the head teacher, had a trick?

It shouldn’t be!

The "Five Elements Sword Code" in my hand was personally annotated by Wu Lingzi, the former headmaster of the Five Elements Sect. If the "Five Elements Code" existed, how could he not mention it at all?

Could it be that it was lost again?

Is it possible that, in order to practice a complete set of Five Spirit Swords, one must refer to both the "Five Elements Sword Code" and the "Five Elements Code" in detail, so that the merits can be perfected?

"But it was lost?"

While Xiao Mian was secretly guessing, Bai Longji also suspected the same thing.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind, and Xiao Mian nodded regardless.

If the "Five Elements Code" of the Five Elements Sect was not lost, but Dan Qiu Sheng did not teach it to Xiao Mian due to one or other considerations, Xiao Mian said that it was lost, although it is somewhat contrary to his will, but it is not harmful; but if " The Code of Five Elements has really been lost, and Bai Longji happens to have a backup of the Code of Five Elements. This is absolutely a big deal for both Xiao Mian personally and the Five Elements Sect!

How could Xiao Mian need anyone to teach him if he was doing a small business with huge profits?

"Sure enough! You humans! The inheritance of the skills is too complicated. It's Zhenruxin, and it's a jade slip. From time to time, you also have some sect opinions. Are you tired? Look at our demon tribe - bloodline Continuous and continuous inheritance! How can there be such trouble?"

"That's it! That's it! Monsters are monsters! People are people!"

"What's wrong? You kid still dare to look down on our demon clan?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Even if Xiao Mian was given more courage, he would not dare to nod.

But in private, Xiao Mian couldn't help but secretly curse.

The blood inheritance of the demon clan certainly has its innate advantages. Just like Bai Longji, the blood line is endless and the inheritance is continuous - but it is not without its disadvantages!

Although human inheritance has many shortcomings, it is not without its merits.

Besides, humans and monsters are two completely different species.

Human bloodlines tend to be unified. The bloodline differences between two humans with pure bloodlines are so minimal that it is impossible to distinguish them through bloodline inheritance.

The demon clan is different.

An insect is an insect, a bird is a bird, a tiger is a tiger, and a dragon is a dragon!

Even within each large branch, there are countless small branches...

Even though they are both dragon-type monsters, the fire-type red chia and the ice-type ice dragon have completely different bloodline components, and their respective inheritances are also very different.

Bloodline inheritance is both the inheritance method and the continuation method of the demon clan.

An ice dragon, no matter how hard it tries, cannot turn into a red dragon!

Once the general environment of the entire practice world suddenly changes - such as a sudden change from extreme cold to extreme heat, the ice dragon cannot adapt and can only embark on the path of destruction!

No matter how powerful a creature is, it can't defeat the way of heaven...

Humans are different!

It has been conservatively estimated that it has been millions of years since human beings stepped onto the stage of history. From the beginning, human beings were as small as ordinary mortals, to now, human beings dominate the world.

During this period, powerful ones such as the Witch Clan, the Demon Clan, and the Dragon Clan all declined over time.

Only humans are reaching the top step by step!

Among them, there is no trace of the inheritance and credit of human beings tolerating all dharma!

Of course, neither Xiao Mian nor Bai Longji obviously intend to get involved in this matter. The focus of their discussion is still the "Five Elements Code"!

"I have the "Five Elements Code" here!" Straight to the point, Bai Longji admitted the existence of the "Five Elements Code". Seeing Xiao Mian's expression shocked, he did not speak easily. Bailongji nodded slightly and said calmly: "But I can't go in vain. for you!"

"Senior, please give me some instructions!"

"As you see it: how about the three-purity view of the calf's nose?"

The calf nose of Sanqingguan?


Although Xiao Mian didn't know why Bai Longji brought the issue to Qingming, he still carefully reviewed Qingming's achievements in his mind.

One sword defeated Liu Qi, one sword defeated Bihunji, and three swords made Ye Piaoling retreat.

Xiao Mian asked himself: Qingming is definitely his strong opponent in this Tiandu martial arts competition!

"Very strong!"

"Are you sure you can win this battle?"

"I have never fought before, so I dare not say anything!"

"Okay!" Faced with Xiao Mian's cautious answer, Bai Longji smiled sweetly: "If you defeat him, I will give you the "Five Elements Code"!"


"What? Don't you have confidence in yourself?"

"That's not true! But I'm curious: How did the "Five Elements Code", the secret of my Five Elements Sect, fall into the hands of my seniors?"


This time, it was Bai Longji's turn to remain silent.

After a long time, Bai Longji sighed quietly, revealing a dusty past.

Eight thousand years ago, the Dugu Sword Demon appeared and almost bloodbathed the entire cultivation world.

At that time, the Five Elements Sect was still prosperous. After hearing the bad news, they didn't have time to analyze it carefully, so they sent the top master of the sect at that time to Zhongzhou to slay demons with swords.

Unexpectedly, this sage of the Five Elements Sect and the Dugu Sword Demon, who had never known each other before, actually became brothers with different surnames. Instead of slaying the demon, they actually helped each other to fight the blood demon...

Unexpectedly, Dugu Sword Demon acted too ruthlessly - those who are enemies will be killed without mercy!

In the huge Zhongzhou, there is no place for this pair of brothers and sisters to stand.

As a last resort, the two of them traveled across the ocean and traveled to the East China Sea practice world.

It was in the East China Sea that I met Bai Longji, who had just grown up and came out to practice.

Two people and one dragon, one more daring than the other, brought chaos to the East China Sea cultivation world.

By accident, these three people discovered a shocking secret.

That is - the Three Gods of the East China Sea!

Under the ban for two thousand years, the Three East China Sea Temples have been dormant in the depths of the East China Sea, and they have continued to exert power in order to summon the "gods" in their hearts.

The three of them broke the plan of the Three East China Sea Temples, but they were also counterattacked by the Three East China Sea Temples. In the end, although Dugu Sword Demon emptied the three East China Sea Temples at that time, in the life and death battle, Bai Longji was seriously injured, and the sage of the Five Elements Sect was even more vulnerable to life and death. First line...

Before dying, the sage gave the "Five Elements Code" to Bai Longji.

After all, the Dugu Sword Demon was also born as a human being. In terms of longevity, it was absolutely incomparable to the four-clawed white dragon of the true dragon lineage.

Back then, Bai Longji dragged her seriously injured body and escaped back to the East China Sea Dragon Palace. She stayed in seclusion for a thousand years...

Thousands of years later, things have changed and people have changed.

Bai Longji was worried about this and didn't want to pay too much attention to the world of human cultivation.

A hundred years ago, because of the Dragon God's armed incident, I only visited Tiandu City in person, but I didn't see the so-called descendant of the Five Elements Sect.

Bai Longji didn't see Xiao Mian until the previous time in Yunzhong City.

Otherwise, Bai Longji almost forgot: she also has a copy of the "Five Elements Code"!

"That's it! I would like to thank senior..."

"No! Don't thank me! Even if you thank me, I can't give you this "Five Elements Code" for free! Unless you show your due strength!"

"……,I see!"

Facing Bai Longji, Xiao Mian nodded solemnly.

This means: Xiao Mian agreed to Bai Longji's bet - if Xiao Mian loses to Qingming, the matter will not be mentioned; if Xiao Mian beats Qingming, the "Five Elements Code" will be returned to Zhao intact!

"How rare! I heard: The situation of the Five Elements Sect in South Vietnam seems not to be good?"

"Average! Average! Not as good as the best, but more than better than the worst!"

"Hmph! You're trying to make a fool of yourself!" With a sneer, Bai Longji changed the topic: "If you don't have diamonds, don't take the porcelain job! If the Five Elements Sect really can't hold on, tell me in advance, Donghai Dragon Palace, isn't it just a gamble? About it? "

"..., I don't understand what the senior said!"

"You don't understand, it's normal! You are just a disciple of the Five Elements Sect. Even if you are outstanding, you have not yet become the leader of the Five Elements Sect!"

Bai Longji's words were so confused that Xiao Mian was filled with confusion.

From what Bai Longji said, it seemed that there was a bet between her sect and the East China Sea Dragon Palace?

It's just that Bai Longji didn't want to talk in detail, and Xiao Mian couldn't ask more questions.

I have no choice but to return to South Vietnam one day and ask Dan Qiusheng.

It's just that many of the Five Elements Sect's techniques have been lost. It's a matter of doubt whether anyone will remember a mere bet!

I just hope that this bet is just a harmless joke, but it must not be a covenant that affects the safety of the world!


While Xiao Mian was thinking so wildly, Bai Longji had disappeared.

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