Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,262 Yun Ya Hai Pavilion

After Ling Xiao left, Xiao Mian was in a daze alone.

At the cost of three bottles of the so-called "immortal soil", Xiao Mian not only got the vermilion longevity fruit from Ling Xiao, but also the bark of the immortal tree.

The bark of the Immortal Tree can not only be used to refine weapons and elixirs, but can also be made into spiritual paper and used to draw talismans - this was also Xiao Mian's original intention!

The longevity fruit was worth a bottle of immortal soil, the bark of the immortal tree was also worth a bottle of immortal soil, and the third bottle of immortal soil was exchanged for Ling Xiao's lifelong experience in alchemy.

Although this experience cannot include some of the secret elixir recipes from the Valley of Life and Death, it is filled with Ling Xiao’s experience in cultivating spiritual plants and even combining elixirs...

If you take it back and give it to Ye Qingguo, it will definitely make that girl extremely happy!

Thinking like this, Xiao Mian rarely smiled.

But soon, he frowned in thought again!

here we go again!

The mysterious fluctuation from before appeared again.

Like a call, but also like asking for help, waves of waves knocked on Xiao Mian's heart.

What is it?

How dare you linger in the Valley of Life and Death?

Unwilling to give up, Xiao Mian came to the window again, running his spiritual eyes, intending to take a closer look at what was hidden in the Valley of Life and Death, one of the nine holy places!

At first glance, there is nothing but the Immortal Tree!

Could it be that this wave of fluctuation is actually coming from the Immortal Tree?

With this thought throughout his life, Xiao Mian focused his attention on the Immortal Tree.

Vaguely, I just feel that the trunk of the Immortal Tree is covered with dense spiritual curves - some are thick, some are subtle, some are straight, and some are curved.

At first, Xiao Mian thought that these spiritual energy curves were possessed by the Immortal Tree itself.

Now when he took a closer look, Xiao Mian was shocked!

These spiritual energy curves actually wrap around the Immortal God Tree, and a powerful sealing barrier surrounds the outside of the Immortal God Tree, imprisoning the Immortal God Tree in the Valley of Life and Death!


If this is the case, and if the Immortal Tree really has a spirit, it is no wonder that it has asked for help!

It's just that - I am just a passer-by in the Valley of Life and Death. Although I can't be called a Clay Bodhisattva, I can't save myself when crossing the river, but in the Valley of Life and Death, I am just a nobody.

Seeing how the Valley of Life and Death cares so much about the Immortal Tree, how can Xiao Mian be allowed to calmly redeem it?

If Xiao Mian really dared to touch the idea of ​​the Immortal Tree, I am afraid that the Valley of Life and Death would really dare to cut him into pieces - by then, even the name of Wan Zongsheng would not be able to suppress him!

Just when Xiao Mian was thinking this, the scarlet spirit fruit that caught Xiao Mian's attention before appeared tremblingly at Xiao Mian's window again, trembling slightly towards Xiao Mian.


With a slight sigh, Xiao Mian saw the root of the scarlet spiritual fruit.

Turning his palm, a longevity fruit that he had previously exchanged from Ling Xiao appeared in Xiao Mian's palm.

Comparing the two, the scarlet spiritual fruit is clearly an longevity fruit!

It's just that the longevity fruit in Xiao Mian's palm has a strong color and dim aura. Looking at the longevity fruit by the window, the aura is restrained and magical.

For a moment, Xiao Mian really wanted to take action secretly and pick off the longevity fruit!

Having already stretched out his hand, Xiao Mian suddenly stopped.

The Valley of Life and Death takes good care of the Immortal Tree. According to Ling Xiao, the longevity fruit is scarce in quantity, so how can anything go wrong?

I'm afraid that Xiao Mian has just taken action and the entire Valley of Life and Death is already known!

Seeing the longevity fruit, Xiao Mian gradually gave up the greed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a soft sound of waves, and the longevity fruit fell without any wind - Xiao Mian's hand was still stretched out!

With a soft snap, the longevity fruit automatically fell into Xiao Mian's hand.

Before Xiao Mian could change his expression, the longevity fruit actually ignored Xiao Mian's palm. With a flash of inspiration, it gradually faded away and finally merged into Xiao Mian's body.

What makes Xiao Mian even more incredible is that the longevity fruit finally entered the fairy stone!

At the same time, the mysterious wave that had been summoning Xiao Mian suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Mian came to a clear realization: The thing that caused all the strange scenes was probably the longevity fruit!

Sitting cross-legged, Xiao Mian quickly entered the fairy stone space to find out.

When Xiao Mian spent a lot of energy in retreat to heal his wounds in the secret realm of Xuanwei Cave, a leaf of green grass was born in the Immortal Stone Space...

Since then, the vegetation in the Immortal Stone Space has been luxuriant and the aura is abundant.

It was on the peak where the spiritual grass was born that Xiao Mian found the longevity fruit.

At this time, the longevity fruit fell to the ground alone, motionless.

Looking at the lonely longevity fruit, Xiao Mian suddenly had an idea in his heart. With a thought, he took out a green spiritual fruit and placed it next to the longevity fruit.

The two spiritual fruits, one red and one green, are really beautiful.

Suddenly, the two spiritual fruits that were originally stationary began to rotate slowly...

Red and green, life and death.

Xiao Mian watched with cold eyes and stayed out of the incident.

Finally, the two spiritual fruits disappeared into the ground and disappeared.

Looking at the empty mountain top, Xiao Mian raised his eyebrows and waved his hands.

Suddenly, pairs of black immortal soil and pieces of milky white immortal water swayed out from Xiao Mian's sleeves and poured onto the land.

After doing all this, Xiao Mian dusted his sleeves and exited the immortal stone space.

Xiao Mian still has some immortality water on hand, but there is really not much left. Xiao Mian will naturally not exchange it for Ling Xiao.

On the contrary, Xiao Mian had plenty of the so-called "immortal soil"!

That day in the Yin Shang Realm, Xiao Mian was injured by a move from Huajian Sect leader Yu Weinian. His golden elixir shattered and he almost died.

Afterwards, with the help of the immortal stone, Xiao Mian was able to close the cracks in the golden elixir. With the help of the immortal stone, Xiao Mian formed a ball of immortality water in the golden elixir.

The longevity water that Xiao Mian used in the future was diluted from here.

Immortality water is a treasure that continuously compresses and liquefies the energy of life.

In the world of cultivation, the energy of life and the energy of death often go hand in hand. When the immortal stone compresses the energy of life, a large amount of the energy of death is also compressed.

It is precisely because of this that a large amount of undead soil remains in the Immortal Stone!

The weight of the Immortal Earth is even much greater than that of the Immortal Water...

After listening to Ling Xiao's explanation of immortality, Xiao Mian suddenly became enlightened.

Obviously, not only the Immortal Water is a priceless treasure, but the Immortal Earth, which Xiao Mian had previously regarded as a by-product, also has the same heaven-defying value.

Sure enough, during the conversation with Ling Xiao, Xiao Mian confirmed his guess.

Immortal soil is the best spiritual soil for cultivating spiritual plants - there is no such thing!

Spiritual plants cultivated with immortal soil will not show any disease throughout their lives. The growth rate of spiritual plants will more than double, and the efficacy of the medicine will also more than double.

This is not even the most outrageous thing!

The most outrageous thing is that the level of spiritual plants cultivated from undead soil will be improved - for example, the original sixth-level spiritual plants will grow to the seventh-level level!

Just imagine: If you use a ninth-level spiritual grass seed...

Another use of the immortal soil is ghost cultivation!

Ghost monks, to put it bluntly, are monks who specialize in the "path of immortality".

For ghost cultivators, immortal soil is the best spiritual material, whether it can be used to refine weapons or elixirs, or even be used to reshape the physical body and refine external incarnations.

After getting this information, Xiao Mian felt that he was three points closer to the Ghost Saint's "Nine Transformations of the Ghost Saint Technique"...

It's just that at this very moment, it's obviously not the right time to bargain with the Ghost Saint.

No matter what, we have to wait for the Tiandu Martial Arts Tournament to end, find a relatively quiet but absolutely safe environment, and then do business with beings like Ghost Saint!

After calming down, Xiao Mian entered into meditation.

Three days later, Yunhai Sword Lord, the master of Yunhai Sword Court, came to the Valley of Life and Death in person.

Under the kind invitation of the Yunhai Sword Lord, nine people, including Xiao Mian, left the Valley of Life and Death and went to the Yunya Sea Pavilion where the Yunhai Sword Court was located!

Yun Ya Hai Pavilion, the sea is boundless and the clouds are boundless!

The entire Yunyahai Pavilion is a vast sea of ​​clouds that can't be seen to the edge at a glance.

The sect's headquarters of Yunhai Sword Court is at the very center of Yunyahai Pavilion.

With Yunhai Sword Court as the center, extending out, there is a sword pavilion in each of the eight directions. This is the Eight Extremes Sword Pavilion that makes up Yunhai Sword Court!

Yunhai Sword Master invited Xiao Mian and others to Yunhai Sword Court in advance, naturally he wanted to divert everyone's attention from the Valley of Life and Death to Yunhai Sword Court earlier.

The reason why Yunhai Sword Master is so deliberate is, after all, nothing more than the word "name"!

It is said that one must become famous as early as possible. Among the Nine Holy Lands, Yunhai Jianting is the youngest, the lowest senior, and the latest to enter the Nine Holy Lands.

Other sects in the Holy Land have a foundation that spans thousands or tens of thousands of years, just like the Sanqing Temple of the Outer World Immortal Sect, which had long been famous even before the ban.

Only Yunhai Jianting entered the ranks of the Holy Land more than a thousand years ago.

After the spiritual war that year, the vitality of the spiritual world was severely damaged. In addition, there was a previous holy land that was difficult to recover from the spiritual war, and it no longer qualified to be called a holy land.

Looking like a substitute, Yunhai Jianting stands out.

However, even if it has entered the ranks of Holy Land, Yunhai Jianting still feels ashamed.

Starting from the generation of Yunhai Sword Lord's master, the entire Yunhai Sword Court began preparations that lasted for thousands of years in order to revitalize the sect's reputation.

In the eyes of Sword Master Yunhai, this Tiandu martial arts meeting is undoubtedly a God-given opportunity.

Unexpectedly, all the elite disciples sent out by Sword Master Yun Hai failed - even Yun Lingtian missed the finals because of the emergence of the four-clawed white dragon.

After settling for the next best thing, Sword Master Yunhai set his sights on the Tiandu Martial Arts Competition.

Only then did he personally go to the door, find Xing Tianzun, who was relatively easy to talk to, and forcefully won the right to hold the Tiandu Martial Arts Finals @from Xingxiu Tiangong.

Therefore, the entire Yunhai Sword Court treated Xiao Mian and others with great courtesy.

It would still be some time before the Tiandu Martial Arts Finals started, so with nothing to do, Xiao Mian tried to walk around the Baji Sword Pavilion.

No one stopped him anyway, and in the end, Xiao Mian became more and more courageous...

Besides, although Yunhai Jianting is not a great sect with a thousand years history, and its background is somewhat weak, it is a thousand-year holy land after all.

Baji Sword Pavilion, as the foundation of Yunhai Sword Court, is even more important.

Xiao Mian was just walking around casually at first, but after seeing the splendor and majesty of Baji Sword Pavilion, he gradually got better and realized something unexpectedly.

What touched Xiao Mian the most was the Nebula Sword Pavilion where Wan Xingyun was located!

Since Xiao Mian started practicing Taoism, the most commonly used flying sword is the Star Magnetic Divine Sword.

Therefore, Xiao Mian is no stranger to Xing Neng.

As soon as he arrived at the Nebula Sword Pavilion, Xiao Mian felt warm and uncomfortable all over his body - but it turned out that the entire Nebula Sword Pavilion was filled with countless star rays.

To ordinary monks, the celestial rays are as fearful as snakes and scorpions, but in Xiao Mian's eyes, they are like elves that are more docile than the last, lingering around Xiao Mian.

After wandering around the Xingyun Sword Pavilion, Xiao Mian followed the guidance of the surrounding star rays and arrived at a platform.

Star Observatory!

After realizing that the star rays on the observatory here were the strongest, Xiao Mian sat down on the observatory without being polite.

This sitting lasted for three days and three nights...

During this time, it was not that some disciples from Xingyun Jiange discovered Xiao Mian's whereabouts.

However, on the one hand, Xiao Mian did not do any evil, and on the other hand, Xiao Mian's identity was quite special. Therefore, the disciples of Xingyun Sword Pavilion just reported the matter.

For three days, no one bothered Xiao Mian.

Three days later, Xiao Mian stood up.

Turning around, Xiao Mian bowed to a gray-clothed monk outside the observatory.

"Boy Wu Zhuang! Thank you, senior, for your help!"

"Are you Xiao Mian of Nanyue?"

"Yes! Dare to ask senior..."

"My surname is Wan!" The gray-clothed monk stared at Xiao Mian lightly. Seeing that Xiao Mian was stunned when he heard the words and looked embarrassed, the gray-clothed monk said calmly: "Wan Xingyun is my only son! The festival between you and him, I I’ve heard it too. If you, the younger generation, can have a good conversation, it’s a blessing; if you can’t, it’s not a bad thing!”

"..., I will keep these words in mind, senior!"

The words of the monk in gray were so confusing.

Faintly, Xiao Mian could hear some kindness...

"It's rare for you to have such an understanding at such a young age as Yu Tianxing." As he spoke, the gray-clothed monk flicked his finger towards Xiao Mian, and a star flew out of the sky and galloped towards Xiao Mian's face. . Xiao Mian was not in a hurry, he fished it out casually, and grasped the seemingly swift star in his hand. At the same time, I heard the monk in gray say happily: "This is a little bit of my experience in practicing the secret technique of Tianxing. You think it can be used!"

"Thank you, Senior Wan, for making it possible!"

This time, Xiao Mian was really convinced.

Unexpectedly, Wan Xingyun, who is bound to retaliate, has such a majestic me!

If this old man from the Wan family is really determined to resolve the conflict between himself and Wan Xingyun, when he meets Wan Xingyun's second-generation ancestor in the future, he will be given three points at most!

With this thought in his mind, Xiao Mian bowed and walked down the observatory.

Seeing Xiao Mian strolling out of the Xingyun Sword Pavilion and heading towards the Aurora Sword Pavilion next to the Xingyun Sword Pavilion in the Baji Sword Pavilion, the gray-clothed monk sighed quietly.

Such a talented person, how could he not be my son-in-law?

I just don’t know: How far can he comprehend it?

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