Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,303 Yin-Yang Channel

Back then, Xiao Mian made a plan to kill Lu Chengfeng and threw him into this deep pool of underworld.

Although Lu Chengfeng died, his three souls and seven souls were imprisoned in the underworld. He suffered from the soul-eating and soul-eating pain of the underworld every day and was not allowed to be reincarnated.

Looking again now, Xiao Mian found that Lu Chengfeng's soul seemed to have turned into a mysterious nutrient and was absorbed by the God-Adventure Grass...

Suppressing the fleeting joy in his heart, Xiao Mian became suspicious.

"Old Ghost! This underworld pool is so dangerous. If Qingqiong's soul really enters the Yin-Yang Channel from here, won't it be harmed?"

"The deep pool of the underworld leads directly to the underworld, but the soul of that girl Qingqiong did not enter the Yin-Yang passage from here." With that said, the little humanoid puppet pointed at the black abyss below and said calmly: "The real The passage is down there!”

"Is that Heavenly Corpse Cave in the mountain behind Five Elements Gate impossible?"

"Although the Heavenly Corpse Cave can also lead directly to the Netherworld, it is blocked by Xiao Nantian and that idiot. You can neither get out nor enter!"

"I understand! Please ask Gui Lao to protect me!"

Nodding, Xiao Mian had no intention of rushing down into the abyss. Instead, he sat cross-legged by the secluded pool of Huangquan, silent and motionless, as if in trance.

The next moment, Xiao Mian suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of spiritual light that seemed to be substantial shot out from the depths of Xiao Mian's eyes, illuminating the entire cave.

The originally silent space suddenly trembled, and then began to fluctuate...

Gradually, Xiao Mian saw streams of light falling from the sky, falling continuously, and rushing into the endless abyss below.

Every stream of light is a soul.

Peep into the spirit and return to the original state!

Xiao Mian actually tried to catch a trace of Fu Qingqiong's existence through the magic eye of spying back in time...

It's not that Xiao Mian doesn't believe in Guitou, it's really a matter of Fu Qingqiong's life and death, and Xiao Mian can't tolerate any mistakes or mistakes.

Unexpectedly, Fu Qingqiong's soul has been scattered for more than a month.

It is really difficult to see the scene so long ago through the spiritual eyes.

Without any warning, Xiao Mian's eyes were filled with blood...

Xiao Mian gritted his teeth and persisted, letting the blood flow across his lips, but refused to give up.

It seems like a moment, but it also seems like a thousand years.

Quietly, Xiao Mian fell to the sky, just like when he was taken away from his body.

What’s even more shocking is: Xiao Mian—has no breath and no life!

"Hmph! You brat! If you have to put yourself in danger, you're asking for trouble!"

The ghost head on the side, although cursing, did not dare to neglect.

The Bodhi robes made a hunting sound, turned into pieces of Bodhi leaves, and wrapped Xiao Mian's body; one hundred and eight Bodhi beads came out of the body, surrounded Xiao Mian's body, and laid out the Tiangang Earthly Evil Formation; Bodhi Yin Shen Sword is even more ready to go.

As an expert in ghost ways, Guitou naturally Xiao Mian's current situation.

To enter the yin and yang channel, the physical body is not enough, it must be the soul!

In other words, Xiao Mian entered the Yin-Yang Channel with his three souls and seven souls.

At the same time, Xiao Mian's body became like a walking corpse, lifeless.

If something unexpected happens at this time, even Xiao Mian's fellow practitioners from the third lineage will definitely have no power to counterattack, so someone will need to protect Xiao Mian.

Originally, Xiao Mian planned to hand over the role of protector to the Fire Beast Qingjing.

As for Guitou, Xiao Mian originally wanted to ask him to accompany him into the Yin and Yang Channel.

Now that things have happened, the guardian has changed hands, and Qingjing has nothing to do.

Just like that, Xiao Mian was devastated, Guitou tried his best to protect the law, and Qing Jing was so idle that her balls ached.

Out of boredom, Qingjing suddenly felt something. She sat cross-legged with her five hearts in the sky, and just sat in the cave, peacefully entering meditation.


You really learn from whomever you want!

A little fire beast actually imitated this kid and started to realize?

Cursing secretly, Guitou released a thought and paid attention to Qingjing's movements.

In this way, the deep pool of Huangquan was silent and there was no sound in the cave...

But as for Xiao Mian, he has mastered the "Great Method of Separating Souls and Leaving Souls @", and he naturally knows the way of souls leaving the body very well.

Xiao Mian's soul had just left the body when he felt a huge attraction coming from below the abyss. He relaxed his mind and allowed his soul to be attracted.

I don’t know how long it took, but Xiao Mian woke up with a soft sound of waves.

According to Guitou's words, Xiao Mian has entered the Yin and Yang channel.

In the yin and yang channel, there is not only the yang energy of the yang world, but also the yin energy of the underworld. Therefore, the soul can manifest its form.

Suddenly his soul gathered together, and a tiny little person appeared in the sky...

This is Xiao Mian's soul body. If Xiao Mian manifested his soul in this way in the Yang world, it might not be a problem in a short period of time, but over time, it would be severely damaged by the Yang attribute energy.

But in this yin and yang passage, there is no obstacle.

Looking around, there are countless souls all around.

Obviously, these souls belong to people who have died recently.

Most of them are empty and formless, and they belong to ordinary people; there are also some that are slightly more intense, each with its own destiny.

As for the souls of monks, most of them are relatively condensed.

Of course, low-level monks have weak souls, while high-level monks have solid souls.

Those who can completely condense souls like Xiao Mian are either Yuan Ying Ancestors or God Refiners. Looking at them, they can be said to be unique.

Xiao Mian couldn't control so much. Seeing those confused souls moving forward in one direction, Xiao Mian turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

The yin and yang passage is the passage between the underworld and the yang world.

In the passage of yin and yang, there are both the laws of the yang world and the laws of the underworld.

In the yin and yang passage, the so-called time and direction of the yang world no longer apply. Therefore, Xiao Mian only feels that time is disordered and space is unlimited.

Fortunately, the direction in which those souls were heading had not changed, so Xiao Mian felt relieved.

During this period, a stone would appear in front of Xiao Mian from time to time.

Immortal stone!

In order to save Fu Qingqiong, Xiao Mian did everything he could.

Although the soul-searching and soul-searching pill can find the location of Fu Qingqiong's soul, the soul-searching and soul-searching pill itself is a product of the yang world. Logically speaking, it cannot be brought into the yin-yang passage.

Only fairy stones are rare treasures in heaven, which can be used as yin or yang, without restraint.

First, he put the Soul-Searching and Soul-Searching Pill into the Immortal Stone, and then put the Immortal Stone into his own soul. Only after entering the Yin-Yang Channel, Xiao Mian was able to use the Soul-Searching and Soul-Searching Pill.

Unfortunately, after many twists and turns, nothing was achieved.

Although Xiao Mian was impatient, he had no other choice but to continue searching.

During this period, Xiao Mian often encountered some unusually solid souls. According to Xiao Mian's calculations, these souls were at least in the Golden Core realm during their lifetime.

Huangquan Youtan is located in the northeastern part of Nanyue Prefecture. Most of the souls that enter the Yin-Yang Passage through here are monks who died in this area.

After further calculation, Xiao Mian also had a guess about the owners of these souls.

Maybe, these souls are like Duan Yuntao and Zhou Fengdu!

Thinking of Guitou's explanation before, Xiao Mian showed no mercy to all the souls who might have died by his own hands.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly, a surge of blood arose from Soul Searching Soul Pill.

Xiao Mian was overjoyed when he saw it.

According to Guitou, this is Fu Qingjue's natal essence and blood in the Soul Searching Pill, and he sensed the sign of Fu Qingqiong's soul.

At the moment, following the guidance of the Soul Searching Pill, Xiao Mian went there.

In a cold pool, Xiao Mian found a little light.

Xiao Mian was surprised and happy to see that dim light floating uncertainly in the cold pool.

Fortunately, if nothing else happens, this dim light must be one of Fu Qingqiong's three souls and seven souls. Although he didn't know why he was trapped here, he finally found it.

What is surprising is that this cold pool is anything but ordinary.

Although the underworld is a general term, it is divided into different categories.

The Eight Hot Hells, the Eight Cold Hells, plus the Lonely Hell and the Nearby Hell are collectively called the Eighteen Hells!

If Xiao Mian saw it correctly, this cold pool should belong to one of the eight cold hells. For some reason, it appeared in the yin and yang passage.

Although this phenomenon is strange, it can be explained.

After all, the Yin-Yang channel itself is the existence that communicates Yin and Yang.

It's just that Fu Qingqiong's soul fell into this cold pool. If Xiao Mian wanted to rescue him, he would probably have to go through a lot of trouble...

Fortunately, Guitou had already taken precautions before Xiao Mian entered the Yin-Yang Channel.

Xiao Mian summoned the Immortal Stone and extracted a rather solid soul from it. No matter who the owner of this soul was during his lifetime, Xiao Mian threw it into the cold pool.

That wisp of soul escaped Xiao Mian's clutches and was about to run away.

At this moment, there was no wind and waves on the cold pool, and a pool of water dropped.

The water droplets were like swords, hitting the ray of soul. The soul suddenly froze, like an insect entangled in a spider web, no longer able to resist.

Xiao Mian watched as the soul gradually sank into the cold pool.

Just as the cold pool was dividing, Xiao Mian's soul turned into a stream of light, rushed into the cold pool, wrapped Fu Qingqiong's soul, and escaped with the help of the fairy stone.

In this way, Xiao Mian finally rescued Fu Qingqiong's soul.

Inside the Immortal Stone Space, Xiao Mian stared at the faint light and remained silent.

What Xiao Mian saved was the spirit of Fu Qingqiong's three souls and seven souls.

At this time, the spirit was extremely weak. Fortunately, the fairy stone had the heaven-defying effect of warming and nourishing the soul. Fu Qingqiong's spirit was at home in the fairy stone space.

With this opportunity, Xiao Mian became more confident.

After that, perhaps due to the luck of the times, Xiao Mian found Fu Qingqiong's four souls in succession, namely: Tianchong Soul, Central Soul, Jing Soul and Li Soul!

The Tian Chong Soul is obtained from a Soul Splitting Wind Eye, the Central Soul is obtained from a Soul Devouring Swamp, the Essence Soul is obtained from a Soul Forging Flame Cave, and the Li Soul is obtained from an Ice Soul Frozen Cave...

Every time he rescues a body of Fu Qingqiong, Xiao Mian will take out a body as a scapegoat - this is the top priority that Guitou has repeatedly paid attention to in advance!

These dangers are the manifestations of the underworld projected onto the passage of yin and yang.

Accidents that occur in dangerous situations may be directly reflected in the underworld.

If no one cares about it, it won't cause any harm, but if someone pays attention, the underworld will never allow people from the yang world to enter the yin and yang passage without permission, so as to steal the sky and change the sun.

By then, Xiao Mian will not only be unable to save Fu Qingqiong, but he is afraid that he himself will get involved!

Guitou made it clear: Ghosts in the underworld are equivalent to Daluo Jinxian!

Since Xiao Mian resolutely entered the Yin-Yang Channel and obtained Fu Qingqiong's five bodies, he naturally had no intention of giving up halfway.

But privately, Xiao Mian was also a little suspicious.

These dangers are too frequent...

Could it be that they are traps deliberately set by some beings in the underworld?

But Fu Qingqiong is just a little-known golden elixir cultivator in Nanyue Prefecture, how can he attract the attention of the powerful in the underworld?

Are you overthinking it?

After calming down, Xiao Mian decided to keep up his efforts.

If Fu Qingqiong's three souls and seven souls can be retrieved, he can rush back to the earth as soon as possible.

Following the guidance of the soul-searching soul-searching pill, Xiao Mian finally found the sixth soul-hero!

This time, the hero did not fall into any danger.

Xiao Mian did not dare to act rashly.

Just because Fu Qingqiong's heroic spirit fell into the hands of others!

An invisible shackle was wrapped around Fu Qingqiong's body, and the other end of the chain fell into the hands of a man in black.

The man in black was dressed in black, with only the two horns on his head shining coldly.

When Xiao Mian first saw the bull-headed man in black, his heart shrank.

The seducer!

If what Guitou said is true, the man in black who is capturing Fu Qingqiong's soul is none other than the legendary soul seducer - Niutou!

Niutou is not a person, but a collective name.

The Soul Seducer is not a person, but a profession!

Not to mention that Xiao Mian was just a small Golden Elixir monk, even the Yuan Ying Patriarch could not get any advantage when he saw this Niutou!

If you are not careful, you may never be able to return to the earth.

While Xiao Mian was at a loss, the bull head started talking to himself.

"Hmph! You evil deed! Now that you are dead, your soul should return to the underworld and report to the throne of Hades, but you have not returned yet, causing me to go away like this! It is really abominable! I will wait for you to escape Find all the souls and come to the throne of Pluto, I want you to look good!"

Saying this, Niutou tightened the chain in his hand, and the hero imprisoned by the chain shivered, flickering brightly and darkly.

Xiao Mian was filled with anger and anger, and suddenly he had a plan in his mind.

Turning over it casually, Xiao Mian found a spiritual grass in his hand - Yinshenglian!

In the Lei Peng Demon Mansion, Xiao Mian received many benefits from old ghosts such as Zheng Buyi, and this Yin Shenglian was one of them.

Yin-born lotus is the most yin thing.

For ghost cultivators, it is a treasure of heaven and earth.

Especially for the soul, if it can settle in the Yin-born lotus, it can use the Yin-born lotus as its true body, rebuild the ghost path, put it to death and then live.

After taking out the Yin Shenglian, Xiao Mian took out another soul. When the soul first saw the Yin Shenglian, out of an instinctive reaction, it did not rush to escape. Instead, it lingered around the Yin Shenglian, trying to integrate its own soul into it. Use the Yinshenglian to rebuild the ghost path.

Xiao Mian let it go and pushed it out.

The next moment, the bullhead sensed something and turned around suddenly.

The Yin Shenglian entered his eyes, and a pair of bull's eyes suddenly opened wide.

For ghost cultivators, the Yin-born lotus is a treasure; for Niutou, a native of the underworld, the Yin-born lotus is even more wonderful.

However, although the Yin-born lotus is extremely Yin, it is unique to the Yang world.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade, and there are only four words - rare things can be used to live in!

Then I saw a lonely wild ghost entangled around the Yin Shenglian, trying to enter the Yin Shenglian. Niutou was so angry that he rolled up his chain and attacked.

"Hmph! Evil! This Yin-born lotus is what your Grandpa Niu likes. How can you allow a lonely wild ghost like you to covet it? If you don't want to lose your soul, just tie it up!"

Where the words have gone, the chains have arrived.

That unlucky soul, together with the Yinshenglian, was locked up...

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