Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,436 Raising troops to investigate crimes

The so-called Heavenly Pillar is the pillar that supports the sky!

This cultivation world is exiled, isolated, and even sealed by the spirit world!

As time goes by, the spiritual energy in the seal will become increasingly thin until it disappears completely.

By then, even if there are cultivators who are barely surviving, they will not be able to practice without spiritual energy.

At that time, this cultivation world will completely become a country of ordinary people...

In order to fight or slow down the process of spiritual energy decline, this cultivation world has been working hard since the battle of the ban.

Building Tiandu City, gathering spiritual energy from all over the world, and artificially creating a grand scene for cultivation is one of them.

Another way is to build nine giant pillars that reach the sky and distribute them across the five states and four seas to support the shrinking world!

Just like the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, which exists in name only, this cultivation world is shrinking.

If there were no nine giant pillars that reach the sky across the five states and four seas, the shrinkage would be even greater!

Now, of the nine pillars that reach the sky, seven have collapsed, and the basalt pillar at the North Pole is also likely to be destroyed.

Only Dutian Peak still stands proudly.

Dutian Peak is the ninth pillar that reaches the sky, and it is also the most important pillar among them!

As long as Dutian Peak does not fall, even if the other eight pillars have temporary problems, the sky will not fall.

At least, there is a way to remedy it!

After listening to the little monk's explanation, Xiao Mian finally figured out a clue.

But, what exactly did the Three Gods Temples of the East Sea want to do by making such a big fuss?

The Three Gods Temples of the East Sea!

The mastermind behind this matter must be the Three Gods Temples of the East Sea!

I am afraid that even the so-called war in the East Sea was deliberately guided by the Three Gods Temples of the East Sea to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

No wonder the nests of the Three Gods Temples of the East Sea were wiped out, but there was no news from the three temple masters...

From the beginning, the other party was seeking the whole world!

The East China Sea was abandoned by the other party!

Because of this mistake, the whole world fell into the hands of the enemy.

When Xiao Mian kept speculating on how the three temples of the East China Sea would cause chaos in the world, the faces of all the Heavenly Venerables changed.

Obviously, something worse had happened...

The first person to wake up was not the Heavenly Venerables, but a Yuanying elder of Sanqing Temple.

This person is called Taiyin Zhenren. Although he is unknown, he is a supreme with the strength of a Heavenly Venerable!

This is the foundation of Sanqing Temple.

Although Sanqing Temple only occupies one seat among the ten Heavenly Venerables in Zhongzhou.

But the cultivators in the world have long reached a consensus: there are at least three Heavenly Venerables in Sanqing Temple!

Now, the East China Sea is in danger, and Sanqing Temple has thrown out this Taiyin Zhenren to come to the rescue.

Taiyin Zhenren moved, Yunhai Jianzun and Jianlingzun, almost at the same time, changed their faces drastically.

Then, Shancai Tongzun, Jiujianxian, Kongkonger, Modi, Guisheng, Xiaoheshang, Daozun and Jianshen, and other Tianzun realm strongmen also received the news and their faces changed drastically.

Dutian Peak - attacked and destroyed!

Who on earth could do such a thing?

For a moment, everyone looked at Taiyin Zhenren.

Although Sanqing Temple is not in conflict with the world, the defense of Dutian Peak has always been managed by Sanqing Temple.

Now that Dutian Peak has been attacked, what does Sanqing Temple say?

Facing the silent questioning of the crowd, Taiyin Zhenren was speechless.

"Elder Taiyin..."

"Fellow Daoists! I, Sanqing Temple, will give an explanation to fellow Daoists all over the world about this matter!" Elder Taiyin suppressed the question of Jian Lingzun and said, "Dutian Peak is fine, but there is a missing corner after all."

"What do you mean?"

"There is a flaw in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Micro Formation!"

When Taiyin Zhenren said this, all the Heavenly Masters were shocked, and even Xiao Mian was shocked.

Nine Heavens Mysterious Micro Formation?

Why did it get here?

Could it be that there is a connection between the nine pillars that spread across the five states and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Micro Formation?

Thinking of this, Xiao Mian subconsciously thought of another thing - Jiuzhou Ding!

The rumored Jiuzhou Ding was originally a treasure that suppressed the luck and protected the ancient Jiuzhou.

Could it be that these nine pillars were made to imitate the Jiuzhou Ding?

I just don't know if there is any conflict between the Nine Heavens Mysterious Micro Formation mentioned by Elder Tai Yin and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Micro Formation of the Xuanwei Formation Spirit...

If it affects the Xuanwei Cave Secret Realm, wouldn't Xiao Mian's plan be completely ruined?

Thinking of this, Xiao Mian almost wanted to take out his stool immediately and rush back to the Xuanwei Cave Secret Realm to find out what happened.

Fortunately, Xiao Mian held back...

From the Tianzun Realm powerhouse to the Jindan minor cultivator, everyone present was stunned.

Ordinary cultivators had no idea what happened, and even if they heard a few words, they couldn't connect them.

The Tianzun Realm powerhouse didn't know what to do because they knew what happened.

Yunhai Jianzun's words about repairing the Tongtian Giant Pillar were simple.

However, each of the nine Tongtian Giant Pillars exhausted the world's great power.

When the cultivation atmosphere was still strong, it might not be difficult to repair it.

In today's cultivation world, spiritual energy is becoming increasingly scarce, and spiritual materials are becoming increasingly scarce. Even if the giant pillars can be repaired, it is not an easy task.

Moreover, Dutian Peak has also encountered problems...

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Micro Formation is a protective barrier covering the periphery of this cultivation world.

The spiritual world sealed this practice world, and this practice world also found a way to isolate it from the prying eyes of the spiritual world.

But if there is a flaw in the Jiutian Xuanwei formation, the spirit world can be condescending to spy on this practice world.

Even if one cannot take the initiative to enter this practice world, if the spiritual world is aware of the details of this practice world in advance on the eve of the spiritual war, in the upcoming spiritual war, this practice world will be like fish on the chopping board—— Let others slaughter you!

For the current plan, the Jiutian Xuanwei Formation must be repaired as soon as possible to protect the privacy of this practice world!

Almost unanimously, all the Heavenly Lords thought this way.

However, at this moment, the whole world was shaken.

If in normal times, everyone would be shocked by this kind of shock, although they would be confused, but they would rarely turn pale with fright.

Nowadays, the nine sky-reaching giant pillars are tilted, damaged, and the Jiutian Xuanwei formation has even more flaws.

If one thing goes wrong, it will be a disaster!

After the heaven and earth shook, there was no movement.

However, there was a sharp-eyed monk who pointed at the Blood Mountain Divine Peak below the crowd and shouted.

Everyone looked down and their expressions changed.

Previously, due to the cracking of the Blood River Formation, the entire blood sea gradually dissipated.

If nothing else goes wrong, the blood sea will flow backwards, the blood mountain will be silent, and the Blood Demon Palace will be sealed in dust forever at the bottom of the sea.

I never thought that the accident would happen after all...

The blood sea that had gradually dissipated turned out to be like the weather in June.

While the heaven and earth were shaking, the entire East China Sea was in pieces.

The sea is churning, the earth is cracking, and underground magma and sea water are constantly colliding and neutralizing.

A large amount of steam generated instantly gathered in the air, forming a powerful wind tornado.

For a time, in the vast East China Sea, the four elements of earth, fire, feng shui, and factors went wild.

If one thing goes wrong, the entire East China Sea will be destroyed!

Faced with this situation, the Middle-earth monks were still a little indifferent.

If the East China Sea is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Sooner or later, they will return to the cultivation world of Middle-earth.

However, Donghai, who was gradually changing, clearly did not intend to let everyone go.

Donghai is like a peerless ferocious beast that has been awakened, displaying endless ferocious power in front of everyone.

The oceanic plates under the sea have been shattered, the sea is boiling, and there are endless violent winds in the sky.

For a time, the Middle-earth Army was in a dilemma as it had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

But it was said that Bai Longji chose to land on the Huofuhao before the great changes in the world.

Regarding the choice of this Dragon Clan Supreme, no one dared to say anything on the Huofu No. 1.

Besides, big changes are coming soon, so it might be a good thing to have such a dragon supreme companion...

Just like that, Bai Longji stepped onto the Huofuhao.

Speaking of which, it’s a blessing to have these earth-level treasure ships known as aerial fortresses!

Relying on the strong defensive power of their respective earth-level treasure ships, the monks from all sides of the Middle-earth Legion were finally in danger.

The question is: How long will this upheaval last?

At first, no one thought this problem was a problem...

Such large-scale and intense changes in the world, although the instantaneous devastation is staggering, often do not last long.

Although the energy between heaven and earth cannot be measured by mortals, it also has its upper limit.

Such a high-intensity energy release would never last for too long.

As for how long, no one can say.

Only this time, this world seemed to be joking with everyone.

Three days later, the world remained the same.

Five days later, the world remains the same.

Seven days later, the world remains the same...

After a full nine days, the world changed drastically, and the posture was slightly restrained.

Even so, the convergence alone is enough to restrain the situation for a month.

In this month, the world has undergone tremendous changes, like an unreasonable little kid, over and over again, lingering, ups and downs...

After January, the world finally returned to some peace.

Of course, this is also a relative term. Compared with the East China Sea, which was truly calm before, it is still very different at this time.

But finally, the cracked earth and the boiling seawater seemed to have reached a tie, and they all stopped.

The fire on earth subsided and the wind from heaven gradually subsided.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, there were several escaping lights from a distance, speeding towards them from all directions.

Those were clearly huge ships - a giant ship of this size must be owned by the Demon King of the East China Sea!

Seeing this, some people still don't know why: The beating is over, what are you still doing?

But it was Xiao Mian who looked around and smiled bitterly to himself - this is where he came to call for punishment!

as expected!

Although those giant wheels came from all directions and belonged to different East Sea Demon Kings, they all had the same unkind expression.

It's like the Middle-earth monks owe them a lot of spiritual stones...

But he said that Xiao Mian had seen these demon kings of the East China Sea before during the feast in the Dragon Palace.

With a quick glance, Xiao Mian recognized that the four demon armies belonged to the four demon kings, and they were all ninth-level demon kings.

The Red Dragon King, the Whale King, the Ten Thousand Ao King and the Godly King!

Four demon armies arrived, and the four demon kings followed the army.

If you are aggressive, you are coming with bad intentions.

When he arrived, the Red Dragon King was the first to jump up.

"You sons of turtles from Middle Earth! It's all you who are jumping up and down, causing our East China Sea to never have peace! You have made our East China Sea such a disaster, so you just slap your butts and get out, how are you going to let us live? What are your plans for this debt? How to calculate?”

Facing the shouts of the Red Dragon King, all the Heavenly Lords looked at each other in shock.

The words of the Red Dragon King are really difficult to interpret. One of the shortcomings is that they are messy.

Besides, the Red Dragon King came to the Middle-earth cultivation community to discuss the matter. Although all of the monks present were from Middle-earth, it was precisely because of this that everyone had a position to answer the Red Dragon King - why should I speak up if others don’t speak? thunder?

At worst, no one will say anything!

"No one is talking, right? Are the Middle-earth monks such scoundrels? Believe it or not, this king has issued the Demon King's Order and united with the Eighteen Demon Kings of the East China Sea to launch joint sanctions against you Middle-earth monks who have caused trouble in the East China Sea? ah!?"

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, the Red Dragon King became more and more unscrupulous.

Now, some people are unhappy...

"Hmph! In this huge East China Sea, when will it be your turn to be the clown and make your debut?"

"Who!? Who dares to slander me like this? This vast East China Sea is the home of our Eighteenth Demon King of the East China Sea..." Halfway through his words, the Red Dragon King looked at Bai Longji on the bow of the Huofu and suddenly turned around: "I am here to serve you. Lord—all owned by Donghai Dragon Palace!”

"So you still know about the East China Sea Dragon Palace? Not bad! In the previous Dragon Palace Feast, Long Mu did make a charter with all the demon kings: I, the East China Sea Dragon Palace, will withdraw from the stage of history and hand over this huge East China Sea to you, the 18th Demon King. But there is a prerequisite!" Staring at the Red Dragon King, Bai Longji glanced at the other three demon kings and said calmly: "If the three East China Sea Gods die, I, the East China Sea Dragon Palace, will no longer be born - - Monster kings, whoever takes the first place in the battle to destroy the three temples in the East China Sea will be the king of the demons and the new master of the East China Sea!"

"..., yes! Xiao Wang, don't dare to forget!"

"Now that the world has undergone tremendous changes, it is the Three Divine Temples of the East China Sea that are behind the scenes! You don't go looking for the culprits, but you come here to show off your power. What's going on? Do you really want me, the East China Sea Dragon Palace, to give one last order to the East China Sea before leaving? ?”

"No! No! No! Long Ji, calm down! Xiao Wang doesn't dare!"

The Red Dragon King gritted his steel teeth and knelt down to show his submission.

If a fight really breaks out, the Red Dragon King may not be Bailongji's opponent, but combined with the other three demon kings, Bailongji can't do anything to them.

The problem is, the Red Dragon King doesn’t have the guts to openly challenge Bai Longji!

The coercion accumulated by the East China Sea Dragon Palace for thousands of years has already penetrated into the bone marrow, integrated into the blood, and become part of the inheritance.

Just like the monsters in the world are naturally afraid of dragons, the Demon King of the East China Sea is naturally afraid of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

Seeing that the Red Dragon King was suppressed with just a few words, Bai Longji secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This time Bai Longji left the East China Sea Dragon Palace and came here because she was ordered by Long Mu to protect the East China Sea.

The great changes in the East China Sea destroyed the heaven and earth. Although it was a man-made disaster, it was also a natural disaster.

But if the Demon King of the East China Sea rashly clashes with the Middle-earth Cultivation Community without knowing what is important or good, he will be fulfilling the wishes of the Three Divine Gods of the East China Sea. It will not be a good thing for both the East China Sea and the Middle-earth two families.

Although the four demon kings have been suppressed now, Bai Longji has no experience in how to manage them.

But at this moment, the Red Dragon King, who was half-kneeling on the ground, suddenly stood up, with a look of shock on his red face!

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