Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,445 It’s hard to get back

Finally, the South Vietnamese Army sent troops to sacrifice to Tan!

The matter of improving the soul contract was not decided immediately.

But the two people in Nanyue Prefecture - not only the scholar but also Xiao Mian - both agreed on the matter of improving the soul contract. The difference was just the timing and opportunity.

As for Qingqiu Patriarch, he abstained from voting on this matter.

Ancestor Qingqiu was a demon cultivator after all.

Although Patriarch Qingqiu has followed his master Danqing Sword Master and practiced in Wanzong City since he was born, he can be said to be completely human.

But deep down, Patriarch Qingqiu is a demon after all.

In this situation where the human-monster is independent, no matter which side Qingqiu Patriarch is on, it is a bit out of place.

In this process, General Xuanling played a great role.

The White Jue Demon King was indifferent to the Red Spirit Demon King's persuasion, but in the end, General Xuanling called him "Uncle Bai Jue" to change his mind.

Although this matter still needs to be discussed, at least Bai Jue Demon King agreed to send troops.

At present, the Bingfu and Huofu were being prepared overnight.

Early the next morning, two earth-level treasure ships, the Bing Fu and the Fire Fu, together with the sea ships and flying boats belonging to the Xiaoyao Yang Demon Army, sent troops eastward to rush to the aid of Lei Jitan.

Three days later, Lei Yunze woke up leisurely...

Concerned about the war in Leijitan, Lei Yunze hurriedly went to see King Xiaoyao.

Although Xiaoyaoyang and the South Vietnamese Army have promised to send troops to help Leijitan, if they drag their feet, Leijitan will not be able to wait too long.

But when Lei Yunze walked out of the wing, he suddenly realized that the place he was in now was no longer the Xiaoyao Palace, but the vast East China Sea.

After recognizing the direction for a moment, Lei Yunze's expression was shocked.

Ahead, there is the Thunder Sacrifice Pond!

"General Lei! Are you okay?" But it was King Xiaoyao. When he learned that Lei Yunze was awake, he rushed over to express his condolences and show his concern. Lei Yunze hurriedly saluted and paid homage: Thank you King Xiaoyao for your concern! Thank you Xiaoyaoyang for rushing to my aid in Leijitan! "

"General Lei, you are being polite! You and I are compatriots in the East China Sea, and we are like brothers and allies. If Lei Jitan is in trouble, how can I, Xiaoyaoyang, sit back and watch? This is my duty in Xiaoyaoyang!" At this point, King Xiaoyao changed the subject: "On the contrary, those Middle-earth monks helped me Xiaoyaoyang earlier, and now they went to great lengths to travel long distances to the Thunder Sacrifice Pond. I am so ashamed!"

While speaking, King Xiaoyao looked at the two earth-level treasure ships behind him intentionally or unintentionally.

Following King Xiaoyao's gaze, Lei Yunze saw the Fire Fortune and Ice Fortune numbers.

It seemed that I had wrongly blamed him...

Xiao Mian!

I, Lei Yunze, owe you a favor!

South Vietnam!

I, Lei Jitan, owe you a favor!

But at this moment, the speed of the Ice Fortune and Fire Fortune surged.

After impacting the vicinity of Xiaoyao King's flagship, Xiaoyao, Xiao Mian boarded the Xiaoyao alone.

Xiao Mian came here for the Thunder Sacrifice Pond!

Although the Xiaoyaoyang Demon Army has a large number of people, it only has sea ships and no treasure ships.

Although the volume of the sea-going ship is three-thirds larger than that of the treasure ship, just like the Xiaoyao King's car, it is half larger than the Fire Fortune and Ice Fortune.

However, the speed of sea ships is not as fast as treasure ships!

Xiao Mian's intention was to use the two Earth-level treasure ships of the South Vietnamese Army to take the lead and serve as an advance force to reach Leiji Lake as soon as possible.

The Xiaoyaoyang Demon Army followed closely as backup.

Before King Xiaoyao did anything, Lei Yunze was already cheering.

This was exactly what Lei Yunze was thinking, but he didn't dare to say it openly.

The South Vietnamese Army and the Xiaoyaoyang Demon Army could agree to rush to the aid of Leijitan. Lei Yunze was already grateful, so how could he still dare to point fingers?

Unexpectedly, Xiao Mian was so concerned about Lei Jitan that he actually took the initiative to mention this matter.

At the moment, Lei Yunze followed Xiao Mian to the Bingfu.

Although Xiao Mian had rushed from Xiaoyaoyang to Lei Jitan alone before, Xiao Mian was not marching in a hurry at that time. He was traveling around the mountains and rivers, and even had many delays in the sea of ​​wind and thunder.

Besides, Lei Yunze is the Demon General of Leijitan. Let him lead the way, and the old horse will know the way.

Sure enough, Lei Yunze knew a shortcut that could lead directly to the Thunder Sacrifice Pond.

Through this shortcut, the South Vietnamese Army spent ten days arriving at Leji Lake.

Xiao Mian has also been to Thunder Sacrifice Pond...

However, standing on the bow of the Bingfu and looking around, Xiao Mian was horrified.

Where is the Thunder Sacrifice Pond! ?

Looking from a distance, it is clearly a sea of ​​blood!

Fortunately, in the center of the blood sea, there were still lightning strikes.

That is unique to Thunder Sacrifice Pond - Tianshui Divine Thunder!

This at least shows that the Thunder Sacrifice Pond has not been completely razed to the ground!

Xiao Mian was just frightened by the rotten situation in Leiji Pond. How could Lei Yunze be able to endure it when he saw this scene?

In order to seek help from Xiaoyaoyang, Lei Yunze left Lei Jitan for nearly a month.

When Lei Yunze left, the situation in Leijitan was not so bad.

Now that he saw his hometown in trouble, Lei Yunze completely went berserk...

I saw a bolt of lightning rising into the sky from the Bingfu, heading straight towards the countless sea of ​​blood in front of me. The lightning exploded into the sea of ​​blood, but was almost swallowed by the thick sea of ​​blood.

Fortunately, the South Vietnamese Army is not here for sightseeing.

Just as Lei Yunze was dispatched, the Bingfu and Huofu ships burst out with auras.

Two psychic cannons exploded on Lei Yunze's left and right respectively, killing the bloody creatures that were entangled towards Lei Yunze.

Having gained an opening, Lei Yunze rose into the air after regaining his composure.

Lei Yunze has also fought against these blood-colored creatures, so he naturally knows that these blood-colored creatures do not have the ability to fly.

After such a delay, the South Vietnamese Army was already dispatched.

Bai Longji and Jiujianxian, two Heavenly Realm warriors, do their part.

Scholar, Lord Jianglong, Ancestor Qingqiu, Scarlet Spirit Demon King, White Jue Demon King—the five high-level Nascent Soul combat powers followed closely behind.

Under these seven powerful men are a group of Nascent Soul Ancestors and transformed demons.

Thanks to the second batch of reinforcements rushing to the East China Sea, the strength of the South Vietnamese Army has greatly increased. Otherwise, if it were just the soldiers and horses before, it would really be a bit difficult to deal with...

A monk above the Nascent Soul realm is capable of standing alone.

The monks under the Nascent Soul realm need to work together.

Five people in a group, ten people!

Groups of five people dispersed and looked after each other in pairs.

In the five-person group, the strength of the members is scattered among each other, both high and low, to prevent the strong ones from gathering in some groups and the weak ones from other groups.

In a group of ten people, try to ensure that there is a top-level Jindan monk in charge.

Among the ten teams, try to equip one quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator for complete planning.

As a result, thousands of monks from the South Vietnamese Army were divided into nearly a thousand five-person groups with relatively even strength, and entered the vast sea of ​​​​blood...

Previously in Xiaoyaoyang, Xiao Mian used the Five Elements Formation to divide the bloody creatures.

Those passive defense tactics are for protecting Xiaoyaoyang!

Now that the Thunder Sacrifice Pond is in danger, how can we calmly arrange the Five Elements Formation for passive defense?

Only attack! attack! Attack again!

Sometimes, offense is the best defense!

Let's talk about the fact that the bloody creatures are intelligent.

The Five Elements Formation can be used once and never again. It costs a lot and has little effect.

Even if you don't use the Five Elements Formation, you can still artificially divide the blood-colored creatures, surround different numbers of blood-colored creatures, and then kill them in one fell swoop.

In this way, the South Vietnamese Army plunged into the sea of ​​blood.

The entire blood sea was shaken, the sea of ​​blood was rippled, and the color of blood was churning...

It's just because there are so many bloody creatures that they can't be killed!

It is still difficult for the South Vietnamese Army to break through the siege of the bloody creatures, successfully reach the center of Lei Jitan, and join the Lei Jitan demon army and Lei Zhen Palace.

Of course, the attack of the South Vietnamese Army contained the bloody creatures.

On the one hand, the number of bloody creatures began to decrease sharply, and over time, it became effective.

On the other hand, it also made the bloody creature vulnerable to enemies from both sides, unable to concentrate on capturing the Thunder Sacrifice Pond.

Of course, the most beneficial aspect is that it sends a signal to Lei Jitan.

Reinforcements have arrived!

Thunder Sacrifice Pond has been besieged by overwhelming blood-colored creatures for more than ten days.

Except for Lei Zhen Palace and Lei Ji Tan, which came to the rescue before, there was no hope.

For more than ten days, all I saw above and below the Thunder Sacrifice Pond was a sea of ​​blood.

Bloody creatures, endlessly killing them.

The defense line of Leijitan is getting smaller and smaller.

As a result, everyone's defense line is getting lower and lower.

If no reinforcements arrive, Leijitan may not be able to hold on...

At this critical juncture, the appearance of the South Vietnamese Army gave everyone in Leijitan a shot in the arm - boosting morale and boosting combat effectiveness.

In the following days, the South Vietnamese Army continued to try to break through the bloody defense line.

However, several charges were made, but all to no avail.

With the combat power of Heavenly Lord Realm such as Bai Longji and Jiujianxian, it is not difficult to break through the blockade of the bloody creatures.

The difficulty is - after rushing away, it cannot be maintained!

The advantage of blood-colored creatures is their countless numbers!

Once the South Vietnamese Army stretches the front too long, they will have to face more bloody creatures at the same time.

For blood-colored creatures, there is no difference between more and less.

But for the South Vietnamese Army, any more might be a disaster.

Even though a single blood-colored creature is not a threat, once these blood-colored creatures gather in large numbers, even ordinary Nascent Soul Ancestors are in danger of falling.

Since the South Vietnamese Army entered the war, no fewer than dozens of monks have been killed or injured.

This was because Xiao Mian and others tried their best to shoulder most of the defense line.

Once the defense line is stretched again, the entire South Vietnamese Army will be dragged down!

Fortunately, three days later, the Xiaoyaoyang demon army arrived belatedly.

Even so, it was only a drop in the bucket and failed to completely change the situation.

In desperation, Xiao Mian asked Bai Longji and Jiujianxian, the two top combat powers, to break into the sea of ​​blood alone and rush into the Thunder Sacrifice Pond to help defend the front.

With two Tianzun-level combatants joining us, I think the situation in Thunder Sacrifice Pond will improve.

As for the South Vietnamese Army and the Xiaoyaoyang Demon Army, we have to take a long-term approach.

How to rescue Leijitan at the minimum cost!

Unexpectedly, later that day, a white light broke out from the Thunder Sacrifice Pond.

It was Bai Longji who left and came back again!

Not only that, Bai Longji also brought back bad news!

Thunder Sacrifice Pond - I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long!

The blood tide in Leijitan broke out at the same time as the blood tide in Xiaoyaoyang.

It's a pity that when the blood tide was first born, enough attention was not paid to Thunder Sacrifice Pond.

When the blood tide spreads, it will be too late for Leijitan to think of any measures.

Almost overwhelmingly, bloody creatures poured into the Thunder Sacrifice Pond.

In the days since then, although Lei Jitan and Lei Zhen Palace have been working together to fight against the blood-colored creatures, the blood-colored creatures are also constantly eroding the entire Lei Jitan.

As of today, the Thunder Sacrifice Pond has been completely hollowed out!

In three days at the latest, the Thunder Sacrifice Pond will disappear into the East China Sea forever!

By then, the monks in Thunder Sacrifice Pond, who were besieged by the blood-colored creatures, would have no chance to rely on.

The monks of Lei Zhen Palace have the earth-level treasure ship Lei Zhen as an aerial fortress, so they can escape calmly even if things are impossible.

But there are more than 100,000 monks in Leijitan, how can one escape?

If Xiao Mian had taken precautions like that day, there might still be some hope.

Now, the entire Thunder Sacrifice Pond is flooded by bloody creatures...

Not to mention the ships, everything else was swallowed up!

It is absolutely impossible for one Lei Zhen ship to take away all the Lei Jie Tan monks.

Bai Longji left and came back just to bring back the Silver Thunder King.

He doesn’t want the Thunder Sacrifice Pool!

What the Silver Thunder King now hopes is that the South Vietnamese Army and the Xiaoyaoyang Demon Army can act righteously and save the nearly 100,000 monks from his Thunder Sacrifice Pond!

Bai Longji said that the others were fine, but Lei Yunze was dumbfounded.

Lei Jitan is not only the hometown of Lei Yunze, but also the ancestral property of the Lei family.

Leijitan has always been the ancestral home of the Lei family.

Demon cultivators like Lei Yunze take blood inheritance very seriously.

As the ancestral home of the Lei family for generations, there are many inheritances left by the predecessors in the Thunder Sacrifice Pond, which are not enough for outsiders to understand.

Now, Thunder Sacrifice Pond is about to disappear...

Lei Yunze didn't blame King Silver Thunder. King Silver Thunder's move could be regarded as breaking the wrist of a strong man.

As long as the green hills remain, you won’t have to worry about running out of firewood – this is not just talk!

But when it comes time to make a decision, it's difficult.

Lei Yunze was so painful when he heard the news.

How should Silver Thunder King, who made this decision himself, grieve?

Thunder Sacrifice Pond is his inheritance!

Apart from Lei Yunze, the person who best understood the mood of King Yin Lei at the scene was King Xiaoyao - at the beginning, he was also forced to the edge of giving up Xiaoyaoyang!

Now, the same tragedy happened to King Silver Thunder.

The difference is: in the Xiaoyao Ocean, spring comes out of dead trees, and in the Thunder Sacrifice Pond, it is difficult to return!

After a short decision, everyone approved the Silver Thunder King's rescue plan.

As for how to rescue specifically, that is another question.

The number of monks in the Thunder Sacrifice Pond ranges from 100,000 to 80,000, and the vast majority of them are low-level demon cultivators who have not even condensed the demon elixir!

If it is a high-level demon cultivator, it not only has a certain ability to protect itself, but also can withstand a certain amount of space pressure. Space magic weapons such as Xiao Mian's ribbed Xuanyuan Sleeves will have a place to be used - but if it is a low-level demon cultivator, then We can only rely on treasure ships for transportation!

There are only three earth-level treasure ships, including the Thunder Shock.

Silver Thunder King made it clear: in three days, Thunder Sacrifice Pond will be completely destroyed!

How to transport nearly 100,000 monks in three earth-level treasure ships within three days has become another problem before everyone.

Disaster! Disaster! Disaster! ! !

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