Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,456 Wind and Thunder Bloodfield

In the end, Xiao Mian drove the Dragon God Arms and died generously.

Seeing the colorful stream of light speeding towards the sea of ​​wind and thunder, Hemerocallis standing on the bow of the Bingfu, wept silently.

This is obviously a dead end, because there is no candidate, so Xiao Mian must go.

Originally, Jiujianxian and Bailongji both expressed their willingness to give it a try, but Xiao Mian declined - he knew very well: Jiujianxian and Bailongji were not sure.

Xiao Mian was equally unsure.

But Xiao Mian is more sure than them all - at least he is not afraid of blood protozoa!

As for what happens next, we can only take it one step at a time...

However, Xiao Mian believed that the Dragon God Arms would not let him down.

Immortal Stone will not let him down!

The wind is rustling and the water is cold. Xiao Mian travels thousands of miles alone.

After confirming that there was no one nearby, Xiao Mian put away the Dragon God's weapons and directly broke into the sea of ​​wind and thunder.

Besides, the sea of ​​wind and thunder at this time was overwhelmingly filled with blood protozoa.

Fortunately, Xiao Mian had a special physique. After transforming into blood spirit roots, he easily blended into the blood protozoa and sneaked into the sea of ​​wind and thunder.

Looking around, there was blood red in the sea of ​​wind and thunder.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Mian rushed towards the ninth level of wind and thunder sea.

All the way, speechless.

After a long time, Xiao Mian finally arrived at the center of the sea of ​​wind and thunder.

Xiao Mian has also been to the ninth level of the sea of ​​wind and thunder.

Now that I have returned to my old place, it has been completely changed...

The entire space is divided into two floors.

The upper layer is full of blood protozoa - these blood protozoa can no longer see their original appearance, they are just blood red; the lower layer is the wind and thunder energy squeezed to the limit. No one can do anything about the upper and lower layers, and they are in a delicate balance.

To break this balance, an opportunity is needed.

Xiao Mian, this is the opportunity!

Xiao Mian came here precisely for this reason.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Mian tried to summon the Dragon God's weapons, but it was impossible.

The surrounding space could not accommodate any foreign objects at all - the reason why Xiao Mian was able to come in was because he was integrated into the blood protozoa.

It seems that we can only take one step at a time...

With a sigh, Xiao Mian was unambiguous and pointed towards the confrontation between the blood protozoa and the wind and thunder energy.

This finger is nothing special.

But just this finger, after hitting the confrontation point, broke the original balance of blood protozoa and wind and thunder energy.

The balance is broken, and the shock erupts.

A shock wave so powerful that it destroyed the world exploded from the confrontation point.

Fortunately, Xiao Mian had already summoned the Dragon God Arms immediately, and through the weapon system of the Dragon God Arms, he condensed an excessively large irregular shield.

This energy shield is shaped like a hexagon, with its surface covered with prismatic wrinkles.

The name of this shield is Dragon Scale Shield!

The Dragon Scale Shield is the only armor in the weapon system of the Dragon God Arms.

According to the systematic explanation of the Dragon God's weapons, this dragon scale shield is made of countless overlapping dragon scales, which is enough to withstand the catastrophe that destroys the world.

As soon as the dragon scale shield came out, the sense of oppression endured by the Dragon God's weapons disappeared.

Although the Dragon God's weapon was completely blown away, it was still intact.

The only regret was that the energy required for the Dragon Scale Shield was extremely huge, so Xiao Mian had no choice but to force out a mouthful of his life essence and blood to supply the Dragon God's weapons.

Nourished by this mouthful of natal essence and blood, the Dragon God was armed and jumped for joy.

With a dragon roar, the Dragon God's weapon transformed into a blood dragon and soared into the sky.

At the same time, the confrontation point that was still erupting suddenly collapsed.

After the powerful shock wave, there was an even stronger attraction.

Thanks to the previous accidental collision, the Dragon God armed forces escaped from the vicinity of the confrontation point first.

Otherwise, in the face of this powerful attraction, Xiao Mian would not have absolute confidence that he would be able to escape safely even with the help of Dragon God's armed forces.

Feeling the attraction entwining in the surrounding air, Xiao Mian took a deep breath, controlled the Dragon God's weapons, and ran as far as he could...

It wasn't until the attraction gradually weakened that Xiao Mian stopped the Dragon God's weapons.

Looking back, I saw the sea of ​​wind and thunder below, with the wind and thunder stirring, and the blood flowing.

The confrontation point created by Xiao Mian was collapsing, and a dark hole was expanding, swallowing the blood protozoa and wind and thunder energy.

That inexplicably powerful attraction emanates from that hole.

The pitch-black hole is like the ferocious beast in ancient legends, the Taotie, which opens its big mouth and swallows up the blood protozoa and wind and thunder energy coefficients.

The sea of ​​wind and thunder not only disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Where the black hole passed, the sea of ​​wind and thunder disappeared out of thin air.

Together with that, there are also the massive blood protozoa that flooded the Sea of ​​Wind and Thunder before.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, the person who started it all couldn't help but feel secretly embarrassed.

Now it seems that the blood protozoa are dead, and the sea of ​​wind and thunder is also over.

I just don’t know if this black hole will...

What Xiao Mian is afraid of is: this black hole will swallow it up endlessly.

If that were the case, Xiao Mianke would have become the leader of the destruction of the East China Sea!


Let’s get through this hurdle first and then talk about it…

As time goes by, the scope of the black hole becomes larger and larger, swallowing more and more blood protozoa and wind and thunder energy, and the scope of its ravages becomes wider and wider.

Xiao Mian retreated again and again, and he saw that it was the edge of the Sea of ​​Wind and Thunder.

Without any warning, the rapidly expanding black hole suddenly stopped.

With the sea of ​​wind and thunder as its boundary, the black hole stopped moving forward.

Seeing this, Xiao Mian breathed a sigh of relief.


Obviously, the expansion of black holes is driven by wind and thunder energy.

There is no trace of wind and thunder energy outside the Sea of ​​Wind and Thunder. When the black hole reaches the boundary of the Sea of ​​Wind and Thunder, it has no motivation to continue to expand.

Otherwise, Xiao Mian would really be miserable...

Now it seems that everything is under control.

Xiao Mian just thought this, and sudden changes occurred inside the sea of ​​wind and thunder.

The originally dark black hole suddenly disappeared, as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a mysterious continent that was completely blood red.

Seeing that charming mysterious continent, Xiao Mian didn't dare to act rashly.

However, after observing for a long time, there was no sign of any trouble, and Xiao Mian couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

At that moment, driving the Dragon God Arms, Xiao Mian landed on the bloody continent.

The soles of the dragon god's armed feet were down-to-earth and nothing out of the ordinary.

Vaguely, a powerful wind and thunder energy spread from the Bloody Continent and poured into the Dragon God Arms.

Out of curiosity, Xiao Mian intercepted a trace of energy and integrated it into his body.

Anyway, his body is invulnerable to all poisons, and he is not even afraid of true demonic energy...

After some experimentation, Xiao Mian discovered that these energies were extremely pure wind and thunder energy. However, for some reason, the originally distinct wind and thunder energy seemed to have me in you and you in me. It had become nondescript and a brand new energy. .

This kind of mixed energy of wind and thunder can be used by wind attribute monks, and thunder attribute monks can also use it. The effect will even be much better than pure wind and thunder energy.

Thinking of this, a plan was brewing in Xiao Mian's heart...

Nowadays, outsiders still don't know about the changes that happened in the Sea of ​​Wind and Thunder. Xiao Mian is the first person. If he can't take advantage of this opportunity and take the lead, Xiao Mian will act like Xiao Mian.

The bloody continent formed by this side devouring massive amounts of blood protozoa and wind and thunder energy - Xiao Mian jokingly called it the blood continent of wind and thunder, contains great potential.

Nowadays, the entire East China Sea cultivation world is in chaos.

Even established forces like Jin Fenghai, who have dominated the East China Sea for nearly ten thousand years, are in danger of overthrowing, not to mention other smaller forces of all kinds?

The entire East China Sea cultivation world is facing a new round of reshuffle!

If we can take the lead, Xiao Mian will have a place in the East China Sea in the future!

Maybe, the Wind and Thunder Blood Plain will become a holy place in the East China Sea cultivation world after the war.

With this in mind, Xiao Mian contacted Shancai Tongzun - now Xiao Mian and Shancai Tongzun are not too far apart, and there is no need for Jiujianxian to do it for him.

Knowing that the plan went well, Shancai Tongzun was in a good mood.

After some secret discussions, Xiao Mian's plan won the full support of Shancai Tongzun.

In this way, Xiao Mian's plan has been half successful...

Next, it depends on Jin Fenghai’s choice!

The overall situation has been decided, Xiao Mian sent a signal on the bloody continent.

After a long time, several earth-level treasure ships from both the north and the south came galloping towards them.

At this time, Xiao Mian was standing on the bloody continent, greeting everyone.

When everyone saw Xiao Mian, they were fine, but when they saw the bloody continent, they were all dumbfounded - especially the local monks from the East China Sea, who were even more shocked.

The sea of ​​wind and thunder is a famous dangerous place in the East China Sea cultivation world.

Being used by Xiao Mian as a trap to eliminate the blood protozoa, everyone had not expected it. They did not expect that after the blood protozoa were eliminated, although the Sea of ​​Wind and Thunder disappeared, it was replaced by such a mysterious bloody continent.

Seeing Xiao Mian standing on the bloody continent without any inhibitions, everyone imitated his example.

Soon, these people's eyes were shining...

The huge potential of the Wind and Thunder Bloodfield was clearly understood by these people.

To be honest, the entire Donghai cultivation world is extremely broad.

However, there are very few places that are truly suitable for monks to live.

Ninety percent of the entire East China Sea is a vast ocean with thin spiritual energy.

For monks, as long as there is sufficient spiritual energy, even if there is no place to stay in the vast ocean, they can move mountains and fill the sea to artificially create islands or even continents.

However, there are not many such places.

Most of them, like Jin Fenghai, have been booked by the great demon kings for a long time. How can they be coveted by the latecomers?

Occasionally, there are some newly developed small islands, but they are often small places. It is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to abandon them. It is not an exaggeration to call them useless.

Besides, this sea of ​​wind and thunder covers an extremely large area, with a radius of thousands of miles.

Now that the Sea of ​​Wind and Thunder has evolved into the Field of Wind and Thunder, isn’t it still very popular?

If this news spreads, the Demon King of the East China Sea will probably fight openly and covertly for it.

Even now, everyone is dazzling and planning carefully.

Not only the Demon King of the East China Sea, but also those practicing sects in the Middle Earth would be great if they could get a share of the pie in the Wind and Thunder Blood Plains, establish other mansions, and open branches.

"Everyone! This continent is really a gift from God to us!" Seeing that everyone was silent, Xu Lican endured it again and again, and couldn't help but speak: "I just don't know: Fellow Taoists, how do you feel about this new ownerless land?" Land, what are your plans?”

"Who told you: This is a land without an owner?" With a cold snort, Bai Longji said boldly: "There is no land in the world other than the land of kings! Aeons ago, I, the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, had a bet with your ancestors of the human race. One careless move resulted in the loss. From then on, the richest land in the five states of the world belongs to you, the human race, and the barren land in the four seas is assigned to me, the Four Sea Monster Alliance. Every plant and tree in this vast East Sea belongs to my Dragon Palace! The Eternal Relics or the New Continent are all my territory in the East China Sea!"

"This...Senior Long Ji, please calm down! The agreement made a long time ago is no longer appropriate. Besides, this wind and thunder blood field just appeared today..."

"Okay! Boy from Shanhe Palace! Do you want to overthrow the human-monster covenant from eternity ago? It's not impossible! This wind and thunder blood plain can be given to you human monks, but - I don't mind taking a trip to Tiandu City , occupy the mountain and become the king!"

As soon as Bai Longji said this, Xu Lican opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Xu Lican can be regarded as an immortal who has lived for hundreds of years, but in front of Bai Longji, he is really just a yellow-haired boy.

Besides, if the human-monster covenant from eons ago is overthrown, human monks can certainly take over the East China Sea, but can the monsters from the four seas also take over the five states in the world?

This transaction is a loss no matter how you look at it...

What's more, Xu Lican has not yet entered the realm of Heavenly Lord.

Facing Bai Longji who was in the realm of Demon Lord, his words had no weight at all.

At this time, Shan Cai Tong Zun and Jiu Sword Immortal, who are Heavenly Lords, looked at each other.

"What Fellow Taoist Bailong said makes sense!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Shancai Tongzun agreed with Bai Longji - he recognized that the ownership of Fenglei Blood Plain belongs to the East China Sea Cultivation World!

Seeing this, the arrogant Bai Longji finally calmed down a little.

Although Xu Lican was unwilling to do so, in front of Bai Longji and the two powerful Heavenly Masters, no matter how unhappy he was, he did not dare to show it.

In this way, the Wind and Thunder Blood Plain belongs to the East China Sea.

The happiest person at this moment is King Xiaoyao.

Fengleixueyuan is located at the intersection of Xiaoyaoyang, Leijitan and Jinfenghai. Xiaoyaoyang also contributed to the dispatch of troops to Leijitan.

No matter what, this Wind and Thunder Bloodfield should have his share as King Xiaoyao.

But at this moment, Xiao Mian spoke...

"In the previous series, the Thunder Sacrifice Pond was attacked by blood-colored creatures. The Silver Thunder King fell and the Thunder Sacrifice Pond was destroyed. Now this Fang Lei Blood Plain came into being. In my opinion, placing the monks of the Thunder Sacrifice Pond in the Wind and Thunder Blood Plain will It couldn’t be more appropriate.”

As soon as Xiao Mian said these words, Lei Batian, Lei Yunze and other Lei Jitan monks looked excited - they were now homeless and in urgent need of a place to stay.

During this war, Thunder Sacrifice Pond received help from various forces, so the whole army was not wiped out. Facing the Wind and Thunder Blood Plain, they wanted it but were embarrassed to ask for it.

Xiao Mian's words just touched their hearts...

Before Lei Zhentian and Lei Yunze opened their mouths, another person took the lead.

"Are you Xiao Mian of Nanyue? Yes! Yes! Xiao Wang sees that you are very knowledgeable and knowledgeable. When Xiao Wang ascends the throne in the future, he will definitely reward you with a glass of royal wine!"

As he said this, a person appeared in front of people.

This person is none other than the orphan of King Silver Thunder—Lei Fengzi!

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