Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,476 The war continues

But here, Lin Donglai came and glared at Wan Dongyao.

"Damn it! You actually killed her?"

"It? It's long dead! Thousands of years ago, it died! If it hadn't been for the Three East China Sea Temples to protect it with the Secret Technique of Returning to Heaven, do you think you would still be able to see it?"


"Wait! You... are you the tree spirit who escaped back then?" Looking Lin Donglai up and down, Wan Dongyao was amazed: "It's really you! You actually reincarnated as a human? Tsk! It's not easy! Reincarnation. , don’t forget to take one last look at it, and it’s not in vain that it was willing to die to save you!”

As soon as Wan Dongyao said this, Lin Donglai's expression changed again and again...

When the sun rises in the east, there are trees and hibiscus trees!

The world only thinks that Fusang is one sacred tree, but in fact, Fusang is two trees growing side by side.

In those days, when two trees grew side by side, two spirits coexisted.

The Three Gods of the East China Sea came to attack. Under the desperate cover of another tree spirit, Lin Donglai's previous tree spirit was able to escape and reincarnate calmly.

After Lin Dong came to form the elixir, it was another tree spirit who summoned him.

Unfortunately, this tree spirit has been controlled by the Three East China Sea Temples, and was even refined into the small green tree to control the giant tree that reaches the sky.

After the small green tree was crushed by Wan Dongyao, the giant tree reaching the sky also died.

Of course, Wan Dongyao is right...

As early as thousands of years ago, that tree spirit was dead!

"I want you to pay with blood!"

With a roar, Lin Donglai attacked Wan Dongyao on the green spirit boat.

A green vine looks like a green dragon - it is the dragon vine!

However, before the Dragon Transformation Vine could hit the Green Spirit Boat, it was blocked by a black light. It was the Black Demon Armor, pulling the Dragon Transformation Vine with one hand, refusing to give in an inch.

No matter how Lin Donglai pushed the power of the Dragon Transformation Vine to the extreme, he still couldn't get it.

Seeing this, Xiao Mian's mood became heavier and heavier.

At the Tiandu Martial Arts Tournament, Xiao Mian also had a battle with Lin Donglai. Although Xiao Mian was lucky enough to defeat Lin Donglai by one and a half moves in the end, the magical power of the Dragon Transformation Vine was still fresh in his mind. He could not imagine the black devil. The armor suppressed the Dragon Transformation Vine so easily!

Comparing the strength shown by the Black Demon Armor before, if he hadn't hidden his strength before, or the existence of Lingxu had weakened Lin Donglai's strength.

Or, both!

If the Blue Dragon Demon and the Ghost Beast also increase in strength like the Black Demon Armor, this battle will be really difficult to fight...

Xiao Mian just thought this, and the Canglong Demon and the Ghost Beast joined the battle group.

It was naturally impossible for Xiao Mian to let them besiege Lin Donglai with three against one.

In desperation, Xiao Mian had to fight.

Speaking of other monks, they also know that when things have developed to this point, either they will destroy the Three East China Sea Temples, or the Three East China Sea Temples will drive them out and kill them all.

Since there is no other way out, the only option is to fight to the death!

At this point, Xiao Mian didn't even need to use coercion or inducement, everyone was fighting to the death.

As a result, those Jindan monks belonging to the Three East China Sea Temples also went out to fight. The scene was the same as before, but even more chaotic...

Because of the addition of those golden elixir cultivators, it was a bit difficult for everyone to besiege the three Canglong Yao people - in the end, everyone was surrounded by each other, fighting on their own in the space around the black gold spirit boat, and it was dangerous. Surrounded.

The three giant beasts, the Canglong Demon, the Ghost Beast and the Black Demon Armor, are watching with eager eyes.

From time to time, they would sneak up on everyone...

At this time, everyone is either dead or injured.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and within a few moments, everyone suffered casualties.

At this point, how can everyone dare to retain their strength?

However, the result is not satisfactory!

Fortunately, everyone present was not an ordinary Jindan cultivator.

All of these people are elite.

There are descendants of the Holy Land, giants from the Demon Sect, eminent monks from the Buddhist Sect, and elites from the sect—any one of these people will be enough to successfully congeal an infant!

At this moment, these people used their trump cards one after another in order to regain their disadvantage.

Lin Guiyuan, the Guiyuan Sword in his hand screamed endlessly, summoning the Guiyuan Sword Domain!

Xu Lijin, holding a mountain and river fan, wearing a mountain and river robe, a mountain and river crown on his head, and wearing mountain and river boots on his feet. He is dressed in a mountain and river suit and swallows the mountains and rivers with all his strength.

Bingmo's Xuanbing Lihuo mace has been upgraded to the top level magic weapon. Once used, Xuanbing protects the body and Lihuo hurts the mind.

There is also the ice and fire magic gourd in hand, ice and fire come from the same source, and yin and yang are at will.

Yan Mo, holding the Flame Dragon Wushuang, summoned the Domain Flame Dragon Demon Prison.

Dorji was born in the Buddhist Tantric Sect of Western Shu Prefecture. He believed in the Great Joyful Heaven. Now he is using the secret techniques of Tantric Buddhism with astonishing power.

I saw Dorji, who was already big and round, suddenly transformed into an angry-eyed Vajra with a human body, an elephant head, four arms and two legs.

In King Kong's four hands, the second on the right holds Buddhist beads, and the second on the left holds a battle ax.

The end is full of ferocious power and divine power!

The most powerful among these people are those who belong to Yunhai Jianting.

The disciples of Yunhai Sword Court, headed by Yun Lingtian, led Wan Xingyun, Ji Yue, Pang Bai and others to set up an eight-pole sword formation.

The Eight Extremes Sword Formation alone can hold a line of defense...

Others such as Yu Wushuang, Hua Mancheng, He Xing'an, Chen Jingxuan, Yuan Yuan and others also tried their best and did not dare to hide their secrets.

Needless to say, Moyin, Jing Chu, Xuan Ling, Xie Lingfeng and others.

For a time, the three monsters, the Canglong Demon, the Ghost Beast and the Black Demon Armor, were completely overwhelmed by the crowd's offensive...

Seeing this, Wan Dongyao was indifferent, while Xiao Mian had no expression on his face.

This is the Lingxu after all!

Although with the existence of the black gold spirit boat and the solid spirit beads, everyone can temporarily use the flying sword magic weapon and magical powers and secret techniques, but if time goes on, the consequences will be endless!

The first thing to bear the brunt is the loss of spiritual energy!

In the Lingxu, simply keeping oneself from being affected by the Lingxu is already very valuable, but using one's trump card is undoubtedly seeking death.

While the monk's spiritual energy is severely depleted, but cannot be replenished at all, he must take pills to restore his true energy.

As time goes by, the trouble of erysipelas will follow.

If we could drive out those three monsters and those Jindan monks in the face of this wave of offensive, everyone would naturally be happy.

The problem is, from Xiao Mian's perspective, things may not be that simple.

Otherwise, Wan Dongyao would not have stood by and watched with such determination!

Slowly exhaling a breath of turbid air, Xiao Mian was planning to ignore it and look for an opportunity to kill Wan Dongyao, but suddenly his heart skipped a beat and his expression changed.


Ashin, who was in the dungeon, finally reacted!

The underground city at this time is a ghostland with mountains of corpses and seas of blood!

Gradually, a figure stood up from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

He looked up at the people fighting above, and that person had no expression on his face!

Besides, with the collapse of the giant tree that reached the sky, not only the platform that everyone was on disappeared, but also the intricate underground city below began to dissipate.

Watching, those millions of dead bodies are about to be swallowed up by the Lingxu!

If only the corpses were swallowed by the spirit ruins, it would not be a big deal. After all, the corpses at this time are just a pile of flesh and blood.

But if the three souls and seven souls are also swallowed up by the spirit ruins, it will be beyond redemption!

It's a pity that the chaos of the war has reached this point, and no one has time to care about these mountains of corpses and seas of blood - not to mention, they are just ordinary people, who really cares?

Someone cares - that's Ashin!

These millions of ordinary people are all his compatriots!

Life is like this, death is like this...

While alive, he couldn't protect them completely, but after death, he will definitely give it a try!

Just for those millions of compatriots, don’t be lonely ghosts!

Suddenly looking up to the sky and laughing, Ashin opened his arms and embraced everyone.

The next moment, wandering ghosts began to swarm towards where Ashin was - it seemed like something was attracting them!

Changes in the underground city cannot escape the attention of the monks above.

It's a pity that the entire underground city is about to be destroyed, who can care so much?

Only Xiao Mian and Wan Dongyao were surprised and confused when they first saw A Xin.

Wan Dongyao is suspicious of Ashin's identity and origin.

The reason why Wan Dongyao was able to wipe out millions of mortals with a wave of his hand was because of the forbidden blood arts passed down from generation to generation among mortals.

Just like trees, branches and leaves spread out. As long as the roots are cut off, no matter how lush the giant tree is, it will die violently.

Wan Dongyao holds the lifeblood of those mortals!

As long as she wants, she can wipe out millions of mortals!

In fact, she did exactly that...

However, in such a meticulous killing, how could Ashin be missed?

Unless, this person is not one of the millions of mortals before!

Almost subconsciously, Wan Dongyao turned to look at Xiao Mian.

At the same time, Xiao Mian is also worried about Ashin's safety.

Others may not know what Ashin is doing, but Xiao Mian has some guesses - just because Ashin is a unique ghost body!

As a person with a ghostly body, he is born with a trace of ghostly energy.

After many changes in the past, the ghostly spirit in Ashin's body gradually grew stronger.

Nowadays, Ashin is using this trace of ghostly energy as a guide to absorb those lonely ghosts who are about to be swallowed up by the Lingxu!

The ghostly aura of the underworld is a special aura that can also be found in the underworld.

After those ghosts smelled the ghost energy of the netherworld, they mistakenly regarded Ashin as the yin and yang passage, and just wanted to enter it as soon as possible so that they could reincarnate in the netherworld.

With the characteristics of Ashin's ghost body, it is not difficult to contain some ghosts - the problem is that there are millions of ghosts in the dungeon!

Just thinking about such a large number of ghosts is enough to make your scalp numb!

If Ashin really collected these millions of ghosts into one body, even if he was a ghost in the netherworld, he might not be able to eat it and carry it around!

However, there is no turning back when the bow is drawn!

The overwhelming ghosts rushed towards Ashin.

Within a moment, Ashin's lonely figure was submerged in a sea of ​​souls.

After taking a deep glance, Xiao Mian withdrew his gaze.

Life or death depends on destiny!

Thinking like this, Xiao Mian turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the green spirit boat.

In mid-air, with the eight-color stream of light passing by, Xiao Mian put on the eight-leaf jade order.

Without looking at Wan Dongyao, Xiao Mian raised his fist and punched the bow of the green spirit boat - although the green spirit boat was unscathed, it could not help but tremble throughout his body.


If I can’t beat you to death, I’ll shock you to death!

With a cruel heart, Xiao Mian punched him one after another, indiscriminately.

At the same time, the poisonous relics in Xiao Mian's body began to run wildly.

At the same time, Xiao Mian slowly increased the growth rate of "Strong Dominance".

Every punch sent out was more powerful than the previous punch...

Later, although the green spirit boat was still undamaged, Xiao Mian used his own strength to hit it and stopped it in mid-air, unable to move.

At this moment, Wan Dongyao's expression on the green spirit boat finally changed.

She doesn’t know: What is the limit of the Green Spirit Boat!

She didn't even know: What was Xiao Mian's limit?

If Xiao Mian's limit is greater than the limit of the Green Spirit Boat...

Although Xia Bingyun has repeatedly stated that the green spirit boat cannot be broken by human power, Wan Dongyao does not want to put her wealth and life on others.

Not to mention, it’s a flying boat!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wan Dongyao's expression changed.

The next moment, Wan Dongyao couldn't bear it anymore and groaned.


Actually at this juncture - it started!

Wan Dongyao, although she had a premonition that the holy fetus would be delivered in the near future.

But I didn’t expect that it would be today!

Seeing that Xiao Mian was still bombarding the green spirit boat, Wan Dongyao was even more furious - could it be that this bastard had induced fetal infection?

damn it!

With a muffled groan, Wan Dongyao collapsed on the deck of the green spirit boat.

Fortunately, there was Xia Bingyun beside her, who noticed something was wrong with Wan Dongyao. Xia Bingyun rolled her eyes and realized that Wan Dongyao was about to give birth to a holy fetus!

Why did it happen at this time?

Cursing secretly, Xia Bingyun wanted to support Wan Dongyao - but couldn't!

Xiao Mian also discovered something wrong with Wan Dongyao.

Killing him while he is sick has always been Xiao Mian's motto.

Suddenly taking a deep breath, Xiao Mian abandoned all the distracting thoughts in his mind. There was only one thing in his mind and in his eyes, and that was the green spirit boat.

Exhale, punch, all in one.

The eight-color stream of light transformed into a stream of green light...

As if he was weak, Xiao Mian hit the green spirit boat with a light punch.

The green spirit boat, which was shaking uncontrollably, suddenly stopped.

But there was a crisp sound, exploding into the void...

Where Xiao Mian's fist hit him, cracks appeared in the green spirit boat.

Xiao Mian's punch was called - the Sky-Breaking Fist!

Xiao Mian had already obtained the remaining copy of the Pukong Fist. It was not until Xiao Mian understood the "Five Spaces Sutra" that he knew the exact origin of the Pukong Fist.

The power of the Sky-breaking Fist wrapped around the green light, successfully broke through the green flying boat's defensive shield, and sent the green light into the undefended green flying boat's body.

The body of the green flying boat is made from the heart of the hibiscus tree.

That inch of green light is a powerful domineering force that specializes in destroying the vitality of the wood attribute!

It was this punch that seriously damaged the Green Spirit Boat, and Wan Dongyao and Xia Bingyun on the Green Spirit Boat were also severely frightened.

Just because, with this punch of Xiao Mian, he has broken through the simple limitations of Mountain Breaking Realm and Sea Breaking Realm, and entered into the third realm of body refining - Sky Breaking Realm!

Punch through the air and point directly to the truth!

This punch not only scared Wan Dongyao, but also Xia Bingyun.

The next moment, Wan Dongyao screamed, emanating from the green spirit boat.

When Mo Yin and others heard this, they were all delighted.

They thought Xiao Mian finally broke through the Green Spirit Boat's defense and successfully killed Wan Dongyao!

At this time, everyone has the same hatred towards the three East China Sea temples.

Unfortunately, they think too simply...

Before these monks could be happy for a moment, their enemies, the three-headed monsters, suddenly showed their ferocious power after hearing Wan Dongyao's screams.

For a moment, everyone's defense almost collapsed.

If everyone hadn't been the best among all the forces, I'm afraid this counterattack alone would have caused huge casualties.

Even so, no one dared to be careless anymore.

The chaotic battle groups that were originally fighting each other gradually merged into a larger battle group under the pressure of strong pressure...

The fighting never stops!

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