Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1507: Old and cunning

As soon as she took action, the Goddess of Light and Sound used the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure - Jingye Bell!

Seeing this, Xiao Mian turned pale with shock, and Master Taixu relaxed.

The next moment, the Goddess of Light and Sound flipped her hand, and the Night Bell overturned.

Quietly, Xiao Mian and the Goddess Guangyin were completely covered by the Jingye Bell!

Outside the quiet night clock, everyone was fighting.

In the Jingye Bell, Xiao Mian and Guangyin Tiannu looked at each other.

"Huh... Holy Land Sect, it's not something ordinary people like us can predict. It's a magical treasure that can reach the sky. It's such a big deal!"

"Brother Xiao is serious! The Jingye Bell belongs to Guangyin Valley. Even if the master wants to use it, he can only borrow it temporarily. This trip to Duzun Mansion is of great importance, so the master has given Guangyin permission to do so. I’m borrowing the Quiet Night Bell for now, I hope it can be of some use!”

"I wonder what the goddess wants to do with this silent night clock?"

"Although the Quiet Night Bell is a spiritual treasure that reaches the sky, it is not an offensive weapon. Its greatest effect is to allow Guangyin to see the past and the future!" At this point, seeing Xiao Mian being silent, the goddess Guangyin smiled lightly. : "I want to try again!"

What the Goddess Guangyin said was meaningless, but Xiao Mian already understood.

Several times before, Xiao Mian and Guangyin Tiannv met unexpectedly.

The goddess of light and sound once said: She cannot see through Xiao Mian!

Now, in charge of the Quiet Night Bell, the Goddess of Light and Sound wants to give it another try...

She wanted to see: what Xiao Mian's past and future were like!

Understanding the intention of the Goddess Guangyin, Xiao Mian stood there motionless - to be honest: Xiao Mian also wanted to see what his future would look like!

The next moment, the silent night clock shrouding the two people outside shone with spiritual light.

This spiritual light gradually gathered towards Xiao Mian, and finally lingered around Xiao Mian, like a seven-colored light shield surrounding Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian didn't care, he believed that the Goddess Guangyin would not harm him.

This starts with the origin of Guangyin Valley...

Although Guangyin Valley is one of the Nine Holy Lands, it rarely appears in public on weekdays, and it rarely makes judgments on major or minor matters in the practice world.

They seemed to be observers in the practice world and stayed away from the incident.

For nearly ten thousand years after the ban, Guangyin Valley has always been independent from the world, unstained by the world of mortals.

In the world of spiritual practice, Guangyin Valley enjoys a supreme reputation without any stain.

Of course, this is secondary.

Xiao Mian would not expose his entire wealth to the Goddess Guangyin.

But Xiao Mian believed that even if the Goddess Guangyin sacrificed the Tongtian Lingbao Jingye Bell, she would still be in vain!

The Silent Night Bell is certainly a heavenly treasure!

But the fairy stone in Xiao Mian's body is even more powerful than the so-called Tongtian Lingbao!

Under the protection of the Immortal Stone, Xiao Mian believed that the Quiet Night Bell would not find anything.

Sure enough, the aura just lingered around Xiao Mian, but it couldn't go any further - it was as if there was something in Xiao Mian's body that was resisting the aura.

Seeing this, the goddess of light and sound sighed...

Suddenly her aura shrank, the goddess of light and sound looked at Xiao Mian with a half-smile.

"Goddess! Did you find anything?"

"Brother Xiao, why do you ask knowingly?" After shaking her head, the goddess Guangyin turned to ask, "Brother Xiao just doesn't want to know: which level of the Cheng'en Tower can you climb to?"

"The goddess knows?"

"Brother Xiao, look!"

As she spoke, the goddess of light and sound waved her hand.

Quietly, the night bell that enveloped the two of them gradually faded away.

The previously isolated fourth-level space appeared next to the two of them again.

Just because of the existence of the Jingye Bell, no one except the Jingye Bell could notice every move of Xiao Mian and Guangyin Tiannu.

Pointing to the people who were fighting, the goddess of light and sound was chatting and laughing...

"The nine members of Sanqing Temple are indeed the best among men. Even so, only Master Taixu can enter the seventh floor of Chengen Tower!"

"Although Yunhai Sword Court and Sword Spirit Valley are skilled in swordsmanship, sword cultivators have no advantage in Cheng'en Tower. They will all be blocked on the seventh floor! Not only them! It's also Mountain River Palace, Life and Death Valley, and even others. In the Holy Land, no one can enter the seventh level of space—except for the newly promoted Holy Land descendants from the Ice and Fire Demon Palace!”

"Other than that, out of the four states in the world, only two people can enter the seventh level!"

"Let me guess: one of them must be the Demon Seal of Northern Weizhou!"

"There is another person, I don't know either!"

Even so, the goddess Guangyin looked at Xiao Mian with a half-smile but not a smile...

Xiao Mian was silent after hearing this.

Apparently, the goddess of light and sound can see through the future of everyone present.

Only Xiao Mian's future cannot be seen through by the Goddess Guangyin.

However, Goddess Guangyin seemed to know that there were four people in total who entered the seventh floor of Chengen Tower.

Now that the identities of three of them are established, the remaining person, if not the other people present, is Xiao Mian?

Xiao Mian, Mo Yin, Bing Mo and Taixu Zhenren!

If what Lady Guangyin said is true, these four people are the last four people to enter the seventh floor of Chengen Tower!

Needless to say, Master Taixu and Moyin.

What surprised Xiao Mian was: Bingmo was among them!

On the contrary, Thor and other descendants of the Holy Land did not appear?

Is the foresight of the goddess of light and sound gone wrong, or is the world really unpredictable?

Before Xiao Mian could think about it, the goddess of light and sound spoke again.

"Brother Xiao! Master Taixu is about to successfully collect the God-Gathering Pill. Besides, if it takes too long, it will also arouse his vigilance. Let's just say goodbye!"

"Don't pass? What does the goddess mean by this?"

"Brother Xiao, don't worry! This God-Gathering Pill has another owner. Master Taixu is just making wedding clothes for others!" When he said this, the figure of the Goddess Guangyin gradually faded, and together with it, The Silent Night Bell also began to slowly dissipate, but the voice of the Goddess of Light and Sound still reached Xiao Mian's ears: "However! No matter who gets this God-Gathering Pill, Brother Xiao must be careful - this person, to you Big disadvantage!”

After saying this, the goddess of light and sound disappeared completely.

Even the Silent Night Bell was nowhere to be seen.

Xiao Mian appeared in the fourth space again, and there was a chaotic battle.

The Goddess Guangyin actually drove herself out of Duzun Mansion after a secret investigation with Xiao Mian!

It was as if the goddess Guangyin entered the Duzun Mansion just to see Xiao Mian!

The voice of the goddess of light and sound before she left echoed in his mind, but Xiao Mian was not slow at all, and the Five Elements Spiritual Sword came out hand in hand.

Through the gap left by the goddess of light and sound, Xiao Mian took advantage of it and walked in!

The Five Elements Spiritual Sword came out like a dragon, strangling the Three Purities and Five Swords guarding Taixu's side - Xiao Mian, and actually included the Three Purities and Five Swords into the battle group at the same time!

Recalling the early days of the Tiandu Martial Arts Tournament, Xiao Mian was exhausted from his battle with Qingming.

Now that Xiao Mian is fighting the Three Purities and Five Swords alone, he is very courageous.

Each of the Five Elements Spiritual Swords is a top-level magical flying sword, which is no worse than the Taisu Sword in Qingming's hand.

This is Xiao Mian's confidence in fighting against the Three Purities and Five Swords.

Besides, Xiao Mian did not want to decide whether to live or die with Sanqingwujian.

As long as he keeps the Three Purities and Five Swords in check, there will naturally be people who can't bear the loneliness...


Because of Xiao Mian's sudden appearance, the Three Purities and Five Swords were entangled with the Five Elements Spiritual Sword.

As a result, there was a loophole in Taixu Zhenren's defense line.

At this time, Master Taixu was about to take the God-Gathering Pill into his pocket. The people on the outside who were watching eagerly were worried that they would not have a chance to break through the defense line.

Now that the opportunity is in front of them, how can they be polite?

Almost at the same time, the peripheral monks collectively launched a fierce attack.

The defense lines of the Nine Holy Lands were in danger in an instant.

The Three Purities and Five Swords tried their best, but they could not get rid of the entanglement of the Five Elements Spiritual Sword; the three Taoist sects tried their best to turn the tide, but they were tightly restrained by the Demon Seal.

Seeing the surging offensive, Master Taixu sighed secretly.

That’s it!

Nothing can be done!

It’s just that you want this God-Gathering Pill so much, I will make it happen for you!

With a cold snort, Master Taixu decisively gave up collecting the God-Gathering Pills and instead charged towards Xiao Mian, who was entangled with the Three Purities and Five Swords.

Everything is because of this black sheep!

This is true for the Sky Talisman, and this is true for the God Gathering Pill!

Being disrupted by Xiao Mian again and again, Master Taixu could not help but have thoughts of killing.

Xiao Mian saw that Master Taixu gave up collecting the God-Gathering Pill and retreated instead of advancing - how could he not know Master Taixu's resentment towards him?

Fortunately, Xiao Mian knew the opportunity. If he was a little slower, he would be surrounded by Sanqing Wujian and Taixu Zhenren. By then, it would be impossible to fly!

Being disturbed like this, a storm surged around the God Gathering Pill.

Originally, if Master Taixu gave up collecting the God-Gathering Pill midway, the glass box that sealed the God-Gathering Pill would be completely locked, and the God-Gathering Pill would never be able to appear in this world.

However, before leaving, Master Taixu had already opened the glass box!

At that moment, the divine light of the Spirit Gathering Pill illuminated the entire fourth level of space!

Master Taixu chased Xiao Mian away, and the God-Gathering Pill came out again. There was no strong enemy to stop him, and there was a treasure in front of him, and everyone was excited.

Even the magic seal was in a trance for a moment.

Taking advantage of this moment of trance, the three Taoist sects got rid of the entanglement of the magic seal and rushed towards Master Taixu and Sanqingwujian.

Looking at this posture, Sanqingguan clearly wants to kill Xiao Mian!

With a roll of his eyes, Xiao Mian had already understood the trap of Master Taixu!

This is clearly a trap—a trap for Xiao Mian!

If he could get the God-Gathering Pill, Master Taixu wouldn't mind taking it in his pocket, but after Xiao Mian's interference, Taixu Master had already lost the God-Gathering Pill.

Even so, Master Taixu could just as easily have dealt with the Heavenly Talisman, discarding the God-Gathering Pill like a pair of worn-out shoes, so that no one could get the God-Gathering Pill.

However, Master Taixu didn't do that!

On the contrary, after Master Taixu successfully opened the glass box, instead of taking the God-Gathering Pill that was readily available, he gave up his position.

Just to—hunt down Xiao Mian!

As a result, in front of the most precious treasure, everyone is only focused on fighting for the God Gathering Pill!

The nine monks of Sanqingguan, headed by Master Taixu, launched a pursuit and interception of Xiao Mian - with such a God-given opportunity, they were bound to kill Xiao Mian!

If Xiao Mian can really be driven out of Duzun Mansion and get the God Gathering Pill, Master Taixu will give it up!

The worst thing is, we will take advantage of it later...

In this way, while everyone was fighting for the God-Gathering Pill, Taixu Zhenren and other Sanqingguan monks launched a pursuit of Xiao Mian.

Almost without thinking, Xiao Mian ran away.

What a joke!

These nine monks are the nine most outstanding people in Sanqingguan today.

Xiao Mian already felt that he was arrogant enough to fight against the three clear and five swords.

Now nine people are joining forces to chase him. If he doesn't run away, he will definitely die!

Although killing is not allowed in Duzun Mansion, if Master Taixu were to drive him out of Duzun Mansion, that would definitely not be what Xiao Mian wanted to see.

Almost without thinking, Xiao Mian rushed towards the God Gathering Pill.

It's not that Xiao Mian fell into Qian's eyes and was still thinking about the God Gathering Pill when he was about to die.

The reason why Taixu Zhenren gave up the God-Gathering Pill that he was about to get was to use it as bait to lure everyone to compete for the God-Gathering Pill, thus ignoring Xiao Mian's existence.

Xiao Mian couldn't let him get what he wanted!

After struggling to be hit by the three pure and five swords, Xiao Mian vomited blood and finally broke through the sniper attack of Sanqingguan and rushed towards the God-Gathering Pill.

First, Xiao Mian ran rampant, and then Master Taixu and others chased and intercepted them.

Everyone thought that they were also competing for the God-Gathering Pill, and they couldn't help but feel confused.

Taking advantage of this troubled situation, Xiao Mian finally breathed a sigh of relief...

Anger arises from the heart, evil comes from the courage.

Xiao Mian swung his fist at the God-Gathering Pill, sending it flying away.

Everyone's eyes followed the flying God-Gathering Pill. Finally, the God-Gathering Pill fell in front of one person - that person was Tuoba Lan of Xishu Prefecture!

Tuoba Lan had already given up on competing for the God Gathering Pill.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Mian punched the God-Gathering Pill in front of him.

Now that we have the most precious treasure, how can we not accept it?

However - misfortune lies where blessing lies, and blessing lies where misfortune lies!

Tuoba Lan had just taken the God-Gathering Pill into his possession, and everyone came to kill him one after another. Without saying a word, they all attacked Tuoba Lan.

Poor Tuoba Lan wanted to avoid it, but was unable to do anything to save it.

Almost instantly, Tuoba Lan was taken out of Duzun Mansion by everyone's offensive!

Also, the God-Gathering Pill was also taken out of Duzun Mansion by Tuoba Lan!

Although everyone was a little angry when they saw this, they had nothing to do.

When Xiao Mian saw this, he took a deep breath for no reason!


damn it!

how so……

Tuoba Lan's accident made Xiao Mian secretly blame himself.

What frightened Xiao Mian even more was what the Goddess Guangyin said before she left.

The person who gets the God-Gathering Pill is at a great disadvantage to Xiao Mian!

After all calculations, Xiao Mian never expected that it was Tuoba Lan who got the God-Gathering Pill!

What made Xiao Mian even more speechless was that it was clearly him who sent the God-Gathering Pill to Tuoba Lan...

It is precisely because of this that Tuoba Lan was indirectly expelled from Duzun Mansion!

The facts are hard to predict, indeed the facts are hard to predict...

After being shocked by this change, everyone calmed down.

Even the God-Gathering Pill was gone, so what else could they fight for?

Even so, Tuoba Lan was not the only one who was expelled from the Duzun Mansion for a God-Gathering Pill, there were also several people who were lost in the previous chaos.

Although more people were lucky enough to stay, they also suffered heavy losses in the previous battles, which would undoubtedly make it worse for them to continue climbing the Cheng'en Tower.

Perhaps, this is the ulterior purpose of Master Taixu...

Seeing Master Taixu staring at him, Xiao Mian snorted coldly.

Xiao Mian would not give him this kind of opportunity to fight more and less!

However, in private, Xiao Mian had to obey Master Taixu's decisive decision.

No matter what, all the elixirs in the fourth level of space were divided up...

The fourth floor space was empty, and everyone looked towards the fifth floor space.

This time, there were very few monks who could successfully pass the fifth flight of stairs.

There are still nine people in Sanqingguan, and there are still many people, and all of them have been promoted.

The Eight Holy Lands are quite damaged.

There are only six people left who have successfully advanced, namely: Yun Lingtian, Bingmo, Ling Xiao, Lu Guiling, Xu Liyu and Xinghua!

In terms of the three realms, Yan Mo from the Yanji Sect in the Jizhou Realm and Li Jingnian from the Vacuum Tao in the Huaxia Realm are both limited by their cultivation and stop at the fourth level of space.

Only the God of Thunder in Lei Zhen Palace successfully ascended to the fifth level of space.

Brother and sister Chi Lianyun and Chi Lianxia also both stopped at the fourth level of space.

At this point, the seven-county cultivation world has ushered in a true annihilation...

In Soochow Prefecture, only Ye Piaoling is left.

In Northern Wei Prefecture, Moyin and Wei Beiyuan were left.

Tuoba Lan, the only seedling in Western Shu Prefecture, was expelled from Duzun Mansion inexplicably.

In Nanyue Prefecture, only Xiao Mian passed the customs successfully.

The number of monks who entered the fifth level of space dropped sharply to twenty-one!

Among them, the Nine Holy Lands account for fifteen people, and the Sanqing Temple alone accounts for nine.

The advantages of Sanqingguan are becoming more and more obvious...

Xiao Mian became increasingly wary of Master Taixu's methods.

With each level of the Cheng'en Tower, although the number of treasures in the tower is gradually decreasing, the efficacy and quality of the treasures are increasing.

What's more, as the height of the tower increases, the number of monks who can enter decreases. Correspondingly, the number of treasures that can be distributed to everyone actually remains unchanged.

In other words, the more the monk persists to the end, the greater the harvest will be.

The number of monks who were directly or indirectly lost for a fourth-level God-Gathering Pill was between ten.

This was something Xiao Mian had not thought of before.

But obviously, Master Taixu thought of...

Sure enough, he is a cunning old man!

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