Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1729: Avoid

In Zhongzhou, on Dutian Peak, inside the Sanqing Temple.

A group of Holy Land Sect Leaders convened a meeting under the convocation of Master Taixu.

The topic of the meeting is the general trend of the world...

"Everyone! I have received two pieces of good news recently. What do you think?" Looking around at the crowd, Master Taixu said that although he was talking about the good news, he felt a little bitter in his heart - after all, the Nine Holy Lands were in ruins!

The former Nine Holy Lands were so beautiful.

Under the Sanqing view, there are the Xingxu Tiangong and the Jiugong Formation Sect, with Zuo Fu and right Bi.

There are three valleys, Guangyin Valley, Life and Death Valley and Sword Spirit Valley, as well as two palaces and one palace, Ice and Fire Demon Palace, Shanhe Palace and Yunhai Sword Palace.

The sect leaders of the Nine Holy Lands are all powerful Heavenly Masters. Except for the slightly less qualified Yunhai Jianting and the unfathomable Sanqing Guan, the other seven Holy Lands have a powerful Heavenly Master who is the Supreme Elder or Great Elder. Sanqing alone is Looking at the strength of a family, there are as many as ten powerful Tianzun people.

Looking back now, the scenery is no longer...

In the Jiugong Formation Sect, the leader of the Formation Emperor fell to the Hunyuan Taoist lineage, and now the Great Elder Formation Yuanzi temporarily takes over as the leader; in Xingxiu Heavenly Palace, from the leader Xingtianzun to the great elder Xingyunzi, everyone has fallen, and the Aurora Starry Sky has been completely destroyed. Cease to exist.

Among the three valleys, Guangyin Valley closed the mountain gate and stopped opening it due to the death of Lord Guangyin, determined to stay out of the matter; Sword Spirit Valley lost Sword Spirit Valley and Jinli Sword Master, and Lin Zongxue came up from behind to support Sword Spirit Valley; The great elder of the Valley of Life and Death has died, and the Master of the Valley of Life and Death, the Lord of Life and Death, is also facing an embarrassing situation where his life span is approaching.

Two palaces and one court are the most tragic.

First of all, the Yunhai Sword Court has long been replaced by the Yanji Sect.

However, the Yanji Sect is the same as the Thunder Sect that replaced Xingxu Tiangong. Only the sect leaders Zhu Rong and Shang Jun are powerful Tianzuns, and there are no Tianzun elders in charge.

In the Ice and Fire Demon Palace, the sect leader Ice and Fire Demon Lord and Elder Yan Jingzun have fallen one after another, becoming the only sect among the Nine Holy Lands that does not have a Heavenly Lord sitting in charge. If Wu Du Villa had not been uprooted by Xiao Mian, the Ice and Fire Demon Palace would have been eliminated from the nine major holy lands. Holy place.

Only Shanhe Palace, Shanhe Zun still exists, but its time is running out!

Even the Sanqingguan, which has always been aloof from the outside world, lost four powerful Tianzuns at once after the last Northern Expedition. Counting the unification of Hunyuan Dao, the number of Tianzun strongmen in the Sanqingguan has been reduced by more than half, leaving only Five Tianzun elders are available.

Among them, Master Taihong fought against the Demon Emperor Wei Changtian that day. Although he was lucky enough to survive, Wei Changtian also severely damaged the divine object and lost the battle power of the Heavenly Lord.

The whole Tianfeng, Tianzun strong man, there are eleven people!

This number is less than half of what it was when the Spiritual War just ended...

With this thought in his mind, Master Taixu suppressed his bitterness and said to the sect leaders of the Holy Land: "A few days ago, Soochow Prefecture officially broke with Nanyue Prefecture!"

"Zong Xue has also heard about this! Is there any fraud?"

"Deceit? Zong Xue! Although you are in your prime and have a long history, there are some things that you are still too young to understand clearly!" Master Taixu said to himself: "In my opinion: Soochow The state and Nanyue state will inevitably break up!"

"..., because of that person?"

"That's right! If that person hadn't come back, the alliance between Nanyue State and various forces might have continued; but now that person is back! The so-called alliance must be formed only if they have equal status or have some conspiracy. That person After returning, the strength of Nanyue State has suddenly reached the point where it can compete with me at Du Tianfeng. As a result, Soochow State wants to get any benefits from Nanyue State, which is nothing but idle dreams. Why tie them together?"

"Brother Taixu! In your opinion, this Soochow State..."

"Soochow Province is just a villain! It's not worth mentioning! What I want to win over is Donghai! Fellow Taoists, don't you know? The Donghai cultivation world has also fallen out with Nanyue State - Dark Dragon Emperor and Xiao Mian , we had a fight in front of everyone, and we broke up all grievances!"

"This...there must be some fraud in this!"

"Is it a scam? Maybe! But so what? Let's just wait and see the show! Let's see how realistic they can make this fake show!"

Master Taixu said this, and the monks from Sanqingguan came to report.

Latest news: Donghai will raise troops to attack Nanyue State!

The cause of the matter was Xiao Bailing!

When Xiao Mian returned to South Vietnam from the East China Sea, the first thing he did was put Xiao Bailing under house arrest.

When the news reached the East China Sea, the Lord of the East China Sea, the Dark Dragon Emperor, was furious. Although King Jinfeng tried to dissuade him, the Dark Dragon Emperor decided to send troops to South Vietnam.

For a time, the entire East China Sea cultivation world was in turmoil...

The demon soldiers of the East China Sea quickly completed their assembly. They set off from the East China Sea and headed straight for the South China Sea. However, when they were about to approach Nanyue Prefecture, they met a person.

To be more precise, it's a white dragon!

Bai Longji, with the body of a true dragon, blocked the East China Sea Demon Soldier.

In the end, Bai Longji and the Dark Dragon Emperor had a real dragon fight, and both sides suffered losses.

Taking advantage of the moment when Bai Longji was severely wounded by the Dark Dragon King, King Jinfeng came out and tried to attack and kill Bailongji - King Wan'ao and King Whale didn't have the guts.

Both the Ten Thousand Ao King and the Whale King are from the water demon clan. In their view, those with true dragon bloodline are born emperors - White Dragon Lady and Dark Dragon Emperor are both!

Only the King of Golden Wind, who was originally a demon bird, not a water demon, and did not suppress the so-called dragon power strongly, dared to take the risk and tried to attack Bai Longji.

However, the dragon god suddenly appeared and ruined the good thing.

After a fight, King Jinfeng was severely injured by the Dragon God's weapons.

After rescuing Bai Longji, Xiao Mian walked out of the Dragon God Arms.

On the vast East China Sea, in front of thousands of East Sea monster soldiers, Xiao Mian gave the Dark Dragon Emperor an ultimatum: If he didn't withdraw his troops, he would kill Xiao Bailing first!

Therefore, the Dark Dragon Emperor had to retreat.

After listening to this latest battle report, all the Holy Land Sect Masters looked at each other in shock.

Is this already a fight?

"No! Zong Xue still feels that there must be fraud in it!"

"So what if it's fraud? As long as we can control the Dark Dragon Emperor's young boy, it will weaken the power of Nanyue State!"


"No matter what, the events in Soochow and Donghai have successfully divided the power of Nanyue State. If Nanyue State wants to go to the Northern Expedition, it needs to think carefully." Rarely, Master Taixu was in a better mood, but he changed the subject: "Everyone! The situation is still not optimistic! Just as Nanyue State knows that we will definitely go south, we also know that Nanyue State will definitely go north - the question is who can succeed!"

"It may not be a good thing if South Vietnam does not make an expedition to the north in the near future!" Lin Zongxue said shockingly: "Have you ever thought about what will happen to the world in a decade?"

As soon as Lin Zongxue said these words, the others were still calm. Shanhe Zun and Life and Death Zun looked at each other with solemn expressions.

With the longevity of the two of them, they may die in a few years!

By then, will the Valley of Life and Death and the Palace of Mountains and Rivers still exist in the Holy Land Sect?

An indisputable fact is: the Nine Holy Lands are in decline!

A dozen years later, the Master of Life and Death, the Master of Mountains and Rivers, the Master of Formation Yuanzi, and even the elders of the Heavenly Masters of Sanqing Temple, I am afraid they all died one after another.

The number of Tianzun who can stay will be reduced by more than half.

At the same time, there may be more Tianzun experts in Nanyue State...

Even if Nanyue State has no allies, it may still be able to make its northern expedition alone.

"What Zong Xue means: to vigorously cultivate the new generation of Tianzun?"

"No! What Zong Xue means is exactly the opposite!" Looking directly at Master Taixu, Lin Zongxue's words were not surprising: "Let's admit defeat!"


For a time, many Holy Land Sect Masters all exclaimed in surprise.

Only Master Taixu, after being stunned for a moment, fell into deep thought.

"Zong Xue! If you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly - I know you are loyal!"

"Senior Taixu knows that I am loyal, and I know the foundation of the Three Pure Views! It is not difficult for the world's No. 1 person who has dominated the world with the Three Pure Views to create a large number of powerful Heavenly Masters in a short period of time, right? Just like the Xiangfu Chamber of Commerce. , isn’t there some supreme elixir?”

As soon as Lin Zongxue said these words, everyone else's expressions changed.

Only Master Taixu remained silent, neither admitting nor denying.

Not admitting it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist; not denying it means acquiescence!

The unpredictability of Master Taixu made everyone feel confident. Only Lin Zongxue shook his head with a wry smile before revealing his plan.

What a crazy plan!

"Yes! The Nine Holy Lands have indeed reached a period of decline, and Dutian Peak has reached the most dangerous period in ten thousand years. However, I don't think now is the time to use the foundation and secrets - at least, the time has not come yet! "

"Zong Xue: When do you think the time is right?"

"Xiao Mian is dead!"

These four simple words echoed in the conference room.

All the sect leaders of the Holy Land heard clearly, but they were confused.

Today's Du Tianfeng's biggest enemy is Xiao Mian. Before Xiao Mian dies, Dutian Peak may be gone, let alone the Nine Holy Lands.

Waiting for Xiao Mian to die before activating the foundation of Sanqingguan, isn't this looking for death?

Only Master Taixu looked at Lin Zongxue with an increasingly uncertain gaze.

Master Taixu has already understood Lin Zongxue's plan. This plan was once thought of by Master Taixu, but was shelved because it was too crazy.

Now, Master Taixu hopes Lin Zongxue can convince him...

Let me see: how can you convince me!

Under the gaze of Master Taixu, Lin Zongxue continued: "Fellow Taoists! Ask yourselves: Is there a way to survive against Xiao Mian?"

In one sentence, everyone who asked looked at each other and became speechless.

What Lin Zongxue asked was not the chance of winning, but whether there was a way to survive!

In other words, from Lin Zongxue's point of view, all the Holy Land sect masters and powerful Heavenly Masters present here would flee in despair if they faced the Nanyue Xiao Mian.

The difference is: can you escape?

"Hmph! Even if that kid has some ability, can he still make a huge difference?"

"Senior Shanhe said it is true! Shang is not talented. I have met that boy a few times. Although that boy is difficult to deal with, he is not a weakling..." Shang Jun just said this, and Lin Zongxue retorted: "I don't know, Sect Master Shang When was the Xiao Mian that he saw? Zong Xue just met Xiao Mian at Wudu Villa a few days ago. After a sword fight with him, Zong Xue abandoned his sword and escaped, and then he could see all the fellow Taoists! "

As soon as Lin Zongxue said these words, everyone's expression changed.

"If Sect Leader Shang feels that Zong Xue is exaggerating, you and I can fight!"

"No! No need! How could Mr. Shang not know about Master Lin's magical swordsmanship? In the whole world, I am afraid that only the sword god can beat Master Lin in one and a half moves..."

Shang Jun's words are not general.

Although Lin Zongxue is young, his combat prowess is among the best among the sect leaders of the Holy Land. Even she was no match for Xiao Mian, let alone the others.

Now that things have happened, everyone finally understands what Lin Zongxue means.

No matter who it is - even if it is Master Taixu who has achieved Tianzun, he cannot be Xiao Mian's opponent, because Xiao Mian can no longer measure it with common sense.

Zongheng Xianxin achieved Xiao Mian's abnormality.

However, no matter how perverted he is, Xiao Mian is still a human being and not a god.

Even Duzun, who was said to have transformed into a god, only had a lifespan of three thousand years - once the three thousand years were up, Duzun had to die sadly.

This is Lin Zongxue's intention, to kill Xiao Mian!

As long as Xiao Mian is still alive, no matter how many powerful Tianzuns Du Tianfeng trains, they will not be Xiao Mian's opponent. It will only be a loss of his own foundation.

Once Xiao Mian dies, Du Tianfeng will be able to make a comeback!

This is also the fundamental reason why Lin Zongxue gave up before - he couldn't beat Xiao Mian!

A good man won't suffer the immediate consequences. If he can't be beaten, I'll endure it!

As long as Xiao Mian can be killed, even if Nanyue State rises in the south, even if the five states and four seas change their masters, with the foundation of Sanqing Guan, there is no hope.

After understanding Lin Zongxue's intention, everyone remained silent.

From a rational perspective, there is nothing wrong with Lin Zongxue's strategy. Knowing that he can't defeat Xiao Mian, but still insisting on fighting, isn't that a mental illness?

But from a perceptual point of view, the biggest problem with Lin Zongxue's strategy is that it sacrifices everyone present!

Xiao Mian, according to the generally accepted statement in the cultivation world, is less than two hundred years old since he started cultivating Taoism. Even if some of the messy losses in the secret realm are deducted, he is only three or four hundred years old. Based on the calculation that the ancestor of Yuanying can live for a thousand years, Xiao Mian is still Can live six to seven hundred years!

Six to seven hundred years is enough to kill everyone present!

In other words, they are destined to be Xiao Mian's defeated generals and their dead souls!

"That's why I said: Let's admit defeat!" Lin Zongxue glanced at the Holy Land Sect Masters one by one, and said in a good voice: "Although it is difficult to make this decision, judging from the current situation, we really can't defeat Xiao Mian!"

"Sect Master Lin, are you so sure: after Xiao Mian dies, will our Nine Holy Lands still be able to leave a legacy? Can we still bring order to the chaos?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure! The only thing I can be sure of is that if we go against Xiao Mian now, we will die ugly! Do you want to give it a try?"


Another ugly silence filled the conference room.

Finally, Master Taixu stood up.

"Everyone! Sect Master Lin's proposal is also a way. Of course, this is a dangerous road. You can choose it or not. I think Sect Master Lin is not willing to choose this path!" Nodding towards Lin Zongxue, Master Taixu said nicely. : "The situation has not deteriorated to this point yet, and everyone does not need to be so pessimistic! Let's wait and see!"


All the sect leaders of the Holy Land dismissed the meeting and left, but Lin Zongxue stayed.

"Senior Taixu!"

"Zong Xue! Don't be impatient! I very much agree with your proposal! However, this proposal is too shocking. If it is implemented in the Nine Holy Lands at the same time, it will be harmful rather than beneficial!"

"This..., Zong Xue is being abrupt!"

"You are very good! Unfortunately, you are destined to be unable to kill Xiao Mian!" Looking at Lin Zongxue, Master Taixu sighed quietly: "How unlucky is your generation?"

Lin Zongxue was horrified when she heard this. She knew that Master Taixu had already decided to take her own advice and give up on their generation.

Xiao Mian is so sharp that he is afraid to avoid him!

Who would have thought that the South Vietnamese monk who was almost forced to death by Sanqingguan at the Tiandu Martial Arts Conference would grow to such a terrifying stage?

Who would have thought that a small stone could destroy the entire Dutian Peak?

All of this may be fate!

Lin Zongxue was just thinking this, Master Taixu had something to say again...

"Zong Xue! This matter is of great importance. I don't trust leaving this matter to others. I need you to help me keep an eye on it! The other sects don't need to know about this matter! Only your Lin family can take care of it if there are any good ideas. I, the Sanqingguan disciples, will be placed together!”

"Thank you, senior! Zong Xue, thank you on behalf of the Lin family!"

With these words of Master Taixu, the other seven holy places were kicked out.

Even Sword Spirit Valley is not valued by Master Taixu. He is referring to the Lin family!

In other words, Lin Zongxue's crazy plan will begin to be carried out secretly, and the good seedlings of Sanqingguan and the Lin family's descendants will be hidden in the snow.

As long as Xiao Mian falls, these people may be the strongest in future generations!

Of course, the whole plan is just a fallback path.

While this snow hiding plan is going on, Du Tianfeng will still try his best to fight Xiao Mian and Nanyue Prefecture to the death. What if Xiao Mian is killed and Nanyue is destroyed?

In this process, how to let the other seven Holy Land sects succeed is another issue that Taixu Zhenren and Lin Zongxue must consider.

Seeing Lin Zongxue go in alone, Master Taixu sighed leisurely.

The soul in Master Taixu’s body belongs to Master Shouzhen.

In two lifetimes, they were all focused on planning, but they never imagined that it would end like this.

Master Taixu is unwilling to give in!

But what if you don’t give in? Maybe, this is life!


Xingxiu Heavenly Palace no longer exists. Otherwise, Xing Tianzun can create an identical physical body.

When necessary, rebirth can be a solution.

Although every seizure is extremely dangerous, Master Taixu will not give up easily as long as there is a chance. Now, he doesn't even have this chance.

Putting away all his random thoughts, Master Taixu walked out of the conference room.

The morality is profound and quiet, the truth always maintains the Taiqing, and the sun comes to restore the original, and the combined teachings will always be enlightened.

This generation of Sanqing Guanqing is the rising star who has replaced the Taizi generation. Most of them are about the same age as Xiao Mian, but they are no longer useful.

The next generation will be a vibrant generation.

The monks of the first generation of Sanqingguan are of the same generation as Lin Changfeng, Hou Pu and others. The ones with the highest cultivation level have successfully formed infants, and the vast majority of monks have successfully formed elixirs.

The youngest among these people is no more than a young man.

Of course, considering that Xiao Mengruo has taken the life-prolonging heavenly materials and earthly treasures and increased his lifespan, even a single generation is not very safe...

The next ones are the Yang generation.

He is from the Yang generation, but he has just begun to practice Taoism.

Many monks of the Yang generation are just three-year-olds learning to talk!

Master Taixu must choose the hope of Sanqing Guan from among these people!

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