Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,736 Six Bans

Coming out of the Immortal Stone Space, Xiao Mian punched away the Lord of Mountains and Rivers, and was also punched away by the Lord of Life and Death who was chasing him.

As soon as the three people touched each other, they flew apart again.

"Huh! The two seniors are indeed getting stronger with age!"

"..., hum! You are the one to be feared!"

Looking at each other, the three of them stopped fighting.

But it was Master Shouyi who was looking at this and that, very anxious.

"Master of Life and Death! Master of Mountains and Rivers! You..." No wonder Master Shouyi is anxious. According to the plan, no matter whether this southern expedition succeeds or fails, Master of Life and Death and Master of Mountains and Rivers will fight to the death, and they will also have to pull a few backers. Now it seems that Xiao Mian intervened, and the Life and Death Lord and the Mountain and River Lord clearly wanted to retreat. Without waiting for Master Shouyi to say anything more, Xiao Mian turned to Master Shouyi and smiled calmly: "Senior Shouyi! Xiao was reborn in front of Sanqing Temple that day. Thanks to the sword given by senior, he never dares to forget it!"

"You! How are you doing?"

"It's rare to see you again today. The junior wants to learn from the senior's clever tricks!"

"How dare you! I am the previous Supreme Elder of Sanqing Temple, and I am one generation higher than the elders of Wan Zong. How dare you..., you are really disrespectful!"

"Elder? You are the elder of Sanqing Temple, not my elder from Nanyue Prefecture!" Looking directly at Master Shouyi, Xiao Mian was neither arrogant nor humble: "Come on!"


Momentarily speechless, Master Shouyi turned to look at the accompanying Southern Expeditionary Army.

The Lord of Life and Death and the Lord of Mountains and Rivers have stayed out of the matter. The Gods of Fire Zhu Rong and Shang Jun have retreated. Dan Qiusheng and Shui Yaoyue tried to escape, but were entangled by the Xie family's ancestors and grandsons. Now they have fallen into the Nanyue Prefecture Tianzun. under siege.

The three powerful Sanqing Guantianzun who came with him had already died.

Shouyi Zhenren is alone and helpless!

Because of this, Xiao Mian wanted to take the opportunity to kill the Supreme Elder of Sanqingguan.

The next moment, before Master Shouyi could speak, Xiao Mian had already taken action.

Shou Yi Zhenren, a sword cultivator, Xiao Mian takes action, the magic weapon Tai Chi.

One sword and all methods, one heart and one mind.

Shouyi Zhenren has an extremely high seniority and extremely profound cultivation. If he were to face any other powerful Tianzun, he would not be at a loss.

Poor Shouyi Zhenren’s enemy is today’s Xiao Mian!

The previous Zongheng Immortal Heart successfully passed through the tribulation, integrated into Xiao Mian's body, and became Xiao Mian's divine object. Now Xiao Mian is a genuine and powerful Tianzun!

With Xiao Mian's background as a fellow cultivator of the Three Meridians, he could defeat one against three and be invincible at the same level.

Today's Xiao Mian is truly invincible!

The two sides only fought for one sword, and the defender abandoned his sword and ran away.

The onlookers were in an uproar when they saw it.

Even Xiao Mian didn't expect Master Shouyi to be so decisive.

In such a moment of confusion, Zhenren Shouyi had already crossed the Southern Expeditionary Army at Dutian Peak in the rear and fled into Chu County in a panic.

When Xiao Mian came back to his senses, he did not chase after him. He just used the magic weapon Tai Chi to collect the flying sword that had been abandoned by Master Shou Yi - Lingbao Flying Sword Wangqing!

Seeing Master Shouyi disappearing into the northern sky, Xiao Mian remained calm. He vaguely saw a blood cloud shrouding the endless distance in the north.

Never die!

If you can escape back to Dutian Peak, I will lose today!

Speaking of everyone, seeing Xiao Mian drive away Master Shou Yi, the highest cultivation among the Southern Expeditionary Army, with one sword, and then collect the Lingbao Flying Sword abandoned by Master Shou Yi with one hand, the morale of Nanyue Prefecture was greatly boosted, Du Tianfeng On the other hand, morale has plummeted.

Only Dan Qiusheng and Shui Yaoyue, who were surrounded by everyone, could not escape. The other monks of the Southern Expedition, led by the Lord of Life and Death and the Lord of Mountains and Rivers, retreated northward.

In the end, there were only two battle groups left in the vast endless ocean.

Suddenly, Xie Long shouted and Shui Yaoyue exclaimed.

In an effort to self-destruct the divine object, Xie Long forced Shui Yaoyue into death, and they both perished.

At this point, the thirteen elders of the older generation of Xiangfu Chamber of Commerce are dead!

Xie Long's battle can be regarded as seeking benevolence and winning benevolence.

After taking the Supreme Pill, Xie Long already had a heavenly cultivation level, but he could only fight for one battle. After one battle, Xie Long would run out of life and die.

This time he encountered Shui Yaoyue, a traitor to the Xiangfu Chamber of Commerce, and Xie Long died a worthy death.

To take a step back, even if he didn't die today, Xie Long wouldn't be alive for a few more days...

Let's talk about Xie Lingfeng, who was fighting Dan Qiusheng alone and sensed Xie Long's self-destruction. Although Xie Lingfeng had known this, she was still in pain.

At that moment, Dan Qiusheng became violent and attacked, forcing Xie Lingfeng to retreat.

Suddenly turned into a ball of water-color flowing fire, Dan Qiusheng tried to break through the encirclement.

In desperation, Dan Qiusheng was already trying his best - this ball of water and flowing fire was Dan Qiusheng's divine object. It was faintly obvious that this ball of divine object was on the verge of exploding.

If there are several Nanyue Heavenly Lords around, Dan Qiusheng will fight to the death if they want to stop him!

Speaking of Dan Qiusheng, the direction of the breakout was none other than Ren Tianzun.

Seeing the stream of water-colored fire coming towards him, Ren Tianzun seemed to have seen the high-spirited leader of the Five Elements Sect who had achieved Nascent Soul.

How much attention was paid to the Nascent Soul Dharma Assembly back then?

Unexpectedly, we would end up in such a state of betrayal and alienation...

In such a moment of confusion, Ren Tianzun tried to intercept Dan Qiusheng again, but it was too late. The ball of water-colored flowing fire flew over Ren Tianzun's head and tried to escape.

But at the last moment, he was stopped by a fairy stone!

Zongheng Xianxin - this road is blocked!

Unwilling to be hindered by this, Shui Se Liuhuo rushed towards Zongheng Xianxin and was about to detonate it, but suddenly found a wave of fluctuation in Zonghengxian's heart.

Wherever the fluctuation passed, the water-colored flowing fire trembled and collapsed, turning into Dan Qiusheng.

At this time, Dan Qiusheng's face was pale and his eyes were like blood...

"Xiao Mian! Xiao Mian! You will not die well!" He glared at Xiao Mian, and Dan Qiu cursed with resentment. When Xiao Mian saw this, he remained calm and asked calmly: "If I don't want to die a good death, can you die a good death? Don't forget: we are in the same boat!"

"You!" His body trembled, Dan Qiusheng stared into Xiao Mian's eyes and said word by word: "If I had known today, I would have fed that Dao Transformation Pill to a dog!"

"Hua Dao Pill? Indeed! I want to thank you very much for that Dao Hua Dan!" Looking at Dan Qiusheng calmly, Xiao Mian said to himself: "But, you think that without the help of that Dao Hua Pill, I would be nothing." Don’t you know? Don’t you believe it?”

Having said this, Xiao Mian pointed out something that hit the mark in Zongheng Xian's heart.

Wherever the light passes, it condenses into a spiritual curtain.

In the spiritual curtain, another possibility appeared!

Xiao Mian, who was in the spiritual curtain, did not take the Tao Transformation Pill, but resolutely chose to leave the Five Elements Sect and became a casual cultivator in Nanyue Prefecture.

Still traveling around the world, still calling home all over the world.

The name of Xiao Mian of South Vietnam is still the best in the world.

Even without the fetters of the sect, Xiao Mian was focused on nothing else at the Tiandu Martial Arts Tournament and defeated Qingming, Moyin and others in one fell swoop, taking the top spot.

In the bloody battle in the East China Sea, there is no need to consider the interests of the sect and the rise and fall of South Vietnam.

In the catastrophe of spiritual war, you only need to pay attention to yourself and protect yourself wisely.

In the end, Xiao Mian survived the divine catastrophe safely.

Dust your sleeves and drift away...

The spiritual curtain collapsed, and even Xiao Mian himself felt as if he was lost - this is the quest for immortality in his mind, this is the path of cultivation in his mind!

It's a pity that I can't help myself!

Dan Qiusheng was even dumbfounded and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

In his mind, he was Xiao Mian's Bole. Without his Dan Qiusheng's Eye of Wisdom Bead and the Dao Transformation Pill, what would Xiao Mian be?

Unfortunately, Dan Qiusheng overestimated himself and underestimated Xiao Mian.

What is a mere Dao Transformation Pill in front of Zongheng Immortal Heart?

The foundation of Xiao Mian's enlightenment was never the Dao Transformation Pill, nor the Star Magnetic Divine Sword, nor the Five Elements Jade, nor any other external object.

The key is to control the immortal heart!

Xiao Mian knew this very well.

Dan Qiusheng, however, came back to his senses after a while, looked at Xiao Mian, his face changed several times, and suddenly said something shocking: "Xiao Mian! You can't kill me! Your master should have warned you: I am an elder, you Can’t kill! She must have said that!”


Xiao Mian looked stunned and frowned.


The mentor Leng Ningyu did leave similar warnings.

When Leng Ningyu died, he didn't know that Xiao Mian was so powerful. He was afraid that Xiao Mian would return to the sect and have a head-on conflict with Yuan Ying's ancestor Dan Qiusheng, so he repeatedly warned Xiao Mian to take a step back to open up the world. It was to protect Xiao Mian, of course, but also to protect Dan Qiusheng.

Unexpectedly, today, Dan Qiusheng, who knew Leng Ningyu’s temperament well, would use it as a life-saving talisman to beg Xiao Mian for mercy!

Why is he embarrassed?

When Leng Ningyu begged him to save Fu Qingqiong, how did he refuse? In order to save Fu Qingqiong, Leng Ningyu rashly overcame the calamity, knowing that he would die. After the calamity failed, how did he treat the Bibotan people? Faced with Huangfu Ling alone in Bibotan, he even wished he could kill Xiao Chuqing too!

Even Xiao Mian, who is indifferent to emotion and anger today, can't help but get angry when he thinks of what Dan Qiusheng did back then.

But - it’s hard to disobey a teacher’s orders!

The will left by Leng Ningyu is really not something that should be openly violated.

But at this moment, a white wind shadow passed behind Dan Qiusheng.

Where the wind shadow passed, blood suddenly appeared, and Dan Qiusheng's big head was cut off from the neck by the wind shadow. The wind shadow stirred up, and Dan Qiusheng's body was not intact.

It was Huangfuling who killed Dan Qiusheng in one fell swoop...

"Master did intend to ask Junior Brother to let you go, but he never told me!" Staring at the empty void, Huangfu Ling showed no sadness or joy: "A person like you is not worthy of being buried with Master, so you just squandered In the endless ocean!"

At this point, Dan Qiusheng and Shui Yaoyue were both dead, and the Southern Expeditionary Army was defeated and retreated.

Although Tianzun Ren was touched by Dan Qiusheng's death, he also knew that Dan Qiusheng today is no longer the Dan Qiusheng who worked so hard for the Five Elements Sect.

Even if Huangfuling doesn't take action, Dan Qiusheng must die!

Huangfuling took action, and both Xiao Mian and Ren Tianzun were relieved.

The top priority is how to deal with the defeated Southern Expeditionary Army.

"Xiao Mian! Look at this..."

"Senior! Don't chase after poor bandits!"

"This..." After a pause, Ren Tianzun said: "Listen to you!"

"Senior, let's straighten out the situation first, leaving behind the necessary manpower and troops. The remaining monks should disperse! I have something else to do, so I'll come back as soon as I go!"

After saying this, Xiao Mian crossed the endless ocean to the north alone.

Seeing Xiao Mian disappear, Ren Tianzun sighed quietly.

If this person disappears for a period of time, the world of spiritual practice will be peaceful for a period of time.

As soon as this son appeared, the world of spiritual practice became turbulent...

Although Tianzun Ren also knew that Xiao Mian was not to blame for this incident, it still made people feel that it was Xiao Mian who had brought turmoil to the practice world, which was unacceptable.

Privately, Tianzun Ren even thought: If Xiao Mian never appears again, will there never be turmoil in this cultivation world?

Speaking of Xiao Mian, he arrived first and caught up with the defeat of the Southern Expeditionary Army.

Xiao Mian's trip was not for hunting, but for another purpose.

The blood in front became thicker and thicker.

When Xiao Mian rushed to the hinterland of Chu County, the Four Heavenly Lords, the Lord of Life and Death, the Lord of Mountains and Rivers, the God of Fire Zhu Rong and Shang Jun, were surrounded by a cloud of blood-colored fire.

It was the blood baby who, after seizing his body for the second time, in order to regain his strength as quickly as possible, did not hesitate to sneak attack the defeated Master Shouyi and devour him.

Unexpectedly, the Southern Expeditionary Army retreated in large numbers, and the two sides collided.

Although the Blood Infant successfully devoured Master Shouyi, he was also seriously injured in the previous battle with Master Shouyi. The most important thing now is to find an opportunity to retreat as soon as possible to digest the essence of Master Shouyi, so as to restore his own strength. .

Unfortunately, he was surrounded by the Four Heavenly Lords and could not escape.

The four Heavenly Lords also have their own thoughts.

This mysterious blood baby has devoured countless powerful Tianzun, but nine out of ten powerful Tianzun devoured by him belong to Du Tianfeng.

If we can take the opportunity to kill this blood baby and bring him back to Dutian Peak, the failure of the Southern Expedition and the death of Zhenren Shouyi can be sorted out.

Therefore, the four Heavenly Lords joined forces to fight, trying to kill the blood baby.

The blood baby is also quite sad!

The blood infant is a ray of distraction from the lower realm of the six-path overlord of the spiritual world, the strange god. It could have been fused with the holy fetus to become the most powerful person in this world.

But he didn't want to be interfered with by Xiao Mian, and suppressed him in the Immortal Stone Space.

After that, although Xiao Mian released the blood baby from the immortal stone space with the attitude of fearing that the world would be in chaos, and lured the blood baby to seize his clone body, but the clone body was tampered with by Xiao Mian. Only one Jiazi can be used.

This blood baby has taken away Xiao Mian's clone for the third time.

If he is killed by the Four Heavenly Lords at this juncture, there will be no fourth attempt to seize his body - he will completely disappear in this world!

This is something Xiao Mian cannot allow!

In Xiao Mian's plan, the blood baby occupies an important part.

Therefore, Xiao Mian did not allow any accidents to happen to the blood baby!

Almost without stopping, Xiao Mian rushed towards the Blood Infant Battle Group.

When the four Heavenly Lords first saw Xiao Mian, they all became frightened. Although they could not figure out Xiao Mian's intention of chasing him alone, they all abandoned the blood baby and ran away.

Fortunately, Xiao Mian only came here to relieve the siege of the Blood Infant. When he saw the four Heavenly Lords running away in shock, Xiao Mian did not continue to chase him, but instead looked at the Blood Infant leisurely.

"Let me guess: Is this the third time you've taken over the body?" Looking at the blood baby, Xiao Mian asked, "How many clones did you make in the Xingxiu Heavenly Palace last time?"

"You! It's indeed you!"

His face changed slightly, and Xue Ying finally knew that he had been plotted by Xiao Mian again.

In the previous episode in the Xingxiu Heavenly Palace, the Blood Infant was making clones, and was suddenly startled by the intrusion of Ni Dongliu. Immediately afterwards, it attracted the pursuers of Sanqingguan.

In a hurry, the blood baby escaped from Dutian Peak, but was seriously injured.

In desperation, the blood baby had to seize the body immediately and fell into a period of silence.

After nearly a decade, even though the Blood Infant had the best cultivation in the world, there was always an invisible sword hanging three feet above his head, which made him unforgettable.

Seeing that a period of time was approaching, sure enough, the blood baby's physical body began to show some symptoms again - the same as when the period of a period of time was about to collapse!

Only then did Xue Ying become convinced of Xiao Mian's plan!

In a mixture of shock and anger, the blood baby took the clone body for the third time and was born again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he devoured Master Shouyi, he was almost surrounded and killed by the Four Heavenly Lords. What Xueying didn't expect was that the person who rescued him turned out to be Xiao Mian!

"That's not right!" Looking directly at Xiao Mian, Xue Ying - another Xiao Mian who was exactly the same, said to himself: "You must have some purpose! Now that things have happened, I understand that you will never Doing something meaningless!”

"So what do you think I want to do?"

"……,Spirit world!?"

"That's right! I'm worthy of being one of the six overlords of the spiritual world. The distraction of the strange god!" After flattering the blood baby, Xiao Mian said in a good voice: "No one in this world understands what I want to do. , Their realm is too low, their vision is too small, they always think that this world is everything - what do they know? "

"You want to ascend to the spirit world? This shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

"I not only want to ascend to the spiritual world, but I also want to bring this world back to the spiritual world!"

"This is impossible!"

The blood baby was stunned and categorically rejected.

When Xiao Mian saw it, he was not impatient or impatient.

The blood baby's true form is a strange god who is one of the six overlords of the spiritual world. He also happens to be one of the big guys who banned this world forever ago.

Ordinary spiritual monks have no idea of ​​the secret of the ban.

Only the overlords of the six realms of the spiritual world can possibly know the mystery.

This is an important reason why Xiao Mian keeps the blood baby...

"Of course I know how difficult it is to break the ban jointly arranged by the six overlords of the spiritual world. But if you don't give it a try, how do you know it won't work?"

"That's because you don't understand the ban mechanism at all!"

"Oh? Please ask senior to teach me: so that I can give up on this idea!"

"Hmph! You don't have to use words to provoke me! Today, for the sake of helping you, I will tell you some secrets to prevent you from doing that useless work!"

At that moment, Xue Ying told Xiao Mian some of the secrets of the Six Paths Ban.

The six-path ban is not established by one person and one sect, nor is it a structure of one realm. It is the six-path ban formed by the six overlords of the spiritual world joining forces.

Thousands of years ago, the six overlords of the spiritual world rarely met and sealed this world with their own hands. At that time, although the six overlords wanted to leave their own backdoors in the ban, they also wanted to block other people's backdoors. The ban lasted for a long time .

In the end, the six overlords of the spiritual world joined forces to create the largest sealing and confinement community in the history of the spiritual world, sealing this area of ​​the world for thousands of miles.

Different brands belonging to the overlord of the six realms in the spiritual world are intertwined with each other. There is me in you and you in me, forming a kind of ban that originates from the six realms but is higher than the six realms.

In other words, even if you can recruit the six-path overlord of the spiritual world who personally arranged the six-path ban thousands of years ago, it is impossible to lift the six-path ban.

What's more, who is the overlord of the six realms of the spiritual world?

Tens of thousands of years ago, since they decided to join forces to ban this world, there was absolutely no reason to go back on their word. Otherwise, how would the Overlord of the Six Paths lose his face?

Leaving aside other people, it is absolutely impossible for the Daomen Renhuang!

Therefore, in Xue Ying's view, Xiao Mian is nothing more than a fool's dream!

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