Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,746: Shocking the World

The black cloth covered the entire sky, leaving only a gap.

Xiao Mian stood guard in front of this gap.

Under everyone's confused gaze, Xiao Mian released the Five Elements Spirit Sword, the divine weapon Tai Chi, and then released his six incarnations.

The six incarnations appeared at the same time and bowed to Xiao Mian.

There is no need for Xiao Mian to give orders, each of the six incarnations has its own actions.

The incarnation of King Kong has taken the golden sword, the incarnation of Qingshen has taken the wood spirit sword, the incarnation of Xuanming has taken the water spirit sword, the blood crystal incarnation has taken the fire spirit sword, the white incarnation has taken the earth spirit sword, only the ink The spirit incarnates and salutes towards the divine weapon Tai Chi.

The next moment, the six incarnations, holding six swords, formed a sword formation.

Under the guidance of the divine weapon Tai Chi, the sword formation gradually took shape and gradually became complete.

No one can name the entire sword formation, not even Xiao Mian, because the sword formation itself has no name, and it can even be said that it has not yet taken shape.

Xiao Mian, this is a deduction of the sword formation!

After practicing to the extreme, the highest state is not knowing any skills, but being able to create your own skills - Xiao Mian is creating his own sword formation now!

Could it be possible? It's just a matter of skill.

Whether it is possible or not depends on the realm of Tao.

Xiao Mian tried to create a six-path sword formation to seal off the outer world!

Of course, this process is extremely long and cannot be accomplished overnight, so Xiao Mian released the black cloth and wrapped it around Tianwaitian.

Only a gap was left for experimentation.

Among the monks present, although there were embroidered pillows with no eyesight such as those of the spiritual vision anchors on the Tiandu ship, there were also knowledgeable people such as Leng Wuyan and Lei Shen, as well as famous seniors such as the Lord of Life and Death and the Lord of Mountains and Rivers. They could be seen at a glance. What Xiao Mian is doing.

Xiao Mian, this is obviously to catch them all in one fell swoop!

Sanqingguan and the Lin family thought they could not defeat Xiao Mian, so they took the initiative to hide from the world, just to temporarily avoid Xiao Mian's peerless edge.

Xiao Mian is even more ruthless!

Even though people were locked up behind closed doors, he even added a door to their door!

This is obviously to prevent the Sanqing Temple from ever appearing!

If you think about the Three Purities, you may be trapped in a cocoon.

If this is true, the most tragic thing is not Sanqingguan, but the Lin family!

Sanqingguan and Xiao Mian are already fighting to the death. If Sanqingguan does not take this unavoidable step, Xiao Mian will kill them sooner or later.

Of course, the reason why Lin Zongxue was trapped in Sanqingguan was because she was afraid that Xiao Mian would settle the score in the future. After all, her Lin family and Xiao Mian also had grievances and no favors.

It's better now!

On the one hand, they are trapped in a cocoon, and on the other hand, they are driven to death.

One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer - who is to blame?

Everyone looked at the excitement and couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

The Nine Holy Lands, which were still high and mighty the day before, suddenly fell apart. Sanqingguan, the number one sect in the world, escaped from the world on its own before it was born.

Despite several northern expeditions and sieges, Du Tianfeng remained standing.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Mian alone could destroy the world's number one peak that has stood for eternity!

Everyone's thoughts were changing, but Xiao Mian was thinking the same thing.

It's rare for Master Taixu and Lin Zongxue to be so righteous. How dare Xiao Mian not cooperate?

Looking at the world, Master Taixu and Lin Zongxue are the two variables that Xiao Mian cares about most, and Sanqingguan is a behemoth that Xiao Mian cannot ignore.

Unexpectedly, due to some unforeseen circumstances today, Master Taixu made this nasty move!

Originally, according to the plan of Master Taixu and Lin Zongxue, the descendants of Sanqingguan and Lin family disciples would be selected and sent out of Dutian Peak to spread across the world.

After a thousand years, after Xiao Mian is killed, the descendants of these people will either rise up strongly or return to the Sanqing Guan, and they can continue to rule the world.

I didn't expect Xiao Mian to move so fast!

Over and over again, Du Tianfeng fell - the destruction of Du Tianfeng completely shattered the last bit of luck in Master Taixu's heart, making him dare not face Xiao Mian directly!

This is how we can escape from the world with the Three Purities Concept!

Only then did Xiao Mian draw the ground as a prison!

The only thing Xiao Mian has to do now is to trap Sanqingguan to death!

Apart from this, there is no one else in this world who can stop Xiao Mian.

The former Nine Holy Lands were destroyed, destroyed, defeated, and escaped...

In the Three Pure Views, there is no need to talk about the self-contained world and the external world.

In Sword Spirit Valley, since Lin Zongxue left with the Lin family monks, there were almost no people left. Led by Ye Guizhen, they didn't know where to go.

Jiugong Formation Sect was abandoned by Sanqingguan. A group of Formation Masters gathered around the Great Elder Formation Yuanzi, talking all over the place and unable to agree on one thing.

After this incident in the Valley of Life and Death and the Palace of Mountains and Rivers, they no longer dare to disobey Xiao Mian.

The Ice and Fire Demon Palace and the Thunder Sect have no intention of staying here for a long time - let alone Dutian Peak has been destroyed, even if it is not destroyed, they don't want to stay here.

Yanji Sect has already returned to the Jizhou realm.

Only Guangyin Valley, from beginning to end, does not show mountains or dew.

But at this moment, Xiao Mian spoke...

"Fellow Daoist Ye Guizhen!" Looking down at the Sword Spirit Valley group from a high position, Xiao Mian said in a good voice: "Senior Sword Spirit Master made an agreement with me before he died. Today, by chance, I will give you instructions on Sword Spirit Valley. A clear path!”

"... I dare to ask Senior Xiao: Where is the road?"

"Chinese Realm!"

"Senior Brother Lu?" Ye Guizhen naturally knew that Lu Guiling's founding of a sect in the Chinese realm was indeed the best destination for monks like them in the Sword Spirit Valley. The problem is that Lu Guiling and Yun Lingtian are married, but Yun Lingtian is a monk of Yunhai Sword Court. Without waiting for Ye Guizhen to say anything, Xiao Mian said: "The sword cultivators in the world are all from the same family! Yunhai Sword Court and Sword Spirit Valley are unique in swordsmanship practice but each has its own biases. If they can really integrate them, this world may be able to inherit the same lineage. Authentic swordsmanship.”

Xiao Mian's words made Ye Guizhen's expression change.

"Thank you, Senior Xiao, for the heads-up. Guizhen will abide by Senior Xiao's decree!" Bowing to Xiao Mian, Ye Guizhen turned to the Sword Spirit Valley monks and asked: "Brothers, brothers, uncles and uncles, as Senior Xiao said, you Do you have any objections?"

All the Sword Spirit Valley sword cultivators shook their heads after hearing this.

Are you kidding me?

Even if I have any objections, I won’t say anything!

Even if you want to say it, you have to leave here before you dare to say it!

In this way, the sword cultivators of the Sword Spirit Valley left the ruins of Dutian Peak and headed straight to the Huaxia realm in the southwest. Before leaving, Ye Guizhen, reminded by Xiao Mian, took action to collect the Eternal Sword from the Sword Spirit Valley sect's residence. Lin, presumably with Eternal Sword Forest as a stepping stone, Lu Guiling would take them in for the sake of being from the same school.

The next moment, Xiao Mian looked at Zhen Yuanzi.

Although Zhen Yuanzi was born as a Zhen Mage, and his combat prowess was not very outstanding, he was at least a powerful Tianzun, and he quickly sensed Xiao Mian's gaze.

At that moment, Zhen Yuanzi's expression changed slightly.

Jin Yuanzi himself has not done anything bad.

The problem is that the Jiugong Formation Sect has always been the right-hand man of Sanqingguan.

Now that Sanqingguan is trapped in the outer world, Jiugong Formation Sect is like a weak shrimp without a backer, waiting for Xiao Mian to settle accounts after his fall.

"Senior Zhen Yuanzi! The Zhoutian Xingxu Formation in Tiandu City depends on the Jiugong Formation Sect to maintain it. The Jiugong Formation Sect will guard Tiandu City, right? What do you think?"

"Okay!" After hearing Xiao Mian's words clearly, Zhen Yuanzi nodded repeatedly: "Okay!"

As long as Xiao Mian doesn't attack Jiugong Zhenzong, Zhen Yuanzi will be thankful to God. Being able to get the job of guarding Tiandu City is something Zhen Yuanzi can't even imagine.

Although Du Tianfeng has fallen, Tiandu City is still the number one city in the world!

For fear that Xiao Mian would regret it, Zhen Yuanzi took the Jiugong Zhenzong and his party towards Tiandu City to avoid being caught by Xiao Mian.

"Wait a minute!" After stopping Zhen Yuanzi and his party, Xiao Mian pointed at Jiugong Mountain, where the Jiugong Zhen Sect is stationed, and kindly reminded: "Senior Zhen Yuanzi! Don't forget to bring this! This is Your Jiugong Formation Sect’s most valuable treasure!”

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you Daoist Xiao for reminding me! Thank you very much!"

In a hurry, Zhen Yuanzi collected Jiugong Mountain and looked at Xiao Mian.

"Go!" Xiao Mian waved his hand.


At this point, Zhen Yuanzi led the Jiugong Zhenzong monks and rushed towards Tiandu City.

The next moment, Xiao Mian looked at the two earth-level treasure ships, the Changsheng and the Shanhe.

"Senior Life and Death! You should have collected the Emerald Mountain Waterfall, right?"

"Yes! I wonder if Fellow Daoist Xiao has any advice?"

"A sixty years ago, I traveled to Dongwu Prefecture, and on an impromptu decision, I took over the Baimei Mountain, which caused a disgrace to the practice community in Dongwu Prefecture. I looked at the Jade Mountain Waterfall, and compared it with the Baimei Mountain, I wonder if the seniors in life and death would be willing to move to Dongwu Prefecture. The former site of Baimei Mountain in Wuzhou?”

"Baimei Mountain in Soochow Prefecture?"


Xiao Mian nodded, and the Lord of Life and Death was silent, his mind spinning.

The overall concentration of spiritual energy in Soochow Prefecture is second only to Tiandu City. There is a mystery why Baimei Mountain was chosen as the sect’s residence by Baishou Wengna and other powerful Heavenly Masters. The original Baimei Mountain can be said to be the No. 1 sacred mountain in Soochow Prefecture. , although the spiritual and terrestrial veins were damaged due to being violently collected by Xiao Mian, it is not impossible for the Lord of Life and Death to repair it.

If the emerald mountain waterfall is used to guard the old site of Baimei Mountain, it might be a way out!

The problem is, this guy took over Baimei Mountain a century ago.

Could it be that he was in today's situation just a century ago?

When the Lord of Life and Death was worried about gain and loss, Xiao Mian turned to Lord of Mountains and Rivers.

To be fair, the relationship between Xiao Mian and Shanhe Palace can be said to be tense. Because of this, Shanhe Zun's heart trembled for no reason when he met Xiao Mian's eyes.

I just don’t know what escape route this kid has left for Shanhe Palace!

"Shanhe Palace has always paid equal attention to mountains and rivers. I have a place with strong earth energy and abundant water energy. I wonder if Senior Shanhe is willing to give in?"

"Fellow Daoist Xiao! Just tell me! Where?"

"The source of the endless ocean, the end of the sandbank of death!"

"This... Xiao Mian! Are you sure you want me, Shanhe Palace, to move to that barren land?"

"Senior Shanhe! Don't be impatient! If you think that the Endless Ocean and the Sandbank of Death are still a barren land, you are wrong - a big mistake!"

"What? Could it be..."

"Du Tianfeng has fallen! What does this mean? Senior Shanhe, who is the leader of the old Holy Land sect, shouldn't be unaware of it, right?"

Xiao Mian's answer was not what was asked, which made the Lord of Mountains and Rivers and even the Lord of Life and Death stunned.

Previously, they were shocked by the destruction of Dutian Peak. They only saw the appearance of Dutian Peak's destruction, but did not see the true meaning behind the destruction of Dutian Peak.

That means: the spirit gathering array engraved on Dutian Peak has expired!

In other words, the aura between this world and the earth will no longer favor one over the other.

Even if the source of the endless ocean and the end of the sandbank of death were once barren lands, as long as the Mountain and River Palace has the will, it can completely recreate a holy land for cultivation.

After thinking about this, the Lord of Life and Death and the Lord of Mountains and Rivers nodded in agreement at the same time.

In the silent place, the Lord of Life and Death and the Lord of Mountains and Rivers looked at Xiao Mian's back and sighed softly, their era has finally passed.

The next moment, the two established Holy Land sects parted ways.

The Changsheng, carrying the people of the Valley of Life and Death, went to Soochow Prefecture; the Shanhe, carrying the people of the Shanhe Palace, went to the junction of Qinjun and Nanyue Prefecture.

As a result, only Leng Wuyan and Lei Shen were left at the scene.

The Thunder Sect originally came from the Lei Zhen Palace. From today on, there is no inexplicable Thunder Sect in the practice world, only one Lei Zhen Palace.

On the contrary, there is really no suitable place to go to the Ice and Fire Demon Palace...

"Brother Xiao has a ravine in his mind and a world hidden in his belly. Leng admires him! In today's battle, we won't die, and the nine holy places no longer exist! Now that brother Xiao has settled other holy places, I don't know where I, the Ice and Fire Demon Palace, will go. I hope Brother Xiao Express!"

"..., can't you solve it yourself?"

"I don't dare! Brother Xiao, please make it clear!"

"If it doesn't work out, why don't you go to South Vietnam?" With that said, Xiao Mian looked at Leng Wuyan and Han Ye and his wife, and pointedly said: "Leng Chi has been hanging out in South Vietnam, and you parents don't even want to go and see it. Does he want to go to the reunion?"

"I will obey Brother Xiao's decree!"

Leng Wuyan was still serious.

On the contrary, Han Ye smiled back at Xiao Mian, seeming to be looking forward to the trip to South Vietnam. After all, Leng Chi was their only son.

For Han Ye, it doesn't make any difference where he goes or where he is. As long as he can be with Leng Wuyan and Leng Chi, this is my hometown.

To say the least, it would be a good thing if the Ice and Fire Demon Palace could really be located in South Vietnam.

You may not have seen the Vacuum Taoist movement back then, but the Ju sect moved into Nanyue Prefecture only a short time ago, and it has already developed rapidly and has become a major sect in Nanyue Prefecture.

With the foundation of the Ice and Fire Demon Palace and Leng Wuyan’s Tianzun strength, even if they reach Nanyue State, there will not be no place for them to gain a foothold.

What's more, there is also Xiao Mian's kindness...

In this way, each family's holy land was dispatched one by one by Xiao Mian, and each settled down.

From beginning to end, what Xiao Mian had to deal with was Sanqingguan.

The Nine Holy Lands are just the minions of the Sanqing Guan. They can cut them off as much as they can, but they don't necessarily have to kill them all - otherwise, the world will be in chaos!

This is what it means to punish the bandit leader severely and leave the accomplices alone.

What Xiao Mian wants is not a bloody practice world. In that case, the strength of the entire practice world will be greatly reduced, which will be harmful to Xiao Mian's plan.

What Xiao Mian wants is an obedient cultivation world!

Listen to Xiao Mian's words, act according to Xiao Mian's instructions, stick to your own side, and stay in peace. Even if Xiao Mian is gone one day, there will always be peace.

Only in this way can Xiao Mian be sure to realize his plan!

To take a step back, if this practice world is in chaos or even destroyed, even if Xiao Mian can reconnect it to the spiritual world, what's the point of it?

It's rare that Sanqingguan can tie itself up in a cocoon, but Xiao Mian doesn't mind replacing it.

From today on, everything he says and does, Xiao Mian, becomes the law of heaven and earth!

At this time, the Tiandu Hao had also quietly escaped back to Tiandu City.

On the ruins of Dutian Peak with a radius of a hundred miles, Xiao Mian was the only one left alone, and there was one other thing, the sect’s headquarters in Guangyin Valley—Guangyin Tiangu!

A burst of sound and light passed by, and the goddess of light and sound quietly appeared.

Looking up at Xiao Mian who was sitting in front of the gap in Tianwaitian, the goddess of light and sound frowned slightly, and finally appeared behind Xiao Mian.

"Guangyin hasn't asked yet: Senior Xiao, what do you plan to do with Guangyin Valley?"

"Goddess! You and I are both knowledgeable..."

"Senior Xiao has defeated this junior! You are now the number one person in the world, and Guangyin is just an outsider in this world of cultivation!"

"..., Goddess! Do you have to be so exposed?"

"Don't dare! Guangyin and Senior Xiao are not very close either!"

"Okay!" Xiao Mian said without looking back, "I want Guangyin Valley to stay here forever, in the heart of the world, to record the journey of the world!"

"Including what you did today, Senior Xiao?"

"Of course! What happened today should leave a mark in history!"

"Senior Xiao, aren't you afraid that future generations of monks will scold you for being arbitrary?"

"So what? In today's world, there are also people who criticize the seniors of the year for being arbitrary. Isn't that why the so-called 'Du Zun' name was born?"

"You! How dare you compare yourself to your superiors?"

"Why don't you dare?" Finally turning around, Xiao Mian looked at the Goddess Guangyin and smiled lightly: "Goddess! Your attainments are still shallow after all. You only reach the state of 'seeing mountains is not mountains, seeing water is not water', but I don’t know that ‘mountains are mountains and water is water’. If I want it to be a mountain, it will be a mountain. If I want it to be water, it will be water! Wherever I want this world to go, it will go. Where to go!”

"..., is this the path that Master worked so hard to find for you?"

"You could say that!"

"Hmph! I don't believe it! I don't believe that Master would leave the world in the hands of someone like you. You must have deceived Master. It must be you..."

"What kind of person am I? What does the goddess think: Who am I?"

"..., bringing trouble to the world! Poisoning the common people!"

"Ha! It turns out that in the eyes of Guangyin Valley, which records the world of cultivation, I, Xiao, am the culprit who brings trouble to the world and poisons the common people? What about Du Tianfeng?"

"Du Tianfeng has protected He Fang's cultivation world for at least nearly ten thousand years!"

"Guardian? I think it's slavery?" Looking at the Goddess of Light and Sound, Xiao Mian suddenly said: "While guarding the practice world for nearly ten thousand years, Dutian Peak-Sanqing Temple has almost dug up the land of this practice world for three thousand years. He took the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as his own. He prospered his family and ruined thousands of monks in this world. Guangyin Valley doesn't know this, right? Now, I have overthrown Du Tianfeng and banned three people. Qing Guan, correcting the chaos and returning the spiritual world to the right track, does the goddess think so?"

"If you really think about the spiritual world, you shouldn't be so domineering!"

"What do the goddesses think: What should I do? I cry and beg them to regain control of the world? Is this for the sake of the spiritual world? Save it! A Dutian Peak has fallen, and there is a Dutian Peak in everyone's heart that is ready to move. ; Having sealed the Sanqing Temple, every sect wants to become the next Sanqing Temple! What I can do is stand in this position and put an end to everyone’s delusions in the world! But as long as I am here, I am the only king! That’s all!”

"Can you guarantee that if the authority is in your hands, nothing will ever go wrong?"

"Make a mistake? Will I make a mistake? Heavenly girl! What you say is not only doubting me, but also doubting the master's vision and determination - even if Xiao will make a mistake, Lord Guangyin will not make a mistake. Since she has chosen me, It means that I can’t make mistakes! To say the least: if I make mistakes, they are also right!”


After hearing this, the goddess of light and sound finally became silent.

Suddenly, the goddess of light and sound turned back to the valley of light and sound, and the valley of light and sound returned to silence.

Only Xiao Mian sat in the sky, as straight as a sword and as motionless as a mountain.

Could I be wrong?


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