Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,749: Strong forces join forces

According to Xiao Mian's wishes, the Wanzong Academy Martial Arts Competition was held smoothly.

Counting carefully, it has been two Jiazi years since the last spiritual war, more than a hundred years, and a full Jiazi year since the last sword fight in Nanyue.

The cultivation world is changing with each passing day, and there are many rising stars.

When millions of people were fighting in the Wanzong Academy, Xiao Mian, the instigator, left the Wanzong Academy and rushed to Feitian Sect.

A mere martial arts competition is naturally under the full control of the Wanzong Academy. If Xiao Mian had to do everything himself, Xiao Mian would not have to do anything.

Moreover, what happened in Feitian Sect will directly affect Xiao Mian's plan.

The reason why the Golden War Spirit cut his hair and fled to Feitian Sect is because there is a person hidden in Feitian Sect - a person who is not a human - Xing Tianzun!

Since forming an alliance with Xiao Mian, Xing Tianzun has given up Xingxiu Tiangong.

The purpose of the existence of Xingxiu Tiangong is to realize Xing Tianzun's wish, to break through the space-time barrier with her colleagues and return to the mother planet.

Xing Tianzun cooperated with Xiao Mian only because of his needs.

Xing Tianzun who fell in the Hunyuan Daotong was just a clone. To be honest, Xing Yunzi, the great elder of Xingxiu Tiangong, was also a clone of Xing Tianzun, and even the thousands of cultivators in the entire Xingxiu Tiangong were clones.

Foundation-building cultivators and Jindan cultivators are easy to say, but only Yuanying cultivators, even if Xing Tianzun can clone the body, still need time to cultivate.

Even so, this matter is shocking.

As long as Xing Tianzun is willing, he can create a Tianzun army!

Fortunately, Xing Tianzun wants to return to the mother planet and does not want to destroy the cultivation world.

Otherwise, there would be no place for Xiao Mian in this cultivation world...

When Xiao Mian entered Feitian Sect, Xing Tianzun and Golden War Spirit had already met, but the two sides had a disagreement on the way to cooperate in the plan.

When they saw Xiao Mian, the two of them attacked together.

"Xiao Mian! What is your plan?"

The two asked Xiao Mian in unison.

Xiao Mian's heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained unchanged, and he looked at the expressions of the two carefully.

One was a battle puppet set up by the ancient fantasy people, and the other was an alien creature that broke in from the outer civilization. For a moment, Xiao Mian could not see anything unusual.

"Plan? Can I ask: what stage have you discussed so far?"

"Xiao Mian! Didn't you say you would help me break through the barrier of time and space?"

"Xiao Mian! Didn't you say you would help me go back to the period of the Fantasy People?"

Golden War Spirit and Star Heavenly Venerable spoke at the same time, questioning Xiao Mian: "Who do you want to help? Or do you want to perfunctorily deal with us at the same time?"

"You have discussed so far?"

"What else? If the plan cannot be determined, subsequent discussions are meaningless!"

"So, Xiao Mian! Today you must tell us clearly: your plan is to help him break through the barrier of time and space, or to help me go back to the past!"

Star Heavenly Venerable and Golden War Spirit, two former disagreements, now stand on a united front, putting pressure on Xiao Mian together, and forcing him over.

Xiao Mian heard this and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Two seniors! Do you know what "one and two, two and one" mean?" Facing the Golden War Spirit and Star Lord, Xiao Mian said in a gentle voice: "Senior War Spirit, if you want to return to the ancient fantasy people period and continue to protect the fantasy people, you need to cross the torrent of time; Senior Star Lord, if you want to leave this damn forbidden place, you need to jump through space to return to your home planet! But whether it is crossing time or space, the premise for achieving these two is the same, that is, breaking the ban!"



Golden War Spirit and Star Lord looked at each other, all silent.

It was Xiao Mian who continued: "Breaking the power of the ban is the first step that the three of us need to do. If this step cannot be done, not only will the plans of the two seniors not be implemented, but my plan will also be aborted!"

"Your plan?" Star Lord was stunned when he heard this, and the Golden War Spirit also looked at Xiao Mian curiously.

"What? You two seniors, don't think I'm just doing a friendly show, do you? I naturally have my own plan - after breaking the ban, I can ascend to the spirit world!"

"That's right! The first task is to break the ban! Are you sure?"

"Everything depends on the right time, the right place, and the right people. There is a saying that the right time is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the right people. Now, I have solved the most difficult people!" Looking at the Golden War Spirit and Star Heavenly Venerable, Xiao Mian was full of temptation: "The right time cannot be forced. According to my calculations, it should be four or five hundred years later; the right place is what we need to determine most at present - it must be determined before the right time comes!"

As he spoke, Xiao Mian threw out a jade slip.

As the true essence passed by, a piece of jade light swayed on the jade slip, and the light condensed into a spirit curtain, on which the map of the five states and four seas appeared.

On this map of the five states and four seas, some light spots flickered sporadically.

Pointing to one of the light spots, Xiao Mian explained: "This is a wasteland outside Yanshi City in the back of the Yin Shang Realm, and it is also a space node."

"Space node? Are you going to seek a breakthrough from the space node?"

"Yes! Even if the time comes, if there is no spiritual war in the spiritual world, the power of the ban is still enough to suppress this world. Only the already active space node has greatly weakened its power. If it goes well, there may be an opportunity. At that time, I will attract the divine calamity near the space node, further open the space node, and then bombard the space node with our trump card, breaking through the air!"

"The plan is rough, but also very simple!"

"The key is to find enough space nodes that are active enough!"

"What's flashing on the map here is the space node you have found?" As he spoke, Xing Tianzun reached out and flicked it on the jade slip. Suddenly, several more light spots appeared on the map, flickering unsteadily. Xing Tianzun said: "To be honest, I haven't had the idea of ​​​​space nodes in these years! The starlight cannon is strong, but it can never break the time and space barrier of the space node!"

"That's why senior fell in love with my trump card?"

With a chuckle, Xiao Mian passed something in his hand - a Ruyi Mirror!

The reason why Xingtianzun abandoned the entire Xingxiu Heavenly Palace to help Xiao Mian was because he saw the light energy cannon of Ruyi Mirror.

If the power of the light energy cannon can be further increased, it can surpass the starlight cannon, and perhaps it can break the time and space barriers of space nodes. As long as Xingtianzun can escape from this cage-like world, what does the mere Xingxiu Heavenly Palace mean?

Besides, this wish-fulfilling mirror is originally the most precious treasure of the fantasy people.

When the golden war spirit saw this, his expression moved slightly, but he said nothing.

After all, the Ruyi Mirror was given to Xiao Mian and others by the guardian spirit of the Illusion Temple that day, and the method of integrating the Ruyi Mirror was only passed down to Xiao Mian.

After that, the spirit body of the Temple Guard God merged with the Golden War Spirit. Naturally, the Golden War Spirit knew the past events of that day better than anyone else.

Xiao Mian's plan is very simple and crude...

When the next spiritual battle comes, find a suitable space node, then invite the God Transformation Heavenly Tribulation, and bombard the space node in order to break the forbidden power.

At that time, the Golden War Spirit, Star Tianzun and Xiao Mian will be able to break through the boundary.

The golden war spirit crossed the torrent of time and returned to ancient times to protect the fantasy people.

Xingtianzun crosses the boundaries of space and returns to his home planet to save the world.

Xiao Mian ascended into the spirit world and began his new journey and plan!

if everything goes well……

For the Golden War Spirit and Xing Tianzun, they can leave with a slap on the butt. Therefore, as long as the ban can be opened, their plan will be considered successful.

But for Xiao Mian, breaking the ban was just a part of his plan.

Therefore, Xiao Miancai needs to spend a lot of energy to control the practice world.

The purpose is that when Xiao Mian takes action in the spiritual world in the future, this spiritual world will still have enough strength to respond, cooperate internally and externally, and help Xiao Mian complete his plan.

Of course, if Xiao Mian dies in the spirit world, nothing will matter!

Now, Xiao Mian has completed the upgrading of the entire cultivation world. Just as he said just now: the most urgent task is to find the right place before the right time comes!

"Unfortunately! Although there seem to be a lot of these light points marked on the map, except for the point I just pointed out, I have already tested other space nodes - either they are completely closed, or they are Very unstable!”

A completely closed space node cannot be called a space node.

Although very unstable space nodes are helpful for opening gaps, under the action of external forces, various variables will occur in the space nodes that are unexpected.

In other words, these two types of space nodes are the same as nothing - the former is useless at all, and the latter is no different from a dead end, unless it is absolutely necessary!

"So, we still have four hundred years to find a new space node?"

"Yes! This is the top priority of the three of us in the next four hundred years!"

"Then let's start!" The golden war spirit was eager to give it a try: "I'm heading east!"

"I'll go west!" After Xing Tianzun said this, he looked at Xiao Mian. Xiao Mian shrugged indifferently and said calmly: "Then I'll go south first!"

"Okay! Let's keep in touch at any time to exchange information. Every sixty minutes, we will gather here to discuss our respective progress, discuss and adjust the details of the plan!"

After Xingtianzun said this, he walked away hand in hand with the golden war spirit.

But it was Xiao Mian who was temporarily staying in Feitian Sect.

Within a moment, Chu Xingxuan came over.

"Brother Xiao! Are those two seniors gone?"

"Hmm! What? Are you okay?"

"No! It's just a pity!" Chu Xingxuan sighed quietly, and said to himself: "Those two seniors are incredible..."


"Brother Xiao, don't you know their origins?" Looking at Xiao Mian, Chu Xingxuan asked without answering: "Brother Xiao, do you know the origin of civilization?"

"The source of civilization? Isn't civilization passed down from generation to generation?"

"Inherited from generation to generation, it is the way for civilization to continue. What I am asking you is the source of civilization, that is to say - where did civilization come from?"

"This..." This time, it really stumped Xiao Mian. After thinking about it, Xiao Mian said tentatively: "Isn't it invented by the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?"

"Where did the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors come from?"

"..., Xingxuan! Be good! Just announce the answer!"

"Based on the current level of civilization, there are three possibilities for the origin of civilization: 1. Prehistoric civilization; 2. Future civilization; 3. Alien civilization!"

Prehistoric civilization was destroyed by civilization itself.

Any civilization has one characteristic, and that is self-destruction!

Whether it is a high civilization or a low civilization, when it develops to the extreme, it will self-destruct - the difference is that the duration of civilization varies.

These self-destructive civilizations, after a long period of historical cleansing, reappeared in front of the world and were called prehistoric civilizations.

For example, the golden war spirit was inherited from the phantom people hundreds of thousands of years ago. The phantom people clan has long been destroyed in the long river of history and has become a myth and legend.

But the golden war spirit was actually preserved.

The information contained in it is different from modern civilization. It is as precious as a wish-fulfilling mirror. If everyone has a copy, what's the point?

There is no need to mine spiritual stones in the spiritual world. Monks only need to meditate at home.

The golden war spirit is a relic of prehistoric civilization.

Another example is Xing Tianzun, which is a typical extraterrestrial civilization.

By some mistake, Xing Tianzun and his party came to this world of cultivation and were trapped and died in this world. Although it was a tragedy for them, for this world, it was a collision of civilizations. For example, the Starlight Cannon, Dragon God Arms, and even a series of experiments conducted by the Three East China Sea Temples all originated from the Xingxiu Heavenly Palace. A series of civilization products are the impact of foreign civilization on local civilization.

The last point is future civilization!

Just like the golden war spirit wants to go back to the past and continue to protect the phantom people, if there is still a future in this spiritual world, if someone in the future reaches a high enough level or masters a high enough technology, they can transcend time.

Then, the civilization from the future will be integrated into modern civilization.

In addition to the sources of these three civilizations, there is also self-evolution.

After listening to Chu Xingxuan's science-like explanation, Xiao Mian remained silent for a long time.

Chu Xingxuan just said this. During this period of time, Chu Xingxuan learned a lot of weird techniques from the Golden War Spirit and Xing Tianzun, especially Xing Tianzun. It took a very long time to enter the Feitian Sect, and Xing Tianzun Tianzun hoped that the Feitian Sect would help her repair the interstellar spacecraft, so she had to reveal many core technologies.

Having tasted the sweetness, Chu Xingxuan was inevitably a little disappointed when he heard that Xing Tianzun and Golden War Spirit were gone - where can he find such a good free master?

Understanding Chu Xingxuan's loss, Xiao Mian couldn't laugh or cry.

"Xingxuan! How is the thing I asked you to make?"

"We have to wait a little longer! It's thanks to the veteran Tianwai who left the interstellar spacecraft in our Feitian Sect that I can observe and study it carefully. Theoretically, there is no problem, the drawings are already being drawn, and the materials are all available. Now the only thing The trouble is, Brother Xiao, are you sure you used that thing alone?”

"What? Is there a problem?"

"The problem is huge! For example, the Xuannv is a treasure ship of spiritual consciousness. Xuan Ji is only responsible for controlling it. The divine consciousness that provides energy to the Xuannv comes from the spiritual consciousness of thousands of monks inside the treasure ship. But if it's like Brother Xiao, you need to make a spiritual consciousness flying boat as you requested, from controlling it to supplying energy!"

"Xingxuan, are you afraid that I can't handle it?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, but I'm almost certain! No matter how small the spiritual consciousness flying boat is, it is still a flying boat. What's more, since it is a spiritual consciousness flying boat, it values ​​the recoverability of its spiritual consciousness in order to facilitate ultra-long distances or long distances. The standby operation of time. I am afraid that if you are not careful, your consciousness will be completely absorbed by the flying boat!"

"Don't worry about this! I have a solution!"

"Brother! In fact, there is no need to use the consciousness flying boat at all! Just take the Tianxing Geomagnetic Shuttle in your hand as an example, it is enough to deal with the time and space storm!"

"Although the Tianxing Geomagnetic Shuttle is good, you must be prepared!" Sensing Chu Xingxuan's concern, Xiao Mian said in a good voice: "Xingxuan! Don't worry! I want you to make a consciousness flying boat, but you won't necessarily use it, but it's Just take precautions before it happens!”

"Okay! I understand! Give me another hundred years and it should be fine!"

"No problem! Thank you for your hard work! I'm leaving first..."

With a wave of his hand, Xiao Mian left Feitian Sect.

After leaving Feitian Sect, Xiao Mian did not leave Nanyue Prefecture, but headed towards Wan Zong City.

There is one thing that has always been on Xiao Mian's mind, like a fish bone that he will never spit out. Today, Xiao Mian plans to pull out this fish bone.

He found Xiao Bailing directly, and Xiao Mian put him into the Immortal Stone Space.

After letting Xiao Baitao and Xiao Baitao play around for a while, Xiao Mian called Xiao Bailing alone and told the story of what happened to Xiao Nanxie.

Of course, Xiao Mian kept some necessary secrets.

"How...how could this happen!?"

"This is what happened! When Nan Xie became a demon, although you took action to pull him back, the process of becoming a demon was only temporarily suspended, but not completely terminated. This comeback is even more dangerous, so I had to take this step!"

"Father is saying: Nan Xie has completely forgotten that I am a sister?"

"Yes! Not only that, Ling'er, you can't appear in front of Nan Xie again. Once your appearance conflicts with his memory, he will either fall into a logical vortex of chaotic memory and be unable to extricate himself, or the inner demon will backfire and become a demon instantly. !”

"Become a demon instantly!?"

"If he becomes a demon, there will be few opponents in the world! For the future of this world and the practice world, and for you and Taozi, I will have no choice but to take action at that time!"

"..., I understand!" Lowering her head, Xiao Bailing exhaled like a thread: "Ling'er knows what to do - I will never see him again!"

As he finished speaking, two tears, like jade beads, shattered and splashed on the ground.

Xiao Mian couldn't bear it and patted Xiao Bailing's shoulder, comforting him: "So far, this is a last resort! But it's not without room for salvation!"

"Father! What did you say?"

Suddenly raising his head, Xiao Bailing burst into tears with a look of excitement on his face.

"In this world, if Nan Xie becomes a demon, I have only one way to kill him. But if we go to the spirit world, with the growth of cultivation and broadening of horizons, there may be other ways to relieve Nan Xie's inner demons—— Ling'er, don't forget: Nan Xie's true identity is the legitimate son of Demon Saint Mo Lan in the spirit world, will he ignore it?"

"Father wants to..."

"I want to ascend to the spiritual world, and then bring this world back to the spiritual world!" Looking directly at Xiao Bailing, Xiao Mian said: "This matter is not only my personal business, nor my family's business, nor is it the business of one city or one state. This matter is a matter of this world! I can’t do it alone, so I need Ling’er to help me in the future!”

"What did my father say? Not to mention it was for Nan Xie and my father. Even if it wasn't for this reason, as long as my father wants to do something, Ling'er will definitely go all out!"

"Okay! Ling'er, you can stay here in seclusion to practice cultivation - until the Heavenly Lord!"


Nodding, Xiao Bailing sat cross-legged without saying a word.

When Xiao Mian saw this, his heart ached.

With Xiao Bailing's qualifications, he has already reached the top level of Nascent Soul. It is only a matter of time before he can become a Heavenly Master, even if Xiao Bailing is willing.

The reason why Xiao Mian asked Xiao Bailing to stay in the Immortal Stone Space was because he meant to keep him under house arrest, lest Xiao Bailing meet Xiao Nanxie and something might change.


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