Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,757: Destroying Demons and Slaying Demons

With a flash of thought, Xiao Mian escaped back to the Immortal Stone Space.

Just like back then, he was killed by Immortal Jin Hong with a single move and narrowly escaped death.

After escaping into the fairy stone space, Xiao Mian appeared directly under the three sacred trees.

Sitting cross-legged, motionless.

This sitting is like the end of the world!

Xiao Mian opened his eyes again, it was already another hundred years later.

Without looking inside, Xiao Mian knew his situation: although he had avoided the catastrophe caused by the injury to his Taoist heart, after a hundred years of hard training, Xiao Mian had only prevented the two cracks in his Taoist heart. It cannot be completely eliminated.

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Mian took out the Zongheng Immortal Heart.

The Zongheng Immortal Heart originally had seven orifices, eight meridians, and nine points of bright red blood, but now there are two more cracks, one horizontal and one vertical, on the Zongheng Immortal Heart.

Zongheng Immortal Heart is Xiao Mian's divine object.

The heart of Tao shines outward, and the divine things appear.

The next moment, Xiao Mian put away his Zongheng Immortal Heart and left the Immortal Stone Space.

After a hundred years of separation, this cultivation world has not changed much. At least the ruins of Tianfeng are as yellow as when Xiao Mian overthrew them hundreds of years ago.

Sitting cross-legged again, Xiao Mian sat in front of the sky outside the sky.

There is not much time left for Xiao Mian, and correspondingly, there is not much time left for Master Taixu. Xiao Mian believes that Master Taixu is not someone who just sits there and waits to die.

Master Taixu will definitely take action within a hundred years at the latest!

So far, Xiao Mian has almost completed all his posthumous affairs. As long as he can deal with Master Taixu and Sanqingguan, Xiao Mian will have everything ready and only needs Dongfeng.

The Three Pure Views must be destroyed!

Master Taixu must die!

This is a legacy left over from the previous era, and Xiao Mian must get rid of it. Only in this way can he make earth-shaking rules for the world and implement them to the end.

Sitting on Dutian Peak, Xiao Mian was waiting for an opportunity.

At that time, Sanqingguan was trapped in the sky, and in the future, it will definitely come back with force. If Sanqingguan and Taixu Zhenren can still hold back their words before Xiao Mian leaves, Xiao Mian must also find a way. Pierce the window paper of Tianwaitian!

With the Black Cloth Nine Yan Tian Diagram in hand, Tian Wai Tian is a joke...

Of course, Xiao Mian will wait until the deadline arrives!

The previous time, Xiao Mian had made his words clear, and Master Taixu had even used the trump card to detonate the central blood pool. Both sides knew that there would be a final battle.

Master Taixu wanted to break through Xiao Mian's ban in one go, but Xiao Mian was waiting for Master Taixu to use up the foundation and potential of Sanqingguan at once.

Complete the work in one battle to avoid unnecessary complications.

This wait lasted nearly a hundred years.

Suddenly one day, Xiao Mian's heart moved, and he looked at the clouds rolling and relaxing in the sky.

The next moment, Xiao Mian stood up in a green shirt and looked at the sky.

The six sword formations surrounding Tianwaitian have evolved over the past three hundred and sixty years, and have become a vast and formidable barrier.

Even if the powerful Tianzun enters it rashly, he will be in danger.

Suddenly, a hole opened in the sky, revealing a person - Lin Zongxue!

After three hundred years of wind and frost, Lin Zongxue is no longer as prosperous as he was back then, and is already very old. This is thanks to the secret cave in the back mountain of Sanqing Temple that can slow down the flow of time. Otherwise, Lin Zongxue and Ren Tianzun are about the same age. , died a hundred years ago, how could he survive to show his face again today?

"Xiao Mian! Do you really want to spend your whole life here?"

Lin Zongxue's words are not false.

Although Xiao Mian is much younger than Ren Tianzun and Lin Zongxue, Xiao Mian has experienced various secret realms with different time flows. Correspondingly, his life span is consumed faster than the actual time. Fortunately, Xiao Mian takes the medicine. After a lot of life-prolonging natural materials and earthly treasures, even the rare longevity water was drank cold and plain.

Especially the blood of the Ice and Fire Demonic Dragon that he got in the end was very rich.

Over the years, Xiao Mian had nothing to do and refined it into his body, which not only further enhanced the strength of his physical body, but also extended his lifespan.

Of course, everything has an upper limit!

No matter how much the genius Lingbao who prolongs life eats, the lifespan he can increase is limited, and it is impossible to live forever without limit.

With Xiao Mian's lifespan, it was really a waste to stay in Tianwaitian in front of the ruins of Dutian Peak for three hundred years, at least in the eyes of others.

Xiao Mian, but it doesn’t matter!

His plan requires timing.

When the time comes, Xiao Mian will be wasting his time wherever he goes!

Therefore, Xiao Mian smiled when he heard Lin Zongxue's resentful words.

Money can't buy you, but I'll be at odds with you for the rest of my life!

"Have you thought about it? Are you ready? Everyone has no extra time! Where is Senior Taixu? Is he still lingering in the secret cave in the back mountain?"

"Hmph! Xiao Mian! I have to admit: you are indeed powerful! Not to mention the ruined world that has been banned for eternity, even at the beginning of the ban, when the atmosphere of cultivation was strong, there were no freaks like you! I respect you Maybe it's not enough!" Staring at Xiao Mian, Lin Zongxue changed the topic: "But after all, there is only one Xiao Mian, right? No matter how strong you are, you still underestimated Sanqingguan!"

"What's the explanation for this? Could it be that Sanqing Guan still has confidence?"

"You will know soon! But you have to remember: it was you, Xiao Mian, who dragged this world into dire straits. You deserve death!"


While Xiao Mian was silent, Lin Zongxue retreated into the outer world.

Only this time, the passage to Tianwaitian was not immediately closed.

Like a huge pupil or a dark mouth, the sky opened its door and waited for Xiao Mian, but Xiao Mian remained unmoved.

Now that the portal is open, there is more than one entrance!

Xiao Mian naturally knew: Sanqingguan is difficult to deal with, and eradicating the roots is even more difficult!

Therefore, Xiao Mian was prepared with both hands from the very beginning.

Xiao Mian, who is sitting here, is wearing a green shirt, but he is not the real person.

The real Xiao Mian is in the blood pool of Nanyue State. As soon as the secret realm of Tianwaitian is opened here, Xiao Mian gets the signal and uses the blood pool teleportation array.

In an instant, he was transported from the Nanyue Prefecture Blood Pond to the Sanqing Guan Xue Pond.

Lurking under the blood pool, Xiao Mian stood still.

The black cloth quietly expanded and turned into a spiritual curtain.

With the ability of the Jiuyan Tiantu to penetrate the heaven and the earth, Xiao Mian explored the Sanqing Temple.

Light spots of varying sizes began to appear on the spiritual screen. The big ones were like fingernails and the small ones were like rice grains, each shining with fluctuating spiritual light.

The largest light spot is located on the mountain behind Sanqing Temple.

It goes without saying that it must be Master Taixu!

Other light spots have their own distribution.

After a rough calculation, Xiao Mian kept it in mind.

During these three hundred and sixty years of being sealed in the outer world, Sanqingguan has not been idle!

Feedback from the black cloth, there are more than ten powerful Heavenly Masters and countless monks of all kinds at the top and bottom of Sanqing Temple. Nascent Soul, Golden Pill, and Establishment Foundation are all distributed without any defects. If they leave this outer world, Sanqing Temple is still the number one sect in the world!

Since Xiao Mian is here today, he must cut off the foundation of Sanqingguan!

The most urgent task is not the Sanqing Temple, but the central blood pool.

As long as the hidden danger of the central blood pool is eliminated, Xiao Mian can take drastic measures to conquer the Sanqing Temple - even though he is the only one doing it alone!

With one hand he put away the Jiuyan Tiantu, and with the other he summoned the Zongheng Immortal Heart.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Mian began to pour blood into the Immortal Stone Space - Xiao Mian planned to put the entire central blood pool into the Immortal Stone Space!

The central blood pool is buried deep under Sanqing Mountain. It covers a large area and has a huge capacity.

Thanks to Zongheng's Immortal Heart, which survived the catastrophe and became a divine object, the Immortal Stone Space has grown into a stable cave-heaven magic weapon, opening up the world and forming a world of its own.

Moreover, the Zongheng Immortal Heart is not an ordinary cave-heaven magic weapon, but a rare treasure in the Immortal Mansion.

Endless blood poured in and circulated around the immortal stone space, forming a blood pool. As the blood increased, the blood pool continued to rise and its scope continued to expand.

At the same time, the central blood pool suppressed at the foot of Sanqing Mountain continued to settle.

Soon, the Sanqingguan monks discovered something strange and reported it to everyone.

Lin Zongxue came with anger.

At this time, the central blood pool has been reduced by more than half. Even if Sanqingguan detonates the blood pool immediately, it may not be able to reach the other eight blood pools.

The only result was that the Sanqing Temple's own sect's headquarters was destroyed!

"Xiao Mian! Xiao Mian! You are here after all!"

"If I don't come, Senior Taixu will be disappointed, right?"

A blood flower bloomed in the blood pool, and Xiao Mian appeared on the blood flower.

"Blood Spiritual Root!? Are you a Blood Spiritual Root? No! No! Xiao Mian of Nanyue, Five Elements Spiritual Root, is known all over the world. How did you do it?"

"Lin Zongxue, you just need to know how things are, not why they are so!"


"Let Taixu come out! You are no match for me! Besides, what I want to destroy today is Sanqingguan. Your Lin family has long been dead in name only, right?"


Lin Zongxue was speechless. Her Lin family really existed in name only!

From Lin Zongxue down, Lin Guiyuan and Lin Changfeng, whom she had high hopes for, had spent countless energy and efforts over hundreds of years, but still could not become Tianzun.

What Lin Zongxue didn't know was that both the Lin family and his son were destroyed at the hands of Xiao Mian!

Not to mention in this world, even in the spiritual world, it is unlikely that Lin Guiyuan and Lin Changfeng will have any future due to being haunted by the Formless Heart Demon and the Ten Thousand Magic Sword Heart.

Unless Xiao Mian takes action and changes his fate against the will of heaven!

In today's huge Lin family, only Lin Zongxue is unable to support himself. In the Sanqing Temple, Lin Zongxue's strength is not outstanding, only his skills are amazing.

Master Taixu took a fancy to this point, and while he was in seclusion, he asked Lin Zongxue to take charge of all matters of Sanqing Temple and act as the sect leader.

Today, Xiao Mian came to the door. The matter is serious and cannot be decided by Lin Zongxue.

The next moment, a ray of sword light flew from the back mountain of Sanqing Temple, and fixed in the sky above the central blood pool, manifesting the appearance of Master Taixu, glaring coldly at Xiao Mian.

We haven’t seen each other for three hundred years, but Master Taixu is still the same...

"Xiao Mian! We finally meet again!" Looking directly at Xiao Mian, Master Taixu said calmly without sadness or joy: "Three hundred and sixty years ago, I missed a move in chess and trapped myself in a cocoon, and you got me into a cocoon. It’s cheap; three hundred and sixty years later, I used the central blood pool as bait, and you fell into the trap obediently, too?”

Xiao Mian was stunned when he heard this, and continued to smile bitterly in his heart.

During the first Northern Expedition, Xiao Mian built a plank road secretly to Chencang, and Ni Dongliu went deep into Sanqing Temple through the blood pool teleportation array to strategize.

Although Xiao Mian's whereabouts have never been discovered, Nidongliu lured away the Sanqingguan monks for Xiao Mian. After all, he couldn't hide it.

Unexpectedly, this omission allowed Master Taixu to seize the opportunity.

"..., throwing yourself into a trap?"

"Do you think you can still go out today?"

Master Taixu gave an order, and as many as nineteen escaping lights gathered together.

Nineteen Heavenly Masters surrounded Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian glanced across, and when he saw two of them, his eyes trembled - these nineteen people were all powerful Tianzun people, and Xiao Mian didn't know most of them. There were only two of them, but Xiao Mian knew them. One is Tai Jing Zhenren, the other is Shou Yi Zhenren!

It’s okay to say that Tai Jingzhen is okay!

At that time, it was rumored that Master Taijing was dead, and Master Taixu framed the incident on Xiao Mian, but Xiao Mian calmly took the blame.

But from beginning to end, no one saw whether Master Tai Jing was dead or not!

If nothing happens, it makes sense to keep close to the Three Purities Concept...

Only Zhenren Shouyi was devoured by the Blood Infant in front of Xiao Mian!

Because of this, Xiao Mian's eyes focused on Master Shou Yi, and his spiritual eyes were about to be triggered, covering Master Shou Yi completely.

The next moment, Xiao Mian returned without success.

There is nothing unusual about Master Shouyi. The only strange thing is that he has no soul!

Not only Master Shouyi, but also the other eighteen Heavenly Lords, including Master Taijing, are all soulless and only walking corpses.

If that were the case, the nineteen powerful Heavenly Masters would be nothing more than paper tigers.

However, Master Taixu did not hesitate to detonate the central blood pool as bait to lure Xiao Mian into a trap. Naturally, he had already laid a dragnet.

Master Taixu gave an order, and each of the nineteen powerful Heavenly Masters made some moves.

Nine of them flew to Xiao Mian's head and formed a formation; the other ten people formed another formation around Xiao Mian.

The two coincided, and Xiao Mian was surrounded and could not escape.

If Xiao Mian wants to leave, there is naturally a way - Hei Bu takes action and there is no obstruction!

The problem is that now that Xiao Mian's true form has been exposed, the green-shirted clone outside alone cannot stop Sanqingguan's comeback.

Whether it can be successful by relying on a single six-path sword formation alone is unknown.

What's more, Xiao Mian came here just to challenge Sanqingguan head-on, squeeze out all the details of Sanqingguan, and then kill them all.

Seeing the double formation around him, Xiao Mian had a strange look on his face.

Vaguely, a name appeared in Xiao Mian's mind, which seemed familiar.

But at this moment, the surrounding double formations changed——

The nine heavenly deities on the upper level suddenly shouted - Destroy the demon!

The top ten Heavenly Lords from the lower level also shouted loudly - Demon Killer!

After the loud shouting, two psychic flying swords appeared, one gold and one silver. As soon as the two gold and silver flying swords took shape, they attacked Xiao Mian.

At this time, Xiao Mian already felt something in his heart.

When there was no time to attack, Xiao Mian bent his fingers and fired two finger energy.

One is the Demon-Breaking Finger, and the other is the Demon-Slaying Finger.

Use the Demon-Breaking Finger against the Demon-Slaying Sword, and use the Demon-Slaying Finger against the Demon-Slaying Sword.

After a fierce exchange of attacks, the Demon Slayer Sword and the Demon Slaying Sword returned in vain, and Xiao Mian's two finger powers were gone - in the long run, Xiao Mian would definitely be at a disadvantage.

At this time, Xiao Mian looked at Master Taixu through the nineteen Heavenly Lords.

"Sanqingguan is so generous! Where did they recruit so many Tianzun zombies to set up this ancient formation - the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Slaying Demon-Slaying Formation!"

"Tianzun Zombie? Huh! Xiao Mian! I will teach you a lesson today: these nineteen people are all the leaders and great elders of the various generations who have passed down the lineage of Sanqingguan to this day!"


Xiao Mian was shocked when he heard this, but seeing that Master Taixu's expression did not look like he was faking it, and that there was evidence from Master Taijing and Master Shouyi, although he was shocked, Xiao Mian had to believe it.

This is really a big deal!

The Three Purities Concept is really hidden deep!

At the end of the spiritual war that year, Xiao Mian organized the world and besieged Dutian Peak. Everyone reached the gate of Sanqing Temple. In the end, he even attracted the benevolent emperor of the spiritual world to come. When Sanqing Temple's life and death were at stake, Master Taixu did not expose this. A powerful force.

In order to kill Xiao Mian today, Master Taixu spared no effort.

Xiao Mian was shocked and confused. The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Slaying Array was not idle.

The Demon-Slaying Sword and the Demon-Slaying Sword are just the most basic attack modes of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Slaying Demon-Slaying Array. When the two swords fly, thunder rolls from the sky within the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Slaying Demon-Slaying Array, lightning flashes, and the Demon God is subdued. Thunder and the demon-subduing god thunder keep coming and going.

Xiao Mian stretched out his Hunyuan golden body and carried the demon-subduing divine thunder.

Unfortunately, Xiao Mian's six flying swords were all used to arrange six sword arrays to surround Tianwaitian. Without him, Xiao Mian could only passively take the beating for a moment.

Fortunately, his Hunyuan Golden Body is not a cover!

No matter how violently the demon-subduing divine thunder bombarded Xiao Mian, Xiao Mian remained motionless. Only the two demon-killing swords and the demon-slaying sword were too powerful, so he needed to be careful.

Unable to escape for a while, Xiao Mian looked at Master Taixu outside the formation.

"I'm curious!"

"Where does Qi come from?"

"I have heard that the succession lineage of Sanqing Guan is 'morality leads to profound tranquility, truth always maintains Taiqing'. Counting all the Taijing masters, there are only nine generations. How come there are nineteen people to form the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to slay demons and demons? Array? Senior, can you explain?"

"What's so difficult about this? Tai Jing is a Tai Zi generation, and Taixu is also a Tai Zi generation!"

"I see!"

"Do you have any other questions?"

"there is none left!"

"Then - you can go die!"

With a stern smile, Master Taixu joined the battle group.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Slaying Demon-Slaying Formation may have a great name, but it is just a name.

The legendary Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Slaying Demon-Slaying Array was made of the Daluo Jinxian and the Golden-bodied Arhat, so it possesses the great power of destroying demons and demons.

The nineteen Heavenly Lords who besieged Xiao Mian were strong men even if they were released, but they could not threaten Xiao Mian, a freak.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Slaying Demon-Slaying Formation only trapped Xiao Mian to death.

Taixu Zhenren came here to kill Xiao Mian.

Besides, Taixu Zhenren had already achieved the status of Heavenly Venerable three hundred years ago.

After a fierce battle at Longkou Rock, Taixu Zhenren was defeated by Xiao Mian.

For the past three hundred years, Taixu Zhenren has been in seclusion in the back mountain of Sanqing Temple, hoping to defeat Xiao Mian one day.

For this purpose, Taixu Zhenren did everything he could!

As soon as he made a move, he used the divine objects - Taiyi Treasure Wheel and Discipline Ring.

After three hundred years of hard training, Taixu Zhenren completely integrated Taiyi Treasure Wheel and Discipline Ring, creating an incredible divine object - Taiyi Treasure Mirror!

This Taiyi Treasure Mirror takes Taiyi Treasure Wheel as the center and Discipline Ring as the hoop.

The two semi-finished divine objects merged to form a complete divine object.

As soon as Taiyi Treasure Mirror appeared, Xiao Mian felt a great sense of oppression.

Looks like - a cultivator who has reached the state of transformation!

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