Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,764 Roots of the Earth

With Xiao Mian's current level of cultivation and realm, ordinary existence is simply beyond his reach.

Only an inhuman pervert like Master Shouzhen can make Xiao Mian feel a little troublesome.

Besides, the yellow man just now made Xiao Mian frightened.

Once the magic weapon survives the Lingbao Heavenly Tribulation, it can condense its spirituality into a spiritual body, which is called a weapon spirit.

The weapon spirit can maintain the original form of the spirit treasure, or it can manifest into a human form, and most of them will choose the human form.

However, the human form of the weapon spirit is only an appearance, and its essence is still a spirit body.

The yellow man just now looked like a mortal!

Mortals spend their entire lives dreaming of being extraordinary and becoming saints.

Inhuman demons and ghosts, but they want to cultivate into human form, or even completely transform into human beings.

This is also the fundamental reason why spiritual tools transform people.

The closer a weapon spirit is to a human being, the more powerful it becomes—for example, the yellow man before was stronger than Shouzhen Zhenren!

Although Xiao Mian didn't know why the other party was willing to stay in this mysterious realm, if the other party was born, even if Xiao Mian faced the other party, he would not be his opponent.

Vaguely, Xiao Mian felt a sense of déjà vu...

Suddenly, Xiao Mian thought of something.

During the catastrophic Lingzhan War, Lingxiu invaded Nanyue Prefecture on a large scale and besieged Wanzong City for a hundred years.

In the end, although Nanyue Prefecture repelled the spiritual cultivators led by Lingzhuzi, Wanzong City was also shattered.

Under Xiao Mian's leadership, Nanyue Prefecture rebuilt Wan Zong City. The first step was to connect the earth.

In order to continue or even strengthen the underground veins of Wan Zong City, Xiao Mian did not hesitate to go deep underground.

It was in the depths of Nanyue Prefecture that Xiao Mian encountered a mysterious wave, causing him to flee.

It was like a great evil that had been dormant for eternity suddenly awakened, or like a hidden god being suddenly awakened.

Now that he understood it carefully, Xiao Mian found that the yellow man who appeared before was somewhat similar to the underground being.

Powerful, mysterious, and impossible to fathom.

Sure enough - there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!

Since becoming a Heavenly Lord, Xiao Mian has thought that he is invincible and has no taboos in his actions.

Even the short-lived Shouzhen Zhenren before was just a plaything of Xiao Mian's deliberate actions.

Now that he saw the yellow man for the first time and recalled that underground existence, Xiao Mian felt awe in his heart.

With a thought in mind, Xiao Mian looked around.

Xiao Mian had no idea what the mysterious weapon spirit wanted him to do, and how to start?

"Hey! Senior! Can you come out and chat for a while?"

"What do you want to start with? Please explain the topic clearly!"

"Senior! If you don't come out, I will leave! I will let you play a one-man show by yourself!"

"Senior! I have a story, do you have any wine?"


Xiao Mian felt bored after shouting alone for a long time.

Silencing his voice and meditating, Xiao Mian began to search for the whereabouts of the weapon spirit in this boundless mysterious realm.

Perhaps, the weapon spirit's assessment is to find him!

However, the longer he stayed in the secret realm and the more places he traveled, the more surprised and doubtful Xiao Mian became.

What the hell is this place! ?

In terms of the concentration of spiritual energy, this place is the most dense place that Xiao Mian has ever seen in this world, but there is only earth spiritual energy, and no other spiritual energy exists.

There is no doubt that this is a secret realm with earth attributes. The question is, how was this secret realm created?

It should be noted that all things in the world are within the scope of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements, even if they have mutated spiritual roots.

The five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, making it extremely difficult to exist alone.

If it were within a small area, it might still be possible, but such a large amount of earth-attribute spiritual energy that is almost a world of its own is really unheard of, let alone seen.

Could it be that this is an earth-attribute cave-heaven magic weapon?

The Zongheng Immortal Heart in Xiao Mian's body is a unique celestial magic weapon, and it forms a world of its own.

The reason why it can develop stably is because Xiao Mian added a large amount of top-quality materials into the Immortal Stone Space.

It is these various top-quality spiritual materials that generate all things in the immortal stone space and support the world.

Like this secret realm, it is all earth spiritual energy.

If things go on like this, it will be difficult to support a single tree.

Unless there is some unknown secret...

While thinking this, Xiao Mian did not give up searching in the secret realm, but still found nothing.

In the end, there was nothing he could do, so Xiao Mian closed his eyes and followed the instructions of the Spirit-Peeping Magic Eye, running rampant all the way.

Wherever the earth aura is rich, Xiao Mian will go!

I don't know how long I walked like this, but Xiao Mian suddenly stopped and looked around carefully.

After all this running around, the concentration of earth spiritual energy around Xiao Mian became higher and higher, almost double what it was at the beginning.

The earth spiritual energy that was originally supposed to be in gaseous state has already liquefied into liquid earth spiritual liquid.

What appeared in front of Xiao Mian now was a solid earth spirit ring hanging above Xiao Mian's head.

The earth spirit ring is not big, only about ten feet in diameter.

When Xiao Mian saw it, he didn't dare to look down upon it.

From gaseous state to liquid state, from liquid state to solid state, it is simple to say, but in fact it contains the principles of physical properties.

Just like Hunyuan Purple Qi, Hunyuan Gold Liquid and Hunyuan Purple Qi, their power is different every time they rise to one level.

Could the solid earth spirit ring here be the core area of ​​this earth attribute secret realm?

Thinking like this, Xiao Mian condensed the three pure divine lights.

The divine light passed by and Xiao Mian disappeared...

When he reappeared, Xiao Mian was already on the other side of the earth spirit ring, but looking at it, there was no difference from before.

If Xiao Mian hadn't been sure that he had passed the earth spirit ring, he might have thought that he was still where he was.

With a roll of his eyes, Xiao Mian decided to do the opposite.

Before, Xiao Mian was heading towards the place where the earth spiritual energy was the strongest. Now, Xiao Mian was heading towards the place where the earth spiritual energy was thin.

This march was even better than before.

Finally, Xiao Mian came to a boundary and saw a node that was not of the earth attribute.

It was a seed, alone and exposed in the wilderness, like the only star in the night sky.

Xiao Mian came near the seed, squatted down, and looked at the seed carefully.

What the hell is this?

But at this moment, golden light reached the ground.

Huang Ren, who had left without saying goodbye before, came again uninvited and still looked at Xiao Mian expressionlessly.

This time, Xiao Mian was not in a hurry...

The appearance of the other party showed that he was looking for the right place!

"How did you find this place?"

"Senior, don't worry about how I found this place! Let me tell you: what is the next step of the assessment?"

"Assessment?" Huang Ren looked at Xiao Mian with a look of confusion for the first time, and asked in a deep voice: "Aren't you here to help me leave this 'Tuyuan Realm'? What kind of assessment?"


This time, it was Xiao Mian's turn to be speechless.

Tuyuanjie? Help him out? No assessment yet?

What the hell kind of place had he been to, what kind of ghost weapon spirit had he encountered, what kind of weird thing had he gotten involved in?

This is obviously a ghost and three ignorances!

After making up his mind, Xiao Mian decided to take the initiative.

"Senior! Now the outside world is turned upside down. I entered this Tuyuan Realm by chance. Some things are not clear! I dare to ask senior: Who do you want to meet?"

"Really? The sky has changed again? Is Renhuang Palace still there?"

"Ren Palace?" When Xiao Mian heard this, his heart trembled, thinking that he had encountered some hidden boss?

The other party revealed the name "Ren Imperial Palace" as soon as he opened his mouth, indicating that he definitely existed before the ban!

The target is directed at Renhuang Palace, and the opponent has an extraordinary origin!

"Senior! Of course Renhuang Palace is still there, even Renhuang is still there. It's just..." After a slight hesitation, Xiao Mian briefly explained the ban, and sighed softly: "This is the situation! Even if senior leaves this place, Yuanjie, I’m afraid it won’t be able to escape from this forbidden world easily!”

"That's it!" Huang Ren's words didn't fluctuate much, as if nothing mattered to him.

"Senior! What should we do next?"

"Let it go! This Tuyuan Realm is the place where I was born after all. I am neither good nor bad here."

The yellow man seems to have no obsession with getting out of trouble.

"Senior! I am planning to ascend to the spirit world. If you are interested, senior, I can help you return to the spirit world!"

"Oh? If you have this intention, let's try it first!"

"How to try?"

"Let this seed germinate!"

"It's that simple?"

"Is it easy? Just try it!"


Taking a deep breath, Xiao Mian stretched out his hand and pointed at the seed. The next moment, a stream of water and a green light shot out from the palms of Xiao Mian's hands, hitting the seed.

The water flow is the water of eternal life, and the green light is full of vitality.

Add the two together, let alone a seed, even a rotten plant can come back to life.

However, the seed showed no reaction.

The longevity water and vitality emitted by Xiao Mian were completely consumed when they hit the seed.

The immeasurable earth spiritual energy around him was washed away, and whether it was the eternal water or the vitality, it was completely wiped out.

This time, Xiao Mian became energetic.

Xiao Mian knew that things were not that simple, but he did not expect that it would be so difficult - it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky!

In this so-called earth elemental world, the earth attribute family dominates, and no other spiritual energy exists.

Once other attributes appear, it will trigger the entire Tuyuan Realm to attack.

Unless Xiao Mian has the power to confront the Tuyuan Realm head-on, otherwise, it will be useless.

Seeing Xiao Mian try and fail immediately, Huang Ren remained calm and did not rush.

Xiao Mian's mind was spinning, and suddenly he had an idea.

In Xiao Mian's mind, bits and pieces of his previous experiences in the Tuyuan Realm appeared, gradually forming an image.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Thinking like this, Xiao Mian flipped it over casually, and a green wood gourd appeared in Xiao Mian's palm.

With a glance, Xiao Mian saw Huang Ren, who had always had no expression. His eyes moved when he saw the Eternal Life Sword Gourd.

Before Huang Ren could speak, Xiao Mian took out the Ten Thousand Saint Sword Gourd and Jingtian Sword Gourd one after another, and lined them up.

This time, Huang Ren finally couldn't stand it any longer...

"Is there a golden sword gourd?"


"It's a pity..." Huang Ren, who has always been calm in ancient times, sighed dejectedly: "The world is so unpredictable!"

"Senior! Why did you say that?"

"I see that you also have the spiritual root of the five elements. How can you not know the way to create and restrain the five elements? If you have a golden sword gourd in your hand and combine it with my earth element world, you can achieve the cycle of the five elements. From earth comes gold, from gold comes water, from Water grows wood, so it may be able to activate the sealing seeds!"

"Sealed seeds?"

"I was born in this Tuyuan Realm, and was later sealed here for who knows how many years..."

"That's why senior made an appointment with the Spirit Realm Ren Palace: as long as they can help senior get out of trouble..."

"I will help him for the rest of his life!"

"Senior, would you like to make an appointment with me?"

"You?" Looking at Xiao Mian, Huang Ren shook his head: "Although you came in, you can't get out! There is only one entrance and exit in the Tuyuan Realm, and it is blocked by the seal seeds! If you have the golden sword gourd in your hand, With the combined efforts of you and me, we might be able to steal some secrets with the help of Five Elements Avenue."

What Huang Ren said was because he was not optimistic about Xiao Mian.

Before Xiao Mian could say anything, Huang Ren continued: "Just stay with me in the Tuyuan Realm with peace of mind! Although you can't get out, you don't have to worry about longevity in the Tuyuan Realm, so you can rest assured!"

Peace of mind?

Are you safe as your pet?

I won’t do it!

"Senior! Can we give each other a chance?"

"What? You still don't give up? Although you have three gourds, these three gourds of yours are just offspring hybrids with impure blood and cannot shake the Tuyuan Realm at all."

"So, what is the heel of Tuyuanjie..."

"Since you have these three gourds in your hand, have you ever heard of the nine great innate spiritual plants? These three gourds in your hand are the descendants of the Five Elements Spiritual Gourd, one of the nine great spiritual plants. In the Tuyuan Realm, It's the first generation of the Five Elements Spirit Gourd. Even if you fight it three to one, it's still possible if you have the Golden Jingjian Gourd."

The five elements of earth generate gold. Under the nourishment of the powerful earth-attribute aura of the earth element world, the metal element will thrive. Then metal will generate water, and water will generate wood, so that it can continue to thrive.

When Xiao Mian heard this, he didn't take it seriously.

He never thought about activating the seal seeds to escape from the Tuyuan Realm, Xiao Mian planned to repeat the same trick!

With a sharp tongue, Xiao Mian finally convinced Huang Ren to agree to the agreed terms.

If Xiao Mian can help the other party escape from the Tuyuan Realm, the Yellow people will recognize Xiao Mian as their master - Xiao Mian for the rest of his life!

As soon as Huang Ren agreed, Xiao Mian put away the three gourds and concentrated the three pure divine lights.

The Sanqing divine light passed by and enveloped Xiao Mian and Huang Ren. Xiao Mian was content and Huang Ren was thoughtful.

But soon, Xiao Mian's expression changed...

Protected by the three pure divine lights, there is no way to escape from the Tuyuan Realm!

This Tuyuan Realm is so overbearing that no one is allowed to enter and no one is allowed to leave.

"Three Pure Divine Lights? It's interesting!" But it was Huang Ren who suddenly understood and said to Xiao Mian: "It turns out that you entered the Tuyuan Realm with the help of the Three Pure Divine Lights. What a pity! The Three Pure Divine Lights can help you enter the Tuyuan Realm. Realm, but it may not help you leave the Tuyuan Realm - you are too weak!"

Huang Ren's last words left Xiao Mian speechless.

Since Sanqing Divine Light can help Xiao Mian enter the Tuyuan Realm, it can theoretically help him leave the Tuyuan Realm.

The reason why Xiao Mian was able to come in was because the outside world was the main space and time, and the three pure divine lights were not affected.

The reason why Xiao Mian couldn't get out was because this was the Tuyuan Realm, and the three pure divine lights were suppressed.

Just like Huang Ren said, Xiao Mian is too weak!

If Xiao Mian was not in the Nascent Soul realm, but in the realm of spirit transformation or virtual refining, he might really be able to come and go freely.


When Xiao Mian fell silent, Huang Ren kept silent. It seemed that everything was under his control, and it seemed that no matter how the world changed, it had nothing to do with him.

Xiao Mian snorted secretly when he saw it.

My method is not just the three pure divine lights!

With a thought, black light suddenly appeared.

Black cloth - Jiuyan Tiantu, appeared in the Tuyuan world.

When the yellow man saw the black cloth, he suddenly looked alarmed.

With the yellow man's skills and knowledge, he is also superior in the spiritual world. How could he not see the magic in the black cloth?

The yellow man, who has no waves in the ancient well, has a turbulent heart.

Vaguely, he realized that he might have hope.

Is the person in front of me really worthy of being my master?

Huang Ren looked at Xiao Mian and thought about it, but Xiao Mian had already commanded Hei Bu to crack the Tuyuan Realm.

Xiao Mian didn't believe it: He couldn't get out yet! ?

With the mentality of bleeding heavily, Xiao Mian filled the black cloth's gluttonous mouth with endless top-quality spiritual materials.

Heibu ate until he was full, and then he happily started working.

Seeing the sealed seeds in front of him as if they were nothing, Heibu walked in the opposite direction towards Xiao Mian's path.

Xiao Mian and Huang Ren exchanged glances and followed along.

After that, he went retrograde and passed through the central earth spirit ring.

Heibu marched forward with great enthusiasm, while Xiao Mian and Huang Ren followed suit, discussing things from time to time.

Finally, under the leadership of Hei Bu, Xiao Mian and Huang Ren came to an unusually flat land.

"Senior! May I ask where this is?"

"..." Huang Ren remained silent, and finally sighed quietly: "This is a flaw in the Tuyuan Realm!"

"Missing something?"

"By now, you should have guessed it, right? The so-called Tuyuan Realm is the internal space of an earth-attributed spiritual gourd. There are three places in the Tuyuan Realm that are unique..."

One is the faucet blocked by the sealed seeds.

The second is the waist where the earth spirit ring is located.

The third is the missing point that appears in front of Xiao Mian and Huang Ren, which is the navel at the bottom of the spiritual gourd.

Except for these three places, the Tuyuan Realm is filled with earth spiritual energy. The difference is only in the concentration of the spiritual energy.

The dragon's head was originally the entrance and exit of the Tuyuan Realm, but it was blocked by the sealed seeds, making it impossible to enter or exit.

The earth spirit ring is the place where the earth spirit energy in the Tu Yuan Realm is the strongest, and it is impossible for it to fall off.

Besides, this leaky navel is where waste gas is discharged from the Tuyuan Realm. To put it bluntly, it is the chrysanthemum...

Xiao Mian had no idea that there was such a place in the Tuyuan Realm, and Huang Ren had never thought of the possibility.

But it was Hei Bu who, after careful calculations and detailed deductions, brought the two of them here.

"This..., senior! Can I get out here?"

"...I've never been out!"

Xiao Mian and Huang Ren looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

But it was a black cloth. Hearing that Xiao Mian didn't believe him, he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, and turned into a burst of black light.

The black light passed by and swept away Xiao Mian and Huang Ren.

The chrysanthemums bloom and shrink, and the black light disappears.

The black light appeared again, no longer in the sky, the surroundings were pitch black, and there was no light.

"Xiao Hei! Are you lost?"


Although Heibu has restored some of the power of Jiuyan Tiantu, he still can't speak and feels a little aggrieved.

Xiao Miancai wanted to tease the black cloth, but the yellow man's expression changed and his face became solemn.

"Silence!" As soon as he said this, Huang Ren waved his big hand and released a ray of yellow light, covering himself and Xiao Mian, and then he warned: "Something's wrong here! Be careful!"

"here it is……"

“The very center of the earth—the roots of the earth!”

"Earth root? The end of the earth vein, the root of the earth?" Xiao Mian was horrified when he heard this, because it was not a trivial matter.

After what happened in Nanyue Prefecture, Xiao Mian also worked hard afterwards.

Being well-read and not ashamed to ask questions, Xiao Mian figured out the terrifying existence deep underground that scared him away.

That is not a great evil, but the root of the earth.

The root of the earth, as the name suggests, is the foundation of the earth and one of the foundations of the existence of heaven and earth.

It might as well be said that he is a god!

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