Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,767 Chaos of Time and Space

The time chain is the time coordinate of the main space-time.

Generally, the time chain is linear.

This is what is meant by the saying that time is like water...

The long river of time flows endlessly, never stopping for anyone, let alone going backwards for anyone.

The main time and space has a time chain of the main time and space, and everyone has a time chain of each person.

The stronger the individual's strength, the more he can affect the time chain of the main space and time. On the contrary, he has no influence at all.

Some extremely tyrannical beings, such as the Sovereign of the past, can travel through time and space.

In countless linear development time chains, there will always be some unexpected variables.

Time ring is one of them...

The time loop that Xiao Mian faced involved a tyrannical figure who played an important role in history.

It's just that this time loop has not been completely closed, and there is still a link missing, which requires Xiao Mian to continue.

"Which time chain do you want to go back to?"

"Nine thousand years ago!"

"Nine thousand years ago!?" Goddess Guangyin, who had finally calmed down, suddenly exclaimed: "Xiao Mian! You are crazy! Nine thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago, even if Master and she took action, I can’t guarantee that it will be a sure thing. Why don’t you just go back to before the ban?”

"The power of the ban cuts off the time chain!"

"You!" The goddess of light and sound was originally teasing Xiao Mian, but Xiao Mian turned serious and could not help but persuade her: "Xiao Mian! Since you know that time and space are dangerous, why do you insist on taking this trip? Even if I can temporarily put you away Even if you were sent back nine thousand years, you probably wouldn’t be able to come back!”

"Now I don't have to worry about it!"


The goddess of light and sound produces smoke from her seven orifices.

Although she had good intentions, Xiao Mian repeatedly treated her like a donkey, making Guangyin Tiannv extremely angry.

"Hmph! Come with me!"


In a flash, the two of them entered Guangyin Tiangu.

If Xiao Mian only wanted to go back a hundred years, the Goddess of Light and Sound and the Jingye Bell alone would be enough to do it.

But now that Xiao Mian wants to go back nine thousand years to Shuo in one breath, Guangyin Goddess has to rely on the power of Guangyin Tiangu!

The entire Guangyin Tiangu is a magic weapon.

In the Guangyin Tiangu, there is a mountain and a valley - the name of the mountain is "Focusing Light" and the name of the valley is "Hongyin".

The Juguang Mountain is like a bell touching the ground, and the Heyin Valley is like a drum reaching into the sky.

According to the idea of ​​the Goddess of Light and Sound, if she lives in the Heyin Valley and guards the Juguang Mountain with the Quiet Night Bell, she can turn the entire Light and Sound Heavenly Valley into a huge time machine.

Only in this way can the Goddess Guangyin be sure to send Xiao Mian back to a certain point nine thousand years ago.

Of course, it can’t take too long!

However, Xiao Mian finally convinced Guangyin Tiannv, but there was someone in Guangyin Tiangu who refused to accept his words.

Although Guangyin Goddess is the owner of Guangyin Valley, not everything can be done arbitrarily.

Especially this matter is related to Guangyin Tiangu.

Over time, not only Xiao Mian himself will encounter many dangers, but Guangyin Tiangu will also suffer a lot.

After this incident, Guangyin Tiangu’s spiritual energy plummeted!

For Guangyin Valley, this is naturally not a good thing.

But since Xiao Mian took action and even the Goddess Guangyin agreed, how could they be allowed to comment?

After a combination of kindness and power, Xiao Mian got his wish.

Using a large amount of top-quality spiritual materials as a stepping stone, Xiao Mian finally got Guangyin Valley to agree to go all out.

Of course, it wasn't just these top-notch spiritual materials that made the entire Guangyin Valley lose their collective voice.

Wu Yaoguang, the elder of Guangyin Valley who was in charge of Juguang Mountain, was seriously injured by Xiao Mian and was suppressed at the foot of Juguang Mountain.

Although the goddess of light and sound was a little unhappy, she didn't say anything - Wu Yaoguang usually didn't listen to orders.

Although Xiao Mian injured Wu Yaoguang for his own selfish reasons, he still helped the goddess Guangyin.

Without any objections, the Goddess of Light and Sound followed the steps and began to activate Juguang Mountain and Heyin Valley.

Three days and three nights later, a stream of light rose into the sky.

The stream of light broke through the sky until it disappeared.

The Goddess of Light and Sound, sitting in the Heyin Valley, watched the stream of light come from nothing to something, and then from something to nothing...


The person you like must be right, right?

Just hope that he - keep facing him!

Let’s talk about Xiao Mian again. When the light suddenly appeared, Xiao Mian turned into a golden light and blended into it.

There was a touch of golden light in the stream of light, which flashed away in the opposite direction of the main space-time chain.

Xiao Mian, wrapped in the flowing light, felt dazzled, and the infinite light and sound flickered in confusion.

The so-called white horse passing through the gap is nothing more than this.

I don’t know how long it took, but without any warning, the stream of light suddenly shattered, and Xiao Mian’s figure appeared.

According to the pre-set settings of the Goddess of Light and Sound, when the streamer broke, Xiao Mian was brought back nearly ten thousand years ago.

Location - the center of this world!

What Xiao Mian performed was just a rewind of time, not a jump in space.

Therefore, the place where Xiao Mian appeared was at Dutian Peak - at this time, Dutian Peak had just been built!

Nearly ten thousand years ago, the ban began.

At this time, the monks were united because of the tight spell that suddenly fell on this world.

They gathered all the power of the world to establish the capital of Tianfeng and the capital city of Tianxia, ​​trying to break the ban and return to the spiritual world.

However - all methods will fail!

At that time, the great powers in the world were divided.

Tiandu City is nothing more than paying it back. After all, it is just a big city and will not have much impact on the practice world.

But Dutianfeng is different!

Dutian Peak, erected with the combined power of the world, can be said to be the crystallization of all the power in the world of cultivation.

The small Dutian Peak gathers the spiritual energy of the world.

The original intention of establishing Dutian Peak was to use the power of the world to artificially create a holy place for cultivation.

This creates a cultivation atmosphere that is not inferior to that of the spirit world, allowing some creative talents to break through the confinement of the Nascent Soul.

After trying, it ended in failure.

It was under this situation that the strongest men in the world had differences because of Du Tianfeng.

One group advocates dismantling Dutian Peak, restoring the aura of the world to the world, and restoring nature.

The other group believes that Dutian Peak has been built, and demolishing it again would be a waste of natural resources.

Although Du Tianfeng cannot help monks successfully transform into gods, it is a veritable holy land for spiritual practice.

Whoever wins the capital of Tianfeng will surely dominate the world!

Those who advocated overthrowing Du Tianfeng were led by Xiao Wu.

Those who advocated retaining Du Tianfeng were led by Wu Qingcang.

The opposite-sex brothers who were once sworn friends to Jinlan had a huge quarrel because of the incident at Du Tianfeng.

Finally, the soldiers met each other!

Xiao Wuxing and Wu Qingcang met for a gambling battle, and their personal victory or defeat determined the survival of the capital Tianfeng.

The two had already fought twice in the past two days.

Xiao Wuxing won on the first day, and Wu Qingcang won on the second day.

Tomorrow is the third day - the final battle!

At this juncture, Xiao Mian came back from the time chain and appeared in front of Xiao Wuxing.

Xiao Mian, wearing a green shirt.

Xiao Wuxing, dressed in blue.

Besides, Xiao Wuxing has become a god, otherwise he would not be able to fight Wu Qingcang inextricably.

When he first saw Xiao Mian, Xiao Wuxing's expression changed slightly.

There are only two god-transforming monks in the world, one is Xiao Wuxing and the other is Wu Qingcang.

The person who appeared in front of me was clearly in the Nascent Soul realm, so why could he be so frightened as a god?

How could this world have such extraordinary talents?

But it was Xiao Mian who spoke shockingly.

"Master Patriarch! Xiao Mian, the thirty-seventh generation disciple of the Five Elements Sect, pays homage to the founder - Patriarch Wu Xing!"

"..., have you recognized the wrong person?"

"I dare to ask senior: But Xiao Wuxing? The young master of Shenguang Immortal Sect in the spiritual world - Xiao Wuxing?"

"Yes! I am Xiao Wuxing! But what the hell is the so-called Five Elements Sect?"

"Senior, please listen to me..."

In a few words, Xiao Mian told the whole story about his origins and revealed his intentions.

"You want me to lose to the third child on purpose?"



"For me! And for you! For the sake of this world - otherwise, time and space will be chaotic!"


When Xiao Wuxing heard the words, he remained silent for a long time.

Xiao Mian's words are not alarmist!

Once Xiao Wuxing defeats the Sovereign Wu Qingcang, Du Tianfeng will be demolished under Xiao Wuxing's will.

The existence of Du Tianfeng has advantages and disadvantages.

Ten thousand years later, although it was Xiao Mian who single-handedly overturned Du Tianfeng, even Xiao Mian had to admit that Du Tianfeng was indispensable for the cultivation world to persist for ten thousand years - without Du Tianfeng, the world would have been a long time ago Dead!

Although Dutian Peak soon became the tool used by Sanqingguan to control the world, it was the pattern of the nine holy lands headed by Sanqingguan that continued the entire practice world.

If there were no Dutian Peak, there would be no world of practice.

In that case, nothing would happen to Xiao Mian!

In the cycle of cause and effect, Xiao Mian, who single-handedly subverts Dutian Peak ten thousand years later, must preserve Dutian Peak ten thousand years ago.

The survival of Du Tianfeng lies in Xiao Wuxing and Wu Qingcang, or to be more precise, Xiao Wuxing alone.

Therefore, Xiao Miancai approached his ancestor.

"I understand what you mean! The question is: can you ensure that you are right?"

"Just because I'm here means I'm right!"

"..." Xiao Wuxing fell into silence again. After a long time, Xiao Wuxing smiled at Xiao Mian: "Okay! I can promise you this! In the battle tomorrow, I can deliberately lose to the third child - but this makes me very unhappy!"

"I wonder how I can make Grandmaster happy?"

"You! You fight me!"


As soon as Xiao Miancai agreed, Xiao Wuxing laughed loudly.

After the laughter passed, Xiao Wuxing took Xiao Mian into Dutian Peak - at this time, Dutian Peak was empty!

At the top of Dutian Peak, Xiao Wuxing and Xiao Mian, the two most awesome people in the history of the Five Elements Sect, were fighting swords An Ran.

As soon as he took action, Xiao Wuxing released the Five Elements Spirit Sword.

Xiao Mian was not surprised by this.

As early as in the image of the star spirit's manifestation, Xiao Mian had seen the power of Xiao Wuxing's five-element spiritual sword.

Xiao Mian deliberately released his Five Elements Spiritual Sword to compete with the Grandmaster's Five Elements Spiritual Sword.

But——the magic weapon Tai Chi was released!

Xiao Wuxing's expression changed slightly when he first saw the magic weapon Tai Chi.

With Xiao Wu's level of Xinghua Divine Sword Cultivator, how could he fail to see the foundation of the Divine Weapon Tai Chi?

But privately, Xiao Wuxing was still a little unhappy.

This kid keeps saying that he founded the Five Elements Sect lineage, and that he is the thirty-seventh generation disciple of the Five Elements Sect. How come the sword he carries with him is not the Five Elements Spiritual Sword?

Let me see this master: your all-powerful means!

With this thought in his life, Xiao Wuxing's fighting spirit was high, and with a few clicks, the Five Elements Spiritual Sword turned into light.

As Xiao Mian's heart moved, the divine weapon Tai Chi drew his sword!

One fights five, five fights one.

Although the divine weapon Tai Chi has a profound foundation and is already a two-evil spirit treasure, Xiao Wuxing's Five Elements Spirit Sword is also a two-element spiritual treasure. When the five elements are united, their power is doubled.

As time passed, the magic weapon Tai Chi was trapped in the formation.

Relying on the miraculous power of his own spiritual material, although the divine weapon Tai Chi was unscathed, he was at a disadvantage after all.

"Hmph! I thought you had some abilities! It turns out it's just that! Since you claim to be the heir of the Five Elements Sect and have the Five Elements Spiritual Roots, why don't you refine the Five Elements Spiritual Sword?"

"Master Patriarch: This disciple has the Five Elements Spiritual Sword!"

"Oh? Since you have it, why not take it out?"

"This set of Five Elements Spiritual Swords, my disciple, is closely related to the set of Five Elements Spiritual Swords you are using now, Master Patriarch!" Under Xiao Wuxing's confused gaze, Xiao Mian explained in a dumbfounded way: "How dare you, my disciple!" Grandmaster, the sword spirit of your set of Five Elements Spiritual Sword was refined into my set of Five Elements Spiritual Sword, and this is how I luckily became the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure!"


Xiao Wuxing's expression changed when he heard this.

Xiao Mian actually integrated his Five Elements Sword Spirit into his own Five Elements Spirit Sword.

Isn't this plundering?

He even took it over his own ancestor. This guy really doesn’t know what it means to respect one’s master.

Despite being angry, Xiao Wuxing was helpless.

If the sword spirit of Xiao Mian's set of Five Elements Spirit Sword is really the sword spirit of Xiao Wuxing's set of Five Elements Spirit Sword, these two sets of Five Elements Spirit Sword really cannot meet easily. If one is not good, two sets of Five Elements Spirit Sword will appear in the same time and space. Five Elements Sword Spirit.

At that time, the relatively stable space-time will oscillate.

While Xiao Wuxing was silent, Xiao Mian smiled calmly.

"If Grandmaster feels that he is not happy, the disciples should try their best to make Grandmaster feel good!"

"Oh? Where does the pleasure come from?"

"Master Patriarch! Watch carefully..."

After saying this, Xiao Mian sat cross-legged.

The Five Elements Dharma Realm came into being and operated quietly.

The huge five elements spiritual energy between heaven and earth poured into Dutian Peak and gathered around Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian is like an isolated island in the five-color spiritual sea.

When Xiao Wuxing saw this, his expression changed slightly.

Based on Xiao Wuxing's induction, the five elements of spiritual energy gathered around Xiao Mian have surpassed the Nascent Soul realm.

Xiao Mian, who was in the Nascent Soul realm, was strong enough to challenge Xiao Wuxing and Wu Qingcang head-on.

You must know that Xiao Wuxing and Wu Qingcang are extremely powerful and are not ordinary god-transforming monks.

Vaguely, Xiao Wuxing even felt a hint of threat - the monk in green shirt in front of him was enough to kill him!

Seeing Xiao Mian's posture, Xiao Wuxing came to a realization.

As expected, he is a direct disciple of me, Xiao Wuxing, and he even learned my Xiao Wuxing's unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box!

With a cold snort, Xiao Wuxing stretched out his finger.

The five colors of yin and yang on the fingertips condense the energy of the universe.

The supreme magical power - the five elements extinguishing divine light!

At the same time that Xiao Wuxing emitted this great five-element-extinction divine light, Xiao Mian also emitted a great five-element-extinction divine light.

Two large five-element extinguishing divine lights collided together, forming a perfect circle the size of a fingernail.

The left and right sides of the circle were in chaos, and the middle coefficient was dark.

On both sides of the circle, Xiao Mian and Xiao Wuxing looked solemn.

Xiao Mian, although he is still in the Nascent Soul realm, has already reached the peak of this realm.

Xiao Wuxing is a cultivator who is above the laws of heaven and earth.

These two people are both anomalies that cannot be deduced by common sense. The Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light activated by the two of them alone is enough to reach the limit that this world can bear.

Now the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light launched by the two people collides together. The two forces of the same origin merge with each other while colliding, further increasing their power.

Heaven and earth are pierced by it; time and space are broken by it.

At this moment, a stone the size of a fist appeared above the circle and slowly landed.

Heaven and earth are stable, and time and space are stable.

The round black hole the size of a fingernail was swallowed up by Zongheng Immortal Heart and disappeared into nothingness.

Xiao Mian remained calm.

Xiao Wuxing's expression changed with surprise.

"Why is this thing in your hands?"

"Everything is fate! Neither you nor I can change it!"


Before Xiao Wuxing could ask more questions, Xiao Mian disappeared.

No one knows the outcome of this sword fight, and no one even knows about this sword fight except the two parties involved.

All I know is that Xiao Wuxing lost to Wu Qingcang in the battle the next day, and Du Tianfeng was saved!

Afterwards, Xiao Wuxing seemed to have no shame in staying in Zhongzhou, so he marched straight into South Vietnam with one man and one sword.

Wu Qingcang, who had saved Du Tianfeng, was regarded by everyone as truly the number one person in the world.

But at this moment, Wu Qingcang felt restless.

Looking at the monstrous sea of ​​blood in front of him, Wu Qingcang felt that there were turbulent waves deep in his heart.

It seems like someone is spying on me!

The second brother has already gone to South Vietnam, and with his character of telling the truth, he will definitely not go back on his words.

But in the whole world, besides my second brother, who else can make me so distracted?

That’s it!

Let’s calm down this sea of ​​blood first and then talk about it...

With this thought, Wu Qingcang disappeared.

The next moment, a wave of waves passed through the sea of ​​​​blood, without any discovery, and then completely disappeared.

After a while, Xiao Mian appeared.

The reputation of eternal supremacy is indeed not in vain!

Although Xiao Mian contributed to the outcome of the third battle, it is still unknown whether Xiao Wuxing could defeat Wu Qingcang smoothly even if Xiao Mian did not take action.

From Xiao Mian's perspective, Wu Qingcang had a greater chance of winning.

To be sure, Xiao Miancai took the extra step.

However, neither Xiao Wuxing nor Wu Qingcang was the target of Xiao Mian's trip.

Xiao Mian's target person is not even a human being!

The churning sea of ​​blood was definitely unusual.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Looking at the boundless sea of ​​blood, Xiao Mian's figure disappeared.

Suddenly, the already turbulent sea of ​​​​blood set off huge waves, overwhelming mountains and seas, and destroying the world.

In the sky, there was thunder and strong wind.

Vaguely, lightning flashed...

A bolt of thunder fell from the sky and exploded into the sea of ​​blood. A bolt of blood shot out from the sea of ​​blood and hit the sky thunder.

Thunder light and blood light collided together, fighting each other, annihilating each other, and the sky became silent.

Immediately afterwards, thunder rolled in...

For a moment, thunder and blood filled the world.

Later, the sky seemed to split open, and countless thunders were released.

The huge sea of ​​thunder smashed into the sea of ​​​​blood, thunder was everywhere, and the sea of ​​​​blood was steaming, creating a anxious scene.

The way of heaven is like a bow, and the power of heaven is like prison!

A chain of thunder and lightning appeared between heaven and earth.

Under the constant attack of this thunder and lightning chain, the originally vast sea of ​​blood gradually evaporated.

Finally, a roar rang out from the sea of ​​blood.

A bloody light rose against the sky.

The bloody light transformed into a human form, with all limbs, except for the face, which was a bloody color and could not be seen clearly.

After breaking out of the sea of ​​blood, the blood shadow will run away.

However - the Skynet is in full swing, with no omissions left!

The sound of thunder is like the roar of a tiger, and the lightning is like a soaring dragon.

Before the blood shadow could escape, the sky thunder abandoned the sea of ​​blood and turned to attack the blood shadow.

Just looking at it, I want to bite the blood shadow...

But at this moment, a sword light struck down!

The blood shadow and the sky thunder were separated by the sword light.

The blood shadow was let go by the sword light and escaped unharmed.

However, Tianlei seemed to have come to the door on his own initiative. He appeared in the light of the sword and was cut in half by the light of the sword.

The sound of thunder is hoarse and the lightning is shattered.

The heaven and earth shook, and time and space swayed.

The sky that was torn apart by thunder gradually returned to its original state, and the churning sea of ​​blood gradually calmed down.

After a life-and-death journey, life was interrupted!

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