Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,775 Black and White Impermanence

In Western Shuzhou, Shichahai, the space fluctuated.

The holy monk Kasyapa, who was sitting quietly under the bodhi tree, his eyebrows moved, his expression tightened, and then calmed down again.

The next moment, Xiao Mian appeared directly under the bodhi tree.

A round of Buddha's light rises and condenses from the back of the head of the holy monk Kasyapa, and emits a dazzling light.

In the golden wheel of Buddha's light, the holy monk Kasyapa suddenly opened his eyes.

"Xiao Mian! How dare you bully me!?"

"Holy monk! Why do you say this?"

"Hmph! Your suppression of Husheng in the Antarctic sea was originally a private matter between your master and disciple. Now that you are pretending to be me and confusing him, aren't you dragging me into the cause and effect?"

For just a moment, the holy monk Kasyapa knew everything.

Xiao Mian didn't care when he saw it.

The round of Buddha's light behind the head of the holy monk Kasyapa is one of the six fundamental magical powers of Buddhism - the power of destiny!

Fate-savvy, one can know the past karma of sentient beings and know the origin of present or future retribution.

When Xiao Mian pretended to be a holy monk of Kasyapa to deceive Husheng, three people were involved: Xiao Mian, Husheng and holy monk of Kasyapa!

Therefore, the holy monk Kasyapa can understand it with just one thought.

Just as the holy monk Kasyapa said, he was dragged into the master-disciple dispute between Xiao Mian and Hu Sheng by Xiao Miansheng.

But in Xiao Mian's opinion, Buddhism is not to blame!

The fighting Buddha who was tainted with Hu Sheng's soul was born in Buddhism. How could he allow Buddhism to stay out of the matter?

Besides, although Hu Sheng was Xiao Mian's founding disciple, he could still be considered a half-Buddhist cultivator.

As long as he can save Hu Sheng, Xiao Mian will do anything!

Seeing that Xiao Mian was indifferent to his questioning, Monk Kasyapa's expression changed slightly and he pressed down the Vajra Fury.

For one thing, the holy monk Kasyapa was already entangled in the matter of the tiger's birth, and was already contaminated with cause and effect.

Otherwise, Hu Sheng would not be so trusting when he saw Xiao Mian pretending to be the Holy Monk Kasyapa.

Secondly, Xiao Mian's strength suppressed the holy monk Kasyapa.

Several times before, Xiao Mian came to Shichahai. He either waited at the entrance of the small temple or was greeted by the holy monk Kasyapa in advance, but he never appeared directly under the Bodhi tree.

The Bodhi Tree Garden here is a sacred place for Buddhism!

There is a huge Buddha's Light Barrier surrounding the Bodhi Tree Garden, and even the powerful Heavenly Master cannot easily break through it.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Mian walked in directly!

What shocked Saint Monk Kasyapa even more was that Xiao Mian arrived silently—he had no feeling at all beforehand!

Xiao Mian was originally the focus of the holy monk Kasyapa's attention, and his every move attracted everyone's attention.

There is only one possibility to avoid the induction of Holy Monk Kasyapa and appear directly in front of Holy Monk Kasyapa.

Xiao Mian has jumped out of the mortal world!

In other words, the power of cause and effect in Xiao Mian's body has been almost destroyed, making him transcendent.

Although Saint Monk Kassapa is proficient in fate knowledge, fate knowledge is not something that can be calculated, but is the inevitable result obtained after a large amount of data statistics and calculations.

If Xiao Mian has successfully withdrawn from this world, and there is no information about Xiao Mian in the world, or there is very little information, Holy Monk Kasyapa will not be able to draw accurate conclusions.

Thinking of this, Holy Monk Kasyapa corrected his attitude.

Buddha said: The person in front of you is no small matter!

"Huh..., what is the reason for Mr. Xiao's coming here?"

"First, I'm asking for forgiveness! Although I tried my best to deal with the tiger's birth, I couldn't do it all. I had to use the name of the holy monk, causing the holy monk to be contaminated by the cause and effect."

"Hmph! This matter has been exposed, so don't mention it!"

"Secondly, it's still a matter of Husheng! If nothing happens, I will ascend in a few months! Although I have planted seeds in Husheng, it will take time for the seeds to germinate."

"what do you want me to do?"

"If it succeeds, everything is easy to say. If it fails, nothing can be said!" Staring closely at the holy monk Kasyapa sitting under the Bodhi tree, Xiao Mian said: "If Husheng really cannot survive this death, I want you to replace him and become One of my six pillars!”

"Xiao Monk should have told you: my time..."

"I know! If you replace Hu Sheng, the success rate of the plan will drop by half. But half is better than nothing!"


The holy monk Kasyapa was silent.

"Your great Buddha! Although I haven't seen it in person, he must be a figure. He should also hope that my plan will succeed, right? Otherwise, although the spiritual world is known as the six overlords coexisting, the Tao sect will be the only one, which will be boring after all!"


"I am more convinced than anyone else: I will eventually go to the spirit world! Some things must be done by someone!"

"As far as the young monk knows: you are not welcome in the spiritual world!"

"There are so many people who don't welcome me! Even more people want me to die! Am I still alive and well?"

"On the contrary, those who wanted you to die were all sent back to their hometown by you!" When saying this, Holy Monk Kasyapa looked dumbfounded. Shaking his head, Holy Monk Kasyapa responded: "Okay! I promise you the second thing too!"

"Third, the ghost realm!"


"I wonder how long it will be until the next nirvana of the holy monk?"

"..., three hundred years!"

"How long does it take to reach Nirvana?"

"According to convention, it is a thousand years!"

"No!" Rejected flatly, Xiao Mian continued: "A thousand years is too long! There are too many variables! And according to my calculations, there is a high probability that my plan will be launched after a thousand years. The little monk who was unable to restrain a chicken on the way west needs someone to protect him. How can he help me save the world?"

"This...but these are the World Honored One and Ming Lord..."

Halfway through his words, the holy monk Kasyapa remained silent.

The stakes are high, so be cautious.

The reason why holy monks Kassapa and Ananda were able to achieve nirvana and reincarnate in past lives was because of an agreement.

The Buddha and the Lord of the Underworld had an agreement: Buddhism sent Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to stay in the Netherworld to help the Netherworld redeem the souls of the dead. Correspondingly, the Lord of the Underworld turned a blind eye to some of the things that Buddhism did in the Netherworld.

Among them, including Nirvana!

Xiao Mian clearly heard it, but didn't seem to hear it.

Even before Holy Monk Kasyapa spilled the beans, Xiao Mian had some guesses...

The laws in the world are only used to imprison ordinary people. They have no binding force on certain special people.

This is also true in the spiritual world!

Even in the lofty immortal world, the so-called heavenly rules are used to punish ordinary immortals.

Existences of the same level as the spiritual Buddha and the underworld king can completely ignore these golden rules.

The makers of the law are always the beneficiaries of the law.

Many times, it is the makers of the law who are breaking the laws they have personally designated...

"Almsgiver Xiao! The matter of Nirvana involves the underworld and is not something we, the Buddhist family, can decide."

"Let me ask you: How long does it take to prepare for Nirvana?"

"This...is at least three hundred years!"

"Okay!" Xiao Mian nodded and said to himself: "Three hundred years later, you will die as expected; another three hundred years, you will be successfully reborn; another three hundred years, you will definitely be able to regain your peak combat power, or You can help me.”

"This..., I have no problem! The problem is..."

"If there is no problem with the holy monk, then there will be no problem!" Interrupting the words of the holy monk Kasyapa, Xiao Mian said inscrutably: "Leave the rest of the problems to me!"

When the words are said and done, people leave.

Under the bodhi tree, only holy monk Kasyapa remained.

At this time, the holy monk Kasyapa looked uncertain.

I have just hinted that the matter of Nirvana is not only about the Buddhist family, but also involves the underworld.

This kid is still so generous. Could it be that he can still have a relationship with the Netherworld?

Xiao Mian naturally doesn't have this kind of relationship, but someone does!

After leaving Shichahai, Xiao Mian went straight into the ghost realm.

In the Netherworld Ghost Realm, since the death of the Ghost Mother and the reincarnation of the Ghost Saint, there have been four great Saints who have temporary authority.

White Bone Fairy fell in the Great Heavenly Tribulation, Black Evil Fairy fell in the Hunyuan Taoism, leaving only Zhu Yan Ji and Bi Hun Ji.

When Buddhism regained Western Shuzhou, Guihai and Zhu Yanji unexpectedly got married.

The two of them lived in seclusion in Wolf Howling Valley and did not care about worldly affairs.

Among the four great sage queens, only Bihunji had the sole power, but she was quite unruly.

Fortunately, there are still experts in the Netherworld.

Ashin, who is in black uniform, takes charge of the overall situation when he is in danger.

After that, Buddhism regained control of Western Shu State, and the ghosts retreated to the ghost realm. The wells and rivers on both sides did not interfere with the rivers.

On weekdays, Bihunji is in charge of all matters in the Netherworld Ghost Realm, while Ashin has been focusing on the Ghost Temple.

This time Xiao Mian went deep into the ghost realm and appeared directly in the ghost temple without even alerting Bi Hun Ji.

Ashin, who was in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes.

Standing up, Ashin bowed and saluted.

"Axin welcomes Master!"

"Axin doesn't need to be polite!" With a wave of his hand, Xiao Mian sent out a ghost-killing finger to attack Ashin. Ashin's expression was solemn, the ghost sword condensed in his hand, and he slashed out with a sword in the air.

The sword passed invisible, and the dark wind overflowed.

Thousands of ghost shadows rushed out from the ghost sword, gathering around Xiao Mian's ghost-killing finger, and kept devouring it.

Under the deliberate temptation, the power of the ghost-killing finger was fully activated.

Although there were thousands of ghosts blocking him, the Ghost Killing Finger's progress was not affected at all and continued to attack Ashin.

The ghost-killing finger is meant to face the ghost path!

Although the ghost sword is strong, although there are many ghost shadows, and although the ghost energy is heavy, it cannot stop the ghost-killing finger from moving forward.

Ashin's pupils shrank and he stretched out his hand little by little.

After one o'clock, the ghost sword was recovered and the ghost shadow dispersed.

As soon as he pulled it back, the ghost-killing finger went straight to Ashin's face.

With a sudden loud shout, Ashin opened his mouth and sucked in, then swallowed the ghost-killing finger into his belly.

In a flash, Ashin returned to normal.

Xiao Mian saw this and nodded slightly.

"That's right! Although your Netherworld ghost body is called a ghost body, you are still a stranger. My master's ghost-killing finger is specifically designed to target ghosts, but you broke it easily."

"Master is testing his disciples, so he has to be measured in his actions!"

"Alas! Among all my disciples, the only one who makes me worry the most is you!"

When he said this, Xiao Mian thought of Hu Sheng again.

"Master's words are serious! Regardless of the big change in senior brother's temperament, those two from Donghai and Northern Wei..."

"That man from Donghai is unruly and has no respect for me as my adoptive father. It's easy to say that I'm here, but if I'm not here one day, he himself will be a big change!"

"Master, don't worry! When it comes to fighting alone, Ashin thinks he is no match for the one from Donghai. But after all, there is that one from Northern Wei. With the combined efforts of the two of us, even if the one from Donghai wants to make trouble, it's not that simple!"

"What Ashin said is true! But don't forget: the Northern Wei man is not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

"Is this...Master worried too much?"

This time, Ashin's expression really changed.

"I know that person's origin very well. In the whole world, I am afraid that only my teacher can restrain him. If he does not want to change, it will be a blessing to the world. If he wants to change..."

Halfway through his words, Xiao Mian remained silent.

Ashin's expression changed several times, but he also didn't dare to speak.

After a long time, Xiao Mian changed the topic...

"Axin! Have those two people from Netherworld come to you over the years?"

"Yes! Almost once a year, it's unbeatable!"

"Really? It seems that the so-called 'Perfect Attendance Award' is very attractive to them! Apart from asking for your soul, did they say anything else? For example - you!"


Hearing this, Axin was silent for a long time.

"Axin! I have three things that I need you to plan for!"

"Master wants to borrow the power of the Netherworld?"


"Master, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Of course! The first thing is about the peace of this world - about Luo Hu's only biological sister!"

Rahu’s biological sister is Rakshasa.

This time when they transferred to Huoyun Ridge, Xiao Mian also secretly searched for the whereabouts of Rakshasa, but was told that Rakshasa was dead.

After Rakshasa and Wen Tianxiu got married, they guarded Huoyun Ridge and traveled through Nanyue Prefecture.

But it was limited to Shouyuan, and both husband and wife died.

When Xiao Mian heard the news, he felt an ominous premonition before he could express his emotions.

Rakshasa is the person Rahu cares about the most!

Apart from Xiao Mian, Rakshasa is the only fuse wrapped around Luo Hui.

Now that Rakshasa is dead, where will Rahu go?

When Xiao Mian ascends to heaven in the future, will Rahu become a god or a demon?

If Luo Hu does not change, with Luo Hu and A Xin joining forces, it will be enough to suppress the Dark Dragon Emperor Xiao Nanxie.

If these three brothers work together, even if a tiger is born, they will be able to protect the peace of the world.

Therefore, Xiao Mian must choose Luo Hu.

"I want Rakshasa to be reincarnated in this world!"

"that is it?"

"As long as Rakshasa is reincarnated in this world, Rahu will protect this world to the death! Vice versa!"

If there were no Rakshasas in this world, how would this world be different from a prison to Rahu?

"If that's all, it's not a big problem!"

"The second thing is about the situation in the spiritual world!"

As soon as Ashin agreed to the first thing, Xiao Mian threw out the second thing - a bigger thing!

Xiao Mian's second matter concerns the holy monk Kasyapa!

Three hundred years later, the holy monk Kasyapa will die as scheduled.

According to the agreement between the Buddha in the spiritual world and the underworld king, after thousands of years, the holy monk Kasyapa will be reborn in Nirvana.

During this thousand-year nirvana, another Buddhist saint, Ananda, will take charge of Western Shu State and give orders to Buddhism.

But now that Holy Monk Ananda has been recalled by the Buddha himself, the situation of reincarnation of the two saints in Western Shu Prefecture has been broken.

If the holy monk Kasyapa really returns after thousands of years, it is not certain whether there will be a Buddhist school in Western Shu Prefecture by then.

What's more, Xiao Mian's plan does not allow this!

"I want you to find a way to advance the time of Kasyapa's reincarnation by seven hundred years so that he can be reborn as soon as possible!"


"Due to the change of Hu Sheng, the plan was in turmoil. Although I deployed a backup plan for Hu Sheng, I had to use Kasyapa as a substitute - although this is just in case!"

"This matter is important! It concerns Kassapa, not Rakshasa. It involves not only the netherworld, but also Buddhism in the spiritual world. I'm afraid that the bull-headed horse-faced man is powerless!"

"So, we need to find someone higher up!"

"Master wants me to..."

"No! I just want you to pull the strings and summon the bull-headed horse face, and I will personally follow up on the follow-up matters."

"How does master know that I can contact Minotaur Horse Noodles?"

"Both of them want something from you, but they are also very secretive about your origins. How can they not work on you?"

"Master has a wonderful plan, Ashin is ashamed of himself!"

After bowing sincerely, Ashin asked about the third thing about Xiao Mian, but Xiao Mian sighed.

"The path of practice as a teacher has been stained with endless blood. Even I myself have been scarred. But I will never forget: the first blood!"

"First blood?"

"That's the blood of both my parents!"

While sighing quietly, Xiao Mian recounted the past events.

When Ashin heard this, his face was expressionless and he was greatly shocked.

The world only thinks that Xiao Mian of South Vietnam is cunning and cunning. Who would have thought that Xiao Mian also had such a tragic past?

The third thing Xiao Mian asked Ashin to do was a private matter, which was to find the whereabouts of his parents.

If possible, Xiao Mian would still do his part.

After hearing Xiao Mian's third thing, Ashin breathed a sigh of relief. The third thing Xiao Mian mentioned was actually the simplest.

It's just a matter of looking for the whereabouts of two mortals. As long as they reincarnate in the underworld, they will definitely leave clues in the Book of Life and Death. All you have to do is follow the pictures.

Nodding slightly towards Xiao Mian, Ashin took a deep breath.

The next moment, a chill rose up in the Ghost Temple, which was already raging with the evil wind, and it froze the heart.

The three pure divine lights flickered slightly, but Xiao Mian remained unmoved.

Two rays of light broke through the ground.

The dim light condensed, and one person manifested a bull's head, and the other manifested a horse's face. They were the unlucky pair back then!

It's just that the cow-headed horse-faced man at this time is no longer the gray cloth and ge-yi before. He still looks the same but is dressed in a completely different way.

Niu Tou, dressed in black, wearing a black hat, with four white words written on the hat - peace in the world!

Ma Mian, dressed in white, wearing a white hat, with four black characters written on the hat - Make money at first sight!

To be honest, these two are a blessing in disguise.

Because of their acquaintance with Ashin, they recover a group of lonely ghosts from Ashin every year.

Lone souls and wild ghosts are evil things to ordinary people, resources to ghost monks, and performance and bonuses to underworld ghosts like Minotaur and Horsemen!

With the help of these lonely ghosts, Tauren and Horsemen no longer have to worry about not having enough souls to complete tasks.

Not only was he able to complete the tasks every month and receive the highest attendance award, but he was also promoted smoothly and became Black and White Wuchang because he was a pacesetter in the industry every year.

The rank of Black and White Impermanence is higher than that of a bull-headed horse-faced person. In the netherworld, he can be regarded as more than above or below.

Although his status was different from before, when he met Ashin, Black and White Wuchang behaved more respectfully than before.

This is not only the God of Wealth, but also a lucky star!

What's more, after these years of insinuations, Black and White Wuchang has become more and more certain: Axin is related to the Lord of Hell!

Privately, Black and White Wuchang has long been certain that Axin is the illegitimate son of the superior Yan Jun!

If they could please this illegitimate son of Lord Yama, what would the two brothers have to fear in the future?

Maybe, even though they are illiterate, they can become civil and military judges!

Seeing the bull-headed horse face transformed into black and white, Xiao Mian became more confident in his plan.

Xiao Mian snorted coldly when he saw that Hei Bai Wuchang was just bowing and saluting towards Ashin but acted as if there was no one around.

The king of hell is easy to meet, but the devil is difficult to deal with.

If you can't make these two brats unforgettable today, your own affairs will not be safe after all.

Just because the Netherworld Underworld is a very special existence. The Netherworld Underworld is independent of the three realms of immortals, demons, and spirits, but it is closely related to the three realms and corresponds to the entire Yang world.

Once the black and white impermanence in front of him escapes back to the underworld, let alone Xiao Mian, even the overlord of the six realms of the spirit world may not be able to easily find the whereabouts of these two ghost soldiers.

Therefore, Xiao Mian must finish his work in one battle!

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