Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,795 The Desert of Hidden Spirits

After some discussions to no avail, Xiao Mian planned to try to break into the second level of space again.

This time, the three of them learned a lesson. Instead of gathering together to act collectively, they divided their troops into four groups.

Xiao Mian, Golden War Spirit and Xingxu Tianzun acted alone, while the Titan mecha connected to the spaceship split up under the control of Jiuyan Tiantu.

The three of them and one mecha split into four directions and rushed into the second layer of space.

As for Xiao Mian, as soon as he entered the second level of space, he fell into a circle surrounded by a group of Xia Jiuyou. Obviously, Xia Jiuyou himself had absolute control over the second level of space. The yellow sand in the sky was Xia Jiuyou. Youbenzun’s inspirational touch is everywhere.

Fortunately, Xia Jiuyou himself seems to be far away from here. The yellow sand clones surrounding Xiao Mian are just the beginning of forming pills. Xiao Mian is too lazy to do it himself.

The six major incarnations came out together and fought their way through the thousands of yellow sand clones.

Those yellow sand clones that looked exactly like Xia Jiuyou were shattered, but they were just flying gravel, dissipating between heaven and earth. Yu Xia Jiuyou himself was not hurt at all.

Even for the gravel in the second level of space, which is as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, these yellow sand clones destroyed by Xiao Mian's six incarnations are just a drop in the bucket.

Not even a drop in the bucket!

There is really too much gravel in the second level of space - there is no upper limit!

Xiao Mian was thinking this, and the incarnations of Huangsha gathered from all directions improved rapidly, from the basic level of Jindan to the middle level of Jindan, the high level of Jindan, the top level of Jindan...

Finally, under a terrifying pressure, Huangsha's clone stepped into the Nascent Soul realm.

This means: Xia Jiuyou himself has arrived here in person!

With a wave of his sleeves, Xiao Mian put away the six incarnations - although his six incarnations had reached the top level of Nascent Soul, in front of Xia Jiuyou who had already transformed into a god, let alone the six incarnations, Xiao Mian himself is also a bit unsatisfied, so it would be better to take the next step.

Therefore, at the same time that Xia Jiuyou appeared, Xiao Mian escaped...

The yellow sand in the sky has transformed into billions, but there can only be one person named Xia Jiuyou!

Since Xia Jiuyou appears here with Xiao Mian, it means that the Golden War Spirit, Xingxu Tianzun and even the Titan mecha controlled by Jiuyan Tiantu have gained the initiative.

For Xiao Mian, he does not seek merit, but seeks no faults.

As long as Xiao Mian can ensure his own safety, Xingxu Tianzun and others will bring back detailed information about the second level of space for everyone to overcome.

Besides, although this Qijue Mountain is full of murderous intent, it is not without merit.

As soon as Xiao Mian exited the second level of space, that mysterious halo came into being, cutting off Xiao Mian's sight and Xia Jiuyou's pursuit.

This means that Xiao Mian can fully prepare for the battle in the first level of space!

Soon, Xingxu Tianzun, Golden War Spirit and Titan Mecha returned to the spaceship. The three gathered together to summarize the first-hand information they had obtained.

After Xiao Mian appeared, Xia Jiuyou tried his best to kill Xiao Mian, giving Xingxu Tianzun and others an opportunity to take advantage of. While dealing with those incarnations of yellow sand, Xingxu Tianzun and others were also quickly collecting the second layer of space. intelligence and information, and then escape unscathed.

However, when everyone gathered the intelligence coefficients they had obtained and looked at the display screen in the spacecraft, the expressions of Xiao Mian and the others did not necessarily look good.

The truth is: there is very little intelligence information in the second level of space!

In addition to the yellow sand in the sky, there is yellow sand in the sky!

Apart from that, there is only Xia Jiuyou, Xiao Mian and others...

In the spaceship, the three of them looked at each other, helpless for a moment.

Is it possible that we really have the shamelessness to seek help from Hou Tu Qi Ling again?

Xiao Mian just thought this, and seemed to sense Xiao Mian's thoughts. The earth artifact spirit came uninvited. When he saw this, Xiao Mian quickly bowed and saluted.

One is that he has something to ask for from others, and the other is that the spirit behind the earthenware is extraordinary.

Even Xingxu Tianzun and the Golden War Spirit were standing there with solemn expressions.

Let’s talk about the Houtu Artifact Spirit. After he appeared, he didn’t look at Xiao Mian, let alone Xingxu Tianzun and the Golden War Spirit. Instead, he wandered around in the spaceship.

"Is this the product of extraterrestrial civilization? Sure enough, it is - the way of strange skills and ingenuity!" As he walked around, Hou Tuqi Spirit did not forget to comment. At the end, he said to himself: "One grain of sand, one world. One flower and one Bodhi. If the sand is not sand, then the flower is not a flower!"

At the end of the words, the earth artifact spirit disappeared - just as abruptly as when it came.

The huge spaceship fell into silence again.

For a long time, Xiao Mian and Xingxu Tianzun murmured to themselves in unison...

"Shafeisha, the flower is not a flower?"

"One grain of sand, one world, one flower, one Bodhi?"

After speaking, Xiao Mian and Xingxu Tianzun looked at each other, and both of them were shocked.

"Senior! Have you thought of anything?"

"Xiao Mian! Didn't you also think of it?"

"..., you two! Stop playing riddles! What on earth is it?" Under the urging of the Golden War Spirit, Xiao Mian and Xingxu Tianzun said in unison: "Sand!"

Compared to the soul-devouring sea in the first level of space, the second level of space is called the Desert of Hidden Spirits!

The entire Hidden Spirit Desert is integrated. Xia Jiuyou surpasses the Hidden Spirit Desert with the realm of spirit transformation, turning the entire Hidden Spirit Desert into his own senses and tentacles.

In other words, Xia Jiuyou is the desert hiding spirits, and the desert hiding spirits is Xia Jiuyou!

To pass through the second level of the Desert of Hidden Spirits, you need to defeat Xia Jiuyou;

To defeat Xia Jiuyou, you need to find a way to crack the Hidden Spirit Desert;

To crack the Hidden Spirit Desert, you must start with gravel one by one!

The simplest and stupidest method is to destroy all the gravel in the Hidden Spirit Desert, and the Hidden Spirit Desert will cease to exist - but this is nothing more than a dream!

What's more, Xia Jiuyou is not a fool, so how can he allow Xiao Mian and others to act recklessly?

The alternative method for raising the points of the Earthen Weapon Spirit is to replace the gravel coefficient in the Hidden Spirit Desert with the existence of other attributes, thereby removing fuel from the bottom of the cauldron.

"I'm afraid: we have to enter the second level of space again!" His eyes glanced at Xiao Mian and the Golden War Spirit, and Xingxu Tianzun revealed his plan: "If there is an opportunity, I will take the opportunity to collect a large amount of gravel. I will use these gravels." Do a phase experiment.”

"Phaseality experiment?"

"Everything in the world does not exist independently. There must be a connection between each other. It is just that some substances have a deep connection with each other, and some substances have a shallow connection with each other. Two substances with a deep connection can be said to have a high degree of similarity and a shallow connection. The two substances have low compatibility. For example, the so-called water and fire are incompatible, which is a manifestation of extremely low compatibility. What we are looking for is substances that have a high compatibility with gravel and change the gravel through mutual interaction. The physical properties of it make it completely transformed - Shafeisha!"

"The materials in the world are almost infinite. How should we make a decision in this compatibility test?"

"This... to be honest, I can only rely on Meng!"


When Xiao Mian heard this, he was speechless.

But it was the Golden War Spirit, as a typical activist, who urged the two of them to take action.

The rice must be eaten one bite at a time, and gravel samples must be collected first, and then handed over to Xingxu Tianzun for a compatibility test. Maybe the results will be available soon?

With this in mind, Xiao Mian and others attacked again and broke into the second level of space.

Because of the previous test, Xiao Mian was still alone in this attack, while Xingxu Tianzun and Golden War Spirit merged together.

Anyway, Xia Jiuyou is determined to win Xiao Mian. As long as he senses Xiao Mian's presence, Xia Jiuyou will definitely take action personally. One bait is enough.

Xingxu Tianzun and others can also move better if they are merged into one place.

as expected!

As soon as Xiao Mian entered the second level of space, he was taken care of by countless Huangsha clones. Before Xiao Mian could release six incarnations to clear the place, Xia Jiuyou had already rushed to the scene.

"Xiao Mian! You don't want to know: How is she in the spiritual world?"

As soon as he showed up, Xia Jiuyou not only did not take action, but instead started chatting about family matters.

Xiao Mian was stunned when he heard this, and stopped the urge to run away. He looked squarely at Xia Jiuyou - Xia Jiuyou, making it clear that Fu Qingqiong's information was hanging on Xiao Mian.

After Xia Jiuyou appeared, those yellow sand incarnations receded one after another, but did not disappear. Instead, they surrounded Xiao Mian and Xia Jiuyou on three levels inside and three outside.

In particular, Xiao Mian's escape route to the first level of space was completely blocked by countless yellow sand clones. The strength of these yellow sand clones should not be underestimated.

Seeing that Xiao Mian's retreat was blocked, Xia Jiuyou laughed loudly.

"You know that I'm trying to trick you, but you still don't run away?"

"Xia Jiuyou! There is no need for us to speak secretly in front of everyone! The floor you are guarding is just the second floor! There are four floors above, and there must be four god-transforming monks waiting for me. Even if I can get through the second dimension by luck, I really can't climb up anymore - I, Xiao Mian, will probably stop here in my life! In that case, why don't you give the credit for killing me to your old friend? Since I want to die, tell me her current situation so that I can feel more at ease on the road to hell!"

"Xiao Mian! Do you really think so?" A pair of dark eyes on the pale face stared at Xiao Mian. I can't get through this desert of souls. But aren't you always good at risking your life? Are you trying to retreat? But it doesn't matter! In my eyes, you are just an ant! Look how you jump!"

"Is she..., okay?"

Persevering, Xiao Mian asked about Fu Qingqiong's current situation.

Hearing this, Xia Jiuyou pondered for a moment and remained silent for a long time.

"Okay? Not good? I'm not her, how do I know? I can only tell you: She has successfully transformed into a god! Ghost Emperor You Ming treats her very well. He regards her as a close disciple and teaches her everything. Given time, maybe she can really become a god. Inherit the mantle of the Ghost Emperor and become famous in the spiritual world."

"Really? That's good..."

"But! That's when you're not dead yet!" Staring at Xiao Mian, Xia Jiuyou said coldly: "Why do you think Ghost Emperor You Ming has nothing to do? He went to the lower world to find a so-called reincarnation. Disciple? Do you think she is really the reincarnated disciple of Ghost Emperor You Ming? Isn’t it because she is your Xiao Mian’s Taoist companion!”


When Xiao Mian heard this, he remained silent.

Xiao Mian had long doubted Ghost Emperor Youming's original intention for Fu Qingqiong.

Now after hearing Xia Jiuyou's words, which he didn't know whether they were true or not, Xiao Mian was speechless.

But it was Xia Jiuyou who looked at Xiao Mian and sneered...

"I've told you everything you want to know truthfully. Can you go on your way without worries?"

"Thank you for telling me! But - I can't die yet!"

"If I want you to die, you must die!"

After finishing his words, Xia Jiuyou shouted loudly, and a ghostly aura rose up from the long hair on the back of Xia Jiuyou's head, turned into a black dragon, and rushed towards Xiao Mian's face.

When Xiao Mian saw this, he raised his hand and pointed out - Ghost Killing Finger!

Killing Ghost pointed at the place where the force passed, hitting the black dragon's head in the middle. The black dragon beheaded in response. The ghost energy that followed lost its direction and suddenly spread out, filling the sky and the earth.

When Xia Jiuyou saw it, his eyes were focused and his pupils shrank.

This kid!

He is obviously trapped in the realm of Nascent Soul, but it is becoming more and more unfathomable!

Thinking like this, Xia Jiuyou's thoughts moved secretly, her black hair flew, and ghostly black dragons continued to rise, dancing in the air, flying into the void.

Although Xiao Mian's ghost-killing finger is specifically designed to restrain ghosts, it only has one finger after all.

More and more fish that slipped through the net passed through the defense of the Ghost Killing Finger and rushed to Xiao Mian. Before these ghostly black dragons could hit Xiao Mian, a golden light burst out.

The Hunyuan Golden Body was activated, and although several ghostly black dragons successfully hit Xiao Mian's body, they were unable to penetrate the defense of the Hunyuan Golden Body, making their efforts completely useless.

Seeing the sacred and inviolable Xiao Mian in the shining golden light, Xia Jiuyou suddenly realized that he had been played by Xiao Mian, and couldn't help but become a little angry.

"Xiao Mian! Today I will show you: the secret of the spiritual world!"

As he spoke, Xia Jiuyou waved his hands and released two jet-black streams of light. Looking more realistically, the two jet-black streams of light were not one body, but condensed by flying needles!

The flying needles are as small as cow hairs, and the reason why they can condense into a jet-black stream of light is because there are so many flying needles - as many as tens of thousands!

Each flying needle is only a high-level magic weapon, but when stacked in huge numbers, the overall power of this set of flying needles even exceeds that of a calamity spiritual treasure.

While Xiao Mian remained calm, tens of thousands of flying needles slowly rotated in the air, forming a formation with Xiao Mian as the center - the Zhoutian Ghost Demonic Barrier!

Now that the barrier is complete, Xia Jiuyou is truly determined!

Based on Xia Jiuyou's previous achievements in the spirit world, as long as he successfully deploys the Zhoutian Ghost Demonic Barrier, there will be few opponents among the same cultivators of the God Transformation.

Xia Jiuyou didn't believe it: How could Xiao Mian, who was only in the Nascent Soul realm, still be lawless?

Looking at the black clouds spinning constantly above his head, and looking at Xia Jiuyou outside the black clouds, a thought flashed in Xiao Mian's mind: Is this the level of the spiritual world?

Don't blame Xiao Mian for being too big, it's really Xia Jiuyou who takes himself too seriously!

This set of ghost evil needles may be more than enough to deal with ordinary monks. After forming a Zhoutian ghost evil barrier, it is indeed enough to restrain the god-transforming monks.

But Xia Jiuyou seems to have forgotten one thing: Xiao Mian is no ordinary monk!


Ever since he followed Fu Qingqiong and ascended to the spiritual world hundreds of years ago, Xia Jiuyou has been practicing hard in the spiritual world, and he finally successfully survived the catastrophe of becoming a god.

With the rich spiritual energy and huge accumulation of materials in the spiritual world, Xia Jiuyou refined this set of ghost needles. This time, he did not hesitate to go on an expedition to Qijue Mountain and met Xiao Mian on a narrow road. Kill Xiao Mian and make Xiao Mian die a miserable death.

Xia Jiuyou even thought about it!

After killing Xiao Mian, he will separate Xiao Mian's soul and body, and then hide them separately. The body will refine the corpse, and the soul will refine the weapon. He will make Xiao Mian irreversible!

Unfortunately, Xia Jiuyou missed one thing: Xiao Mian is also making progress!

Although trapped by the power of the laws of heaven and earth, Xiao Mian's cultivation was imprisoned in the Nascent Soul realm, but after hundreds of years of hard training, Xiao Mian's strength has improved bravely.

What's more, Xiao Mian killed the Yuanying Ancestor back then when he was in the golden elixir stage.

Now that he is in the realm of Nascent Soul, Xiao Mian is not incapable of killing the cultivators who transform themselves into gods!

Seeing Xia Jiuyou setting up such a large formation, Xiao Mian planned to give him a surprise - maybe, he wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to do a compatibility test...

Xiao Mian planned to use his trick to kill Xia Jiuyou!

As long as Xia Jiuyou can be killed, the second layer of the hidden spirit desert will be a vast plain.

Based on Xiao Mian's assessment of the strength of both himself and Xia Jiuyou, he has a chance to kill Xia Jiuyou, but this chance of killing can only happen once.

Nowadays, Xia Jiuyou thinks that he has become a god and is superior to others. He looks down on Xiao Mian and always thinks that Xiao Mian can no longer threaten him.

Once Xia Jiuyou realizes that Xiao Mian has enough strength to kill him, Xia Jiuyou will not be so obedient and fight Xiao Mian fairly.

By then, Xia Jiuyou will be arrogant with the help of the entire Hidden Spirit Desert.

Xiao Mian must seize this only opportunity - kill with one strike!

When Xiao Mian was thinking this, the surrounding ghost barrier in the sky began to rotate, like a dark ball, trapping and wrapping Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian thought, and the magic weapon Tai Chi suddenly appeared.

A perfect magic weapon flying sword split into two, and the two parts split into four... In this cycle, a magic weapon Tai Chi split into tens of thousands of Tai Chi flying needles.

Regardless of the formation or not, the Tai Chi flying needles soared into the sky like a swarm and plunged into the dark clouds, each looking for their own target.

Tens of thousands of Tai Chi flying needles and tens of thousands of ghost and evil needles were clashing with each other.

Xia Jiuyou looked solemn when he saw it - he didn't expect that Xiao Mian had such a method!

But when he looked again, Xia Jiuyou's expression softened slightly. After all, his ghost needle formed a Zhoutian ghost barrier. With the help of the barrier, the power of the ghost needle increased greatly.

On the other hand, Xiao Mian's Tai Chi Flying Needle is completely disorganized and has no rules...

If things continue like this, Tai Chi Flying Needle will definitely not last long.

Thinking of this, Xia Jiuyou's profound gaze shifted from the Tai Chi Flying Needle to Xiao Mian, and a thought came to his mind: Today, I will kill people first, and then seize the treasure!

A thought arises in the heart, a thought stirs in the heart.

The next moment, a series of nine black shadows appeared behind Xia Jiuyou. It was the supreme ghost magic power that Xia Jiuyou relied on to become famous - Jiuyou's clone!

The nine Jiuyou clones have all reached the top level of Nascent Soul.

Without Xia Jiuyou's orders, the nine Jiuyou avatars turned into nine black lights and joined hands to kill Xiao Mian. However, it was Xiao Mian who waved his sleeves and remained unmoved, and six different-colored streams of light flew out from the bottom of Xiao Mian's sleeves. , manifested into six incarnations, and held the Jiuyou clone.

Although six against nine were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, Xiao Mian's six incarnations all had extraordinary foundations and profound foundations, which were definitely not comparable to those of Jiuyou's clones.

In addition, the six incarnations have different attributes and different techniques. Under Xiao Mian's single-minded command, they cooperate seamlessly with each other and display extraordinary combat effectiveness.

For a time, the six incarnations and Jiuyou's clones were fighting inextricably...

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