Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 513: Coercion and inducement

Level 6 Demonic Blood Stone, Level 6 Poinsettia, Level 6 Red Tiger King Snake Venom...

All of them were famous poisonous substances. If these were not enough for Bai Caiwei to detect, the last three poisonous substances shocked Bai Caiwei deeply.

Scorpion King Qingjing! Poison gentian! Flowers and candles!

Huazhu, which looks like a red substance like candle tears, is actually the eighth poison among the top ten poisons in the world. In terms of toxicity, it is much more toxic than blue and white porcelain.

As for Scorpion King Qingjing and Poison Gentian, they are well-known on the list of the top ten strange poisons. Scorpion King Qingjing ranks ninth, and Poison Gentian ranks seventh!

Even Bai Caiwei was frightened by such highly poisonous things.

It should be noted that as a poison maker, Bai Caiwei is naturally more aware of the toxicity contained in these poisons, as well as the value and rarity of these poisons.

Because of this, Bai Caiwei's look at Xiao Mian became strange.

Bai Caiwei naturally didn't know that among the last three strange poisons, only the box of flower candles was accidentally picked up by Xiao Mianbu not long ago. As for the Scorpion King Qingjing, it was accidentally obtained when fighting the Scorpion King, and the poisonous gentian was directly obtained by Dan Qiusheng. given.

In a flash, Xiao Mian put these bottles and jars into the white jade Feitian Pendant - he was not afraid that Bai Caiwei would be interested in seeing the money, but that Master Jingyin would suddenly come to her senses.

"Aunt Bai, can these things attract the grass-headed miasma mother?"

"I dare not say anything else. The poisonous gentian and Huazhu are enough!" Xiao Mian relaxed at first when he heard this, and then asked with a slight frown: "Can't Scorpion King Qingjing do it?"

"If it is a complete Scorpion King Qingjing, then there is no problem. After all, the Scorpion King Qingjing is a poison in the Nascent Soul Realm, which is enough to lure the grass-headed miasma mother. But your Scorpion King Qingjing seems to have something wrong with its appearance..." At this point, Bai Caiwei looked suspicious. Although she felt something was wrong, she couldn't tell. Xiao Mian was stunned when he heard this. He was secretly angry and at the same time secretly praised Bai Caiwei's superb knowledge of poisons - this Scorpion King Green Crystal was not formed naturally, but was created by Xiao Mian squeezing out all the scorpion poison mist!

But whether it’s Poison Gentian or Huazhu, I’m afraid it’s still a bit reluctant, right?

But it turned out that Xiao Mian's idea was to integrate a poison into himself through the practice of "Ten Thousand Poisons Curse", and then manifest its physical properties to attract the grass-headed miasma mother.

Only in this way can Xiao Mian ensure that the poison used as bait will not be lost. Even if it is lost, those poisons will not matter to Xiao Mian who has completed the practice of "Ten Thousand Poisons Curse". As time goes by, he will Can be reunited.

When he was in Wanzong City, he had already successfully refined blue and white porcelain, which ranked lowest among the top ten poisons. Although blue and white porcelain was not known for its violent toxicity, it was still one of the top ten poisons.

Before Xiao Mian's previous breakthrough, he had wanted to use the Scorpion King Qingjing to practice body training, but failed. Now that Xiao Mian has reached the intermediate level of Jindan, this idea is ready to come to mind again. According to Xiao Mian's prediction, it is expected that he can Withstand the poison of the Scorpion King Qingjing, which ranks ninth among the ten most strange poisons in the world.

But if the Scorpion King Qingjing is not enough to attract the Grass-Headed Miasma Mother, Xiao Mian may be a little helpless now.

"If this Scorpion King Qingjing can be purified further, it can be used..."

Bai Caiwei's words gave Xiao Mian hope again.

The practice of "Ten Thousand Poisons Curse" is not only to temper Xiao Mian's body, but also to purify the poisons that have been refined into the body. In this way, the problem will naturally be solved.

At that moment, Xiao Mian and Bai Caiwei talked about some things about Scorpion King Qingjing and Grass Head Miasma Mother, and then Xiao Mian sent Bai Caiwei back to the porcelain vase and put it away properly.

After discussing with Guitou, Xiao Mian started to retreat in a decent manner.

Xiao Mian spent the next seven days practicing the "Ten Thousand Poison Curses".

Although Scorpion King Qingjing ranks only one place higher than Blue and White Porcelain in the top ten poisons, it ranks among the top ten poisons because of its real and violent toxicity, rather than relying on its abnormality to drive people crazy like Blue and White Porcelain. Features selected.

Therefore, it was very painful for Xiao Mian to refine the Scorpion King Qingjing.

Fortunately, Xiao Mian's Scorpion King Green Crystal was not naturally produced. According to Bai Caiwei, the appearance of this Scorpion King Green Crystal was not good, which also affected its toxicity.

It was precisely because of this that Xiao Mian was able to persevere.

Because Master Jingyin was the guardian of the Nascent Soul Buddha, and there were ghosts secretly monitoring Master Jingyin, Xiao Mian felt relieved and entered deep seclusion several times.

After waking up from deep seclusion again, and after a brief discussion with Guitou, Xiao Mian looked uncertain: It has been ten days since Guihai and others left!

Ten days is just a fleeting time for Xiao Mian who is practicing the "Ten Thousand Poison Curses", but for Gui Hai and others who are out looking for traces of the three evil spirits in Longhutan, it is considered a long time - more What's more, during these ten days, no one returned to the station!

Reaching out and taking out the Tongxin Pendant, Xiao Mian hesitated whether to activate it.

Unexpectedly, Tong Xinpei trembled slightly at the next moment, and Gui Hai's voice came from inside.

"His grandma's! Bro, you were so damn smart not to come!"

"What? Something happened?"

"It's better if something goes wrong!" Although Gui Hai had lowered his voice, he was born with a loud voice, and the voice transmitted was still quite loud. Gui Hai complained angrily: "Brother! You didn't come, did you?" You know! Along the way, the Dragon Tiger Pool, originally known as the Dragon Pool and the Tiger's Nest, can be said to be a place where the sea is clear and the world is peaceful!"

"This...isn't this good?"

"Okay? Okay! But I didn't see any sign of the three evil spirits..."

"Where are the piranhas? Where are the monsters? Have all those evil creatures disappeared?" When he said this, Xiao Mian also secretly wondered whether the monsters in the Dragon Tiger Pond also received some orders. Mass disappearance to avoid the massacre of Buddhist monks? It seems that the holy monk Ananda is right: the water in Longhutan is really not that deep! But at this time, Guihai kept complaining again, and finally heard him say something nice: "But the 'Buddha Sandalwood' they distributed is not bad, it's really useful!"

"Buddha sandalwood?"

"Yeah! I gave it to that pretty girl at Benchu! It's said to be able to ward off evil spirits and poison..."

Gui Hai's unintentional words sounded like thunder in Xiao Mian's ears.

Buddha sandalwood?

To ward off evil and poison?

I see!

Xiao Mian finally knew what Benchu ​​and others were going to do by mobilizing nearly 300 Jindan monks to act collectively.

Sure enough, after communicating with Bai Caiwei, Xiao Mian's guess was confirmed: Buddha sandalwood is not only a spice, but also a detoxifier!

Judging from Gui Hai's description, the Buddhist sandalwood distributed by Benchu ​​was only a fourth-grade product. Logically speaking, it could not pose a threat to the ten thousand-year-old grass-headed miasma mother. However, the original intention of Benchu ​​and others was not to use the fourth-grade incense. Use Buddhist sandalwood to dispel grass-headed miasma.

Their purpose of doing this is just to arrange Buddhist sandalwood in other areas of Longhutan to create an environment that is not liked by the mother of grass-headed miasma - just like Bai Caiwei said, since the mother of grass-headed miasma already has Spirituality will naturally seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

If Xiao Mian tried to use the poison of Scorpion King Qingjing to lure the Grass-headed Miasma Mother, he was taking advantage of the Grass-headed Miasma Mother's nature of seeking good luck, then Benchu ​​and others used Buddhist sandalwood to drive away the Grass-headed Miasma Mother, taking advantage of its avoidance. They have a fierce nature, but no matter what, the purpose of both parties is the same - to coerce and lure the Grass-headed Miasma Mother to her station!

No wonder!

No wonder the old nun Jingyin wants to take the initiative to seal off her spiritual consciousness and Nascent Soul, lowering her cultivation level to the realm of golden elixir. Just imagine that the grass-headed miasma mother has already given birth to a trace of spirituality. If she detects the aura of the ancestor of Nascent Soul, how can she Easily approach the station for even half a minute?

Ordinary golden elixir cultivators are simply not in the eyes of the Cao Tou Miasma Mother. The only one that can make her worry about her is the Yuan Ying Ancestor!

Recalling what he said before Guihai, about 300 of them, under the protection of the Nine Nascent Soul Buddha Cultivators, surrounded them from the outermost edge of Longhu Pond, because they had to leave no room for their arrangement over the vast Longhu Pond. Buddha Sandalwood slowed down his journey. But even so, after all, ten days have passed, and now Guihai and others are halfway through their journey - in other words, in ten days at most, Benchu ​​and others will return to this station!

I'm afraid the Grass-Headed Miasma Mother will arrive first before that, right?

And the closer the time limit is, the more vigilant Master Jingyin becomes. Correspondingly, for Xiao Mian, the sooner he wants to implement his plan, the better!

Thinking like this, Xiao Mian fell into concentration again.

After Xiao Mian broke through to the intermediate level of Jindan, the number of his divine thoughts surged to 1,440. After these days of cultivation, nearly half of them are already of great use. Now that time was running out, Xiao Mian activated all the more than 600 spiritual thoughts that could be mobilized in his body, divided his own body into more than 600 small areas, and then divided the Scorpion King Qingjing into more than 600 parts, dividing labor and cooperation, Go hand in hand.

Xiao Mian had used this trick as early as when he was condensing the Five Spirits Golden Bell in the sword fighting competition. Now he is using the same trick again and is naturally very familiar with it.

What Xiao Mian has to do next is not only a race against time, but also against Ben Chu and others, a race against the grass-headed miasma mother, and even more so against himself!

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